Why do atheists hate Jesus?

Are you being serious?

While I have no issue with you stating that they are 'good people' as can anyone else be from atheists to satanists.. that is not an argument that it is therefore ok to indoctrinate children into a specific belief system.

Try again.
Of course that's an argument. It's o.k. to indoctrinate children with a belief system, if it's good for them. There you have it. I don't have to try again. That's good enough.
There are plenty of moral decisions where the context and details are completely foreign to ancient religions. No written moral code can forsee every interation of human interaction. No moral code can predict every permutation of technology. Not all Christians, for instance, are in agreement about the Terry Schiavo case. Not all Christians are against abortion.

Foreign to ancient people.
Of course that's an argument. It's o.k. to indoctrinate children with a belief system, if it's good for them. There you have it. I don't have to try again. That's good enough.

You would of course then have to show that these children are only good because of the religious beliefs that they have been indoctrinated in. Of course we both know doing so is an excercise in idiocy because a person being 'good' does not stem from religious beliefs.

Your argument is classic nonsense.
You would of course then have to show that these children are only good because of the religious beliefs that they have been indoctrinated in. Of course we both know doing so is an excercise in idiocy because a person being 'good' does not stem from religious beliefs.

Your argument is classic nonsense.

Dont worry, it's OK.
I said "usually" didn't I? Yes, there is some hope for people without religion to be good, but the odds are better for people with religion. Is this so hard for you atheists to understand?
Yes, there is some hope for people without religion to be good, but the odds are better for people with religion.

How did you arrive at those odds? What tests were done?

Is this so hard for you atheists to understand?

Sorry what? You want us "atheists" to accept what you say simply because you say it? What did you use to draw your conclusions?

Anyway, so you're saying it's perfectly fine to indoctrinate people into a belief system as long as those people turn out good? Can we not teach them to be good without indoctrinating them into a specific religious belief? Furthermore, are you espousing that it is now ok to indoctrinate children into leprechaun belief because I am a 'good' leprechaunist?
No, indoctrinating children in leprechaunism would not be good for them. Chasing rainbows all day looking for imaginary pots of gold will result in a lot of dead people who should be spending their time farming and growing food. The "odds" are derived from my experience. Good people are more likely to have religious backgrounds. Aetheists tend to be more self-absorbed.
No, indoctrinating children in leprechaunism would not be good for them. Chasing rainbows all day looking for imaginary pots of gold will result in a lot of dead people who should be spending their time farming and growing food.

That's not what leprechaunism is about.

Anyway, you simply prove the point. You will rejects kids being indoctrinated with anything that goes against your bias set of beliefs/worldview while saying it's fine as long as it abides by your bias set of beliefs/worldview. No disrespect, but you're an ignorant clown.

The "odds" are derived from my experience.

I see. Which is what exactly?
How do you arrive at that conclusion?

Further to which, you've seemingly missed my earlier question.
A snake is a deceiver. A "snakelord" is the lord of deceivers, i.e. Satan. You seem to want your user name to reflect a relationship with Satan.
A snake is a deceiver. A "snakelord" is the lord of deceivers, i.e. Satan. You seem to want your user name to reflect a relationship with Satan.

A snake is the ancient symbol for healing and/ or wisdom.
Your prejudice (and lack of knowledge) is showing...
A snake is a deceiver. A "snakelord" is the lord of deceivers, i.e. Satan. You seem to want your user name to reflect a relationship with Satan.

I see. Of course, you could have just asked.. :bugeye:

Let's get to it:

1) A snake is not a deceiver. It is simply an animal of varying sizes that eats and shits just like everything else.

2) A snakelord would therefore be a lord of a specific animal of varying sizes that eats and shits just like everything else.

3) My name stems from the fact that I have kept many pet snakes over the years. I became known as "Snakeman" by friends and family because I kept snakes. I started playing an mmorpg game set in the times of knights and dragons etc and decided when making my character that "snakeman" didn't really sound right for the game. As a result of that I changed the 'man' to 'lord'.

There's this old quote: "Callous, xenophobic, and lacking experience of the larger world, fundamentalists see the devil's hoofprints everywhere, in anything outside of their sheltered, one-dimensional lifestyle"

It seems you are one such person.
Well, good for you. Now we know why you call yourself "snakelord". Of course, being called an "ignorant clown" by a guy who plays fantasy games and likes pet snakes isn't much of a problem for me, now is it?