Why do people believe in god?

why do you try soo hard, to prove to who beleive in god, that there's no god???
why do you have to do all that effort to proove that you're right,
you don't beleive in god, i or he/she beleive in god,
end of story, :)
see, it's soo simple,
you don't need to prove that you're right and they're wrong, or they're right, and you're wrong,
ever heard of free thoght??you should try it

i have come to terms with that some people believe in an imaginary friend that there is no "hard" evidence of whatsoever of.. the reason i participate in conversations is to try to understand what makes a person believe in god.. expecially the theists that believe there is no other life besides ours

Yea thats true. But it dosesn't get to the root of why you believe.

Have you always believed?

yup, first, when i was a kid, small kid, i just, knowed it, rased with it,
but when i started to think by my own, and analyse everything,
i'm very convinced in the existence of god, even that i have a scientific mind, and i know alot about science, astronomy, economies, and other stuff, i still beleive in god,

i have come to terms with that some people believe in an imaginary friend that there is no "hard" evidence of whatsoever of.. the reason i participate in conversations is to try to understand what makes a person believe in god.. expecially the theists that believe there is no other life besides ours

we do beleive that there is other life outside of ower planets,
also other intelligent life, we do also beleive, that there are another intelligent, life, on this planet, we call them "djin" they are non-material being, we cant see them, and we cant feel them,
we do also beleive, that one of the judgement day signs, that humans will discover, avery very different life form, from ours, also, aliens, will invade us, will come threw a wormwhole, some sat wormwhole, soem other say that they are trapped somewhere, i don't know, those invaders are called "hijuj and mijuj'" that they will distroy every living thing, and people will runawya to mountains, and other things... but not related to the life on other planets,
we do also beleive, that there was other being existed on earth, look like us, but they don't have the same DNA, we have two words in arabic, bachar wich it means, and refer to, every living thing, existed on earth, walked on two feet, and had an intelligence, and the second word, is "insen" that refer to us, the modern human,

i have come to terms with that some people believe in an imaginary friend that there is no "hard" evidence of whatsoever of.. the reason i participate in conversations is to try to understand what makes a person believe in god.. expecially the theists that believe there is no other life besides ours

you can find topics of myne, that talked about life on other planets, by the point of view of islam
you can find topics of myne, that talked about life on other planets, by the point of view of islam

islam is ALOT more openminded then christianity, i can respect that.. alot of christians believe god created the earth universe all that but some firmly believe there is no other life outside earth, a guy at work debated with me on it... his reason is we know what 9 planets and have found over 450 and none have life on them, i say so you can tell if theres life on another planet thru a telescope? we have only visited 1 other one sent probes to a few others.. untill we walk on thoes planets we wont know if there is life.. he stuck by his we found over 450 with no life so ignorant i just said theres no point in arguing with you id get further if i tried to convience a bolt to tighten itself

islam is ALOT more openminded then christianity, i can respect that.. alot of christians believe god created the earth universe all that but some firmly believe there is no other life outside earth, a guy at work debated with me on it... his reason is we know what 9 planets and have found over 450 and none have life on them, i say so you can tell if theres life on another planet thru a telescope? we have only visited 1 other one sent probes to a few others.. untill we walk on thoes planets we wont know if there is life.. he stuck by his we found over 450 with no life so ignorant i just said theres no point in arguing with you id get further if i tried to convience a bolt to tighten itself

i wonder what will they say when they discover life one day,
anyway, islam do beleive in many other itelligent life forms, on other planets, but, God, says, that he maked it very far from us, that we cant reach, there's something like, a cover, or, a shield, anyway, something that seperate us, to don't meet, cause they are soo soo far from us,
but one day, human will discover a weird, life form, very different,
also, it would be more resnebal to think, that we cant be unique, the only in the hall existence, there are millions of galaxies, each galaxy, have millions of solar systems, each solar system, have many planets, let's just say, in each galaxy, in each solar system, in must be there a planet, that have conditions for life, just a guess, i was wonderign also before about an existent life on other plnaets, effcorse, not because of UFOs, sure not, but i just wondered, and, i found the answer in my relegion, :p
in mater fact, in quran, there are so so many stuff about teh univerce, the big bong, we beleive, that another one, will happen to end everything, then you'll hear a voice like a scream, a scream, in science, is that big noise and sounds of the explitions that we can still hear it by radars today, the sound that still repeat in the universe, like you yell at an empty cave, then you'll hear your voice repeating, there's also, a kidn of start, that make a very massive waves of radiations, i think it's called in science, by something related to hammer, cause it maked sounds like hammer, that those radiatons and signals, can destroy everything it meets,
i will make a topic about this one another time, i cant explain in here, i'll go off-topic, wich i think i'm already off-topic,

islam is ALOT more openminded then christianity, i can respect that.. alot of christians believe god created the earth universe all that but some firmly believe there is no other life outside earth, a guy at work debated with me on it... his reason is we know what 9 planets and have found over 450 and none have life on them, i say so you can tell if theres life on another planet thru a telescope? we have only visited 1 other one sent probes to a few others.. untill we walk on thoes planets we wont know if there is life.. he stuck by his we found over 450 with no life so ignorant i just said theres no point in arguing with you id get further if i tried to convience a bolt to tighten itself

well, he propably don't want to be convinced, cause if he did, wich life on other planets is not existent, buy his relegion point of view, so, he beleive that it's true, and there's no otehr life but on earth, so, if he have been convinced, or human found other life, he will propibly become an atheist, or choose another relegion, just when he knew that his relegion wasn't right,
I doubt too many people would continue to worship God if this God didn't offer them life after death. I mean, suppose there really was a God. This God, for whatever narcissistic reasons, wanted you to venerate and worship It. But, you don't get to live after you die. You get everything God is giving you now (aka nothing) and you ALSO do NOT get to live after you die.

The history of theistic faith suggests that if a person is not offered Life after Death, they will not worship Gods, Goddesses, Buddhas nor Alien Overlords.

So, that IMO, is the main reason for most people.
M*W: Let me guess... you're 22 years old?

No, but when I think about it now, it was 19 years ago, really, I allways aproximised wrong. I am however, older then both those times.

So how do I prove that I'm god? Well, probably I can... But that is nothing that I do. You'll just have to be content with that I am a god. In a human vessel. Now you probably have a question. I suppose no vessel rejects me. Questions? Answers?
I doubt too many people would continue to worship God if this God didn't offer them life after death. I mean, suppose there really was a God. This God, for whatever narcissistic reasons, wanted you to venerate and worship It. But, you don't get to live after you die. You get everything God is giving you now (aka nothing) and you ALSO do NOT get to live after you die.

The history of theistic faith suggests that if a person is not offered Life after Death, they will not worship Gods, Goddesses, Buddhas nor Alien Overlords.

So, that IMO, is the main reason for most people.

Life after death should not be given, it should be obtained from becoming eternal. 2 shared lifes takes twice as long to grow together then one does, and would infact be an abomination. Questions? Answers?
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Life after death should not be given, it should be obtained from becoming eternal. 2 shared lifes takes twice as long to grow together then one does, and would infact be an abomination. Questions? Answers?

What does this have to do with why people believe in god.

But Yes that is many people selling points on god..

Personally i have met a few people who doubt that god exists, but still follow all of his ways and go's to church and all that. Just because the chance that they can get in heaven(if there is one)
What does this have to do with why people believe in god.

But Yes that is many people selling points on god..

Personally i have met a few people who doubt that god exists, but still follow all of his ways and go's to church and all that. Just because the chance that they can get in heaven(if there is one)

Anyway... Maybe I'm wrong, maybe 2 gods would've grown as fast as one, given the same amount of fuel. Yes definitely, but that's still beging the question; shouldn't both gods be too young, given they are split into 2 amounts? So I shall think before I act and live a life that I prefer, that should solve all problems. Questions? Answers?

Besides, I'm not the god which you refer too anyway, beyond that a god may break any deal in two without fasing any consequences; Questions?
You completely lost me.........What are you talking about?

2 gods? Don't jews,christans, and islam people belive in the same god. Just very differnt ways of going about there religion.
What do I care what you believe in, I said I am a god, everywhere I am is my church, and I don't need anyone who stones people etc. Infact I am very picky. I like my cat, snow, water and food. I like mice, they are nice. I like cold and some sun, I like herbs that are not poisonous, I like air and oranges. I like small things that doesn't hurt you.

What do I care what you believe in, I said I am a god, everywhere I am is my church, and I don't need anyone who stones people etc. Infact I am very picky. I like my cat, snow, water and food. I like mice, they are nice. I like cold and some sun, I like herbs that are not poisonous, I like air and oranges. I like small things that doesn't hurt you.

lol, ok,
but first, before saying that you are a .. uuh...
you sould know, that God, is who created everything,
but, you didnt creat every thing, you, you're defferently not a God,
if you are, so, tell me, how is life on the other planets, tell me, all, alll, the species of plants and animals, tell me, how to creat a life, from non organic maters, in a completly cloes place, that don't have any kind of microbs or anything, tell me, how will you make this life, in this room, and make it evolved, tell me, every species that existed at the age of dinosors, and i mean, ever every specie, and name of plants,
you don't know effcorse, why cant you just say "that you don't beleive in God" you don't have to say that you're ... a ...uuh...
i beleive in god, and you don't, see simple
it's your mind, not myne, you don't beleive,
you don't have to prove to people whi beleive in god, with your poing of view that god don't exist,
just accept their beleifs, and accept their thoghts, accept teh divercity of thoght and arts.

What do I care what you believe in, I said I am a god, everywhere I am is my church, and I don't need anyone who stones people etc. Infact I am very picky. I like my cat, snow, water and food. I like mice, they are nice. I like cold and some sun, I like herbs that are not poisonous, I like air and oranges. I like small things that doesn't hurt you.

i think that you're kinda mocking of him, so stop it, and speak respectfully,
you cant mock of people's beleifs,
so, i can also mocke of you, cause you don't beleive in god,
so, just discuss respectfully,
I thought god was defined as one of the eternal, that which can feel and sence, that which is the highest rank of existence. That is how I define god. Now ofcourse there are higher things then me, but there is no object with more dimensions. However, I don't see how he could've done everything, since that is infact contradictive.

Suppose he did not, for instance, create me. Secondly, suppose he did become real, he could never have finished it and been aware of it, since there is an eternity in it. An eternity, you see, is sticky, in the minds sence; It is impossible to experience, when you have once become real. If you are not real and create the world, you did not, by definition, create the world, for you did not exist. That is why it is blasphamy to say so.

Imagine that it did infact take an eternity for him to have done eternity; he wouldn't ever have finished, suppose he did it faster then an eternity, he was then created by a black hole, and is separate to existence. Suppose he did grow to the size of the universe there, he still wouldn't have done it himself, he still wouldn't be finished. For it takes the existence of all things to make the existence of all things, and that is why, Since I am here that he hasn't finnished doing it. Questions? Answers?
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Im pretty sure i wasn't mocking him. Because i don't know what he is talking about.

If he thinks he is god thats great. But it has nothing to do with why people believe in god. Go be and egotistical freak somewhere else.