Why do people believe in god?

Hearing voices in your head that no one else can hear, and having them respond to you is a classic symptom of schizophrenia. If you've never been diagnosed with such, perhaps it's because no competent psychiatrist has examined you.
not fair..if you had experienced something that noone else has experienced would you want to be called all sorts of names?

But many, if not all, schizophrenics have experienced exactly what Lori has described.
Hearing voices in your head that no one else can hear, and having them respond to you is a classic symptom of schizophrenia. If you've never been diagnosed with such, perhaps it's because no competent psychiatrist has examined you.

or perhaps you bury your head in the sand and ignore the absolutely overwhelming evidence of a spiritual realm...the testimony of hundreds of thousands of perfectly sane people, because of your own "mental condition".
Ah, the 'forty million Frenchmen can't be wrong' argument, along with total misunderstanding of what constitutes evidence.
Ah, the 'forty million Frenchmen can't be wrong' argument, along with total misunderstanding of what constitutes evidence.

i have my evidence, and that's quite sufficient for me.

you don't have that same evidence, so you call me insane.

bravo. you're a real intellect.
i have my evidence, and that's quite sufficient for me.

you don't have that same evidence, so you call me insane.

bravo. you're a real intellect.

You hear voices in your head. Now either the fillings in your teeth are acting as a crystal radio set, or...
You hear voices in your head. Now either the fillings in your teeth are acting as a crystal radio set, or...

or...there's a spiritual realm

you know, you saying this shit to me is like someone telling a nazi concentration camp survivor that the holocaust never happened. do you realize that some people believe that...that the holocaust never happened? which is evidence, that evidence is not the only factor involved in belief, and that an abundance of evidence doesn't matter at all in regards to what some people are willing or not willing to believe.
Wow, trying to play the holocaust card? Talk about non-sequitors.

The voices in your head are not evidence of anything real.
alex you have to understand the nature of the term 'god spoke to me' it does not necessarily mean they heard voices inside their head..it could be as esoteric as hearing several different sources saying the same thing (radio,tv,friends, overhearing other ppls conversations..etc)
it means different things to different ppl..

i tend to say God showed me instead of god told me..
but lori is more comfortable saying 'god told me' that does not necessarily mean she is hearing voices in her head..and if she claims she does..maybe god is speaking through her conscience..
yeah definitely. no offense but, i think you'd have to be kind of an idiot not to.

Hmmm. I thought the opposite. Since there is no evidence/indication of an after life, why on earth would you believe in one? But then you believe in god without evidence or indication so I guess it makes sense.

You appear to have your delusions, which is not evidence.


i repeat..would you want someone calling you names if you experienced something no one else has experianced?

not very convincing to resort to insults..
Hmmm. I thought the opposite. Since there is no evidence/indication of an after life, why on earth would you believe in one? But then you believe in god without evidence or indication so I guess it makes sense.


that's not true. i have evidence that you don't have. that's why i believe and you don't. it's simple. if you want your own evidence, then go about getting it. if not, then don't be surprised you don't have it. :shrug:

the evidence comes from god, and it comes directly to you. no one else can give it to you, and no one else can take it away.

who do you guys think you're kidding really? god? me? i can see right through you and i know what it takes to know god. so put up or shut up...really.
Wow, trying to play the holocaust card? Talk about non-sequitors.

The voices in your head are not evidence of anything real.

ok i'll call you then...

do you want to have a relationship with god alex?
i repeat..would you want someone calling you names if you experienced something no one else has experianced?

not very convincing to resort to insults..

A rational explanation for an irrational thought process is not calling someone a name. In this case it's a hypothesis.
