Why do people believe in god?

Unless I'm missing some sarcastic/humourous viewpoint, it's nothing like it, from what I can see.
Your example is merely one of terminology for who/what we know performed an action (whether we can say "I did it" or "the organism that led to the current me did it").
Well, the latter formulation is radically different from what most people believe to be true. It counters the existence of a self with duration. A posited entity is a hallucinated one based on faulty interpretation of experiences. Which I think is in fact a parallel.
Or are you saying that "God did it" and "I don't know" are the same thing and that it is just a matter of terminology used?
I think actually you must made a case similar above in regard to the persistent self, that it is a mere difference in terminology, rather than the latter formulation being a non-acceptance of a posited entity.

But, in any case, no.
Answer is simple:

The Devil makes people believe in God. He only gets to collect the sinners. If you don't believe in God, you cannot sin. The Devil can't take you when you die.

I can't be sure, but suppose that is why God made the devil and keeps him around. - The Devil is doing "God's work."

Next question.
Welcome me back every other person here.

Hmm. I have been interested in the issue of dmt. And I have found that the color it has is white, and it is smoked, and can seem a lot like a religious or if maxed out- and it would be a dreadfully lonely place with it existing per the existence of the potentiality of god itself- it would imply- that although there appear to exist far more religious experiences than DMT- that there is another drug for that... Do you see what I mean.

So like if I were to say I want to go get high on kites and fly through the skys with paper air planes and guys, well then I could do that- no one suggests or persists in knowing what would make someone fly and if it's dmt that is insane- because i know that people can fly.

If I was the first person on the planet to fly through the air I wouldn't be asking any questions when I say "i told you so" because dmt was the defination of gods existence. People have been suggest that dmt have nothing to do with no god- that mean that you can no over dose, and that it is a mystical experience. People do see many intellectual thing on dmt and make many intellectual debate real debunk but not anything like what would mean when it come to answer to intellectual question like determinism or free will like god. So what I can say is that it would not silence them if they have not a idea of what it mean to make knowledge.

That what I think.

I think that if I want to fly not purpose of dmt. That good right yes it is.

I also think that my knowledge is not confined to god or that it has a lot to do with god. I do not know what people experience on dmt with conceive of god. I can not say. But it is said that some people experience some thingas about god on dmt- for example- they yexperience they see god or some other demension. That do not mean that they see the transfiguration or the absolute answer of god if it do then it would be best to have everyyone on planet take in dmt over doses every day to make sure they can fly. But I disagree in that they see god. I disagree, because I feel some other substance or material would allow someone to see what is real god. Maybe dmt is like a stone, but it nothing like testicles or men priate area.

My topic for this is that in men private area you get thisr eseult.

Yous ay to you self you say you self you say:

The ball are purple and origionate from place where dmt or other drug not real.

Like the grass is greener on the other side arguement.

Dmt users need to get a grip sure they expeience psychic states and the psychic is one of the most debaed things.

Think though if people got ahold of forbidden information and made us useless. If the result is fully positive with only positive possibilitis- that is good - but it would not allow somoene to have a reason to stop in their search for their religion or their beliefs because they know themselves that the answer is too confined to truths which are far beyond the reach of any other prior speculation. This is a fact and is not disproven.

Irregardless, it is not suggest that psychic expeirence is exact in dmt but that dmt is a good way to see many thing like for example you can see what ppl think of god or alien or some good experience. But that is not what dmt is fully about. Some crystaline drug not like dmt or some plant like substance or material different then dmt that exist in nature that ppl probably dont know about probably exist but dmt is not the answer. Dmt does not have the same effect which allows us to experience the truth.

The truth can no be experience is my suggestion and dmt have a pointless effect so it scientifically unregarded as being even related to any physical attribute and is speculated to exist as way of dangerous speculative drug- like opium.

Crystal meth doesnt equate though, nor does crack rock or any other. And dmt is not the same thing as other drugs might exist. I woul take a lick of some podium tree and get a sap infestation- before touch dmt- kuz that is what dmt is NOT.

About got my belif in god is about the sap on the bark arguement for the eixstence of drug. DMT is NOT the same thing- this i have already sated why i believe that.

DMT is only useful in showing off what you got as compared to what a girl doesnt got so that is embarassing to me as a girl.

But i believe god is all around us the psychic have nothign to do with dmt.

I have a you tube video i can no find a guy use his hand to ge a girl off use psychic power to do it. He no have dmt and he have sexy penis and balls. I wonder what dmt user say about that. Probably go lick a candy cane.
And if anybody on existence want to judge someones "right" may they rot in the infernal pits of socratese's right jaw in his mouth for the eternity in all existence.


Hmm. I have been interested in the issue of dmt. And I have found that the color it has is white, and it is smoked
Then you should get more interested.
It can vary in colour.
may appear yellow, orange, or salmon in color
And it can be smoked, drunk or injected, as well as appearing naturally in the body.

and it would be a dreadfully lonely place with it existing per the existence of the potentiality of god itself- it would imply- that although there appear to exist far more religious experiences than DMT- that there is another drug for that... Do you see what I mean.
No. You're being as incoherent as usual.

because i know that people can fly.
In an aeroplane, yes.

People do see many intellectual thing on dmt
Not really.

Maybe dmt is like a stone, but it nothing like testicles or men priate area.

My topic for this is that in men private area you get thisr eseult.

The ball are purple and origionate from place where dmt or other drug not real.

Dmt users need to get a grip sure they expeience psychic states and the psychic is one of the most debaed things.
Psychic cannot be debased because it doesn't actually exist.

Think though if people got ahold of forbidden information and made us useless. If the result is fully positive with only positive possibilitis- that is good - but it would not allow somoene to have a reason to stop in their search for their religion or their beliefs because they know themselves that the answer is too confined to truths which are far beyond the reach of any other prior speculation. This is a fact and is not disproven.
It might be a fact if it were in any way comprehensible.

The truth can no be experience is my suggestion and dmt have a pointless effect
Like your posts...

DMT is only useful in showing off what you got as compared to what a girl doesnt got so that is embarassing to me as a girl.
If only your posts were as equally embarrassing to you.

But i believe god is all around us the psychic have nothign to do with dmt.
Belief is one thing, god is not provable. And psychic has nothing to do with anything - it doesn't exist.
Then you should get more interested.
It can vary in colour.
Okay, if you want me to get interested in criticisms which are directed soley as personal attacks, I am prepared.

And it can be smoked, drunk or injected, as well as appearing naturally in the body.[/quote]
Hello to you too.
I am sure that it can be just about anything, and I have already read about over doses. I would not send a retard link such as you, but I would state what I know. And what I know is that people do not over dose on the drug- it is not known to cause over doses in the regards of psychic entities beyond the existence of flying cows my opinion- that there is hope and that my position is perfectly defensible, is cogent and far more useful than the uglyness I see in your position. Watch as I go on because there is about to be a food fight.

No. You're being as incoherent as usual.

In an aeroplane, yes.
I often get the feeling in physical reality that I am about to fly- that is to say- in the sky- and that is not to assert piss on myself or any other. In my dreams, I have been known to litterally fly. If that is a recordable event scientifically , look in to it. Because I have litterally "flied" in my dreams before. That is to say traveled around the neighboor hood, and the extent that somebody can fly is a matter of dispute. If you'd like to refrence this little thought of mine feel free to refute.

Not really.
They see God. They see "PIE" which is the number 3.14 over in times tables so strung out that they could litterally be proven the existence of god just by refrence to the existence of dmt- if somoene experiences what Freud has called- and after sartre has called- the four legged chair, as an evil witch flying high in the sky (if you'dl ike to refute this get to work pal).

So "yes really" would have been better.
Maybe it is. Maybe it's less like a stone which has nothing in commen with testicles.


Dis prove it.

Psychic cannot be debased because it doesn't actually exist.
The psychic is one of the most intellectual atmospheres of discussion, people are only intrigued by what interests their intelelct, and write primarially about what their intellect suggests to them is most positive- this is stated in a very casual way and in no way to defend my arguement from fraud.

The psychic is far more existent than you'd think. A dead sperm cell or any peson who is said to exist via way of the psychic is known to always be conscious. There are states of rem sleep and also other states (comas etc) where people are fully conscious but cannot be awakend.
So it is not proven that consciousness is to be stated as the existence which in the psychic is disproven (or whatever).
Consciousness and psychic are similar- and to refrence them by way of refuting them is quite silly.

If a person is dead, he wont have a psychic, but as long as he exists himself, he is always aware.
Refute that as I know you are incapable of doing so- because the statement is incorrect.

It might be a fact if it were in any way comprehensible.
Please see above.

Like your posts...
I am sorry my friend. You fail me here.

If only your posts were as equally embarrassing to you.
My posts I am proud of. I not defend an arguement unless I am defending the arguement. I do not stop for a criticism and I never will. I have no reason to debase a negetive arguement nor step outside for commentary that has a pointless suggestion.

Belief is one thing, god is not provable. And psychic has nothing to do with anything - it doesn't exist.
Prove that "god is not provable" before you state in any way that he "is". This is simply an arguement as you know god is like the big holey god you know like the holy omega. So don't refute him. Ever.

The psychic is the most fundamental aspect of human behaviors.

There are many things in it inherant which people are beginning to describe.

Maybe some "fact" exists afterall they state.

And then they run around rampant and do not know.

I suggest that you read over your post clearly and carefully if you want to have a positive chance in responding to what I have wrote here.

Okay, if you want me to get interested in criticisms which are directed soley as personal attacks, I am prepared.
I don't see why you should, since none of what I wrote was a personal attack.

I am sure that it can be just about anything, and I have already read about over doses. I would not send a retard link such as you, but I would state what I know.
Actually if you'd bothered to read the forum rules you're supposed to provide links. Nobody will take your word for it

And what I know is that people do not over dose on the drug- it is not known to cause over doses in the regards of psychic entities beyond the existence of flying cows my opinion- that there is hope and that my position is perfectly defensible, is cogent and far more useful than the uglyness I see in your position.
Wrong again: there is nothing cogent about claims of "psychic entities".

I often get the feeling in physical reality that I am about to fly- that is to say- in the sky- and that is not to assert piss on myself or any other. In my dreams, I have been known to litterally fly.
That's a dream, not the real world.

If that is a recordable event scientifically
It isn't.

That is to say traveled around the neighboor hood, and the extent that somebody can fly is a matter of dispute.
No it's only disputable (that they can't) if you're a crackpot. People can't fly.

They see God.
They claim to see god.

They see "PIE" which is the number 3.14
It's spelt "pi".

Maybe it is. Maybe it's less like a stone which has nothing in commen with testicles.
More drivel.

Dis prove it.
Things can't "originate from where they aren't real".

The psychic is one of the most intellectual atmospheres of discussion
Wrong. Psychic doesn't exist.

The psychic is far more existent than you'd think.
None at all.

Consciousness and psychic are similar- and to refrence them by way of refuting them is quite silly.
There is no similarity. One exists, the other doesn't.

If a person is dead, he wont have a psychic, but as long as he exists himself, he is always aware.
Refute that as I know you are incapable of doing so- because the statement is incorrect.
The statement is incorrect? So it doesn't need refuting?
And the last part is also wrong: When someone is unconscious he exists but is unaware.

I am sorry my friend. You fail me here.
No, you fail yourself.

Prove that "god is not provable" before you state in any way that he "is". This is simply an arguement as you know god is like the big holey god you know like the holy omega. So don't refute him. Ever.
Are you on drugs or something?
There is no proof of god.

The psychic is the most fundamental aspect of human behaviors.
No it isn't.

I suggest that you read over your post clearly and carefully if you want to have a positive chance in responding to what I have wrote here.
I suggest that you actually learn English and start to use it.
If you think that I am not speaking english- you really need to speak up because I can not hear you. My english is perfect, and I am not going to change it. Nor do I have a reason to. If you cannot understand english... then try to read a persons post when they post. Usually when somebody makes a post to a forum such as this one, they are writing in the english language for themselves and nobody else, and when you write in the english langauge where you can understand what you are writing and no body else is able to understand what you are writing but yourself, and you cannot understand what that person is saying to you because you would have to sit and read each and every little word to comprehend it's meaning- do NOT expect somebody to sit back and explain each and every little thing that they mean, so that you can undersand it, because a lot of the times, english is written, so that when you write it- it is easy to understand- and that when you are able to understand it- then it does not need to be explained.

Did I make myself clear?

Get prepared.

I don't see why you should, since none of what I wrote was a personal attack.
Hi again.
Everything you wrote was derrorgitory. Not only was it insulting but it was also physically abusive. Learn some manners go back and read the last dozen posts you've made to this forum.

Actually if you'd bothered to read the forum rules you're supposed to provide links. Nobody will take your word for it
If it is to your enjoyment to post what you will call a "link"- feel free to research that informatoin- because posting of links is not required- I don't like that no body else does either. So if you have a problem with someone not desiring to post links - go find a link somewhere else and wrap it around your chest real tightly and get sexy.

Wrong again: there is nothing cogent about claims of "psychic entities".
Psychic existences -- entities are preferable as they exist as realities.
Cogency in regard psychic entities is irrelevant.

That's a dream, not the real world.
Refute the existence of said dream. Send a link. Send entire testominal. Prove that it is nothing but a dream. And guess what I shall do?
It isn't.
Then you need some lipstick. Put some on right now because I am off.

No it's only disputable (that they can't) if you're a crackpot. People can't fly.
Well it has not been refuted that people are capable of flying.

They claim to see god.
They see god. End of story.

It's spelt "pi".
Begin to use the word 3.14 when you spell the word pi because pie is much more prefered to pi with quotes. Pi. is capitol usually and ugly lower case. You do not have forum ettiquet and demanding to change my spelling wont help your case.

More drivel.
Yes, from you.

Things can't "originate from where they aren't real".
Okay, well where are they real? In the existence of sperm cells?

Wrong. Psychic doesn't exist.

None at all.

There is no similarity. One exists, the other doesn't.

The statement is incorrect? So it doesn't need refuting?
And the last part is also wrong: When someone is unconscious he exists but is unaware.

No, you fail yourself.

Are you on drugs or something?
There is no proof of god.

No it isn't.

I suggest that you actually learn English and start to use it.

This is disproven.

I probably have at least a 12 th grade reading level, but it's been a while since I've used it.
Maybe people believe in man, because it's better than believing in God is probably what you meant to say, you wont find a easily discoverable trace of residue which exists anywhere easy to find of what god would leave for us.

And not only that, since when did the words of lilith (I would send a youtube video of liliths words of pronounciation of not in hebrew), but if she is "not" then what would she imply. That is what I get out of your post. But most answers to the contrary do not seem to fit, hence, my suggestion.

And my question...
Maybe you're right but who is to say either of us is Wrong?

I see nothing but greed and death among modern man as of late.
If you think that I am not speaking english- you really need to speak up because I can not hear you. My english is perfect
On the contrary, your English is so abysmal that either it's not your first language (by a long shot) or you're spending an inordinate amount of time to garble it so that it appears that way.

Usually when somebody makes a post to a forum such as this one, they are writing in the english language for themselves and nobody else
There's another fundamental error: if you're posting on a forum you are, of necessity, posting for others to read, not yourself. If you want to write purely for your own benefit go buy a diary.

Everything you wrote was derrorgitory. Not only was it insulting but it was also physically abusive.
What I wrote was physically abusive? How does that work?

So if you have a problem with someone not desiring to post links - go find a link somewhere else and wrap it around your chest real tightly and get sexy.
If you aren't prepared to post links then all we have is your unsupported word - hardly worth taking into account.

Psychic existences -- entities are preferable as they exist as realities.
Incorrect. There is no verifiable report of psychic phenomena.

Refute the existence of said dream.
Why would I need, or want, to refute the existence of dream?

Well it has not been refuted that people are capable of flying.
It doesn't need to be refuted: it's up to those that claim it happens to show it does.

They see god. End of story.
You really must learn to distinguish between claims (which may or may not be true) and reality.

Begin to use the word 3.14 when you spell the word pi because pie is much more prefered to pi with quotes.
The quotes are not part of the word. Pi is the correct spelling for the number, pie is the spelling for something you eat.

Okay, well where are they real? In the existence of sperm cells?
Huh? Are you losing tack of your own inane "argument"?

Again you miss the point. It is up to those that claim the existence to prove it. So far no-one has shown genuine psychic abilities.

See above.

And for these five.

This is disproven.
Your delusion is deeper than I thought. Every single post you make displays your poor grasp of spelling, grammar, syntax and overall command of English.

I probably have at least a 12 th grade reading level
Whatever that means. You probably have that level?

but it's been a while since I've used it.
That much is highly evident.
M*W: That's a rather childish answer. How do you know it is safer to have faith, than (yes, it's spelled t-h-a-n, not then) not to have faith. I don't see where having faith is any safer than not having faith. I have faith the the sun will come up tomorrow. I have faith that I will pay taxes this year. I have lots of faith in lots of things, but a god is not one of them.

When you prove to me there is a god, then I will prove to you there isn't. Since there is no evidence of any god, there's not much to go with to prove a god really isn't there. You have faith that there is a god. I have faith that there isn't.

You believe having faith doesn't cost anything, but are you sure?

DerrekJ gave this answer to that question on Yahoo! Answers:

"Christianity IS a mental illness much like paranoid schizophrenia. Those afflicted hear voices, believe, speak, and try to communicate with people who aren't there, believe they are being watched and are detached from reality."

I agree.

So now someone who is a Christian is not a Christian, but someone who is mentally ill? Just because they choose to try to communicate with what they believe in that makes them chemically imbalanced?
Very Judgemental.
Answer is simple:

The Devil makes people believe in God. He only gets to collect the sinners. If you don't believe in God, you cannot sin. The Devil can't take you when you die.

I can't be sure, but suppose that is why God made the devil and keeps him around. - The Devil is doing "God's work."

Next question.

Even most theists wouldn't accept such a silly answer..

Actually glaucon..read Job..it says the devil is under gods command..he cant do anything unless god lets him..
so he is correct when he says the devil is doing gods work..

and Jessc dont let dyw get under your skin, he likes to collect goats..and it seems he got yours..
unless you like to argue...then..nevermind..
Actually glaucon..read Job..it says the devil is under gods command..he cant do anything unless god lets him..
so he is correct when he says the devil is doing gods work..

And for some reason I'm supposed to take a piece of fiction as an explication of fact??

Wake up.
DerrekJ said:
Christianity is a mental illness much like paranoid schizophrenia. Those afflicted hear voices, believe, speak, and try to communicate with people who aren't there, believe they are being watched and are detached from reality.
Wikipedia's definition of mental illness is pretty straightforward and uncontroversial: "A psychological or behavioral pattern that occurs in an individual and is thought to cause distress or disability that is not expected as part of normal development or culture."

Given that Christianity was the norm in Western civilization within my lifetime and a large majority of Americans still identify themselves as Christians, I don't see how we can say that any of its side effects are not expected as part of normal culture.

As for normal development, Jung teaches us that religion is a collection of archetypes or instinctive beliefs. Since it's virtually universal (notwithstanding the differences among the various religions, they all look pretty much the same from the outside), the instinct must have been passed down from our most recent common ancestor, Y-Chromosome Adam, more than 60,000 years ago. To have lived with this for three or four thousand generations must certainly qualify it as "normal."
So now someone who is a Christian is not a Christian, but someone who is mentally ill? Just because they choose to try to communicate with what they believe in that makes them chemically imbalanced? Very Judgemental.
M*W: First, you don't make any sense. I don't set the guidelines on who's a Christian and who is mentally ill. There are a lot of christians out there who don't reek of mental illness. But there are more who do. That's not judgmental. I've already listed the scientific studies on this one, babe.

I'm all for everyone communicating what they believe. No problem there. I believe everyone has the right to communicate... but I listen very well to what they're saying. Again, I didn't set the bar as to who is chemically imbalanced and who isn't. It's been studied by others. I only report.

BTW, you might want to loosen the loop in your Bible Belt.
Wikipedia's definition of mental illness is pretty straightforward and uncontroversial: "A psychological or behavioral pattern that occurs in an individual and is thought to cause distress or disability that is not expected as part of normal development or culture."

Given that Christianity was the norm in Western civilization within my lifetime and a large majority of Americans still identify themselves as Christians, I don't see how we can say that any of its side effects are not expected as part of normal culture.

As for normal development, Jung teaches us that religion is a collection of archetypes or instinctive beliefs. Since it's virtually universal (notwithstanding the differences among the various religions, they all look pretty much the same from the outside), the instinct must have been passed down from our most recent common ancestor, Y-Chromosome Adam, more than 60,000 years ago. To have lived with this for three or four thousand generations must certainly qualify it as "normal."
M*W: Christianity was the norm in my own lifetime, too, but not now. Christianity is dying worldwide (with the exception of Africa and South America), but who's counting? People are more education, therefore, relying less on the mysticism of religion.

Just because they've found the bones of what they think is a male progenitor, his name could be Fred and not Adam. Scientists have familially called him Adam, but that doesn't mean squat. That just gives the bones an identity, but it may not be the right identity. I would go with Joe or Frank. His wife probably called him Oogah Boogah.
Christianity was the norm in my own lifetime, too, but not now. Christianity is dying worldwide (with the exception of Africa and South America), but who's counting?
The only large population among whom Christianity is waning significantly is Europe. In the USA it's made a huge comeback since the Religious Redneck Retard Revival of the late 1970s. Sure it's dying out in New Zealand (see the thread on the "Poor Joseph: God Was A Hard Act To Follow" billboard that was erected by an Auckland church), and that's encouraging, but in hard numbers New Zealand is statistically insignificant. Latin America and Africa, with their enormous, fast-growing populations of old-time Christians, are rather large "exceptions." ;)
People are more educated, therefore, relying less on the mysticism of religion.
I thought you lived in America. Ain't too many well-edjamakated folks 'round here. Those sheepskins that our dumbed-down universities (remedial English for high school graduates???) are giving out like grocery coupons ain't worth spit. They can't make change for a dollar without a POS terminal, they can't read anything more challenging than the sports page, they believed the sales pitch about sub-prime mortgages, and they built a museum of evolution denial in Kentucky.
Just because they've found the bones of what they think is a male progenitor . . . .
No fossils. All they've found is his DNA in all Y chromosomes, which BTW makes it certain that he was male. ;). His lifetime hasn't been dated any more precisely than 60-100KYA.
Scientists have familially called him Adam, but that doesn't mean squat.
That seemed fair after naming our earliest common female ancestor Mitochondrial Eve. For all we know, the DNA that forms the synapses for the instincts that comprise the archetypes of religion could be from her, since no one has actually identified the specific genes. ;) That would make religion even older, since she lived two or three times as long ago as Y-C Adam.