...When we seek to win someone's love, this is the way we tend to go about anyway - by consciously or subconsciously changing ourselves into the sort of person we think the other person would love.....
I do not think either God or love have much to do with rational discussion of the question about free will being real or only an illusion, but the above comment, intended to show that love implies free will*, ironically is an excellent example of behavior conditioning.
I.e. modify the environment of an organism to reward the behavior desired and/or punish the behavior not desired. To some degree conditioning does work on all creatures, but may have less predictable results on complex creatures like humans than on simple creatures like amebas. Even some machines that man has made are adaptive to their environment and thus can be "conditioned." (Robots sent to distant planets are perhaps the most advanced forms of adaptive machines, but one could argue that the computer I now use is much more adaptive to its enviroment, mainly my key strokes.) Others are not adaptive but “hard wired” to have set responses to their environment. (Street lights that come on when it gets dark etc.)
Surely the fact that some woman can be conditioned to love you does not imply she has free will. If anything, this fact is an argument for the opposite POV, as CutsieMarie89 suggests in the post Greenberg is replying to.
SUMMARY: creatures exhibiting predictable modified behavior due to conditioning of its environment is strong argument AGAINST the existence of free will, not for the existence of free will. Let try to be more logical and think clearly. Also, let’s try to get back to the subject, which has little to do with the existence, or not, of God and how love occurs or what love is, IMHO.
*Greenberg is not very explicit in stating his intentions / POV, but he is replying to and arguing against CutsieMarie89's POV:
CutsieMarie89's comment was:
"It seems to me that in certain cases. Love is an argument for the side that freewill does not exist."
Thus I think Greenberg thinks fact that love can be "earned" is evidence of free will. CutsieMarie89's logic is more correct.