why cant I walk anywhere naked?

Correct you are Xev. That is a fake dick. A tiny little fake dick in her hand. How odd.
right you are Tyler. See the threat? Girls no longer need you:(, they have aquired a more portatable model:rolleyes:
Odd indeed, Tyler.

Looking closer, she also has a joint between her fingers.

It's like "Where's Waldo?"
yes I enjoyed tht book. In fact I have all of them at home:D

and if I look even closer, NO it can't be! it's XEV!:D:p
sorry :giggles.giggles:
couldn't resist :giggles: sorry
children, children,...

I go to the sauna nearly every week, and there are plenty of children playing around! making noize and screaming like hell: that's different mentality I guess: who's so concerned with keeping children from what's only natural to see? gosh: it's so puritanian,....tsss,...children this children that,....

Ever tought about it: that it has a reverse effect?!?
the more you constrain a child from natural processes: the more it gets doomed and demonisised, the more the child looses the abillity to understand what is natural and what not,....

damn adam and eve story,....did this philosophy as a kid,...chatch up pleaaaaase,....
see, what is the point in her wearing anything at all??? it really dosnt leave much to the imagination... I think if people walked around naked all the time, then the sexual conitation to would fade... See clothes make our body mysterious and forbidden, which makes trying to get the clothes off all the more eciting, but if everyone just lost that then that element would be lost too. We still look at people, now WITH clothes on and go ewww she's fat, or mmmmm he's built, or whatever you prefer, its just that without clothes gives us more defintion. PLUS it would make transexuals a little less fragile about their genitals, you know, after a while. And then theres also you know, no problems about judging people by what they wear.. and if your trying to hook up with someone, you know what your in for and there arnt any suprises when you get back the their place!!! its really a great idea, i think we should all take part!

PS I agree with andy, sleeping nakie is really quite nice.......

but if everyone just lost that then that element would be lost too
well: we never actually loose anything here: that's the trick: grown up's are capable of stearing there emotions and to guide themselves to a nice and cosy intimatcy,...children do that too : but not so consiously: when you where a kid: don't tell me that you didn't experience some sexual curiousity: getting into eachothers pants, wanting to know how it looked,...ect ect,...?!

Grown up's do have to make a distinction and to create even a certain line at a certain point that a child may not cross,...

and vice versa: the grown up will not cross this imaginable line: because it's not a pleasant experiance: he/she should know this:

BUT: children DO cross that line more then often: even four year old kids who ask you too wipe their pussy's or butt and then show you ostentatively how much they enjoy it,.....aaah! It's horrible: so you reaally have to be correct to them: and TELL them WHY this is not done,.....

hmpfff: emerging sexuallity,....*deep sigh*:rolleyes:
I think the law against public nudity started during the cave men days, when the leader (king) was walking with his beautiful wife buck naked and inspecting the troops, He noticed every man had a hard on. At first he was puzzled and then made a rule that still is good today.

It is the men who have been making the rules for thousands of years. Had it not been their instruments change size and shape upon seeing a naked female, we would not be in this legal framework.

And children seeing adults genitalia: Upto certain age, the children consider that as a urination device. While we adults frown in such scenarios because we think differently - shame on us. The dual role oragan messes up a lot of people.
i knew there was something odd in her hand!!!! hahaha

I beg to ask, nightfall, but other than the law, what's stopping you?
im 17!! but then, guess that would be back to law again eh? hahaha.. so other than the law.. nothing!! weeeeeeeee..:D :D :D :D :D
we have chickens at my house (no i DON'T live on a farm) and ocasionaly we keep a roster in there with them so they will breed

now we are good friends with a single mother with 2 primary school aged kids

they have seen the chickens fucking 1000's of times (B\W did you know its always rape when chickens breed? it looks rather painfull to the way they do it)

they are not scared for life

now if its ok to see animals fucking, why is it so bad to see humans even in the nude?
Men much wiser than myself have said I'd rather have my kids see two people making love than two people killing each other.
Re: hmpff,.....

Originally posted by Fukushi
well: we never actually loose anything here: that's the trick: grown up's are capable of stearing there emotions and to guide themselves to a nice and cosy intimatcy,...children do that too : but not so consiously: when you where a kid: don't tell me that you didn't experience some sexual curiousity: getting into eachothers pants, wanting to know how it looked,...ect ect,...?!

Grown up's do have to make a distinction and to create even a certain line at a certain point that a child may not cross,...

hmpfff: emerging sexuallity,....*deep sigh*:rolleyes:

Children are urious as to what all the fuss is about, they havnt learnt how do you thik they learn to diffrence between male and female? Grown Ups, who have been socialised. Western culture is like this, some african tribes that still adhere to thie convetions (do not wear clothes as such) feel totally comfortable walking around nakiee. Now they dont view themselves sexaully, they view each other as people, they dont have the urge to jump each other everytime they see a nice looking african.

So people will focus more on what's on the inside,...and not what's on the outside,...
Maybe it's a weather thing too, that people in colder countries where it is impossible to walk around naked most of the year, get more conscious of their naked bodies, because they have to cover it up in order not to freeze to death.
Then the diffrence between covering everything but the eyes in the winter and wearing nothing in the summer becomes too big and chocking.
im 17!! but then, guess that would be back to law again eh? hahaha.. so other than the law.. nothing!! weeeeeeeee

Checks quote, re-checks, checks it again...(gurgling noises)

Croicky. Now I'll never be able to concentrate on my spanish final! Thanks a lot nightfall, your naked rampage has not only fried the primitive circuits of my brain but also disabled my ability to think rationally<-But on second thought I'm not sure I ever had that ability. C-C-Croicky!!
Yeah! BE MORE NAKED! Girls should start it off by posting their pics.......................NOW

But a reality check walking around naked would be retarded. First of all clothes do serve a purpose. Where else am I going to stick my wallet -insert any joke you want. Also us guys already don't know how to act anyway. We already can't stop talking to your boobs with your clothes on!;) Plus the imagination factor is the best thing. And to top it off, there would be no use for strippers. Poor things wouldn't be able to make a living.
C'mon now. Let's bring it back to reality, we're civilized now.
Originally posted by Cory
Yeah! BE MORE NAKED! Girls should start it off by posting their pics.......................NOW

But a reality check walking around naked would be retarded. First of all clothes do serve a purpose. Where else am I going to stick my wallet -insert any joke you want. Also us guys already don't know how to act anyway. We already can't stop talking to your boobs with your clothes on!;) Plus the imagination factor is the best thing. And to top it off, there would be no use for strippers. Poor things wouldn't be able to make a living.
C'mon now. Let's bring it back to reality, we're civilized now.

no strippers would have a job, they would just be called 'getting dresseders' and it would be exciting because each and everyday you wont not what they are going to wear! PLus mum and dad would be MUCH prouder of them!