Why can't religon and science be friends?

I disagree. My Christian and Jewish doctor/science friends all believe in God as the all-knowing. We all love science but consider it play/entertainment.
Not scientists.
I usually sence intelligence in a snap splurt of words that give you an euphoric feeling.
And you usually do that?
Your posts is a snap splurt, yes. It gives you the feeling that you have coffee in your brain. Dywyddyr
Then they aren't scientists.

Yes, they are. Why is this so hard for you to understand/accept? There are people out there on fire for Jesus/God who are awesome scientists. Science and religion are not enemies. I am proof. So is history:
Pope Sylester
Pope John XXI
John Napier
There are plenty of other Christian/Jew scientists. There are Christian and Jew science orgs, too.

I think the religious are going to have to use science in order to demonstrate God to us.
Yes, they are. Why is this so hard for you to understand/accept? There are people out there on fire for Jesus/God who are awesome scientists. Science and religion are not enemies. I am proof. So is history
Yes, blah blah blah.
Religion was the over-riding convention at the time of most of those: any contrary opinion was quashed rapidly and (in some cases) forcefully.

Science directly contradicts religion. How is that not enemies?
Science negates the need for, and claims of, religion. How is that not enemies?
Religion ignores the lack of evidence (or in some cases, directly contradicts that there is evidence), science requires evidence. How is that not enemies?

Scientists with a love of god?
So these people cease to be scientific when it comes god and simply go with faith. Part-time scientists... Or maybe part-time religionists. What do they do?
"For the next four hours I'll be scientific and rational, then after that I'll ignore science and go with faith?" Riiight. :rolleyes:
Yes, they are. Why is this so hard for you to understand/accept? There are people out there on fire for Jesus/God who are awesome scientists. Science and religion are not enemies. I am proof. So is history:
Pope Sylester
Pope John XXI
John Napier
There are plenty of other Christian/Jew scientists. There are Christian and Jew science orgs, too.


How come there aren't any recent scientists on that list?

Newton, Einstein, Hooke, Hawking, Etc
Having faith in something doesn't make you unscientific. In order for Einstein to come up with the theory of relativity he had to at least have faith that his observations about reality led to a conceivable pattern.
Having faith in something doesn't make you unscientific. In order for Einstein to come up with the theory of relativity he had to at least have faith that his observations about reality led to a conceivable pattern.
Maybe you should look up the difference between faith (religion-style) and belief that what you're doing scientifically (or indeed in real life) has some validity.

I disagree. My Christian and Jewish doctor/science friends all believe in God as the all-knowing. We all love science but consider it play/entertainment. We find it fascinating. We believe God has already done all the work, that scientists are usually good for research etc, but God has the final say. I have never met a lazy Christian or Jew. They are passionate and on fire for their God. And for their science.

well that's very reasneball ;)

first science, then relegion,
also, science and relegion may approve sometimes,
but people, should stay searching in their relegion abotu scientific stuff, but they should search for knoledge by working and studying,
beleiving in god, or not beleiving in god
it want make a difference for scientists,
cause it's all science
even in most relegion, calls for working and studying, and teh search of knoledge, even if you reached teh farest place, it's an old arabic example,
so, science, and relegion, are not opposite, but each of them, have it's doman,
you sure can find scientific stuff for example in teh quran, but you can never know about them, inless you discovered it in science, then you may notive it there,
so, you cant find stuff, without knowing it in science
for example, in the quran, you can never, ever, and ever, see the things that approve with science in it, without knowing it in science,
about the beleifs, every one have his belifs,
i believe in god, i love god, and in the same time, i love science,
if you loved science, and searched and did hard work , and studies to know, to find out the truth, to discover, to search for knoledge, and you love science, then you love god, and you are already making what God said, ...
that's for who beleives in god effcorse,
i think, first, God AND science, i cant tell wich one should come first,
but as a theist, i can say god first of everything, and science,
well, maybe i think so, cause in for example in islam, i never saw, something in quran, that comes, against the laws of physics and science,
even God told us to search for knoldge, and do our best to do it,

what i said is applied for who belive in god
also, why do you say, that who beleive in god, is not a scientist, what's teh defintion of a scientist, sure a scientist is not going to say that earth is flat, wich most relegions don't say that, like islam,
in mate in fact, you can fidn many scientists, who converted to islam,

there's also who didnt, that depends on the personal logic
If religion says god created the world. Science says it was already here.
If religion says god created mankind. Science says man evoved.
If religion says god created light. Science says the light is an energy wave emitted by the sun.

Fundamentalist Christianity says those things. Christianity is not the only religion. :rolleyes:
I just don't understand why? Especially since I discovered one day that creation and evolution can be friends.

60% because science thinks religion is a fantasy and an illusion.

And 40% because science still has a massive grudge against religion for the dark ages and scientific repression etc...

Which isnt unwarrented, the fact is that Religion really has screwed over a lot of people.
Yes, they are. Why is this so hard for you to understand/accept? There are people out there on fire for Jesus/God who are awesome scientists. Science and religion are not enemies. I am proof. So is history:
Pope Sylester
Pope John XXI
John Napier
There are plenty of other Christian/Jew scientists. There are Christian and Jew science orgs, too.


So what exactly? Just because they had a religion doesnt mean they were religious scientists.

Fact is that you cant have Religion with science.

The reason why is if you are predominantly religious whenever you make some sort of scientific finding that disagrees with something religion you throw it out. And that's not science.

You can be predominantly scientific with religion, because whenever you have something religious that disagrees with a scientific finding you can simply ignore the religious text.

Besides the fact the church hated Galileo's guts, why would you put him up there?