Why did we get free will?

I dunno, it seems a bit odd to me. Why put a playground in the same place as a sewage treatment plant? More to the point, wouldn't it be much easier if the associated oraphuses(sp) were up above the bellybutton? It would make "close-dancing" quite a bit more fun.
G'morning Billy!

You must be male - as a mother of eight I can categorically state that sex is definitely fattening! Even when you lose any excess weight gained there's the stretched skin factor, which is only game for a couple of kids before it loses its reboundability. Sigh....

I wouldn't trade my children (or grandchildren)for an eighteen-year-old body again, but it would be nice if procreation were a little less malevolent! ;) - Jesse.
Jesse-I'm sure my wife would agree. She suggested once that it would be easier if the child were carried on the back. Her first pregnancy was twins. :)
to jesseleigh:

Not only do you have kids /grand childern to show for you efforts, but several studies show you have significantly reduced you risk of certain cancers (I for get which just now)

When this study first came out I saw a guy on streets of SAo Paulo with "Vacination Here" written on his T- shirt, above an big arrow pointing down to his crotch area.
LOL! Mr. Hamistic! How many children were you blessed with. Hint, y'have to count 'em all. ;)

Billy T - yep, that's correct, and doubly so since I breast fed them for an extended period of time. I'm a physician (a naturopath) so I'm familiar with the benefits. There are better ways to go than cancer, but unfortunately we ingest carcinogens at every turn these days. Even high up in the mountains where we live in a remote hamlet at the highway's end, the water, only thirty years ago as pure as could be, is now loaded with lead, mercury, and PCB's due to acid rain - and I live in Northern Canada at 5,000 ft. in some of the most beautiful country you're likely to see. Check this out http://christianviewpoint.yuku.com/topic/2284.

Don't worry, it isn't a picture of stretch marks, although if you're into that... nah! ;) - Jesse.
We have 6 12,7,7,4,3,2 boy,girl,girl,girl,boy,boy

I've tried to convince my wife we should move to Alaska, but she refuses.
Could you define naturopath? If I had a broken arm would you come after me with some foul smelling poultice and some "herbal" tea?
Evening Mr. Hamtastic!

You seem to have lost either a boy or a girl there, either that or you wrote down seven numbers instead of six. :confused: IT sounds as if you have a lovely family. Enjoy it - it doesn't last long, more's the pity.

What's the fascination with Alaska? It's beautiful, but not everywhere - you have to get away from civilization - as always. We were assigned to Yukon Territory for a while, it was interesting, but there's not enough top soil (only an inch) to make it spectacular. For that you need B.C. I live in BC, but I'm from Scotland so I'm not at all biased.

You asked,

Could you define naturopath? If I had a broken arm would you come after me with some foul smelling poultice and some "herbal" tea?

Nope, good old plaster of paris - or a synthetic equivalent - is the best way to go, although the correct herbal tea would reduce swelling, inflammation, and consequently pain. The correct herbal combo for you would permit you to heal in roughly half the 'usual' time.

An N.D. is a doctor of natural medicine. I believe in *all* medicine as long as it's *good* medicine. Over 50% of allopathic meds come from botanicals anyway.

"And the leaves of the trees are for the curing of the nations."

Shalom Aleichem - Jesse.
...Billy T - yep, that's correct, and doubly so since I breast fed them for an extended period of time.
Great! Good for you. And even more important for the baby.* - I was part of the movement against Nestle many years ago. Few even remember it now. The Nestle company gave two cases of their baby formulae to women leaving hospitals in Africa, plus some literature claiming that was the responsible "Western/modern way" to feed their baby - insured their healthy development, etc. The two cases were calculated to naturally dry her breast milk up. I still will not knowingly eat any of their products. (Women giving birth in hospital probably could afford to buy their product when the two cases were gone but most other African moms could not and did care for their child the natural and superior way.)

...I'm a physician (a naturopath) ...the water, only thirty years ago as pure as could be, is now loaded with lead, mercury, and PCB's due to acid rain - and I live in Northern Canada at 5,000 ft. in some of the most beautiful country you're likely to see. Check this out http://christianviewpoint.yuku.com/topic/2284. ...
I went to the site, but did not know what to do once there. I am quite curious to know how you, Physician and I presume sort of "Christian right" would react to the post I just made about a now famous family case in Alaska. Please look at:


and give your unique POV.
*in more ways than one might assume I am speaking of for poor people, as nursing a child gives significantly help in preventing the conception** of another. In parts of Africa, where the poor eat essentially no protein, there is even a name for the mal nurishment (something like "kirisha," but I forget it now) that comes when this natural birth control fails and a second child is born in less than a year. Both children, especially the second to be born, may end up with sever protien deficiency, which couriously often gives a redish hue to their normally black hair.

**Just out of curosity, if you were not using modern means of birth control, did you ever become pregnant while nursing?

PS I guess there is something about "free will" hidden in these posts. ;)

PS2 - I forgot to mention that although I eat mainly fish and chicken for my meat protein (red meat not more than twice a month on average) I do not eat big fish, like shark. They are at the top of the fish food chain and the mercury and other heavy metals concentrate as you go higher up the chain. If I were female, I think I would only eat only soy bean for my protien, but too much of that is not good for some of the things age is begining to limit to once a week or so. (I try to avoid all medicine but I may be reduced to taking some if that activity drops below once a week.)
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Afternoon Billy!

I'm not clear on which point you'd like my opinion, abortion, stem cell research, contraception, or diet. I'll take a stab at it though, and you can tell me if I've answered your questions. Fair enough?

By the way, I'm not a member of the 'Christian right,' I'm simply a disciple of Christ and have been a missionary, in the field, for 34 years. As for the link I gave you, if you scroll down just a tad, you'll see a picture of the awe-inspiring area in which I live.

There is only one aspect of the daughter pregnancy worth comment, IMHO.

It is yet one more example, but a high-profile one, of the failure of the Christian Right's "abstaince only" as an approach to birth control. (and the stupidity they exhibit on other things, like the long delay of Barr's "Plan B" against all of the scientific FDA appointed review committee reports., the lack of stem cell research funding by US government for some, the most versatile, stem cells, the cutoff of foreign aid if any of it is used to buy and distribute condoms, even in anti-AIDs campaigns)

Jesse: I'm not Catholic, but never did bother with birth control. We just let the babies come when they wanted to and would have liked to have had a dozen, but my body would only 'do' eight.

I don't see any moral or Biblical problem with using condoms, and indeed, where disease such as AIDS or HPV is present, not using them would be irresponsible. The objection, grounded in Biblical understanding, is that a man's seed shouldn't be spilled out onto the ground - or wasted, as I understand it. Perhaps that's the ideal, but I've never met anyone, male or female, who hasn't masturbated for one reason or another. In males, the 'seed' would be wasted if ejaculation occurs, and I don't know anyone who has been able to control the strong impulses we have wired into our physiology to ensure that procreation takes place. Objectively, using condoms seems less offensive morally, since the element of 'self' is removed from the equation. Masturbation is totally self-serving, but necessary to release/relieve sexual tension at times. Making love and using condoms is an act of giving, or it should be, and if we're going to be literal about it, the 'seed' can be flushed down the toilet, as opposed to being 'spilled out onto the ground.' I don't happen to be a literalist and think condoms vs. masturbation is an arbitrary distinction, the aforementioned 'self' involvement is more of an issue, IMHO, since all Christians are required to 'Die to self,' as in remove the carnal qualities from our nature and 'walk in the spirit,' and not 'In the flesh.'

I do think it's irresponsible to have more children than one has a reasonable expectation of being able to provide for, time and unforeseen occurrence notwithstanding. Simply put - anything can happen to anyone, so we can't plan for every contingency

About stem cell research. Since I'm opposed to abortion I have a problem with taking stem cells from aborted fetal tissue, but we now know that we can use adult stem cells from bone marrow or even skin cells and convert them to produce the same regenerative effects in diseased organs as fetal tissue can. I doubt objections will be raised to harvesting stem cells from adults. I consider this a major scienfitic breakthrough and hope that in the near future we can mitigate the suffering of the afflicted.

Brazil has the world's largest population registered as "Roman Catholic" and that church does exercise considerable influence upon public maters which it concerns its self with, including public health. Despite this, the government distributes free condoms in it clinics and even as free had-outs on the streets by the millions around Carnival time. Just last week the Brazilian Supreme Court ruled that doctors could abort a fetus that was developing totally without brain. (An "a-cephalic" fetus.)

Although I tend to support a woman's right to chose if an unwanted child would seriously limit the healthy development of others (too little healthy food already, etc.), or significantly (more than twice normal risk) risk her life, I oppose this ruling, but not for the common reason. These unfortunate cases are the only significant source of hearts for heart transplants for otherwise healthy babies. - Their little bodies cannot take a heart from an adult. Ocassionally a pregnate woman will decide to go full term even though she lives where the abortion would be well accepted -just to save the life of another child, but that is rare and not a source equal to the need.

A true genetic error a-cephalic live birth rarely lives more than a two months. The famous recent case (in Spain?) of more than a year has been examined post mortem and that case was only extreme under development of the brain, not its total absence as in the case of a true a-cephalic birth.

Jesse: I am anti-abortion, but pro choice, in that I understand that God has given all people the choice to obey Him or not. A planned abortion, regardless of the reason, is premeditated murder. I've been told by physicians three separate times that I should abort my baby or we both would die, and all three children and I are still here, by the Grace of God, and working on building families of their own (we have three grandchildren). We had to bury our firstborn son, so I know the pain involved in burying a child, and also that of losing one (ore more) via miscarriage. I wouldn't murder any of my children to save my life now, so why would I murder them when they were in utero? I see no distinction between the two states (it's simply a matter of geography), and *know* that life begins at conception regardless of the worth people place on the life of an unborn child.

One of our daughters took a walk on the wild side and used heroin for many years. During that time, she willfully aborted two babies, one in the first trimester and one in the second. The GUILT she feels today is overwhelming, and she has been unable to conceive another child which she now desperately wants. It's heartbreaking watching her go through all this, especially since none of it was necessary. We (my husband and I) told her both times that we'd take and raise her baby if only she'd carry it to term. She's thirty now and regrets not taking us up on that offer. Sigh....

*in more ways than one might assume I am speaking of for poor people, as nursing a child gives significantly help in preventing the conception** of another. In parts of Africa, where the poor eat essentially no protein, there is even a name for the mal nurishment (something like "kirisha," but I forget it now) that comes when this natural birth control fails and a second child is born in less than a year. Both children, especially the second to be born, may end up with sever protien deficiency, which couriously often gives a redish hue to their normally black hair.

Jesse: No, I didn't conceive while nursing, but generally speaking, I did (in most cases) as soon as I stopped and had one menstrual cycle. I did, however, conceive three times after my husband had a vasectomy. He developed a post-op infection and as a consequence the vasectomy didn't work, but they assured us that we couldn't become pregant due to the inferior quality of my husband's sperm after his operation and infection. They were wrong. :rolleyes:

Malnourished African women still gain an average of twenty-five pounds during pregnancy despite severe caloric restriction and poor diet. The milk of these mothers is generally not of the highest quality, but it is enough to sustain a newborn until the age of two - if the mother's body survives the strain of pregnancy and nursing.

The 'kirishna' condition to which you're referring is most likely kwashiorkor, a sign of critical starvation caused chiefly, though not exclusively, by protein deficiency, and is common during periods of famine.

The red hair color is due to the effect caloric restriction has on the MC1R gene (the gene that determines hair, eye, and skin color), which is found on chromosome 16. Anesthetic also affects this gene and people with fair skin and red hair have a low tolerance to UV light, a predisposition toward several types of skin cancer, but high pain tolerance. I come from Scotland where there are many redheads, and several of my children have auburn/copper hair, and the others are golden blonde (like me), which is just blonde hair with red highlights in it, although the actual 'red' isn't normally visible to the 'naked' eye. MC1R is capable of becoming a recessive gene, which is why a redheaded baby may appear in a family of dark-haired or blonde-haired people several generations after a red-head has been observed in that family line. Thus the many mailman jokes in Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. ;)

PS2 - I forgot to mention that although I eat mainly fish and chicken for my meat protein (red meat not more than twice a month on average) I do not eat big fish, like shark. They are at the top of the fish food chain and the mercury and other heavy metals concentrate as you go higher up the chain. If I were female, I think I would only eat only soy bean for my protien, but too much of that is not good for some of the things age is begining to limit to once a week or so. (I try to avoid all medicine but I may be reduced to taking some if that activity drops below once a week.)

Jesse: The only fish safe to ingest as of this writing are rainbow trout and wild Alaskan Salmon - ALL the rest have toxins above the FD50 rating for humans and are no longer fit for human consumption.

Prior to 1970 water was generally clean in N. America, but the first case of Guardia was found in Colorado in that year, and cryptosporidium came along a year or two later. As of this writing, NO BODY OF WATER IN THE WORLD is free of lethal contaminants. The only safe drinking water is distilled water - the same kind of moisture that one finds in fruit and veggies. Fruit and vegetables consist of 60-80% distilled water, depending on the species and variety.

Then it gets scary. No food on Earth grown in an open field or watered with tap or rain water is safe for human consumption. This has been a progressive problem since the introduction of synthetic pesticides in the late 1930's and 1940's, and the industrialization of... everything. Acid rain is poisoning our trees, soil, lakes, rivers, oceans, and us. We may be at the top of the food chain, but the food chain is compromised at every link. Deer feed on the leaves of contaminated trees and drink polluted water. Cows, even range-fed, eat poisoned grass and drink toxic water. IOW, no food source other than organically grown food, and fish raised in distilled water tanks is 'safe.'

The good news is that it's a relatively simple matter to use hydroponics and raised-bed greenhouses to produce one's own food. Water can be easily distilled by the sun using a 55 gallon drum, painted black, containing gravel and earth to remove contaminants. This subject deserves a thread of its own, but I don't have time to tend it presently.

Our family is vegan, usually, but on certain days, Haagen-Dazs *can* be found in our freezer - and it doesn't stay there long. Can anyone say PMS? :rolleyes:

I hope I've addressed your questions satisfactorily, Billy.

Have a spectacular day and may God be with you. - Jesse.
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To jesseleigh:

What a pleasure to have you active here at SF. We need honest and knowledgable people. Thanks for being so frank in your reply. - You hit all the bases well. I look forward to reading more of your informative posts -I am sure I can learn from you.

later by edit:
Yes, that is a fantastic view. Better than the view across the lake at the grand tetons.

You seem the type who would enjoy a joke - even if slightly at your expense and you did mention PMS:

You know why it is called PMS?
MCD was already in use*

* Mad Cow Disorder
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Thanks Billy - I'm grateful to be of service! :)

That's pretty funny, LOL!

What d'you call a woman who has ESP and PMS?

Answer: A bitch who knows everything! :roflmao:

BTW, PMS doesn't affect me that way. I want to eat iced yogurt for dinner and I cry at everything - even Pampers commercials, and the long distance telephone commercials - forget it! It's a good thing I'm not a regular TV watcher - a movie buff, but they don't have commercial! :)