why cant I walk anywhere naked?

Originally posted by Tyler
" dont smoke, and im too young to drink.... so.. i need a buyer!!! hahahahahahahaha."

Too young to drink? What the hell kind of a fucked up place do you life?!?!?!?!

And - we'll start you smoking!

Do you think we should help this girl... I feel she is being neglected~
I believe it is our responsibility, nay, our order to help her. Let us begin with chapter 1....drinking.

The legal age for drinking is..............none
The legal age for purchasing alcohol is........19 (in Ontario, like 21 in the states)

To complete your education as a teenager, you are required to get drunk a minimum of once every two months. And not just slightly drunk. I mean flat out on your ass drunk.

It is not correct to drink week drinks either. If you're getting drunk on drinks that do NOT taste like alcohol, you are NOT a proper human being. Drink alcohol. Not alcoholed-up wussy drinks.
Cigarettes or.......?
that would be the "or".

Do you think we should help this girl... I feel she is being neglected~
i feel like a science project!
and it is 21 for me... i did get drunk once though.. when i was in 8th grade i went to this big party.... i drank alot that night... nd i got my purse stolen (including the 30 cd's inside and $40).. i didn't like that much. so, i never really drink. im usually the DD. :(
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30 CDs in a purse? you should have put a midget inside your purse to watch those CDs....:D
Agent 5 please note that i am not a fat-a-phobe. The obese, aged male was just a "for instance." Trust me there are plenty of other naturally-occuring things that I do not wish to see in combination with nudity. It's a personal choice.


My wife grew up with red wine on the table at every dinner. When she was very young her parents started her with wine diluted in white soda. She learned to enjoy wine with her parents, and thus when she turned 16, and her friends wanted to go out and get blasted, she always found better things to do.

I on the other hand, would get a backhand across my face if my father even suspected that I'd been drinking. So, by the time I was 16 I drank whenever possible. In my freshman year of college I needed stitches to close a head-wound I received in a drunken brawl at my Rugby club kegger. On homecoming weekend I took part in a circle chug with a bottle of Seagram's-Seven. I ended up with alchohol poisoning and likely would have died had it not been for a big Missouri farm boy who, I was told, put a spoon down my throat to induce my vomiting. That was the last time I ever drank hard liquor.

The next year I was a passenger in an old Datsun pickup truck with my buddy Smitty. We were heading from Wood's Hole to a bar in Falmouth, out on Cape Cod. We had a couple of bottles of Portugese wine under our belts. I had just heaved my bottle at the side of a house when I turned to see a stop sign passing by me on the right. The last thing I remember was yelling, "Smitty! When I woke up I had to extricate myself from where my body had been neatly compacted, under the dashboard. We had hit another car and then a tree in someone's front yard. My head had smashed the truck's windshield (the old truck didn't even have seat-belts). Smitty tore a gaping wound from the right corner of his eye to his ear. We were both lucky to be alive.

That was it for me. Though I was not remotely close to being an alchoholic, I figured out how dangerous it was for me to drink. I've not been ripped since that night over twenty years ago. The only alchohol I drink is an occasional beer and an occasional glass of sparkling wine. I feel a single glass of beer, and two glasses give me all the buzz I want. If two glasses make me feel good, would a half-dozen make me feel better? It honestly never occured to me in my youth that two glasses might be better than six glasses. Looking back, it's hard to accept that I could have been that stupid.

I want to bring to your attention my wife's European way of learning to drink in moderation early in her life, with my own self-taught approach to drinking. My wife knew that wine would be on the table tomorrow, and the next day. I only managed to obtain alchohol infrequently, and thus I'd empty the bottle ASAP. Which do you think is the more sane approach to drinking?

Well orthogonal,

It seems strange that you should mention this business about drinking. You see; daddy always kept liquor in the house. Mostly for company. A bottle might last several years. On rare occasion he would take a nip. I always knew where that bottle was. So every once in a while I would go a try a slug. Always thought I was being sneaky and no one would know. It always tasted nasty. Years later I realized that daddy always knew where the level in the bottle was. He didn't mark it, he just remembered. So finally I put two and two together and knew he knew. Never did mention it but it took growing up to realize I had pulled the wool over only my eyes. He never did say anything. To this day, I don't really care for drinking. As I look back, with the knowledge of an adult, I think this was his purpose. Just like with watermelon, there is no better melon than the one taken on the sly, or so I thought at the time. Amazing what growing up brings you.

I will not go into the things I have seen as a result of excess alchohol consumption. Nor will I go into how many bodies I have helped pull from car wrecks and what their physical shape was. Needless to say, I echo what almost all here have heard time and again. Achohol and driving do not mix.

Funny, teasing about things like the learning channel being here and then orthogonal strikes the chords that bring back the memories of the past I had thought forgotten.

It's eerie that our 3 pound brain has every memory of our life neatly tucked away in some fold of the grey-matter. Ocassionally as I'm walking in Montreal I'll pass a French patisserie and get a whiff of a flavoring they use. It will instantly transport me back to Morocco when I was five or six, when my mother took me to a French-Moroccan patisserie. I've never bothered to inquire what that spice or flavoring is. I suppose I don't want to ruin this little mystery of my childhood.

I felt a bit depressed when I read what Tyler wrote in this thread about drinking. Not to insinuate that Tyler is flailing, instead it brought up my own past nightmares of flailing wildy through life. My friends and I used the term "lightweight" in a derogatory sense. So, I held my nose and downed as much of that "nasty" stuff as I could stand. Fighting usually came later. If we couldn't find someone else to fight with, we invariably fought amongst ourselves. Though I never did enjoy the drinking, I relished the fighting. It was a miserable way of life which I am thankful to be done with.

When I reread what I had written above about my drinking days I had the uncanny feeling that I might have been writing about someone else's life. Those were donkey years ago. I've bootstrapped myself several times in the interim. The fading memory of my having hurled an empty wine bottle against a passing house is incredible today. It was surely someone else.

I envy you, your good memories of your father Wet1. He must have been a fine man. I dearly wish I could reach in and pull out similar memories. It might be fair to think that your father, having had a hand in making you, lives on to some degree in the man you've become. Instead, my own father made me everything I am not. It's been a chore to pull myself up by my own bootstraps. I'd likely never have succeeded if not for the encouragement of a good woman. I realized that the woman I loved deserved someone far better than I was. Time to grab the bootstraps...

No doubt we do often think that, "Forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest." Yet, I've come to understand that the sweetest fruit is not that which is eternally out of my reach, it's that which is eternally under my nose. In other words: "Happiness isn't about getting what you want it's about wanting what you have."

Finally, Montaigne might have been thinking of drinking when he wrote:
"Excess is the pest of pleasure, and self-restraint is not its scourge, it is its spice."

I like your sign

"Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act, but a habit."
I can easyly imagine someone with a drinking habbit tough,....does that count as an exelent-habitual-alcoholist?:p

I am so sorry to hear of your experiences. When i was 16 I did the same thing, yet alchohol was never strictley forbiddon. I just felt that it was a chance to let go and not worry about who I was and what I needed to be. By the time I was 17ish I had had enough of boys taking advantage of my situation, and felt that I needed to be more respectful to myself. I am 19 now, I drink occasionally. I dont feel the need everytime I go out, to get drunk. I drink alot around close friends because we always end up having hilarious convosations. The thing is we a re all responsible for each other in that group, and under no cirmcumstances will we allow anyone to put themselves in apparent danger. My friends started my drinking at 16, and through my on again off again experiences they have always held my, and everyone elses safety first. I am lucky I have these group of people to get smashed with, I tyhink they shoiuld come with every bottle of Tequila. Unfortunaley they dont, and people can get killed. I dont think there are any set rules for drinking... just as there is no set type of person. I am so happy your wife learnt the responsibilities of drinking... but the thing is, teenagers what to experince things, I wanted to know what it was like to be drunk, I have learnt many many times. I dont know the answer, but all I can encourage is that anyone who has the erge, be with people u who r responsible and trustworthy.

anyone for a drink?;) :p
never really used alchocol or smoked in my life. my friends think I'm weird:D (whatever) The thing is I don't want to trash my body with any chemical junk.

Home made beer is the only way to go if you want to, but then you need to go to the country and buy it.
you are probebrly right... in on sense..

I mean though, a drink occasionally is fine. In fact apparently its been proven that is good for you.

Ive never dont' hard' drugs, never will. smoked pot, but never will again.

Its like everything, it has to be in moderation, and you have to control your drinking to your best interests.

but of course, each to their own.
It is a teriable thing to be an acholic

my grandfather was and mum still talks about how bad it was

he would never touch mum, her brother or nan but he use to break things and was suicidle alot

that said achole is NOT a hard drug

Nor are smokes or weed

hard drugs are coke, speed, herion (AH you know what i mean) and probably others that i don't even KNOW about
a agree that alcohol, cigarettes, and pot are not commercial or "hard" drugs at all. while eventuallly, any of them can kill you, the chances of you dying after your first few uses is alot smaller than with commercial drugs. If you dont know what your doing the first time you smoke a joint, you might get really really high... but eventually (in most cases) it will go away after a few hours. If you dont know what your doing the first time you snort coac, and sniff up 6 or 7 lines real quick.... you just might kill yourself.
Acohol i feel, shouldn't really be in the same catagory as cigarettes and pot. Unless something has changed, alcohol can be good for the body, but in moderation, and i beleive it is only red wine? right? but that is ofcourse if it is good for you today, kinda like soy and eggs. thos'll kill ya too. LOL
Originally posted by nightfall
a agree that alcohol, cigarettes, and pot are not commercial or "hard" drugs at all. while eventuallly, any of them can kill you, the chances of you dying after your first few uses is alot smaller than with commercial drugs. If you dont know what your doing the first time you smoke a joint, you might get really really high... but eventually (in most cases) it will go away after a few hours. If you dont know what your doing the first time you snort coac, and sniff up 6 or 7 lines real quick.... you just might kill yourself.
Acohol i feel, shouldn't really be in the same catagory as cigarettes and pot. Unless something has changed, alcohol can be good for the body, but in moderation, and i beleive it is only red wine? right? but that is ofcourse if it is good for you today, kinda like soy and eggs. thos'll kill ya too. LOL

yep yep good stuff there.... THe world is a dangerous playground, use the slippery dip at your own risk... I mean its funny, some people can do pot their whole lives and never be effected (cept for their Central nervous system being that of a snail) and other get scizophrenia in a matter of months.. like everyones difrent, I guess your best bet is to stay away. But then again, whats type of life is livivng in a bubble?