why did GOD stop sending messengers?!!

Many messengers co existed in the past! and they lived in an empty earth compared to now!

If the Earth was empty, then I guess they only sent messages to each other. This qualified them for Messenger status? Is that honor the Academy Award for message senders?
So that's a "no".

it was a question that would hopefully lead to the real reason a scripture might be termed "new"

Why do you think that new Scripture would necessarily revamp existing Scripture?
interestingly enough, this question is answered in scripture

BG 4.7 Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion—at that time I descend Myself.

IOW when the practitioners make a thorough mess of things, divine intervention (either personally or through an empowered representative) re-establishes things in their proper order

You don't think that the world could benefit from more "timeless wisom"?
If they are capable of distinguishing between an essence and a detail, certainly.
And you seem to have avoided the follow up - how would you recognize new Scripture if it were written?
By contrasting it with existing scripture in a critical analysis

Do you think that there might be new Scripture that you haven't recognized?
Feel free to lodge what you think might rate as a "new scripture" and I will critically analyze it, if you want.

What an odd, irrational, and irrelevant thought. :shrug:

you haven't seen bumper stickers like these?

Thanks, LG, that clarifies some things.
By contrasting it with existing scripture in a critical analysis
But first you'd have to recognize it as a candidate. How?

And the obvious follow-up question:
How do you recognize existing Scripture?
But first you'd have to recognize it as a candidate. How?

And the obvious follow-up question:
How do you recognize existing Scripture?

This seems like an obvious question to answer (scripture essentially makes claims about the nature of god, the nature of this world, the nature of ourselves, and the essential relationships between these three)

Is there an example of something which you might consider a "grey area" for being termed an existing scripture or not?
This seems like an obvious question to answer (scripture essentially makes claims about the nature of god, the nature of this world, the nature of ourselves, and the essential relationships between these three)

Is there an example of something which you might consider a "grey area" for being termed an existing scripture or not?

Different people call different things scripture, so it seems to me that it's all grey. But, I'm interested in what you think is and isn't scripture.

So, when you read a piece of writing that makes claims about the nature of god, the nature of this world, the nature of ourselves, and the essential relationships between these three, how do you decide whether or not it is scripture? (That question applies to both existing and potential new scripture.)
Different people call different things scripture, so it seems to me that it's all grey. But, I'm interested in what you think is and isn't scripture.

So, when you read a piece of writing that makes claims about the nature of god, the nature of this world, the nature of ourselves, and the essential relationships between these three, how do you decide whether or not it is scripture? (That question applies to both existing and potential new scripture.)
Once again, it seems like an obvious question to answer.

For instance, when you read a piece of writing that makes claims about biology, how do you decide whether it is scientific?

.... assuming this is a straight forward q to answer, the same general principle holds for determining scripture.
Many messengers co existed in the past! and they lived in an empty earth compared to now!

Sending a messenger is only needed when you have got a message to send.

If you have sent your message already all you need are people to take note of that message and share it with each other. The only time you need a Prophet is if you have something to add to what you have already said.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Many messengers co existed in the past! and they lived in an empty earth compared to now!

sorry........................ there is ONE more!

God don't send anyone, people make choices.

The good guys choose to give, share knowledge, contribute; while the other team are self preserving, unevolved, corrupt beast of propriety.

Not a one contributer ever started a religion. The following people did.

The last chapter comes from combining the religions, sciences and philosophies into ONE frame; the truth! :)

Every religion (for the most part) has all said a day would come.

And knowledge is what unfolds the 'end of days' as then the people are equiped with truth, not beliefs.

"we the people' are the judges :eek:

nothing magical about it! :cool: