Why do atheists hate Jesus?

B B B, See part B in the article.

Here is the main point in section B:

What exactly does this law of love look like? Badiou reads Paul as needing to satisfy two conditions: first, love must not produce a new fixed object of desire that will trigger the infinite dialectic of prohibition and transgression. As we have said, love’s law must affirm the trajectory of the subject’s truth, which means it must not produce new differences. Second, it must “require faith in order to be understood.” (SP 89) The maxim “love your neighbor as yourself” satisfies these conditions: it is pure affirmation, and it “requires faith, because prior to the Resurrection, the subject, having been given up to death, has no good reason to love himself.” (SP 89) The maxim “love your neighbor as yourself” also speaks to both of the meanings of the term “fidelity” that we discussed above. Loving the neighbor satisfies the subjective sense, in that the universal address of a subject turned toward all the others continues in “faithfulness” as a witness to the event. And the “as yourself” connects the disjunctive and redemptive site of faith to the extended power of love in an objective fidelity to the event – that is, an increasingly effective truth-procedure corresponding to what the event requires.

I've bolded what I think is the most direct response to what I asked. So, JUST to be clear, which seems to be harder than it should be here, your answer to my question is, in short, love. Yes?
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(a theist just like you, except obviously more rational) has helped me with that, thank you.

Your voice is typical of the elitist and aloof attitude common to Europeans whether they are theists or atheists. Attributing beliefs and practices to people who never claimed or did any such thing is exactly how the West maintains its power over non-Western cultures. I never claimed to be a theist.

But let's give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you have nothing to hide but the truth. This still doesn't absolve you from your illogical claim that doubt brainwashes; if what you believe really is the truth, then delving into it, to whatever extent of doubt and questioning, should only reinforce your truth, as it is the ultimate answer. The more questions asked, the more you should discover that what you believe is true, otherwise, it's not the truth.

Dawkins is promoting this kind of thinking because it is the healthier choice any way you look at it.

If children are taught that adultery is punishable by stoning to death then there is nothing wrong with that because those are the laws their parents and their parents parents lived by.

Encouraging children to doubt authority is exactly why there are so many social problems in the Western world. More insidiously it is part of the arsenal of weapons Western Imperialists use against other cultures. Most blatantly in the use of the word 'freedom' by America.

I doubt very much you can understand me when I talk about how aloof your voice sounds. I'm sure you used the same voice when you were a Christian. As we get older - like a stream which becomes a river - it becomes hard if not impossible for us to change direction.

Christianity and atheism are the same thing. One worships God as man, the other man as God. Both of them are dangerous and destructive. This has been proven in history many times over.
If children are taught that adultery is punishable by stoning to death then there is nothing wrong with that because those are the laws their parents and their parents parents lived by.

Firstly, this is a matter of opinion. Secondly, this becomes extremely problematic to a degree that I don't think you realize. Instead of your example of stoning to death adulterers, let's place instead "blowing themselves up and taking as many people with them as they can (in which you are no exception)", and maybe you'll start to see that your example isn't a good point at all, merely one that houses itself in a more comfortable scenario. Or how about this: "If children are taught that their unprovable beliefs, admittedly with no evidence backing them, are the unquestionable truth and that other beliefs, though just as irrational, are inferior and that any subsequent action of ridding them from existence, no matter how violent or inhumane, is completely justified, then there is nothing wrong with that because those are the laws their parents and their parents lived by."

The reason we're talking about this in the first place if you'll recall is your outrageous claim that atheist children are the more commonly abused children. Abuse, either sexual or mental, is at it's core, a violation of trust; it's taking something away from the child that will greatly effect their future lives, in which they have no say of the matter. As you said with the stream, it becomes a river, and it gets harder and harder to escape from (or see a reason to do so).

What I'm saying is that to indoctrinate children with any kind of faith is arguably just as scarring as sexual abuse. I've read an account (and I'm sure I could find many more) where an individual who has been sexually abused at a young age and also indoctrinated in early years says that what keeps her up at night is not the effects of the sexual abuse, but effects of the indoctrination; in this case, images of hell-fire and close friends who are believed to be there.

Encouraging children to doubt authority is exactly why there are so many social problems in the Western world. More insidiously it is part of the arsenal of weapons Western Imperialists use against other cultures. Most blatantly in the use of the word 'freedom' by America.

An interesting theory indeed, but as I can see it over here in the Western World, virtually nobody teaches their children to doubt authority. In fact, it's quite the opposite, which is the problem I've been trying to bring to your attention.

Christianity and atheism are the same thing. One worships God as man, the other man as God. Both of them are dangerous and destructive. This has been proven in history many times over.

Perhaps you don't know what an atheist is, it's one who denies the existence of a God or gods, period. So not only is this far from Christianity, but your labeling of atheists as ones who believe themselves to be God is far from remotely accurate.

Wasn't it you who just said that attributing beliefs and practices to people who never claimed or did any such thing is how the West maintains it's power over non-Western cultures?

Attributing beliefs and practices to people who never claimed or did any such thing is exactly how the West maintains its power over non-Western cultures.

Oh, yes it was. And I never claimed to be God. Practice what you preach.
Richard Dawkins hasn't come anywhere close to disproving the existence of God. He is simply trying to rationalize why people believe in a God - which he believes is a false claim. Well, duh? Are people really going to believe in a God who doesn't make himself physically known unless that God is attractive? Simply arguing that God is an attractive concept and therefore false, give no merit to the argument that there is a God who by the way is attractive. If God exists, would it be so odd that he was attractive to mankind? Of course not. God would have made us. Why would he make humans who weren't attracted to him?
Church is not so much about learning anything, but about reinforcing what you have already learned. It's mostly about reminding yourself on a weekly basis to be a good person. What's the harm in that? I wish atheists went somewhere every week to remind them to be good people.

To say that indoctrinating children with religion is similar to child abuse is bizzare. Let's take a poll. Who would rather suffer child abuse versus being indoctrinated with religion? Not me. Yeah, religion rests on some pretty shaky foundations, but it has made people better on the whole and allowed us to unite to create more advanced civilizations. Is democracy based on reality? Is there a natural force of democracy that requires us to choose this path? No. Democratic societies (which are better) are based on a lie, i.e that Democracy is the only way it should be. Any yet, you atheists don't have a problem living with that lie. Strange what lies we accept and what lies we don't.
Democratic societies (which are better) are based on a lie, i.e that Democracy is the only way it should be. Any yet, you atheists don't have a problem living with that lie. Strange what lies we accept and what lies we don't.

A lie?
Democracy is used because it works at the time...
Whoever saids it was the only way to be?
(Apart from certain *ahem* people).
Any system that relies on the indoctrination of children, regardless of its nature, is extremely suspect.
Huh? Then our American system is extremely suspect, as we indoctrinate children to our Democratic ideals, i.e. life, liberty and pursuit of hapiness. I think 300 million Americans probably disagree with you.
To say that indoctrinating children with religion is similar to child abuse is bizzare.

It's not bizarre at all. Of course people don't consider it child abuse when the child is being indoctrinated into the belief system that the parent already believes, but you would be amazed at how many christians, (for instance), that would consider it child abuse if the child were being indoctrinated into being a satanist for example, or a muslim or a jew.

Why would any parent want his child forced into believing in someone elses crap?

but it has made people better on the whole and allowed us to unite to create more advanced civilizations

I'm sorry, this statement is unsupported.

No. Democratic societies (which are better) are based on a lie, i.e that Democracy is the only way it should be. Any yet, you atheists don't have a problem living with that lie. Strange what lies we accept and what lies we don't.

So tell me, how would you like your child indoctrinated to believe these "lies"? See... child abuse.
Now, you are really going to compare being a satan worshipper with being a muslim or a jew? You are going to compare indoctrinating children to believe in pure evil with indoctrinating them to believe in Muhammed or Moses? That's bizzare.
Now, you are really going to compare being a satan worshipper with being a muslim or a jew? You are going to compare indoctrinating children to believe in pure evil with indoctrinating them to believe in Muhammed or Moses? That's bizzare.

Hmmm... what idea of satanism do you have in your mind that makes it "pure evil"?

This of course should not in any way detract from the point. Try again.

Oh and all due respect, but having them believe in what is without doubt the most sadistic, evil, sexist, racist, vile dictator in the universe is certainly a bad thing.
Check again... By and large 'satanists' don't specifically worship or even believe in satan.

Now can you get to my actual post? Would you consider your child being indoctrinated into those "lies" concerning democracy as child abuse? What if your child, who you want to be a real christian (tm) was being indoctrinated to be a muslim [insert any other conflicting belief here whether it be 'evil' or otherwise]. Do note that I consider christianity more evil than satanism whereas you consider satanism more evil than christianity. In either instance wouldn't we classify the indoctrinating of our children with these other beliefs as child abuse? Yes or no, enough with beating around the bush.
No. Indoctrinating children to be Muslim or Jewish is not child abuse. Indoctrinating children to believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness even though there is no actual natural law to that effect is not child abuse. Yes, indoctrinating your child to be a satan worshipper is child abuse.