why cant I walk anywhere naked?

i agree FULL nudity is a no-no. but then.. maybe its the way to world peace... -giggles- cuz ya just cant be mad at a nakey chick.
Yeah really! How much war could there be if we all walked around naked (possibly having more sex in the effort), smoked herb and played an instrument?
17 is legal in Michigan. 16 is the cut-off age.


I'm sorry, there are people I'd rather not see naked. Ugh.


Yeah really! How much war could there be if we all walked around naked (possibly having more sex in the effort), smoked herb and played an instrument?

Actually, that is the 52nd rule of Xevology, (the doctrine that will one day replace Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism):

"It's bloody difficult to start a war in the middle of orgasm"
17 is legal in Michigan. 16 is the cut-off age.

if 17 were legal, id be a stripper.

now, you can get away with sex at 17, but not nudity. however that works. LOL but you know what i mean.
a new religion?

you know, this is oddly making a lot of sense.. maybe it is the answer!!!! kay, so who's going to go first?
Hell yeah!! thats part of the ceremony! fact, everyone needs to get stoned to be part of this cult... that or drink lots, or both.. and yeah you know you have to be nakiee..... the world has waited to long for this!
ill get nakey, but..

i dont smoke, and im too young to drink.... so.. i need a buyer!!! hahahahahahahaha.
The question was why cant I walk anywhere naked? I think that you CAN walk anywhere naked. I mean I'm sure you'll get a good ten minutes or so of nakedness in and log a few feet before the men with the white coats and the straight jacket catch up with ya. I think the real question is should you walk anywhere naked....I think its because of this question that there are so many laws against it. Clearly, in this instance the laws are there to protect the average citizen against the very real threat of visual assault that is bound to result from such behavior. I'm sorry, I don't want to sound crass, but unless you are in absolute perfect condition---I know that I don't want to be subjected to things like sagging scrotum (eh....does anyone know the plural for this? Is scroti appropriate? ) nor do I want to experience first hand the effects gravity has on breasts, beer-bellies and buttocks. Things like that are best left to the imagination...or NOT. :bugeye:
There's a good Script in it,....

I'll contact a Producer for the rights,...

Blue Star Pictures ... Presents ... THE SIC SENSE

Starring: Little boy: "I saw naked people"

Big boy : "don't worry sonny, as long as you are dressed, everything is fine, just close your eyes!"
. Things like that are best left to the imagination...or NOT. [/COLOR] :bugeye: [/B]

but thats my argument, African tribes men dont go "ew yuck saggy boobies" because thats their norm. It would become our norm, it is weird for us to think outherwise becuase it os OUTSIDE of our norm
" dont smoke, and im too young to drink.... so.. i need a buyer!!! hahahahahahahaha."

Too young to drink? What the hell kind of a fucked up place do you life?!?!?!?!

And - we'll start you smoking!

Agent5....I have seen quite a few unclothed bodies in my practice and I'll tell you what there are some things you never get used to.

P.S. I believe there's a difference between a Masai warrior running about in a National Geographic special and a say a 49 year old 245 lb. guy running to McDonalds to get his next fix (not that there's anything wrong with that inherently). (But) I think even the Masai might turn away. On second thought, they'd probably stare in disbelief for a minute or two at least.:eek:
And - we'll start you smoking!
oh no no no no.. i quot that two years ago... never again....

a 49 year old 245 lb. guy running to McDonalds to get his next fix
thats it!!! maybe this is what the US needs!!!! nudity!! then people will CARE what they do to their bodies, and begin taking care of themselves!!!! -hangs head- we're such an obese country...
Originally posted by Joeman
Agent@5, you can always walk here naked.

well, maybe I will. Alls I need to do is turn into an electric pulse that can run through wires and ill be nakiee b4 u know it!

Do you imagine a face to the names you see? coz I look at all the names of the people in here and just apply some sort of visual to them. LIke pyhsical body to them..... and if i were to see them in real life I would be totally off the mark me thinks....
Re: 1

Originally posted by in vivo
Agent5....I have seen quite a few unclothed bodies in my practice and I'll tell you what there are some things you never get used to.

but if the world were made up of fat people, then a skinny person would be the phreak...... pretty relative dont you think?