Why do atheists hate Jesus?

I agree wholeheartedly. I've actually had dicussions here about the same thing. Wisdom Seeker has a lot of good insight and philosophy about this.
However, my female friend that I had this conversation with last night, vehemently disagreed with me about hell. Her argument is that 'god made the rules and that's what happens when you don't follow them'. I'd rather take my chances in hell than to follow any deity with that mentality(i.e. dictatorial/tyrannical).
It is sad really; especially considering she's very pretty and this is probably what would keep me from dating her and vice versa. Even so, I still enjoy talking to her and do not knock her for her beliefs, and while we did disagree on that, and other topics, it never got nasty. Treat others how you would like to be treated.

I'll have to message him to see what he has to say about the concept because I'm always curious to get another opinion and more thoughts.

You'd think most Christians (well, most anyone!) would be very open to the 'no Hell' idea. I would assume you'd welcome the thought of there being no such thing as eternal damnation for you or your loved ones. Instead, they back up Hell like their own soul depends on their faith of it. Weird.

That's funny about your friend, a shame too. Perhaps over time after you present to her your reasons for not believing in a Hell, amongst other things she'll come around.

I'm sure there's many other websites of better info, but this is the first "no Hell" website I found which got my gears turning on the issue, perahps more use could come of it. It's very long but it makes alot of really good points, which is what changed my mind about it.

Atheists sure seem to like to make fun of God and Christians. Is there an atheists inferiority complex? You would think it was the other way around. If you are so sure God doesn't exist, then why all the bitterness?
Most atheists would hardly ever think about god and wouldn't care about religious people much, except for the unfortunate fact that so many religious people are trying to force everyone else to live according to their religious laws.
So to answer the original post, it is my understanding that those who get angry when someone speaks to them about Jesus, are those who are holding to their skepticism too much; to the point were they need others to agree with them in order to feel good about what they believe in.
But this applies to people who believe in Jesus too much, and get angry because someone speaks about the probability of the non-existence of Jesus.
Church is not so much about learning anything, but about reinforcing what you have already learned. It's mostly about reminding yourself on a weekly basis to be a good person. What's the harm in that? I wish atheists went somewhere every week to remind them to be good people.

I disagree. Perhaps I'm in the tail-end of the curve, but I don't need to be reminded to be a good person, or to treat others well, or to give to those in need. I would assume for most normal individuals that comes naturally.

Church is certainly about learning. That's what the pastor/minister/priest is for, to educate you on spiritual matters. If you have a question about something Biblically, they should be your go-to guy (or girl). But sadly, the majority of pastors or whomever now couldn't tell you much besides the basics.

Which is sad because when people like me get tired of attending a service where all someone talks about is how to be good to others, we leave and never go back because we realize that it all was so paper-thin to begin with.

There's no real thought or discussion going on in churches. There's no "what if" talk. And there's certainly no questioning what you were taught as a kid either. It's just everyone sitting around nodding their heads in agreement with whatever the pastor is talking about, because who can disagree with "be good!"
Being good comes naturally? Then we would all be acting like Jesus, which just isn't the case. I've met a lot of rotten human beings who could do with some massive reprogramming.
You're so damn proud, aren't you. Can't lie a little. So what if you're a little hypocritical. I'm sure your daughter wouldn't care if you attended church with her despite the fact that she knew you weren't a believer. A church is very much like a club. There is very little pushing by the pastor to become politically involved. The pastors don't seem to put you on the spot requring you to proclaim your belief in front of the whole congregation. It's pretty relaxed. They don't even ask your name. Atheists have the wrong idea about church. It's more a social club than an actual club.

Its got nothing to do with pride. Its go to do with right/wrong. No, I can't lie a little about this. And why are you so bitter about it? :bugeye:
And if the church she attended was like a social club where they didn't even ask her name, she wouldn't be going there! :mad: Why on earth would I let her???
Being good comes naturally? Then we would all be acting like Jesus, which just isn't the case. I've met a lot of rotten human beings who could do with some massive reprogramming.

lol ha ha! Very true. But yes, I would say being good does come naturally. It's a mix of your upbringing and your current desires. Most people KNOW to do good, but many choose to do the opposite. But even so, people want to do good, even if they aren't aware of it.
Atheists sure seem to like to make fun of God and Christians.
correction some atheists like to make fun of some alleged Gods and some Christians some of the time.

Plenty of atheists view the ethical underpinning of Christianity to be a good basis for living a good life. They just don't want to be caught up in the ritual and mumbo-jumbo that to them is pointless.
Most atheists would hardly ever think about god and wouldn't care about religious people much, except for the unfortunate fact that so many religious people are trying to force everyone else to live according to their religious laws.

True. I can tune into a 24 hour /7 days a week radio station out of Montana that spews the Jesus hatred. 'Love me or you'll sizzle in the frying pan for eternity'. Jesus is such a sicko for absolute worship he'll probably fry me in 100% trans fats.

Pray to the Lord to fill abortionists and misguided gays with the love of the Holy Spirit....or sizzle them in the frying pan. I can recall back in Sunday School the teacher handing out a comic every week that had a series in it about what would happen if the 'godless' commies took over. There was a mean looking dude screaming at the kids 'There is no God!'...and if you didn't accept it then your family would be hauled away. Then a couple years later it came as a revelation to me that the Jesus nutbars are spewers of evil on the flip side: "Accept Jesus or sizzle in the frying pan'. The Commies just hauled folks away to 'reeducate' them. Jesus the sadist threw you in the pit forever.

Jesus nutbars spew their hate 24/7 and I'll make jokes about them as I would the Stalinists,Nazis, KKK and other hate mongers. Anybody who claims to talk to God, be it Bush or Jesus, is too good a target not to get a kick in the ass with a clown shoe.
Why does a church have to know your name to want to attend that church? They certainly don't know your name in giant lecture halls in college. If they did, the teachers wouldn't have to look at the attendance sheet. I guess if you're in a pretty small church, the pastor will probably end up knowing your name. Are you prejudiced against big congregations? I bet you lie about other things. Why is church your sticking point?
Are you prejudiced against big congregations?

I for one hate large congregations.

Large attendance = Large donations/tithe = Lot's of money for the church = $$$ goes into the pastors pocket = corruption.

I have seen MANY churches go from being humble and small, acquiring alot of members, then you read in the paper or hear about how the pastor and his wife were using church funds to pay to build their new home and pay for their cars. You never hear of small church corruption. It's disgusting.

You can guarantee that if a church is large, plenty of people running that church are getting paid. Living in a large home with 3 nice cars doesn't really put across the image of "servant of the Lord".
Why does a church have to know your name to want to attend that church? They certainly don't know your name in giant lecture halls in college. If they did, the teachers wouldn't have to look at the attendance sheet. I guess if you're in a pretty small church, the pastor will probably end up knowing your name. Are you prejudice against big congregations? I bet you lie about other things. Why is church you sticking point?

I wasn't raised in a church that was a business. It was more of an extended family. That is the church I want my children to experience. If I wanted them to experience a social club, we'd join the Moose Lodge.
And in all the lecture halls I was in...oh yeah, they knew my name. :D
And oh yes, I lie about things. Santa, Tooth Fairy, liking my Moms potato salad, etc. I won't lie about church because its disrespectful to the people who attend.
has a non believer i dont hate christians, and i dont make fun of people who practise they're chosen religion as long has i am able to have a say about religion and why i dont believe i can live with ervybody!
Just because you get paid, does that mean you're corrupt?

You will be.

It's more difficult for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven.

If a pastor get's rich off of his congregations generosity, it will be abused, no doubt about it. Once people get a whiff of money, they become greedy and want more. That's fact.
Why is the Moose Lodge better than a Church run like a business? Better moral development in a Church than a Moose Lodge, where you are likely to see stag films. Disrespectful to other church members? You've got to be kidding. Can you read their minds? Half of them probably want to be there less than you do.
Atheists have the wrong idea about church. It's more a social club than an actual club.
M*W: Most atheists were christians at one time. I was a christian and a rabid one at that! I had such a thirst for everything I could learn about Jesus. I taught Sunday School for years and years. I wasn't content talking about Jesus to church members, I conversed with the senior clerics at many different churches and denominations. I went to interdenomination prayer groups even though I was a RC. The more I learned about Jesus, the more suspicious I got about his existence. When I came to sciforums I still believed that Jesus existed, but I soon found out from other atheists who were once christians that it is all a big lie. Hopefully, you'll stick around long enough to figure that out, too.
M*W: Most atheists were christians at one time. I was a christian and a rabid one at that! I had such a thirst for everything I could learn about Jesus. I taught Sunday School for years and years. I wasn't content talking about Jesus to church members, I conversed with the senior clerics at many different churches and denominations. I went to interdenomination prayer groups even though I was a RC. The more I learned about Jesus, the more suspicious I got about his existence. When I came to sciforums I still believed that Jesus existed, but I soon found out from other atheists who were once christians that it is all a big lie. Hopefully, you'll stick around long enough to figure that out, too.

That is too bad.

How do you know most Atheists were once Christian? I guess people drift in and out of their faith\belief.
Why is the Moose Lodge better than a Church run like a business? Better moral development in a Church than a Moose Lodge, where you are likely to see stag films. Disrespectful to other church members? You've got to be kidding. Can you read their minds? Half of them probably want to be there less than you do.

LMFAO!!! You have been watching too many movies.
I also wonder what kind of church you have been to. It sounds like a very cold disinterested hypocritcal one. There are better ones out there. My daughter goes to one, and for me to go there and lie, it would be disrespectful, not only to other church members, but to her. It would be hypocritical of me and I don't do that.
My mom raised me better than that. :p