why did GOD stop sending messengers?!!

Why should they feel guilty?
Surely by killing Jesus they were just fulfilling god's promised ending for Jesus?
They were doing god's work!

Killing Jesus is one thing lying to generations of people about something they know they have wronged major sin.
That's not a very rosy picture you're painting there friend.

I actually thank you for adding that maybe I did not make it clear enough some people might get the wrong idea, it is not what I meant. You are right.
same thing another team suggests about Jesus. (i guess in both concepts, back 2k yrs ago and his purported return in revelations)

each of the beliefs have their own clock too, as well none really know.

What are koranic and biblical time frames for the mehdi and second coming of Jesus?

Jesus promised to return before the generation of his time was dead. He did not come.

Coming has been postponed so many times that nobody can believe it like the the boy who cried WOLF!!
So what "wrong" did they do?

Lying about someone who is a prophet/Son Of God/Lord and why he has died by doing so they add thoughts into peoples head which manipulates their mind into believing something that is false about God. That is a sin I would guess you would go to hell for because the ultimate sin is to control free will and by adding that little sentence completely changes the whole reason for why jesus died.
What are koranic and biblical time frames for the mehdi and second coming of Jesus?

Jesus promised to return before the generation of his time was dead. He did not come.

Coming has been postponed so many times that nobody can believe it like the the boy who cried WOLF!!

2012- If the end of the world is then Thats 3 years. if Jesus died at the age of 23 or 24 (not exactly sure) someone who is around the ages of 20-22 could be the New Jesus unknowingly and Jesus will poses that body. Im not saying this is true its just another idea.
So Jesus basically lives In everyone that is a good person or thinks the way he did willing to sacrifice your self for others. I do believe that and If I ever get to reach that level I will be forever greatfull not that I am not already but Jesus must have had a very good conciousness or clear or set because in order to have a strong connection with god you must free your mind and surender your body.
So Jesus basically lives In everyone that is a good person or thinks the way he did willing to sacrifice your self for others. I do believe that and If I ever get to reach that level I will be forever greatfull not that I am not already but Jesus must have had a very good conciousness or clear or set because in order to have a strong connection with god you must free your mind and surender your body.


I know there is meaning in there somewhere. Maybe.

Do you think you are capable of reaching a level where you will "live in everyone"? Is that like the secret cow level?
First of all Jesus never died and he is still alive living as a person which mean it could be anyone out of the 6 billion people. Jesus was and is the best person ever to live. He had a strong connection with God because he truly believed in God and thats what gave him his powers. Most people say they believe in God but In their actual conciousness they do not, so just because a person says they believe in God and maybe even pray in that actual conciousness where we manifest our everyday life does not believe in God you are pretty much lying to yourself and lying to your self will only take you and your self down. Jesus did not die for our sins thats a really stupid thing to say even worse to believe. The people that killed jesus are the ones that added that to the bible so they won't fill guilty for what they did to one of the most pure and godfilled person. When Judgment Day comes do you think God will say you are all forgiven because Jesus died for you, ridicoulous veryone has the power of choice and since you have been given that choice you will all be judged individually and when you die and have earned your right in God's eyes you will go to that place that you thought about on earth what paradise would be.

According to the Holy Babble (Have you read it?), Jesus was a nasty, arrogant immoral ass.

Jesus never died but people killed him? Maybe you should sleep on that.
That's not a very rosy picture you're painting there friend.

The pot calls the kettle black.

He died to take away our "sin" singular, which is our unbelief.
It is that underlying unbelief which causes the other things to manifest in our lives.

You have a mouse in your pocket?

It is a matter of a conversion of the heart.
It is a personal decision to follow that Spirit's leading or to reject it and go your own way.

My heart certainly doesn't need converting.
I can't reject something I don't know exists.
Killing Jesus is one thing lying to generations of people about something they know they have wronged major sin.

I nearly asked if anyone can translate this then I saw where you left out periods & capitals.

Lying about someone who is a prophet/Son Of God/Lord and why he has died by doing so they add thoughts into peoples head which manipulates their mind into believing something that is false about God. That is a sin I would guess you would go to hell for because the ultimate sin is to control free will and by adding that little sentence completely changes the whole reason for why jesus died.

FREE will can't be controled.

Before the generation which sees the "fig tree" put forth it's bud.
That fig tree was always Israel and that generation is still with us.
The "some" here who will live to see the kingdom are the ones who saw Jesus transfigured on the mount and they did see the kingdom, but that is not the same as the promise of His second coming.

You can "read" into it what you want but that's not what the KJV says.

So Jesus basically lives In everyone that is a good person or thinks the way he did willing to sacrifice your self for others. I do believe that and If I ever get to reach that level I will be forever greatfull not that I am not already but Jesus must have had a very good conciousness or clear or set because in order to have a strong connection with god you must free your mind and surender your body.

I am a good person. More so than Jesus was, according to the KJV.

Jesus did not sacrifice himself for me.

My mind IS free without absurd cruel fantasies. If MY body is MINE, there's no reason to surrender it to anyone.

I know there is meaning in there somewhere. Maybe.

Do you think you are capable of reaching a level where you will "live in everyone"? Is that like the secret cow level?

If you do not believe in God I'm not going to waste my time explaining to you because you simply can't understand. (I didn't say won't or will you just can't)
According to the Holy Babble (Have you read it?), Jesus was a nasty, arrogant immoral ass.

Jesus never died but people killed him? Maybe you should sleep on that.

If someone dies and comes back to life that defeats the purpose of dying. Try sleeping now.
I nearly asked if anyone can translate this then I saw where you left out periods & capitals.

FREE will can't be controled.

I am a good person. More so than Jesus was, according to the KJV.

Jesus did not sacrifice himself for me.

My mind IS free without absurd cruel fantasies. If MY body is MINE, there's no reason to surrender it to anyone.

Thanks for pointing out something that is not even a point.

Maybe free will can not be controlled fully but if you manipulate someones mind for your own benefit, even if that person is not very smart it is just as bad and you will burn in hell.

I do not know what KJV is. That is impossible because you have no belief in God and God is everything that is Good.

No he did not sacrifice himself for you. You have to earn your kudos in God's eyes and you will be judged on your thoughts and matter you have invested while you have lived your life on Earth.

Just because you don't believe in Evil does not mean it is not there. I don't think you understand what "surrendering your body" means, which is ok .
What are koranic and biblical time frames for the mehdi and second coming of Jesus?
who knows? remember much of the old stuff is locked away in libraries.

Boy would i love to spend my life in them libraries!!!!!!!!

Jesus promised to return before the generation of his time was dead. He did not come.
jesus said another would come (John 14:16)

Coming has been postponed so many times that nobody can believe it like the the boy who cried WOLF!!

that be a true representation
So Jesus basically lives In everyone that is a good person or thinks the way he did willing to sacrifice your self for others.
now step back and analyze that;

Darwin shared how species 'transmutated' and is the foundation of 'evolution'

are you aware of this? Then Darwin is alive in you!

That is what 'giving' is. He gave up his being accepted to pursue and define information as close to truth as possible; he submitted himself for the good of knowledge (for others).

Same with confucius, newton, jesus, moses, muhammad.... etc etc....

these contributers will live forever in the 'book of life' based on what they gave.............all grounded in THEIR CHOICE to "do" rather than follow

I do believe that and If I ever get to reach that level I will be forever greatfull not that I am not already but Jesus must have had a very good conciousness or clear or set because in order to have a strong connection with god you must free your mind and surender your body.

then be honest beyond belief

and then know truth as it reads upon your soul

then give to another, even if you are called a traitor; do what it right over being accepted!

that is good news........... (from a messenger)
According to the Holy Babble (Have you read it?), Jesus was a nasty, arrogant immoral ass.

sounds like my kind of guy...........

Jesus never died but people killed him? Maybe you should sleep on that.

i don't believe he was dead when taken down from the cross, personally.

2 items; first if he was dead and came back, why not go to the king and rabbi's and show them; 'hey guys, you can't kill me, listen and live"

but that didn't happen, instead he hid; even so much as he changed his appearance, as his own gang could not recognize him at first.

second item; be certin; he lives in our 'understanding'

such as you still talking about him............. after 2k yrs!

the life of someone is not just breathing; it is what we do and leave, while breathing that makes us special.

We have the choice to 'do'........ that lives beyond our period of being awake.

that is what the missing item is within pure understanding; the comprehension of what 'life' is....
now step back and analyze that;

Darwin shared how species 'transmutated' and is the foundation of 'evolution'

are you aware of this? Then Darwin is alive in you!

That is what 'giving' is. He gave up his being accepted to pursue and define information as close to truth as possible; he submitted himself for the good of knowledge (for others).

Same with confucius, newton, jesus, moses, muhammad.... etc etc....

these contributers will live forever in the 'book of life' based on what they gave.............all grounded in THEIR CHOICE to "do" rather than follow

then be honest beyond belief

and then know truth as it reads upon your soul

then give to another, even if you are called a traitor; do what it right over being accepted!

that is good news........... (from a messenger)

I agree, I just used Jesus because he is more known and an easier example.

Kind of like loving God is wrong than I don't want to be right.
I agree, I just used Jesus because he is more known and an easier example.

Kind of like loving God is wrong than I don't want to be right.

just be fair and honest with yourself and reality and screw what anyone thinks of you.

Jesus was a great teacher, but he sure wasn't the last one nor coming back.

them are beliefs and 'we the people' need to keep our feet flat on the ground so the next generation has the chance you and i did not