Why do people believe in god?

that's not true. i have evidence that you don't have. that's why i believe and you don't. it's simple. if you want your own evidence, then go about getting it. if not, then don't be surprised you don't have it. :shrug:

the evidence comes from god, and it comes directly to you. no one else can give it to you, and no one else can take it away.

who do you guys think you're kidding really? god? me? i can see right through you and i know what it takes to know god. so put up or shut up...really.

You have a deluded idea of what constitutes evidence.

A rational explanation for an irrational thought process is not calling someone a name. In this case it's a hypothesis.


my thought processes aren't irrational; you're making that up, because your hypothesis is nothing more than wishful thinking. the fact is, that if i had experienced what i have and didn't believe in god, i would have to be completely insane.
you know, you saying this shit to me is like someone telling a nazi concentration camp survivor that the holocaust never happened. do you realize that some people believe that...that the holocaust never happened? which is evidence, that evidence is not the only factor involved in belief, and that an abundance of evidence doesn't matter at all in regards to what some people are willing or not willing to believe.

There is ample (real/physical) evidence to support the holocaust, unlike what you assert.

Putting yourself on the same pedestal as a holocaust victim/survivor is really pitiful and I would guess, insulting and demeaning to them!

There is ample (real/physical) evidence to support the holocaust, unlike what you assert.

Putting yourself on the same pedestal as a holocaust victim/survivor is really pitiful and I would guess, insulting and demeaning to them!


oh, grrrr...way to miss a point!


and if you want some too, then quit whining and name-calling and go get some.
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i would have to be completely insane.

I would not argue with this part.

I don't have a hypothesis about god. You are the one asserting it's existence! I'm here only to show that unless you provide real substantive evidence, you have nothing.

I'm here only to show that unless you provide real substantive evidence, you have nothing.

no your not..your here to humiliate,insult and demean anyones opinion that does not line up with your own..

you have yet to put forth any thoughts that do not include an insult.

N O - Y O U - D O N ' T !... or you would have presented it to the scientific community for consideration! Or if you have, they must have rejected it as a delusion... otherwise why would you be peddling it here?

I would not argue with this part.

I don't have a hypothesis about god. You are the one asserting it's existence! I'm here only to show that unless you provide real substantive evidence, you have nothing.


why did you quote me out of context like that? desperate?

i told you already that i have real substantive evidence, and that if you would like to have that yourself, then get off your ass and get some, just like i did.

the fact is, and you know as well as i do, that would be your worst nightmare come true, wouldn't it?
N O - Y O U - D O N ' T !... or you would have presented it to the scientific community for consideration! Or if you have, they must have rejected it as a delusion... otherwise why would you be peddling it here?


yes i do.

now excuse me one second while i laugh...


present it to the scientific community?

that's what you think a relationship with god is for?

well no wonder you don't have any evidence...silly.
no your not..your here to humiliate,insult and demean anyones opinion that does not line up with your own..

you have yet to put forth any thoughts that do not include an insult.

Sorry! I have not demeaned anyone intentionally! I will call out anyone that tries to put forth their delusions as "truth" or evidence or anything else. Saying someone is delusional is not an insult unless they are not delusional and all the evidence provided so far backs my assertion that they are delusional. I'm sorry that they are delusional, but I can't help that they are.

why did you quote me out of context like that? desperate?

i told you already that i have real substantive evidence, and that if you would like to have that yourself, then get off your ass and get some, just like i did.

the fact is, and you know as well as i do, that would be your worst nightmare come true, wouldn't it?

I apologize if my quote was misconstrued! I was trying to be brief and since I agreed with the last statement, I clipped it. I was not looking to quote you out of context.

It is not my place to chase your "evidence" down! As the one making a statement about what is "real" it is you that has the burden of proof, not me.

Sorry! I have not demeaned anyone intentionally! I will call out anyone that tries to put forth their delusions as "truth" or evidence or anything else. Saying someone is delusional is not an insult unless they are not delusional and all the evidence provided so far backs my assertion that they are delusional. I'm sorry that they are delusional, but I can't help that they are.


drop the delusional statements..you do not know ANYONE here enough to determine that..(that is assuming you ARE a psychologist)

sorry but i get tired of all the atheist trying to force their views by insults.
a good rule of thumb..NO Slams and watch out for never and always..
yes i do.

now excuse me one second while i laugh...


present it to the scientific community?

that's what you think a relationship with god is for?

well no wonder you don't have any evidence...silly.

Excuse me if i might quote you again...

Lori said:

Where is this Ample, Real, Physical evidence of god? Present it! Do you realize that if you did and were able to prove it's existence, you would probably save millions of souls in the process!

But since you are here on this forum, I presume you really don't have anything except what's in your thoughts.

When one hears voices in their head, claims to commune with angels and says they know god because he answers them, the word delusional is quite apt.
Excuse me if i might quote you again...

Where is this Ample, Real, Physical evidence of god? Present it! Do you realize that if you did and were able to prove it's existence, you would probably save millions of souls in the process!

But since you are here on this forum, I presume you really don't have anything except what's in your thoughts.


you're very naive KRR.