Why can't religon and science be friends?

No evidence?
Apart from the fact that it works (as claimed). :rolleyes:

Don't give me this bs... The fact it works for known things does not automatically require it to work for unknown things...

Peace be unto you ;)
786 said:
Scientists work under the assumption that everything is naturalistic- there is no evidence that everything is naturalistic.
There is also no evidence that anything is not "naturalistic".

And there is a long track record of error among those who have assumed, in the past, that something was not "naturalistic" - error only corrected by others.

Given the lack of evidence, and the inability to self-correct error, should we assume the supernatural?
Don't give me this bs... The fact it works for known things does not automatically require it to work for unknown things...
One more time:
If it's unknown then by definition there's no evidence.
What possible relevance does "unknown things" have to do with science?
(Presuming you don't mean "as yet unknown scientific principles").
And also note the fact that science only deals with the natural world: anything else is outside of its purview.
What possible relevance does "unknown things" have to do with science?

Well I've always assumed that the discovery of unknown things was everything science was about... are scientists really getting paid to rediscover what is already known? What a waste of money!!

dywy said:
(Presuming you don't mean "as yet unknown scientific principles").

The principles don't belong to science - they were there before science - so I'm presuming you mean "principles of nature/the universe" here?
Religion and science can't be friends because scientists are atheists and humanists (don't forget sceptically aligned), while those who follow religion (and theism) are completely opposite. I blame it on the balance, and then, of course, one could argue that when the angels fell, science came upon earth (the natural sciences as distinguished from the occult sciences) given rise to the detesting of the supernatural and that which be of God and the things above (magical and theurgic studies as well as any structured religion with a Supreme Being as its focus). So what's result is a schism, and, of course, with the Enlightenment, humans were even more humanized and moved to Deism, which would eventually become atheism, and they stopped believing in the idea of any being having power above them; they don't won't any being to have power over them. Finally, I would like to say that so many people thinks religion (or at least the Bible) contradicts science, when it's the other way around.
Well I've always assumed that the discovery of unknown things was everything science was about... are scientists really getting paid to rediscover what is already known? What a waste of money!!
I see you're someone else that doesn't read properly:
If it's unknown then by definition there's no evidence.
What possible relevance does "unknown things" have to do with science?
(Presuming you don't mean "as yet unknown scientific principles").
And also note the fact that science only deals with the natural world: anything else is outside of its purview.
It depends on what 786 meant by unknown...
E.g. if it's a non-naturalistic unknown then it's nothing to do with with science. If it IS naturalistic but unknown then we'll get it.

The principles don't belong to science - they were there before science - so I'm presuming you mean "principles of nature/the universe" here?
No, I mean science: science works to a set of principles: the scientific method.
Again, re-read what I actually wrote:
What possible relevance does "unknown things" have to do with science?
(Presuming you don't mean "as yet unknown scientific principles").
E.g. if there's an unknown scientific principle then it's a fair bet science will find it, if that's not what 786 meant then...
Religion and science can't be friends because scientists are atheists and humanists (don't forget sceptically aligned), while those who follow religion (and theism) are completely opposite. I blame it on the balance
What balance?

one could argue that when the angels fell
What "angels"?

they don't won't any being to have power over them.
:rolleyes: Missed the point completely, haven't you?

Finally, I would like to say that so many people thinks religion (or at least the Bible) contradicts science, when it's the other way around.
Which still doesn't make the bible any more valid.
I just don't understand why? Especially since I discovered one day that creation and evolution can be friends.

I agree. I've been fortunate enough to see a healthy balance between the two and how both apply in not only my life, but in the lives of others.

Many of the highly religious people are afraid of change. With ever-increasing knowledge, science is continously disproving many claims made in many of the scriptures. However, people don't realize that they can use this new information in support of a new interpretation of these scriptures. People try to adapt themselves to their religion instead of their religion to themselves.
Maybe you should re-read what I actually wrote: if god does exist then "science" (i.e. reality) is based entirely on god's whim and doesn't tell us one damn thing about the universe.
and so we discover god's "whims", like his whims about electrons and white blood cells.

And I repeat: science is about observation, collecting data and working out how things happened. Creation is saying goddidit, end of story. With god there's nothing that can be worked out. :rolleyes:
wrong, on all accounts, don't know where to start [lol wonder if should:D]
-goddidit for some things, limited things not all, many we don't know how they are to say that god did them so.
-for those we know how god did them, we can still know how, if we know how, we can know in more detail, if we knew all that, we can know why, this is just silly i don't believe you're sticking to it.

Because you're showing neither logic nor understanding. And a failure to actually think.
one can think without having logic or understanding, one can think and choose not to show any logic and understanding.
[ok now i'm being an ass:roflmao:]
Creation is relying on, and giving credence to, unproven and unprovable speculation: the antithesis of science. It's abrogating your intelligence in favour of comforting stories.
falsy falsy!! it's provable and falsifiable, it's complementing you intelligence by hushing down your arrogance.
speaking of comforting stories, who says we're bubbles in the universe, do whatever you want, you'll be free of the consequences, for when you "plop" it's all over?
what a run away from responsibility and a direct blatant break of the simple cause and effect rule.
Here we go again

What balance?

What "angels"?

:rolleyes: Missed the point completely, haven't you?

Which still doesn't make the bible any more valid.

I've made this statement before, and I'll make it again. This is under religion, not atheists discuss the genius behind Creation account, but say bad things about it because we don't won't to believe in a Supreme Being who would make us guilty of the Lake of Fire thread- knowing that Darwinism and evolution period has a lot of flaws!

for something to become naturalistic, it must be "not naturalistic" at some point.
Nothing at all ever starts as naturalistic? Ever?

look at homosexuality.
Your "point" being?

and so we discover god's "whims", like his whims about electrons and white blood cells.
wrong, on all accounts, don't know where to start [lol wonder if should:D]
-goddidit for some things, limited things not all, many we don't know how they are to say that god did them so.
-for those we know how god did them, we can still know how, if we know how, we can know in more detail, if we knew all that, we can know why, this is just silly i don't believe you're sticking to it.
Wrong again: if goddidit then the "rules" as we see them aren't the actual rules, just temporary conditions subject to change as when he feels like it.

falsy falsy!! it's provable and falsifiable
It's neither.

speaking of comforting stories, who says we're bubbles in the universe, do whatever you want, you'll be free of the consequences, for when you "plop" it's all over?
what a run away from responsibility and a direct blatant break of the simple cause and effect rule.
Er yes. Would you care to explain what you're ranting about?

I've made this statement before, and I'll make it again. This is under religion, not atheists discuss the genius behind Creation account, but say bad things about it because we don't won't to believe in a Supreme Being who would make us guilty of the Lake of Fire thread- knowing that Darwinism and evolution period has a lot of flaws!
You can say it as often as you like, but, preferably, next time you say it please do so coherently.
It doesn't matter what sub-forum it's in: if it invokes science then you'll get a science input on the subject.
Nothing at all ever starts as naturalistic? Ever?
didn't say that, but let me make your face:
"Nothing at all ever became naturalistic, after not being so at one point? Ever?"

Your "point" being?
it was an exAMplE, you know, the stuff they give after an analogy to make it stick..
at one point people homosexuality was not naturalistic, now it is, dots too far away to connect?

Wrong again: if goddidit then the "rules" as we see them aren't the actual rules, just temporary conditions subject to change as when he feels like it.
uhh, so? how does that make what i said wrong?

It's neither.
it's both.

Er yes. Would you care to explain what you're ranting about?
what 'abrogates your intelligence for comforting stories' is evolution, not creationism, evolution makes you feel in control, the tip of the pyramid, it lets you go rampage and tells you you're not facing no consequences. get it?
It depends on what 786 meant by unknown...
E.g. if it's a non-naturalistic unknown then it's nothing to do with with science. If it IS naturalistic but unknown then we'll get it.

How would you know it is naturalistic before knowing about it? Sure what you observe is natural but science aspires to find the mechanism with which it works- observation of something doesn't necessitate that the mechanism that is behind it is naturalistic- but you work under the assumption that it is and thus you find the mechanism... But you do work under the assumption that it is naturalistic- because if not, then you don't waste time on it-

E.g. if there's an unknown scientific principle then it's a fair bet science will find it, if that's not what 786 meant then...

There you go again- you have to assume that it is a scientific principle before ever conducting any science.

Peace be unto you ;)
Before electricity powered lights that illuminate the night sky, people around the world sat around fires each night and stared at the heaves. As far as I know, without exception they had faith in a higher power than themselves.
didn't say that
Originally Posted by scifes
for something to become naturalistic, it must be "not naturalistic" at some point.
Which states directly that for something to be naturalistic it must not have been initially.

at one point people homosexuality was not naturalistic, now it is, dots too far away to connect?
Too far away? Wrong again: you have assumed that homosexuality wasn't natural...

uhh, so? how does that make what i said wrong?
It's quite simple: science finds the underlying rules of things - if goddidit then what we see as the rules aren't actually the rules. How hard can it be?

it's both.
Wrong. How is god falsifiable?

what 'abrogates your intelligence for comforting stories' is evolution, not creationism, evolution makes you feel in control, the tip of the pyramid, it lets you go rampage and tells you you're not facing no consequences. get it?
Wrong again, but at least you're consistent.
How does evolution make me feel "in control"? I'm subject to the whim of nature.

But you do work under the assumption that it is naturalistic- because if not, then you don't waste time on it
Oops wrong: we find out if it's naturalistic.

There you go again- you have to assume that it is a scientific principle before ever conducting any science.
Also wrong - if there's something to be investigated then it is investigated... If it is naturalistic then that property will be revealed during the investigation. :rolleyes:
Well they can co-exist but by definition belong to different domains.

Religion is by definition belief without proof.

Science by definition only addresses things that can be proven (measured, tested, validated).
Oops wrong: we find out if it's naturalistic.

You 'find out' without ever assuming that it first of all fits the field of science? Science being defined as the study of natural phenomenon- so you 'find out' with science without ever assuming that it first of all that it can even fit science as a topic to begin with? You assume everything is naturalistic before you 'find out'- I don't need to continue with this crap and screwing around with words which is what you are doing.

Also wrong - if there's something to be investigated then it is investigated... If it is naturalistic then that property will be revealed during the investigation. :rolleyes:

Keep rolling your eyes.

Peace be unto you ;)
Religion is by definition belief without proof.

Not necessarily, there is proof for things mentioned in religion..... God is the most important part- but religion says more than just one word.

Peace be unto you ;)
I disagree. My Christian and Jewish doctor/science friends all believe in God as the all-knowing. We all love science but consider it play/entertainment. We find it fascinating. We believe God has already done all the work, that scientists are usually good for research etc, but God has the final say. I have never met a lazy Christian or Jew. They are passionate and on fire for their God. And for their science.

i would go out on a limb and say a true scientist does not believe in god they may believe in a higher power but they dont believe god said POOF and everything was. then acording to anita created 3.14 so his creations could one day figure out that he indeed did create everything

about one of your comments before tho.. you said you were a born again christian... my question if god will let you be born again why not wait till you have had all the fun then some years before you die when your body cant handle the crazy stuff you use to be be born again?