Why do people believe in god?

When one hears voices in their head, claims to commune with angels and says they know god because he answers them, the word delusional is quite apt.

not when it really happens it's not.

face it alex...your supposition is nothing more than wishful thinking on your part isn't it?

the fact is, that you don't know me, and you have absolutely no idea what i've experienced, and have experienced nothing like this yourself. isn't that true?

isn't it true that you have no idea what you're talking about?

isn't it true that you do not want to have a relationship with god?

isn't it true that would be your worst nightmare?
drop the delusional statements..you do not know ANYONE here enough to determine that..(that is assuming you ARE a psychologist)

sorry but i get tired of all the atheist trying to force their views by insults.
a good rule of thumb..NO Slams and watch out for never and always..

No insults intended! I'm not trying to force anything on anyone except the backing with evidence, statements by you religious folks! You have nothing to back up what you assert. I'm here only to point this out!

delusion /de·lu·sion/ (dĕ-loo´zhun) an idiosyncratic false belief that is firmly maintained in spite of incontrovertible and obvious proof or evidence to the contrary.

Based on what has been put forth on this thread, I stand by my preliminary diagnoses.

not when it really happens it's not.

face it alex...your supposition is nothing more than wishful thinking on your part isn't it?

the fact is, that you don't know me, and you have absolutely no idea what i've experienced, and have experienced nothing like this yourself. isn't that true?

isn't it true that you have no idea what you're talking about?

isn't it true that you do not want to have a relationship with god?

isn't it true that would be your worst nightmare?

Nobody who is delusional realizes that they are delusional. That's what delusional means. Voices in your head are invariably a sign of serious mental illness.
are you gonna keep teasing him lori or are you gonna put forth something?

like what?

they want to put god under a microscope and look at it. they want to measure it with a ruler, or put it on a scale. they want to put it in a cage and poke it and see what it does. they want me to hand over god, as if it's IN A BOX, so they can shake it, and put their ear up to it, and open it. it's ridiculous.

my evidence is for ME. it's not meant for anyone else. people have to get their own but you know, and i know, and they know, that they don't want it. that's why they don't have it. i can't recreate what's happened to me in a lab. why? because that's not why it happened to me that's why. god is not in the slightest bit interested in being some experiment, or some object they can manipulate. god is interested in having a relationship with them, and if they don't want that, then it's not going to happen.
Nobody who is delusional realizes that they are delusional. That's what delusional means. Voices in your head are invariably a sign of serious mental illness.

you know alex, i actually typed out those questions. what's the problem? did you think they weren't real? did you think they were a delusion?
like what?

they want to put god under a microscope and look at it. they want to measure it with a ruler, or put it on a scale. they want to put it in a cage and poke it and see what it does. they want me to hand over god, as if it's IN A BOX, so they can shake it, and put their ear up to it, and open it. it's ridiculous.

ABSOFREAK'NLUTLY Now you get! See that wasn't so hard!

my evidence is for ME. it's not meant for anyone else. people have to get their own but you know, and i know, and they know, that they don't want it. that's why they don't have it. i can't recreate what's happened to me in a lab. why? because that's not why it happened to me that's why. god is not in the slightest bit interested in being some experiment, or some object they can manipulate. god is interested in having a relationship with them, and if they don't want that, then it's not going to happen.

Like I thought... God doesn't really want to be discovered! It just want't to be believed in... Have faith! Don't use the brain god gave you... errr wait a minute, you have to purposely not use your god given brain to truly believe in god... Interesting phylosophical bent:eek:!

God has been dwindling ever since the enlightenment showed that we don't need god to explain away famine, pestilence... until now god only shows his real soul in the minds of the delusional. Or perhaps it's that they have to believe that it's god, otherwise they would have to confront their one illness... interesting (again) I guess believing in god is preferable to believing one is ill.

No insults intended! I'm not trying to force anything on anyone except the backing with evidence, statements by you religious folks! You have nothing to back up what you assert. I'm here only to point this out!

oh 28 posts..that answers alot..there are certain arguments here on this board that have always ended up going nowhere..one is the argument for evidence..
every believer has their own evidence that tends to be a personal thing,something that does not translate very well to non-believers..only other believers can see it as evidence, i cannot explain this in a way a non-believer can understand.i can only say that it exists..you may get the occasional person who attempts to explain their evidence (i have been one, till i learned better) but those explanations tends to be dismissed as something else by the non-believer resulting into a downward spiral of insults and accusations,
search the religious thread to study what arguments have been put forth and how they end up being a war. if you are smart you will find a different argument to put forth..
at the very least understand this..
theist converted to atheism on this board..0
atheist converted to theism.....................0

granted you are allowed your opinion..me personally, i do not care if you believe or not..(your bad not mine)..if you ask me a specific question i will answer the best i can..but understand i will not accept insults as a rebuttal..
IOW do not ask if all you are going to do is argue against my answer..
if your gonna ask i assume you want to understand..

as far as..
delusion /de·lu·sion/ (dĕ-loo´zhun) an idiosyncratic false belief that is firmly maintained in spite of incontrovertible and obvious proof or evidence to the contrary.

not controvertible; not open to question or dispute; indisputable: absolute and incontrovertible truth.

the question of god is very open to dispute or question..
evidence is not proof..

the term False is also a variable dependent on who you ask..

the evidence for god is very subjective to the individual..this does not invalidate god just because you can argue with the individual..

i had started a thread once called 'what if god was proven' in an attempt to show that proof of god is not a good thing..atheist had taken it over and completely missed what i was getting at..
like what?

they want to put god under a microscope and look at it. they want to measure it with a ruler, or put it on a scale. they want to put it in a cage and poke it and see what it does. they want me to hand over god, as if it's IN A BOX, so they can shake it, and put their ear up to it, and open it. it's ridiculous.

my evidence is for ME. it's not meant for anyone else. people have to get their own but you know, and i know, and they know, that they don't want it. that's why they don't have it. i can't recreate what's happened to me in a lab. why? because that's not why it happened to me that's why. god is not in the slightest bit interested in being some experiment, or some object they can manipulate. god is interested in having a relationship with them, and if they don't want that, then it's not going to happen.

well said..especially the highlighted part..
ABSOFREAK'NLUTLY Now you get! See that wasn't so hard!

Like I thought... God doesn't really want to be discovered! It just want't to be believed in... Have faith! Don't use the brain god gave you... errr wait a minute, you have to purposely not use your god given brain to truly believe in god... Interesting phylosophical bent:eek:!

God has been dwindling ever since the enlightenment showed that we don't need god to explain away famine, pestilence... until now god only shows his real soul in the minds of the delusional. Or perhaps it's that they have to believe that it's god, otherwise they would have to confront their one illness... interesting (again) I guess believing in god is preferable to believing one is ill.


i'm going to say it one more time...

god wants to have a relationship with YOU. that's it. if you don't want to, it's not my fault, nor is it his. so believe what you want. after all, that's what's keeping it from happening to you.

I have been on many forums and threads where the religious are trying to argue their point and it's been many years since I have seen an original thought on the subject. It's all the same.

Let me ask you why are you on this particular thread? if not to put forth your opinion in an attempt to convert someone or justify your own beliefs. As the OP asks, why do people believe in god! In my opinion, one reason is delusions, another is confort. People need god to feel safe or to explain voices in their heads or explain the Jesus they saw in their toast the other day. There are many reasons to believe in god, I have yet to find a good one.

i'm going to say it one more time...

god wants to have a relationship with YOU. that's it. if you don't want to, it's not my fault, nor is it his. so believe what you want. after all, that's what's keeping it from happening to you.

Actually it is its fault! After all god is omnipotent/omniscient so when it created the universe it knew how it would progress and end in infinite detail including how we all would end up. In fact it created me to not believe in it. So it's its fault! After all free will is only an illusion.

To me a god that would kill thousands of inocent children (as in the tsunami for example) would make me unbelievably furious at it! The only way I can come to grips with killing on a scale like this is to realize that there is no god! This was truly an act of mother nature. No malice, no intent, just physical forces at work. If there is a god, it is surly undeserving of any worship by man.

Let me ask you why are you on this particular thread?
i think that can be two questions first to answer what you asked..
to ask why do ppl believe in god REQUIRES views from those who believe in god, any other person answering that question is just speculation or an attempt to further their own ignorance.

second question
why am i on this board instead of a christian board?
i have searched christian boards to discuss my beliefs and they tend to be censored and indoctrinated oriented IOW if you don't believe like they do, your post will be deleted..i believe in god as he has taught me..not as religion has taught me..and as such some of my views are met with resistance from both sides..

if not to put forth your opinion in an attempt to convert someone or justify your own beliefs.
i have never been good at converting anyone..
justify?..maybe..but not from forcing my beliefs down someones throat..
i believe you are allowed your disbelief..god can still use you whether you believe in him or not..

As the OP asks, why do people believe in god! In my opinion, one reason is delusions,
so you insist on your opinion over those who have actually experienced god?
thats like asking a cook how to cook then arguing with everything he says..
this is not seeking understanding..this is trying to justify your own beliefs..

so why are you in this thread? do you seek to understand why ppl believe in god? or are you only here to put forth your own opinions?

or explain the Jesus they saw in their toast the other day.
explained..next question..lol

There are many reasons to believe in god, I have yet to find a good one.

see this is where it becomes a personal thing..what works for one doesn't necessarily work for another, this is what lori is trying to communicate..
you have to find your own reason to believe and not depend on the opinions of others..

i think that has to do with taking responsibility for your own faith..IOW if you fail in your faith you can't blame anyone else as it is YOUR faith not someone else's.