why cant I walk anywhere naked?


Registered Senior Member
I want to know why it is illegal to be naked in public? I can understand it maw be a scarey sight for some... but I mean we'd all get used to it.. plus you know, it may benefit some, and then we would all be really comfortable with each other!
Theists are against it. What iwth it being a sin and all.

In Ontario women can go topless.
Can ontario-women go topless? That freakin rocks. I want to move to canada. It seems a groovy place. Lax MJ laws, topless babes, MOUNTIES!

Maybe i will after schoolin'
welll yeah, we can sun bake here topless, but only on the beach.

But its funny, coz you can wear you bikini bottoms on the bach, but as soon as your on the street you got to put your skirt/pant/sarong on... like its a piece of material..... it just seems so odd
i agree, to some extent.

i do beleive though that women should be able to go topless just as men do. i know alot of guys with bigger boobs than mine, and they get to let theirs hang all out. :eek:
Yup, topless is allowed here. Not largely practiced though. Unless you're in the right areas.

"i do beleive though that women should be able to go topless just as men do. i know alot of guys with bigger boobs than mine, and they get to let theirs hang all out"

Haha! Exactly nightfall!
I, as a mother, would not want my kid having to see mens private parts while we were walking down the street. I took her to Berkeley a while back and as we were walking down Telegraph, Ill be damned if I didnt see 4 older people bare ass naked. Oh wait, they had backpacks on:D It really doesnt bother me, but I dont think children should be exposed to it on a daily basis. As for beaches and certain areas, hey Im all for them! I just know not to take my children there. Ive seen a naked 400 pound woman, its something no child should ever have to see:D

Take care:)
Agent@5, please feel free to walk around naked near me any time you want. :p
Also, lots of people will die due to cold if they have to walk around naked here :)

The monoiini aloud beach, the occasional full nude beach and walking naked in your house should be sufficient for the average pervert :) :) :)
I think it should be ok to walk around naked, but as *strgrl* said, it's not very nice to the children to have them face peoples genitals a soon as they go outside.
LoL what a subject aye, AYE!

Well imo i think you have to conform to an uptight society, many people ARE insecure about themselves and it would make it that much harder on them, if everyone walked around naked and were comfortable, those that were uncomfortable would feel out of place and wondering what ppl are thinking of them NOT being naked...

I know i dont wanna see guys walking around naked! But then on the other hand i wouldnt say no to a rule saying all supermodel woman should be naked at all times HAHAH :p~

Imagine job interviews? Walk in with bigger breasts or penis than the boss going to hire you and he will be all cut and wont hire you LOL

ok ok ok getting a lil worked up :)

only topless

i think that it should just be even. guys go topless, we go topless... but i dont think id like the FULL nudity either.... i dont wanna see the neighbors "buddy" bouncin around while he goes jogging in the morning.... LOL, and i think full nudity, for both sexes, could be a bit unhealthy too.... lots a germs out there....

i just wanna be able to take my shirt off in the summer when its hot, just like everyone else.
Re: only topless

Originally posted by nightfall

i just wanna be able to take my shirt off in the summer when its hot, just like everyone else.
Oh, I think we all want you to be able to take your shirt off... :p
As A nudist, or naturist, I spend most of my time, au naturel. I see absolutely nothing wrong with the human body. Even if a person of 300+ lbs is nude, I don't have to look at them. I don't go to nudist resort, beaches or whatever, to look at others naked bodies. These places are for people that enjoy the freedom of nudism, not for gawkers & perverts. Although I have been accused of being a pervert.:D Nudity is not about sex. It is about freedom.
why is the human body so ugly?

i mean i saw my parents naked heeps when i was small and im not scard for life

nor is my sister from seeing dad nude

its just the perception thing i think

its the adults who know what it means that worrie not the children

after all there was no such thing as clothing at one time

a lot of the early sociatys didn't go clothed

its how sociaty views nudity that makes us think it wrong
Public nudity is an issue of politeness and convention. I generally spend most of my summer wearing only shorts, sneakers, and a baseball cap. It's a great pleasure to feel the sun and a warm breeze on your chest after six months of being bundled-up like an Eskimo. I'm sorry that women are not so generally granted this same pleasure.

However, I know when I should put on a shirt, and when I should put on a jacket, dress-shirt and tie. I certainly wouldn't walk through the village without a shirt. Still, I suppose a certain percentage of people I pass while rollerblading or hiking, are offended at the sight of my half-naked torso.

BTW, my brother Tom told me a funny story about his trip to Athens, Greece years ago. He and his buddy checked into a wicked cheap backpackers's hostel (The Hotel California). The guy at the desk told them about the bathroom down the hall. "No, problem," says my brother, "we didn't expect the bath to be en-suite." So, he and David stashed their packs in the dorm and headed to the shower with their towels. However, when they walked into the large open room contining toilets and shower fixtures, they were shocked to find a woman lathering up. They hastily retreated to the hall. David ran back down to the guy at the desk only to be told that yes, there was only one shower. David ran back to Tom with a big smile on his face. For all the time they spent in the shower during their visit to Athens, I suspect a good deal of ancient ruins went unseen. However, Tom said that when he had to use the toilet in a less superficial way, he waited until 2AM. As much as an 18 year-old guy enjoys showering with women, it's another thing entirely to sit on a toilet next to one. :)

Lastly, I remember a quote from either Steven Pinker's, How The Mind Works, or Matt Ridley's, The Red Queen, "In general, a man sees a naked woman as an invitation, whereas, a woman sees a naked man as a threat."
