Why can't ghosts exist?

It really does make a difference lol, well to me anyway.


because your delusional or shallow? actually a lot of pseudoscience and parasychology has even more possible legitimacy than religion or philosophy

anyways, there is no proof that ghosts can't exist nor is it out of the question that a soul or sense of self is an actual living being of it's own properties. there are even times that one can sense or viscerally feel a three-dimensional being is inside your heart chakra with all it's particular properties/traits. you can liken it to a person without a body.
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How is it stupid to try a meditation technique?.

and i also don't believe you. i don't believe that you can shift your sense of self and actually feel your sense of self in your big toe for instance.

i think you are full of it and it's mostly bragging and some exaggeration.
and i also don't believe you. i don't believe that you can shift your sense of self and actually feel your sense of self in your big toe for instance.

i think you are full of it and it's mostly bragging and some exaggeration.

So you don't believe me even though you haven't and refuse to try it?, what kind of logic is that.

You sometimes come off as nice but deep down your an asshole arent you i can see it in your words.
So you don't believe me even though you haven't and refuse to try it?, what kind of logic is that.

You sometimes come off as nice but deep down your an asshole arent you i can see it in your words.

because i know you are full of it.

i know that you can't really feel that sense of self in another part of your body the same way or as clearly and this is why it is felt where it is, the heart area. though you have perhaps convinced yourself, i'm not not buying it.

and you have the nerve to call me an asshole when you are the snob who got all pissy when the thread was moved to pseudoscience. that's a laugh as if religion forum is somehow more legitimate or the idiotic threads in free thoughts are somehow not idiotic because they are in free thoughts! you are more of an asshole than me. i am more honest than you.
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because i know you are full of it.

i know that you can't really feel that sense of self in another part of your body the same way or as clearly and this is why it is felt where it is, the heart area. though you have perhaps convinced yourself, i'm not not buying it.

and you have the nerve to call me an asshole when you are the snob who got all pissy when the thread was moved to pseudoscience. that's a laugh as if religion forum is somehow more legitimate or the idiotic threads in free thoughts are somehow not idiotic because they are in free thoughts! you are more of an asshole than me. i am more honest than you.

No you assume, you even told me you haven't even tried it and havent done it yourself so dont chat shit to me.
it's not the same. your sense of 'self' is usually experienced in the heart area very keenly not anywhere else though of course you will have sensations in other areas of your body.
This is not the case for me. It never has been the case for me. I suspect it never will be the case for me. My sense of self is always located within my head, to the extent that I can much more readily ignore pain in my extremeties than in my torso, or in my toso rather than my head. I was surprised - though not unduly - to learn that someone might have a sense of self located amywhere other than the head.

We have both taken our personal experience of sense of self and extended it to the rest of the population at large. The difference is that on encountering fresh information - your experience of self location - I have been immediately willing to change my understanding of the phenomena. You have stuck to your guns and simply denied the experience of others. You might want to revisit your definition of an open mind (or, in your case, an open heart).
i'll take your claim at face value though it's unusual for someone to not have a sense of self felt/lodged in the heart area.
Link please.
Like the other responders, I'm "in my head".
Yeah. I think it's all due to aliens. There are no spirits of dead people, or anything silly like that. But aliens have powerful advanced technology. They can easily create holograms, and they can easily tap into something as simple as a digital camera to create all kinds of weird effects.

Not at all. The possibility that aliens with advanced technology exist does not breach any laws of physics that I know of. The idea that dead people can hang around as disembodied spirits in such a way that they can affect the physical world breaks all kinds of laws.

The simpler explanation is that the aliens are doing it!

Of course, simpler than that is the explanation that there are no ghosts or aliens. But that couldn't be right, could it?

Windows are made of glass.

Sure. Suppose the window was slanted slightly - possibly upwards and backwards, and possibly at an angle to the camera. The girls are closer to the window than the figure standing behind them, so the figure behind may not have been illuminated as much or reflected in the right way to be captured in the photo.

However, looking at the photo again, I can see flaws in my reflection explanation. It seems that the girls are standing on a path or road, and it would be unlikely for a window to be located where it would need to be to produce the effect. So, here's another idea:

The photo was taken at night. The exposure time would have necessarily been quite long. Look at the brightness of the lights in the photo! They appear not as well-defined lights but as big blurry bright blobs. Once again, the whole photo is blurry, suggesting that the camera probably moved slightly during the exposure.

Now, there's the idea: the figure in the photo probably moved rapidly while the photo was being taken, while the two girls essentially stood still. That is, their boyfriend (or whoever it is) either started holding the girl's arm then moved away ("Hey, how about we get a photo of just the two girls?"), or he started out of shot and moved in radidly. Over the time of the exposure, his lower body was not moving as rapidly as his upper body and arm, which resulted in the lower body being captured reasonably clearly, but the head and upper body being "smeared out" over the frame of the photo.

This theory is actually supported by the very blurry nature of the figure's shoulder/head area. Basically, the further towards the head you go the more blurred the image becomes. In fact, you can see a more or less double image around the shoulder area.

The fatal flaw in your theory ofcourse being that if it is not faked as you concede then the girls would still be aware of the presence of third figure, such as a boyfriend without a shirt?, being accidently smeared while taking the picture. Try again?
Oh it's in "Pseudoscience" now? lol! I guess it was important for the moderators to label this thread "properly" so all the clear-thinking science geeks won't get all confused and take it as a question worthy in it's own right. Gots to protect those sheep afterall. So, with that sort of biased delegitimizing of viewpoints by Big Brother, that means I'm outta here.
Then I guess computer software in your definition is non-physical.

It's certainly information, like the story inside a book or the music inside of sound. Is information physical? Or does it exist only as a mental phenomenon? IOW, do these qualitative gestalts exist in their own platonic realm of eternal forms or absolute mind, or are they identifiable with the physical units thru which they encoded? But...since we are now located in a Pseudoscience forum.. I will restrain myself from further unwarranted self-labeling. See you in another forum..maybe...
Oh it's in "Pseudoscience" now? lol! I guess it was important for the moderators to label this thread "properly" so all the clear-thinking science geeks won't get all confused and take it as a question worthy in it's own right. Gots to protect those sheep afterall. So, with that sort of biased delegitimizing of viewpoints by Big Brother, that means I'm outta here.

That's the sub-forum that paranormal and "unexplained phenomena" are listed under in the description, though. So the sorting process always has the potential to relocate something like this there. Probably what triggers it most though is when a discussion deteriorates to a certain level of inanity, regardless of whatever an OP originally intended.
i never said you don't think with the mind but i suspect that people who say or feel they are in their head all the time has more to do with perhaps not noticing or paying much attention to their sense of self in the heart area. it's true that you can ignore it for the most part unless something happens for you to take more notice.

for instance, i've never heard of someone "grieving" in their head. they grieve in their heart and feel it there.
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That's the sub-forum that paranormal and "unexplained phenomena" are listed under in the description, though. So the sorting process always has the potential to relocate something like this there. Probably what triggers it most though is when a discussion deteriorates to a certain level of inanity, regardless of whatever an OP originally intended.

there is tons of inanity in other threads as well as inane threads especially in free thoughts. there are a whole bunch of them even now! it's all arbitrary speculation.

people think they are so clever to just go along with what is the supposed right or expected answer. for instance, the brain is the processor so check that as the correct answer and therefore i'll be excluded from the woowoo scrutiny. that's really easy to do and anyone can do that.

but it's harder to be honest about doubts. i have noticed that there is a sense of a self-existing living appendage or identity in the heart chakra or area. it also seems to be affected not just by one's thoughts but also by the environment. sometimes you can even feel it viscerally moving and it's your mind that is also picking up the info. it's an interesting connection between the heart and mind to eachother and the environment.
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i never said you don't think with the mind but i suspect that people who say or feel they are in their head all the time has more to do with perhaps not noticing or paying much attention to their sense of self in the heart area. it's true that you can ignore it for the most part unless something happens for you to take more notice.
In other words you're still claiming (without support) that our sense of self is in the heart and dismissing as "not being noticed" any comments that disagree with you.
Still waiting for the link...

for instance, i've never heard of someone "grieving" in their head. they grieve in their heart and feel it there.
In other words you're still claiming (without support) that our sense of self is in the heart and dismissing as "not being noticed" any comments that disagree with you.
Still waiting for the link...


you need a link to acknowledge you are even breathing.

i'm not being closed-minded, you are. besides, i never said that people can't be in their head but i do think they are just not aware of what is going on in their heart area as much. that is usually the case for some people unless something happens to draw attention to it. it's usually ignored even though there is also a sense of self there too. maybe that is also the case with them.

do they feel love in the head? do they feel sadness in the head?

the expression 'love from the heart' exists for a reason and not 'love from the head'.

usually the only sensation you can feel in the head is either a headache or nothing at all unless there is direct trauma to the head.

confusion, worry, stress, elation etc can also be experienced in the mind also but they also usually affect your heart area if it is more extreme.
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you need a link to acknowledge you are even breathing.
So you can't substantiate your claim.

i'm not being closed-minded, you are.
I'm not the one making a claim I can't support.

besides, i never said that people can't be in their head but i do think they are just not aware of what is going on in their heart are as much. that is usually the case for some people unless something happens to draw attention to it. it's usually ignored.
Still making the claim. And still unsupported.
This is equivalent to a theist stating "evidence for god is all round us, atheists are simply blind to it".
Way to go.

the expression 'love from the heart' exists for a reason and not 'love from the head'.
Sure it does: it was based on ignorance. Don't compound the error.

Then again you've already displayed some woo woo characteristics:
there are even times that one can sense or viscerally feel a three-dimensional being is inside your heart chakra with all it's particular properties/traits.