Why do atheists hate Jesus?

Really. Care to show the data supporting that bit of drivel. Moreover, perhaps you can expand for us. Which are you asserting?: are most serial killers atheists or devil worshippers? Surely you aren't suggesting that these are synonymous since worshiping a devil (particularly if you are referring to the god of xianity known as "Satan") means recognizing at least one god.

You have your own cult confused with atheism it would seem.

But show us the data. Put us in our places.

Obviously you realize that such an assertion could never be accurately gaged? But I am not going to sit here and do a psychological profile on individual serial killers. Does it matter that much? Anyone can see that violent behavior encompasses all of society.

I never once advocated any specific belief system and certainly not any specific religion, as a matter of fact one response i made was that it is good for people to find their own way... maybe YOU dont believe in this.

If you believe that acknowledging the existance of Jesus (as spidergoat does) and the possibility of more than that being in a cult then that seems to be a narrow viewpoint.

What is really bothering you?
Atheists are quite able to make moral judgements without the threat of everlasting hellfire, thanks.
Without relegion, you've got the law of the jungle - which isn't going to be to kind to atheists.

Hmmm, I'm not willing to die for an afterlife that doesn't exist. But that just means I'll fight a LOT harder for my kids.
So you can bow your head and say a prayer, while I keep reloading. :D
Without relegion, you've got the law of the jungle - which isn't going to be to kind to atheists.
If humans need 'religion' as a crutch to behave, then what does that say about us as a species? I refuse to believe that w/o religion, I'm a mindless immoral savage. Please.

Spidergoat said:
Atheists are quite able to make moral judgements without the threat of everlasting hellfire, thanks
This statement, almost verbatim was one of the topics of discussion I had with my Christian friend last night. Only to be told, 'it doesn't matter, if you don't accept god, you will go to hell'. wow.
What is the basis of a moral judgment not based on religion? How do you know right from wrong? Evolution says survival of the fitest. Does that mean it's right for me to kill someone and take their property - simply because I can?
john b said:
Without relegion, you've got the law of the jungle - which isn't going to be to kind to atheists.
The jungles are full of atheists. Gods are more of a city phenomenon - they seem to come in with agriculture.
john b said:
What is the basis of a moral judgment not based on religion?

How could you come up with a religion if you couldn't make moral judgments without it ?
What is the basis of a moral judgment not based on religion? How do you know right from wrong? Evolution says survival of the fitest. Does that mean it's right for me to kill someone and take their property - simply because I can?

Read up on objectivism--everyone pursues their own rational self-interest without interfering in anyone else's pursuit, that is your only code of morality. From that, all else is clear.
Atheists are quite able to make moral judgements without the threat of everlasting hellfire, thanks.

Do you think modern laws can be traced back to a spiritually guided sense of morality? Taking into account this would be at the lowest common denominator .Making moral judgments is harder for some people especially if it is not a major crime.
What is the basis of a moral judgment not based on religion? How do you know right from wrong? Evolution says survival of the fitest. Does that mean it's right for me to kill someone and take their property - simply because I can?

We have to decide what's right and wrong within the context of society. I should point out that there is no religion that defines all permutations of moral decision clearly. There are always situations that call us to use our judgement.

Also, you misunderstand evolution, since much animal behavior has evolved towards cooperation, especially within a species. Look at chimp society, they have murder and war just like us, but they also know when they have been wronged, they hold a grudge, they know when the moral precepts of their society have been violated.

There are many atheists, but do you know any of them that don't know murder or stealing is wrong?
Do you think modern laws can be traced back to a spiritually guided sense of morality? Taking into account this would be at the lowest common denominator .Making moral judgments is harder for some people especially if it is not a major crime.

No, I think modern religion traces it's morality to a natural, evolved sense of right and wrong.
The jungles are full of atheists. Gods are more of a city phenomenon - they seem to come in with agriculture.

How could you come up with a religion if you couldn't make moral judgments without it ?

I would qualify that by saying that the jungles tend to be full of Polytheists.
How could you put human morality on an animal. You might as well tell Polynesian native women they need to wear bras.
Oh wait...
Bobobos are monkeys that have sex with everyone they meet, daughter, son, neighbor. Is this not wrong?
According to Abrahamic religion doctrine, Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel. They also had subsequent sons and daughters (who all were brothers and sisters). How did we get here then? :bugeye:
Atheists are quite able to make moral judgements without the threat of everlasting hellfire, thanks.

The question is...

are atheist capable of making any judgements without the perview of that religous beliefs of others do not have an impact upon themselves?

I belive the answer is no...otherwise this thread would not exist.