Why do people believe in god?

But it's true though, that I am a god. supposed to say you wanted to know why you believe in him?

How about that he exists?

I thought god was defined as one of the eternal, that which can feel and sence, that which is the highest rank of existence. That is how I define god. Now ofcourse there are higher things then me, but there is no object with more dimensions. However, I don't see how he could've done everything, since that is infact contradictive.

Suppose he did not, for instance, create me. Secondly, suppose he did become real, he could never have finished it and been aware of it, since there is an eternity in it. An eternity, you see, is sticky, in the minds sence; It is impossible to experience, when you have once become real. If you are not real and create the world, you did not, by definition, create the world, for you did not exist. That is why it is blasphamy to say so.

in islam, God, is not from mater, we cant know how God is, you can never know how God is, islam beleive in non-material life, wich it's djin, an intelligent life form, live on earth, also otehr intellegent life on other planets, but defferently not UFOs, anyway, in islam, we can olny know God, by his cracteristics, by his description, like, the creator, the great, the ( the word of murcy) ... there 99, we also, can say for God, he, or she, or it, as i said, we don't know how he is,
how can you judge, that God don't exists, and say if he exists he must be from mater, while you don't even know everythign about the mater in this existence, there are about 26 forms for mater, and still more, every day, they discover a new form,
also, there are a non material things, maybe you can call it ghosr matter, we don't know nothing, nothing about this existence it self,
how could quran, wich it's written 1400 years ago, know about wormholes, know about space expantion, the bigbang, life on other planets, also intelligent life, know about the gravity, or the relation between all the planets and univerces in the existence, how could it know, the way human born, exactly like science description,you know the part of the woman, egg or something, don't know it's english name, and the something animal, that men shoot it, lol, i don't know it's english name, that those two joing together, and make the baby, 1400 years ago, did they knew all that 1400 years ago,
also, how you can you say, that god don't exist, while you don't know, what more does it exists in this existence, the creator, God, when he creats this where you live, why do you think that God should be from mater or something from this existence, how do you know?
who are you, to judge like that, how can you explain, those things mentioned in the quran, how can you prove, that God don't exists, how can you prove, that we started from nothing, wich we didnt,
the univerce was a hall thing, stucked together, also quran, mentioned this, that the univerce before the bigbong, was stuck together in a one thing, or group, or something (sorry for my english) what about that big ball of everything, how do you think it formed, did it just exist, how did it form, from noithing, could anything be created from nothing by itself, let's say that there's more after the univerce, how did the other part existsed, let's say there's also another source behind it, also tanother source behind that one, intell we reach the first source, who created that source??? and why should God, be on the descriptions, the material world, of this existence? God created us, so, why God should be like us, or why God should have the caracteristics of this existence? the material world, wich is univerce, is not everything, you can never judge, we don't even know anything about our own univerce, so, how can you judge? why do you think, that the non-material world, don't exists?
can you answer those questions ?

Im pretty sure i wasn't mocking him. Because i don't know what he is talking about.

If he thinks he is god thats great. But it has nothing to do with why people believe in god. Go be and egotistical freak somewhere else.

i werent saying you are mocking, i meant him, cause he's kidna mocking on who beleive in God,
so, i asked him to talk respectfully

But it's true though, that I am a god. supposed to say you wanted to know why you believe in him?

How about that he exists?

if you are a God (wich you're not) answer, on my privious question, at the page 4, and don't forgot the question of the page 5,
God know everything,
if you are a God (wich again you're not) answer on each question i asked,
and wait for more,

also, why are you keep mocking:confused:
are you ok? you must learn how to respect people's beleifs, who are you so you can judge like that, and tell people what they should think or how to act,
you're way, that you're mocking, is like, trying to make people, think, what you want them to think, and act, like you want them to, well, that's soo, dictoric,if you didnt get my point, and respect what i said,

don't forgot to answer allll my question, good luck with that ;)
Here is my respect, a god can't make eternities of atoms that are equal, for he feels what he do, hence all that is too much burns his hands and is done by preexistence.

The feelings are too strong for any a god to do something big, If you are real you can't do much. I am a god, but I can't create a universe, for if I had ever gotten to choose I'd choose variety.

Your questions are boring, let preexisting things handle them, if they want.

Questions? Answers?
if you are a God (wich you're not) answer, on my privious question, at the page 4, and don't forgot the question of the page 5,
God know everything,
if you are a God (wich again you're not) answer on each question i asked,
and wait for more,

also, why are you keep mocking:confused:
are you ok? you must learn how to respect people's beleifs, who are you so you can judge like that, and tell people what they should think or how to act,
you're way, that you're mocking, is like, trying to make people, think, what you want them to think, and act, like you want them to, well, that's soo, dictoric,if you didnt get my point, and respect what i said,

don't forgot to answer allll my question, good luck with that ;)

Who is to say he isn't a god. I can't tell all these Smart christans that there is no god, so why him?

Here is my respect, a god can't make eternities of atoms that are equal, for he feels what he do, hence all that is too much burns his hands and is done by preexistence.

The feelings are too strong for any a god to do something big, If you are real you can't do much. I am a god, but I can't create a universe, for if I had ever gotten to choose I'd choose variety. Questions?

pff, ok, that your PO
but still not answered ALLLL my questions
one by one
Who is to say he isn't a god. I can't tell all these Smart christans that there is no god, so why him?

i didnt get your question,
do you mean, that he beleive in god, and you cant tell him that God don't exist,

you don't need to,
every one is free with his mind
also, i said he's mocking, cause he's saying that his a God (wich he's not) not just because he thinks he is, but because he don't think that God exists, and he's mocking from who beleives in God. he thinks that everyone shouldnt, it's like, he wants to force them somehow,

Then ask them one by one.

you already saw them, if you readed my replyies,
the question is, every phrase, that have a question mark with it, like this one "?"
also, if you don't beleive in God, just say, that you don't, and it's easy,
why mocking from who beleives, who are so you can judge, certenly, you don't know everything, and certenly, you're not the best human in the world
God sure do exist for I for instance am one, now whoever is another god sure is one, would he exist. And if you exist you don't do big things for they hurt.

I force no one, I didn't back then don't do now, supposed to say forcing hurts. Questions?

Mister kuaran reader. If eternity was in gods mind, has he enough wits to feel it? Because if you feel eternity, it takes an eternal time, if you feel 3 eternities it takes 3 eternities of time, and if he had felt all of eternity, it had taken all that time, and that is not finished, until eternity is finished.

Questions? Answers?
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i didnt get your question,
do you mean, that he beleive in god, and you cant tell him that God don't exist,

you don't need to,
every one is free with his mind
also, i said he's mocking, cause he's saying that his a God (wich he's not) not just because he thinks he is, but because he don't think that God exists, and he's mocking from who beleives in God. he thinks that everyone shouldnt, it's like, he wants to force them somehow,

I'd go for the fact that we are all gods. Every human on this planet. A race of gods. What do you think about that? What exactly is the definition of a 'god'
I'd go for the fact that we are all gods. Every human on this planet. A race of gods. What do you think about that? What exactly is the definition of a 'god'

what definition of the word God that you're using,
God, is who created everything who knows everything, after all God created everything, who created us, humans, there are two words in arabic referto humans
bachar=for all species of humans, of all times
insen= just for teh modern human, since the roman and the egyptian civilisation, teh civilisations that we know,
we beleive, that god, created other life forms before us, that walk on two feets, and have an intelligence,
and have bones, look liek ours,
we belive that God created all humans,
and everything, and all the life forms,
also we belive that God created other intelligent life forms on other planets, many others
and we belive, that one, day, a specific kind, 'hijuj and mijuj" will invade us, and almost destroy all kinds of life, they will come threw a wrom hole,
so, God, is who created every every thing,

so, what difinition of word God are you using
you can say, you're the god of your family, it means, the family head, who take kare of it's buinsness and needs, the father,
God sure do exist for I for instance am one, now whoever is another god sure is one, would he exist. And if you exist you don't do big things for they hurt.

I force no one, I didn't back then don't do now, supposed to say forcing hurts. Questions?

Mister kuaran reader. If eternity was in gods mind, has he enough wits to feel it? Because if you feel eternity, it takes an eternal time, if you feel 3 eternities it takes 3 eternities of time, and if he had felt all of eternity, it had taken all that time, and that is not finished, until eternity is finished.

Questions? Answers?

hmm, actually, i don't read quran alot, but i do see the explinations some time, i do see the scientific stuff in it, i don't memorize it, just some of it, but i do know what's in it,
and about your question, i didnt even udnerstand it, lol

I'd go for the fact that we are all gods. Every human on this planet. A race of gods. What do you think about that? What exactly is the definition of a 'god'

that depends on the defintion of the word that you use,
and its musr be clear, that peopel can understand it's real tense, in the phrase
like saying
god father,

God sure do exist for I for instance am one, now whoever is another god sure is one, would he exist. And if you exist you don't do big things for they hurt.

I force no one, I didn't back then don't do now, supposed to say forcing hurts. Questions?

Mister kuaran reader. If eternity was in gods mind, has he enough wits to feel it? Because if you feel eternity, it takes an eternal time, if you feel 3 eternities it takes 3 eternities of time, and if he had felt all of eternity, it had taken all that time, and that is not finished, until eternity is finished.

Questions? Answers?

oh , why do you always say "
Questions? Answers? " in front of every reply, lol
oh , why do you always say "
Questions? Answers? " in front of every reply, lol

Because then I get questions and answers.

Now unless your god is sacriligeus, tell him not to enter my church, my church is allways where I am.
All those who enter my church must believe in that I am a god.
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Because then I get questions and answers.

Now unless your god is sacriligeus, tell him not to enter my church, my church is allways where I am.
All those who enter my church must believe in that I am a god.

I don't know if your mocking religion as a whole or just yourself lol.

Taken your add meds this week?

I don't know if your mocking religion as a whole or just yourself lol.

Taken your add meds this week?

lol, he's just bluffing,
don't take his sayings seriously,
that's bovious that he have some confusion,
but he'll live

hey no offence,