Why do people believe in god?

lol, he's just bluffing,
don't take his sayings seriously,
that's bovious that he have some confusion,
but he'll live

hey no offence,

No, I'm serious. Besides a god of the real dimension cannot blow up. So I'm safe to live on earth. I am the factor 1, and it does not do anything special but twist reality the way it wants it. I'm not a black hole, I don't suck things in: You are safe with me. Now seriously, how many infinities take how many infinities? God cannot chue more then one infinity per infinity, is there something with that you don't understand?

No, I'm serious. Besides a god of the real dimension cannot blow up. So I'm safe to live on earth. I am the factor 1, and it does not do anything special but twist reality the way it wants it. I'm not a black hole, I don't suck things in: You are safe with me. Now seriously, how many infinities take how many infinities? God cannot chue more then one infinity per infinity, is there something with that you don't understand?

wow dude, your mind is mixed around,
okay, that's your PO, anyway,
so, you don't have to prove to me, or to make me think, that God don't exists,
good luck with your safety ;)
What about it? Where are the real things gonna be if not here;

Look up! far up: That is a long distance. If a human can't move up there... Then a god definitely can't.

Besides: If there is a sound in a wood without reality, who hears it? Ain't reality supposed to be everywhere in space, does not all wanna be for real?

What about it? Where are the real things gonna be if not here;

Look up! far up: That is a long distance. If a human can't move up there... Then a god definitely can't.

Besides: If there is a sound in a wood without reality, who hears it? Ain't reality supposed to be everywhere in space, does not all wanna be for real?

okay... now i'm worried on your mind health,
good luck dude
and let's just stop talking about this,
you win ok? are you happy?
Mainly because people are told there is a god when they are too young to think independently or critically. Children will believe anything you tell them.

Also, we have a natural inclination to ascribe agency to things. If something bad happens and we don't know why, we automatically assume that some kind of intelligent being is doing it. Think about how we personify objects like our cars and computers as if they are intelligent things. It probably comes from the fact that we're a hopelessly social species. We automatically assume things are alive and have intentions and it's only with our higher faculties that we realize, Well, no, it's not a person, it's a stupid computer or rock, or tree, or whatever it is. So when something happens to you, there's obviously some great celestial being doing it.
Some people believe because they want to, some because it makes sense to them, and some because god has rocked their world to the point where they would have to be completely insane not to.

and why not to beleive in god,

well, i beleive in god, cause i go, (i dont mean by god jesus, i mean who created everything)
and why not to beleive in god,

well, i beleive in god, cause i go, (i dont mean by god jesus, i mean who created everything)

First of all, it's spelled believe. Second... what? You believe because you go? What does that even mean? I mean, I guess I go also. I go to pee, I go to watch a movie, I go to Arizona. We all go. So what? What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

First of all, it's spelled believe. Second... what? You believe because you go? What does that even mean? I mean, I guess I go also. I go to pee, I go to watch a movie, I go to Arizona. We all go. So what? What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

i just said i beleive in god cause it make sense to me
G-d just makes no sense.

In judaism I find it makes slightly more sense and I will explain why later

G-d loves us right?

So why make an eternal pit of fire and damnation if, "he loves us"?

G-d is perfect right? That means he created the stars perfect, the world perfect, the animals perfect. So how in the world did he manage to screw up human beings?

Human beings kill, rape, steal, lie, and cheat. Yah we can think, but that does a pretty sad job of offsetting those.

If you have children would you create a place where they will burn in pain for all time? Your a pretty messed up parent if you say yes.

The reason judaism makes slightly more sense is that there is no hell. But even than G-d makes no sense whatsoever.
G-d just makes no sense.

G-d loves us right?

So why make an eternal pit of fire and damnation if, "he loves us"?

Human beings kill, rape, steal, lie, and cheat. Yah we can think, but that does a pretty sad job of offsetting those.

um...you just answered your own question here.
i just said i beleive in god cause it make sense to me

Saying it or believing it? It makes more sense to say it only if not saying it will get keep you from being outcast or even worse, killed outright. Believing it makes sense if you don't really know for sure.
and why not to beleive in god,

well, i beleive in god, cause i go, (i dont mean by god jesus, i mean who created everything)
M*W: Why is it everytime you say you "believe in god" have to qualify it by saying you don't mean "jesus?" You've already said you were Muslim, so there's no point (i.e. it's redundant) that you keep reminding everyone you don't mean "jesus." I don't believe jesus is god either, but I'm not a christian. You are Muslim, so you don't need to even mention "jesus's" name, since you don't believe.

I'm just trying to help you out here.
Why do people believe in god? I think they do it just to piss off atheists.
M*W: I'm an atheist, but I don't think people who believe in god do it just to piss us off. I don't take it personally. They are delusional. If they only knew how most of the world sees them. Anyhow, christianity is dying worldwide. When it does, that will make three less gods in the dying demigod savior pool. Only a million to go.
i just said i beleive in god cause it make sense to me
M*W: You believe in god, because you were indoctrinated to do so. You were born atheist, and your parents (or whoever reared you) made you believe in Allah. Therefore, you still believe in Allah, because you're afraid to think for yourself. It makes sense to you to believe in god, because that's all you've ever known. You are a follower not a free-thinker. You believe in a god who is not there.
people beleive in god because it is safer to have faith, then not to have faith.

i mean who is there to say there is no god, can you prove there is no god ?

id rather take my chances, and have faith, it doesn't cost nothing, it doesn't hurt me?

and if there is a god id rather be on his side after death.
people beleive in god because it is safer to have faith, then not to have faith.

i mean who is there to say there is no god, can you prove there is no god ?

id rather take my chances, and have faith, it doesn't cost nothing, it doesn't hurt me?

and if there is a god id rather be on his side after death.
M*W: That's a rather childish answer. How do you know it is safer to have faith, than (yes, it's spelled t-h-a-n, not then) not to have faith. I don't see where having faith is any safer than not having faith. I have faith the the sun will come up tomorrow. I have faith that I will pay taxes this year. I have lots of faith in lots of things, but a god is not one of them.

When you prove to me there is a god, then I will prove to you there isn't. Since there is no evidence of any god, there's not much to go with to prove a god really isn't there. You have faith that there is a god. I have faith that there isn't.

You believe having faith doesn't cost anything, but are you sure?

DerrekJ gave this answer to that question on Yahoo! Answers:

"Christianity IS a mental illness much like paranoid schizophrenia. Those afflicted hear voices, believe, speak, and try to communicate with people who aren't there, believe they are being watched and are detached from reality."

I agree.