Why do atheists hate Jesus?

That is too bad.

How do you know most Atheists were once Christian? I guess people drift in and out of their faith\belief.

I agree. I don't believe the things I did as a child, teenager, young woman. Maybe I won't believe as I do now in 20 yrs. (doubt it, but stranger things have happened). I'm always open to proof. ;)
Church is not so much about learning anything, but about reinforcing what you have already learned. It's mostly about reminding yourself on a weekly basis to be a good person. What's the harm in that? I wish atheists went somewhere every week to remind them to be good people.
M*W: John, you're a bigot. Atheists don't need to go anywhere to "remind them to be good people." In fact, we don't need reminding. We have chosen to live a lifestyle that includes being good and kind in everything we do. Just how many atheists do you think you'll find in prisons? Now compare that to the numbers of christians in the same place. Actually there's no comparison. More christians are in prison than atheists. The statistics are there. You can look them up.

Atheists also don't believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy or dying demigod saviors in the sky. We simply don't believe in lies. But as long as you believe in one, you are the one who needs to learn the truth from fiction. Believing in a fictitious lie is in no way a virtue, and reminding oneself to believe that lie isn't perpetuating the good for anyone."
LMFAO!!! You have been watching too many movies.
I also wonder what kind of church you have been to. It sounds like a very cold disinterested hypocritcal one. There are better ones out there. My daughter goes to one, and for me to go there and lie, it would be disrespectful, not only to other church members, but to her. It would be hypocritical of me and I don't do that.
My mom raised me better than that. :p

Do you feel better when in a church? maybe more calm. That is what happened to me almost all times i went into one but i really only been in church about ten times. I have trouble keeping on schedules.
M*W: John, you're a bigot. We have chosen to live a lifestyle that includes being good and kind in everything we do. Just how many atheists do you think you'll find in prisons? Now compare that to the numbers of christians in the same place. Actually there's no comparison. More christians are in prison than atheists. The statistics are there. You can look them up.

Atheists also don't believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy or dying demigod saviors in the sky. We simply don't believe in lies. But as long as you believe in one, you are the one who needs to learn the truth from fiction. Believing in a fictitious lie is in no way a virtue, and reminding oneself to believe that lie isn't perpetuating the good for anyone."

I know your not responding to me;)

All people commit crimes and Christians dont see themselves as Christ-like and besides most of you serial killers are Atheist and often times devil worshipers.

Atheists don't need to go anywhere to "remind them to be good people." In fact, we don't need reminding.

Are you sure about that?
Do you feel better when in a church? maybe more calm. That is what happened to me almost all times i went into one but i really only been in church about ten times. I have trouble keeping on schedules.

I used to. Now I just feel frantic, worried that I'll say something that embarrasses my daughter. We go a few times a year. Usually to the xmas program, Easter program, etc. Things she is directly involved in.
Atheists don't need reminding to be good?? Do you live in the same world I do? We are inundated with bad people trying to make us believe bad messages. You need a counteracting force in your life to remind you to be good. You've got to be kidding if you think you can do that entirely on your own.
I used to. Now I just feel frantic, worried that I'll say something that embarrasses my daughter. We go a few times a year. Usually to the xmas program, Easter program, etc. Things she is directly involved in.

It is cool that you can let your daughter find her own way, seems that most people who go to church regularly are better able to 'do the right thing' as far as a normal\easier lifestyle.
A church is very much like a club. There is very little pushing by the pastor to become politically involved. The pastors don't seem to put you on the spot requring you to proclaim your belief in front of the whole congregation. It's pretty relaxed. They don't even ask your name. Atheists have the wrong idea about church. It's more a social club than an actual club.

This is rubbish and you know it. Even if it isn't true for your particular church, I have attended multiple churches in my life, and I have yet to see any sermon resemble anything like a club. Social or otherwise.

I have however attended a church where the priest condemned computers as the antichrist. And the idiots in the pews were nodding like dumbasses, when all of them probably used computers in their offices, or at home. How is this like a club? This seems more like brainwashing to me.

All people commit crimes and Christians dont see themselves as Christ-like and besides most of you serial killers are Atheist and often times devil worshipers.

Please...oh please oh learned John99, enlighten us with your evidence.

Anyone want to take part in a betting pool that he'll never be able to prove this crap statement?
M*W: Most atheists were christians at one time. I was a christian and a rabid one at that!...
When I came to sciforums I still believed that Jesus existed, but I soon found out from other atheists who were once christians that it is all a big lie.
Ah, I've been wondering about that. I thought I remembered you as a rabid christian, but when I came back to sciforums after some time off you seemed to be an atheist. I've been wondering for a while now if I was just remembering you wrong or something.
I cannot wait for you to reply, I must do so now. Christians and God in general are wrong, not just wrong but evil. These concepts are digusting to the very core of what it means to be human & free. Religion violates your freedom by taking it away in the same way a person can. I hate God, Christians, and any other religious fanatics. I call them that because it's essentially what they are, without evidence God is real they claim it's a truth beyond any other :shrug: lies and deceptions are what the church really stands for, beware my friends for they shall brainwash you into their faith, but the trouble is it keeps changing!

I am beyond an atheist, I am complete atheist, your God doesn't exist, Jesus never existed, the bible is false and pathetic. My mother was praying last night to God, I laughed. Her prayers still didn't keep her car from overheating due to the coolant leaking, only knowledge prevents problems!!!!!!!
You don't have to have strong faith to go to Church. Think of it as a nice club. If you are a non-believer, than what possible harm could come to you at Church? God, if he doesn't exist, certainly isn't going to strike you down. All churchgoers have varying degrees of faith. Some, probably close to zero. What's your problem?

You're kidding, right? Why on earth would anyone waste time with superstitious cult activities if they don't believe in them unless they were acting as participant observers in an anthropological sense. I've done the latter with various church cult groups ranging from Presbyterians to Catholics and, while their activities are a curiosity, there certainly isn't any compelling reason to socialize at a cult gathering. Any social value obtained can be had at any number of other social settings that are more productive and less time wasteful.

As to the fallacious accusation that "atheists hate jesus," this is simply nonsense. While I'm sure there are those that consider themselves "atheist" who are also willing to admit they "hate jesus," most atheists would not make such a pronouncement. Indeed, I challenge you to cite where this is a common assertion. Most likely, you incorrectly interpret the criticism and lack of belief in your superstitions regarding this alleged Christ as "hatred," which creates several logical fallacies, not the least of which is the non sequitur.

If anything is "hated" by atheists, its the continued interference by the superstitious in secular matters: matters that should not have the influence of religious cult doctrine. Matters that range from public education to stem cell research; from right to life to marriage; and so on.

If the superstitious would keep their silly cult doctrines to themselves instead of trying to codify them on the rest of society, very little criticism of their delusions would ensue.

But when religious nutters are willing to announce their superstitions publicly as facts that should be accepted in every facet of life; imposing their superstitions on those that don't believe as they do; and having a negative net effect on progress within society -then they deserve all the criticism and ridicule they get. And if atheists hate this, then the religious nutters have earned this hatred fairly. To adapt the catch-phrase of religious nutters: hate the delusion, not the deluded.
It's mostly about reminding yourself on a weekly basis to be a good person. What's the harm in that?
Interesting question. Somehow it led to a church near my grandparents' home collecting a huge bale of brassieres and shipping them to some Polynesian island so the women would be decent in the sight of God.

Any group of people that requires clothing in saunas and on swimming beaches is going to breed perverts, I think.

And there are other harms.
john99 said:
All people commit crimes and Christians dont see themselves as Christ-like and besides most of you serial killers are Atheist and often times devil worshipers.
No atheist believes in the Devil. That's a theistic concept, produced by going to a thestic church.

The LA Police department thinks most serial killers are closeted homosexual men. Now why would a gay man be closeted ? Church have anything to do with that?
Atheists don't need reminding to be good?? Do you live in the same world I do? We are inundated with bad people trying to make us believe bad messages. You need a counteracting force in your life to remind you to be good. You've got to be kidding if you think you can do that entirely on your own.

If you need to be "reminded" to do good, then that says a lot more about you than you might care to admit. Indeed, I find this to be a failing of many of the religiously deluded: they know right from wrong, but in the back of their minds, they realize they can always get forgiveness from their gods should they commit an act of immorality toward others. Indeed, I don't think I've seen the death-row inmate or criminal doing life sentence yet that didn't utter religious nonsense in their contacts with the outside world -quoting scripture to visitors and press about how they've found salvation and forgiveness from the gods of xianity.

I'm sure there are some atheist criminals doing life sentences and on death row; but I've yet to meet them. And I've interacted with a few in my life when I worked in the field of corrections.
All people commit crimes and Christians dont see themselves as Christ-like and besides most of you serial killers are Atheist and often times devil worshipers.

Really. Care to show the data supporting that bit of drivel. Moreover, perhaps you can expand for us. Which are you asserting?: are most serial killers atheists or devil worshippers? Surely you aren't suggesting that these are synonymous since worshiping a devil (particularly if you are referring to the god of xianity known as "Satan") means recognizing at least one god.

You have your own cult confused with atheism it would seem.

But show us the data. Put us in our places.
I'm an atheist and I think Jesus had alot of interesting things to say. Your mistake is in thinking that Christianity and Jesus are the same thing. In fact, my hypothesis is that a certain branch of early Christianity deliberately subverted and destroyed the true diversity and breadth of Jesus' teaching.
....seems that most people who go to church regularly are better able to 'do the right thing' as far as a normal\easier lifestyle.

Depending on the church, I'll agree. Her Sunday school gives an ark (www.heifer.org) every year. Has nothing to do with saving heathens but is about saving humanity. Its very inclusive and they 'witness' by actions, not words.
I cannot wait for you to reply, I must do so now. Christians and God in general are wrong, not just wrong but evil. These concepts are digusting to the very core of what it means to be human & free. Religion violates your freedom by taking it away in the same way a person can. I hate God, Christians, and any other religious fanatics. ..

Would you consider yourself an atheistic fanatic? Is atheism your religion?
I don't believe in God, but I don't think religion or the beliefs are evil. Some men and their twisted interpretations, yes.
Atheists don't need reminding to be good?? Do you live in the same world I do? We are inundated with bad people trying to make us believe bad messages. You need a counteracting force in your life to remind you to be good. You've got to be kidding if you think you can do that entirely on your own.
If you want to argue that religion is necessary to keep people from behaving badly, first you need to show that it actually works. Most of the worst people in history (Hitler, for example) were religious, and you don't see many people blowing themselves up in the name of atheism.

Once you convince someone to behave by programming them to think that god wants them to behave and that they should do whatever god wants, it doesn’t take much for someone else to come along and convince them that god wants them to go to war, burn people alive, etc. It’s the mindset of “do whatever someone tells me god wants without thought or question” that allows it to happen.
I'm an atheist and I think Jesus had alot of interesting things to say. Your mistake is in thinking that Christianity and Jesus are the same thing. In fact, my hypothesis is that a certain branch of early Christianity deliberately subverted and destroyed the true diversity and breadth of Jesus' teaching.

That makes a whole truckload of sense. It's fairly easy to see that early Christians pretty much made up shit and added and removed books from the bible NT, to suit their own political and power trip agendas at the time.