Why do atheists hate Jesus?

Well, good for you. Now we know why you call yourself "snakelord". Of course, being called an "ignorant clown" by a guy who plays fantasy games and likes pet snakes isn't much of a problem for me, now is it?

Wow, you display your lack of everything with every passing post...
Oli. I'm sorry. Do you play fantasy games too? Of course, your subtitle "Ridiculum sum, ergo sum" gives away your belief that you are odd, therefore you are. So am I to take it that every oddball knows more than me?
Oli. I'm sorry. Do you play fantasy games too?
Nope. Except for life.

Of course, your subtitle "Ridiculum sum, ergo sum" gives away your belief that you are odd, therefore you are.
Wrong again.
The quote was actually a response to samcdkey.
And every one else thinks I'm odd - it's something I've heard all my life.
I know I'm not, all the people I meet are.

So am I to take it that every oddball knows more than me?
If the oddball goes looking rather for data rather than just accepting what he's been spoon-fed then I'd say that's a fair summary.
Can't one be spoon-fed data? Isn't that what happens to us in school? In college? In higher education? Is that spoon fed data automatically suspect, because we paid tons of money to get it?
Can't one be spoon-fed data? Isn't that what happens to us in school?
Depends on the school. Not where I went.
In college? In higher education?
I wouldn't know about where you come from, but my last degree course was (full time!) - 2 days per week at university and 3 days reading and learning on our own.
That's spoon-fed?
Is that spoon fed data automatically suspect, because we paid tons of money to get it?
Nope, it's suspect because it's spoon-fed rather than self-discovered.

Apropos nothing: what's the problem with fantasy gamers?
Bearing in mind that they have a better vocabulary, higher socialisation skills, improved reading and comprehension and, surprisingly 1/16th the suicide rate of non-fantasy gamers... (that's role-players as opposed to computer gamers).
Indoctrinating children to believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness even though there is no actual natural law to that effect is not child abuse. Yes, indoctrinating your child to be a satan worshipper is child abuse.

This in my opinion is your last semi-intelligent post before you start to slip and lose it all completely.

You say this as if life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness don't exist outside indoctrination. What do you take the average child for, complete pulp of dumbass with no potential for discovery or inspiration in what they see around them? Can they not find life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness without indoctrination? The founding fathers of America certainly would say so.

I would also like you to explain specifically why you think that indoctrinating your child to be a satan worshipper is child abuse. And be careful as you point your finger, three more may be pointing right back at you (if you'll excuse the cheesy cliché).

P.S. You should thank me for turning the consensual focus back to this and off of your horribly prejudice and dramatically crumbling tangents.
Celpha Fiael,

Dawkins clearly is.

He is explicitly demanding that children be brainwashed by doubt. He admits this is a gamble and for no apparent reason slants the odds in his favour - "it's a good bet". This behaviour is typical of gambling addicts. This addiction to 'playing the odds' runs through all his books and thinking.

Dawkins is a sick man who needs counselling.

Materialism has destroyed Dawkins empathy with others. He cannot comprehend that martyrs kill themselves in a completely selfless act because of empathy with the suffering... only that they seek some nonexistent material reward.

Dawkins wants to offer them the full rewards of Western materialism - a life of free-thinking (selfishness) and all the drugs, gambling, drinking and sex that come with it.

Now who is the real evil?

You can only brainwash a belief. Doubt isn't a belief, it's an exercise in intellectual exploration. Materialism has nothing to do with it.
you have to believe in things that you dont know. whats beyond this life, you have no opinions\beliefs?

it is why many people come here, why be so critical?
you have to believe in things that you dont know.
Why do we have to believe?
We don't know.
That's the answer.

whats beyond this life, you have no opinions\beliefs?
No evidence of anything. And no opinion (not qualified, I haven't been dead). No beliefs.

it is why many people come here, why be so critical?
We come here to discuss and and find out what people think and why they think that...

(Of course, that's speaking for myself - others may well have a different answer.)
you have to believe in things that you dont know.

THIS is exactly the problem which is infecting the masses that I am trying to expose. I have to believe in something, particularly in something I know nothing about. :bugeye:
Why do we have to believe?
We don't know.
That's the answer.

No evidence of anything. And no opinion (not qualified, I haven't been dead). No beliefs.

We come here to discuss and and find out what people think and why they think that...

(Of course, that's speaking for myself - others may well have a different answer.)

THIS is exactly the problem which is infecting the masses that I am trying to expose. I have to believe in something, particularly in something I know nothing about. :bugeye:

What to believe in? There is no hope without belief. NONE. You have to have belief because you dont know everything. There is no way any of you can tell me you did not wonder WHY. Why everything is so perfect, why life is so short, why you CANNOT KNOW everything!
What to believe in? There is no hope without belief. NONE.
Hope depends upon belief?
Not in my experience.
Hope of what, specifically?

You have to have belief because you dont know everything.
So because I'm ignorant of some things I should invest part of myself in unprovable beliefs?
How about I learn what I can and ignore what I can't?

There is no way any of you can tell me you did not wonder WHY.
That's what science does: it wonders why, and finds out to the best of its abilities.

Why everything is so perfect,

why life is so short
To make way for a new generation... limited resources.

why you CANNOT KNOW everything!
I can't know everything because there's only one of me, and a lot to learn.
But I'm making a good stab at it.
I can't know everything because there's only one of me, and a lot to learn.
But I'm making a good stab at it.

If anyone knew 'EVERYTHING' then we would all know. I dont think there is a grey area, or there cannot be a grey area.

I see no differance between religion and science, and i have been exposed to many intimately. you just need to be open minded, that being said there is nothing that will change my primary belief. there is no problems with religion where i live, the other day a Muslim called me brother - did not care what religion i was (he would know i was not Muslim though), we ate the same food, they ate with their hands too. religion is humanity, take it or leave it...
What to believe in? There is no hope without belief. NONE. You have to have belief because you dont know everything. There is no way any of you can tell me you did not wonder WHY. Why everything is so perfect, why life is so short, why you CANNOT KNOW everything!

I do wonder about alot of things. But I don't jump to conclusions except about other people's conclusions (like God made it all). I have certain beliefs about what makes a society work and those don't necessarily have scientific backing. I don't believe things are perfect, I don't believe in perfection. My hope lies in knowing that there are infinite possibilities. There is enough that we already know beyond a reasonable doubt to sustain a positive worldview...