why did GOD stop sending messengers?!!

Once again, it seems like an obvious question to answer.

For instance, when you read a piece of writing that makes claims about biology, how do you decide whether it is scientific?

.... assuming this is a straight forward q to answer, the same general principle holds for determining scripture.
That would imply that all scientific writings are scripture, although I'm sure that's not what you intended. Can you explain further?
The problem is not with the transmitter, its the receiver. We forgot how to operate it. The Egyptians knew, so did the drawers of ancient cave paintings and the originators of every single religion on the planet.

Instructions. 1. Clear your mind of every single thought by meditation. Prayer and hypnosis get quite close. 2. Take your choice of halucinogenic. Magic mushroom or LSD to name but two. 3. Report your experience to a third party. 4. Let him do the interpretation.

Step 1 can take years. In ancient Egypt it was called initiation: remember Hermes Trimigestus? Also why hermits retreat to remote caves. Also remember the Greek oracles.
At step 3 the Receiver was called the Prophet and the interpreter, the Priest. They both reported to the King. Or maybe Pharoah ( I'm not sure whether he was the receiver or not.)
These days step 2 is illegal and, therefore, the priest is having to work on some very distorted, ancient information.

That is why there are no prophets around these days. Like many things, not so strange at all; once you know the reason.
Sending a messenger is only needed when you have got a message to send.

If you have sent your message already all you need are people to take note of that message and share it with each other. The only time you need a Prophet is if you have something to add to what you have already said.

Exactly. According to Quran, there will be no other prophet after Muhammad:

"This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion." (Quran 5:3)​

That was the last message the prophet Muhammad received from God and he revealed it during his last pilgrimage. On that occasion, he also said:

"O people! No prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore O people! And, understand words that I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Qur’an and the sunnah and if you follow these you will never go astray."​

Some people just don't want the work.

Lol :D
The problem is not with the transmitter, its the receiver. We forgot how to operate it. The Egyptians knew, so did the drawers of ancient cave paintings and the originators of every single religion on the planet.

Instructions. 1. Clear your mind of every single thought by meditation. Prayer and hypnosis get quite close. 2. Take your choice of halucinogenic. Magic mushroom or LSD to name but two. 3. Report your experience to a third party. 4. Let him do the interpretation.

And how would you distinguish between a prophet who followed those instructions, and a prophet who followed only 2, 3, and 4?
If the message is complete and available in full, then there is no need to send more messengers. Messengers were pioneers in an age of disbelief sent by God to guide humanity and eventually lead to the revolution which is brought by the Prophets (those messengers with scriptures). Once the last Prophet has come, as believed by Muslims and Christians, there is no need for further prophets. The age of prophets is over, it is now the age of the disciples (followers of the Prophets).
Exactly. According to Quran, there will be no other prophet after Muhammad:

"This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion." (Quran 5:3)​

That was the last message the prophet Muhammad received from God and he revealed it during his last pilgrimage. On that occasion, he also said:

"O people! No prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore O people! And, understand words that I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Qur’an and the sunnah and if you follow these you will never go astray."​

Lol :D


you made a booboo....................

God himself is not a man to walk around. Muhammed was a teacher/prophet just as jesus moses and darwin.

But be certain, there is another chapter and that is what the 'second creation' is all about. Most of the whole Quran is talking about the coming 'days of judgment'.

You have misinterpreted the idea that quran was the last book. If you like we can play with this ALL DAY LONG and in that, both of us could learn a bit more. But i play no haddith, nor interpretations of preachers (Imans/caliph).

What i did notice in your post what that last 'fact'........... that there will be no further 'religions' as the truth, the last chapter, removes beliefs from ever imposing upon mankind again.

Be certain when the truth unfolds, the jinn will be over!

you made a booboo....................

God himself is not a man to walk around. Muhammed was a teacher/prophet just as jesus moses and darwin.

But be certain, there is another chapter and that is what the 'second creation' is all about. Most of the whole Quran is talking about the coming 'days of judgment'.

You have misinterpreted the idea that quran was the last book. If you like we can play with this ALL DAY LONG and in that, both of us could learn a bit more. But i play no haddith, nor interpretations of preachers (Imans/caliph).

What i did notice in your post what that last 'fact'........... that there will be no further 'religions' as the truth, the last chapter, removes beliefs from ever imposing upon mankind again.

Be certain when the truth unfolds, the jinn will be over!

Actually I was just quoting the related verse of the Qur'an and the story behind it, I didn't make it up. Must be looked rudiculous for many people, but that's what I believe. :shrug: It's about faith.
And how would you distinguish between a prophet who followed those instructions, and a prophet who followed only 2, 3, and 4?

You can't. Thats precisely the problem. That very weak vessel, Homo Sapiens, chooses which he wishes to believe. Then how to interpret the one who's chosen. It leads to some very peculiar and contradictory religions.
why did GOD stop sending messengers?!!

"He" never did. Not once.

But the self proclaimed messangers are still around. Go downtown in any major city and you can find the one's off their meds.
You can't. Thats precisely the problem. That very weak vessel, Homo Sapiens, chooses which he wishes to believe. Then how to interpret the one who's chosen. It leads to some very peculiar and contradictory religions.
If there is no way to distinguish a true prophet from a false prophet, and given that some prophets contradict each other, then the logical conclusion is that they are all false prophets.

What leads you to believe that any of them are true prophets, and how do you determine which prophets are true?
Exactly. According to Quran, there will be no other prophet after Muhammad:

"This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion." (Quran 5:3)​

That was the last message the prophet Muhammad received from God and he revealed it during his last pilgrimage. On that occasion, he also said:

"O people! No prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore O people! And, understand words that I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Qur’an and the sunnah and if you follow these you will never go astray."​

Lol :D

muhammed was not a prophet of God. But i guess you probably knew that was my belief.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
why did GOD stop sending messengers?!!

I think his account went to collections and his Internet Service Provider cut him off.
Actually I was just quoting the related verse of the Qur'an and the story behind it, I didn't make it up. Must be looked rudiculous for many people, but that's what I believe. :shrug: It's about faith.


I have faith in the whole of existence (GOD) to provide, and thereby then each of God's revealings from all of His variety is what unfolds the truth.

To believe that ONE of the religions has already completed the works is what has maintained the divisions of mankind. Combining the knowledge is what the last (second creation) is all about.

You in them 'end of days'!
Your faith is proof of gods???

If God is all of existence, at the same time; then i are a believer!

'I am, therefore i exist!'

proves to me i live within EXISTENCE.

I can read the history, i can observe what i experience; these are truths!

But i do not believe in the omnipotence of a separate entity pulling the strings of my soul. I live with choice and do by choice!

I am man, i am responsible for my actions.

If what i do is GOOD, then i will live within Existence (God) based on what i do and what I contribute by choice; i am responsible for the mass that my mind can cause action for.

No one controls my choices but me!

I choose to live in what I do!