Then you should get more interested.
It can vary in colour.
Okay, if you want me to get interested in criticisms which are directed soley as personal attacks, I am prepared.
And it can be smoked, drunk or injected, as well as appearing naturally in the body.[/quote]
Hello to you too.
I am sure that it can be just about anything, and I have already read about over doses. I would not send a retard link such as you, but I would state what I know. And what I know is that people do not over dose on the drug-
it is not known to cause over doses in the regards of psychic entities beyond the existence of flying cows my opinion- that there is hope and that my position is perfectly defensible, is cogent and far more useful than the uglyness I see in your position. Watch as I go on because there is about to be a food fight.
No. You're being as incoherent as usual.
I often get the feeling in physical reality that I am about to fly- that is to say- in the sky- and that is not to assert piss on myself or any other. In my dreams, I have been known to litterally fly. If that is a recordable event scientifically , look in to it. Because I have litterally "flied" in my dreams before. That is to say traveled around the neighboor hood, and the extent that somebody can fly is a matter of dispute. If you'd like to refrence this little thought of mine feel free to refute.
They see God. They see "PIE" which is the number 3.14 over in times tables so strung out that they could litterally be proven the existence of god just by refrence to the existence of dmt- if somoene experiences what Freud has called- and after sartre has called- the four legged chair, as an evil witch flying high in the sky (if you'dl ike to refute this get to work pal).
So "yes really" would have been better.
Maybe it is. Maybe it's less like a stone which has nothing in commen with testicles.
Dis prove it.
Psychic cannot be debased because it doesn't actually exist.
The psychic is one of the most intellectual atmospheres of discussion, people are only intrigued by what interests their intelelct, and write primarially about what their intellect suggests to them is most positive- this is stated in a very casual way and in no way to defend my arguement from fraud.
The psychic is far more existent than you'd think. A dead sperm cell or any peson who is said to exist via way of the psychic is known to always be conscious. There are states of rem sleep and also other states (comas etc) where people are fully conscious but cannot be awakend.
So it is not proven that consciousness is to be stated as the existence which in the psychic is disproven (or whatever).
Consciousness and psychic are similar- and to refrence them by way of refuting them is quite silly.
If a person is dead, he wont have a psychic, but as long as he exists himself, he is always aware.
Refute that as I know you are incapable of doing so- because the statement is incorrect.
It might be a fact if it were in any way comprehensible.
Please see above.
I am sorry my friend. You fail me here.
If only your posts were as equally embarrassing to you.
My posts I am proud of. I not defend an arguement unless I am defending the arguement. I do not stop for a criticism and I never will. I have no reason to debase a negetive arguement nor step outside for commentary that has a pointless suggestion.
Belief is one thing, god is not provable. And psychic has nothing to do with anything - it doesn't exist.
Prove that "god is not provable" before you state in any way that he "is". This is simply an arguement as you know god is like the big holey god you know like the holy omega. So don't refute him. Ever.
The psychic is the most fundamental aspect of human behaviors.
There are many things in it inherant which people are beginning to describe.
Maybe some "fact" exists afterall they state.
And then they run around rampant and do not know.
I suggest that you read over your post clearly and carefully if you want to have a positive chance in responding to what I have wrote here.