Why believe in the bible?

LSD, I don't put any store in ancient desert superstitions. None. At all. Whatsoever. A cobbled together mishmash of creation myths.

When I say giant Twinkie ™, I mean literally. And to doubt the existence of the giant Twinkie ™ is to incur the wrath of the giant Twinkie ™!

Can you prove the giant Twinkie ™ didn't create the universe? Then what right do you have to doubt its existence?

The giant Twinkie ™ makes more sense than anything in the bible, and it also tastes better.

P.S.: The Onion © , and everything contained within, is a joke (just in case you didn't know).
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Repo Man said:
Can you prove the giant Twinkie didn't create the universe? Then what right do you have to doubt its existence?

I have already said that the Giant Twinkie did create the Universe although I tell you the truth that I have to ask permission to be so bold on this matter lest I trip you up.
Jesus is the Giant Twinkie that you speak of. Now believe on Him.


c20H25N3o; I your the most recent post place "JOE" instead God, Joe worshippers instead of Christians and you'll get nice apologetics for the Joe worshiping (for people wishing to believe in anything to make their lives meaningful). As long as you want to believe, it makes you happy whole, etc., nothing really matters (Bible's absurdities, for example). Personal "senses"/feelings is all what counts. That's why Christians using logical arguments to defend their belief seem ridiculous for non Christian minds. Desire and logic are two different things. You want to believe, it makes your world more frienly, more structured, more meaningful - Enjoy! Just try not to use "hard" arguments to defend your choise of worshiping, it looks ridiculous.
To try and confuse the giant Twinkie ™ with non existent deities is blasphemy! The giant Twinkie ™ demands a sacrifice for your sins of confusing it with some non existent deity! Or you'll face the wrath of the Twinkie ™ !

Just so you're clear: Jesus, jew dead for over 2,000 years, no cake, no creamy filling. Giant Twinkie ™, creator of the universe, moist golden cake, creamy filling. Not the same!
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Repo Man said:
To try and confuse the giant Twinkie with non existent deities is blasphemy! The giant Twinkie demands a sacrifice for your sins of confusing it with some non existent deity! Or you'll face the wrath of the Twinkie!

Even if that were true (which it is not), the Law that condemned blasphemy could not hold me because I fulfill the first commandment in believing on Jesus Christ.

Which is good news for you given that you transgress the law with your blasphemy right here ...

Repo Man said:
Just so you're clear: Jesus, jew dead for over 2,000 years, no cake, no creamy filling.

but nevertheless, your following statement does make my mouth water :drool:

Repo Man said:
Giant Twinkie, creator of the universe, moist golden cake, creamy filling.

Repo Man said:
Not the same!



Fine, since you can't seem to define Evolution, I will give you a quote

This is obviously fallacious seeings as I did just that on the post right before yours. I guess I need to go back to speaking about your habit of typing in your sleep.

- Dr. Michael J. Behe, Phd., Professor of Biochemistry - Lehigh University, Pennsylvania. Darwin's Black Box, 1996, p.x, ISBN 0-684-83493-6

I am using the word Evolution in the Darwinian/Scientific sense. Do you have some problem with this definition?

Yes I do. The quote has been made by an anti-evolutionist who has made a rather strange claim to what evolution is considering several things:

A) He very often mentions "theistic evolution" - (i.e god did it, evolution carried the process on). Are you now saying that 'god' is a part of evolution? Even to the very man you quote, evolution is not about how it all began - that's god's job, but how evolution continued the process afterwards.

B) Even if that was Darwin's "sense"? some things have changed since 1859.

However, there are 5 key inferences and observations drawn from Darwin's theory of evolution:

First, species have great fertility. They make more offspring than can grow to adulthood.
Second, populations remain roughly the same size, with modest fluctuations.
Third, food resources are limited, but are relatively constant most of the time. From these three observations it may be inferred that in such an environment there will be a struggle for survival among individuals.
Fourth, in sexually reproducing species, generally no two individuals are identical. Variation is rampant.
And fifth, much of this variation is heritable. - Ernst Mayr

These do not include "who/what set the ball in motion".

Further to which, evolution does not deny you believers from your existence in god. (as I mentioned earlier, "theistic evolution" is supported by some), and whether it was god, lenny the leprechaun or a big pot of carrot soup would not in any way hinder evolution.

What you really need to do is find out exactly what evolution is, and just as importantly - what evolution is not. You don't have to of course, and I'm not going to force you - It is entirely upto you.

If you wish to do so, click Here (Not TalkOrigins website)

Good luck.
David F. said:
Yes DW, you have the right to believe a lie - go to it, but don't expect me to follow.

The truth of Christanity has been proved to me beyond any reasonable doubt, by methods you would not understand (but I imagine C2o might understand). But that proof to me cannot be extended to you - so go follow a lie. But, if you ever decide to seek the truth, there are many on this forum which will be happy to help you.

Wotan has proven himself to me. The history is written on runestones, for all to see and genuine. You are the one who beliefs a lie! You are just too blind to see that truth. But when you stand in the river of icy blades, where all the dead hypocrites are send, you will see that I am right.

I haven't read all the posts here, but here's my oppinion.
I believe in god, and even the commandments, but i'm very sceptical about the bible itself. I didn't even realise others thought the same until i read the da vinci code, but the way i have come to think of it, even if the words in there are real, they were filtered through biased thought of the lifestyle back then. A good example is original sin, women back then were thought to be less than men. Men wrote the entire bible. And perhaps even if it was written as per god wanted it, it was written for the people back then, relevant back then, not now.
C20's comment on the Snakelord and David F debate

David F trusts that God made the Universe and everything in it including him. He believes that the Lord Jesus Christ died for his sins and it is to the book of Genesis that David puts faith in. David has looked scientifically at the evidence of creation and evolution. He has not blindly accepted one or the another but has studied and has come to the conclusion that the book of Genesis can be born out by the non-conclusivity of science. In fact as clever as David F is (and he is undoubtedly a much cleverer man than I), David humbly accepts that the Universe is too well ordered and carries purpose that can only be atrributed to the First Mover. David F seeks God and God reveals Himself to David by the Holy Spirit because David F accepts that Jesus was the Way, The Truth and The Light. This is David's faith and should be respected.

Snakelord has once in his life accepted Jesus as his saviour. But now finds that this was a little too much like having to accept that there is something greater than him out there even if that thing was a Jewish carpenter who rallied against everyone and had the most popular book written about him because of it. Snakelord cannot bear the thought that there might be someone who he must bow his head too especially this Jewish carpenter who apparently was killed for shooting his mouth off. And so seeks to prove that God does not exist, because that would mean that he is the only thing that truly matters. No sin, no judgement, no burny hot lakes of fire because he didn't believe in someone who was killed for running his mouth off. He does this (proving God does not exist) by pointing to scientific claims which do seem at least to suggest that the book of Genesis is a lie.
If the book of Genesis is a lie then Jesus is a lie. If Jesus is a lie then what more of sin and judgement and death which all sound rather nasty thank you very much. Snakelord has accepted his imminent death and feels unanswerable to anyone, not needing to give account to anyone for his life on earth. Snakelord is essentially a 'good' man. In him there is no falsehood when it comes to basic common sense. This is basic common sense to Snakelord for which he must not be judged.

Now if I may add my purpose here in all of these discussions ...

C20 believes that there have been too many evil atrocities in this life. He himself has been a victim of one person's terribly selfish act in which he gave all of his strength to something that was then taken away without warning namely his wife and daughter. He himself then was maligned and judged as deserving his suffering and the people who held him in judgement (and still do 12 years on) were his own parents, the very people he needed to restore him and make him feel ok about himself again. But they stand against him. Now what of the adulteress? What answer's does Atheism have regarding justice. A terrible wrong has been done to C20, he has been deprived of his first child whom he loves with all of his being. What of that? C20 would be able to say in all good conscious "There is no God because this is more than I can bear." What father can bear to hear that they may not see their child whom they brought into the world? And yet for C20 this is reality!
C20 has sought answers to the questions of justice and has found them in Jesus Christ. C20 has seen a man on a cross in his mind and seen him saying "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."
Now it doesn't matter to C20 that he has not actually seen this man, the spirit in which they were written is the important thing here. Jesus (of the Bible) knew that what was happening to him was a terrible thing. This character had only ever talked about God and how much he loved God and how he wished everyone loved God like he did. He trusted this God character so much that this character Jesus called God Father. C20 was pleased that in the story God approved of Jesus and raised him to life. To C20 anything else would have been injustice - which of course C20 hates.
The more C20 has explored the spirit of the Bible the more he 'sees' God and 'hears' God but again it is by spirit. C20 understands that no one can actually see or hear God. C20 calls God Father now and as such understands the character Jesus in the story of the Bible. The more C20 understands, the more the Spirit reveals itself to him.
Until in C20's mind, the Spirit takes on life of it's own and as this happens C20 sees that God is his Father and that the Spirit itself is God. This Spirit we may call The Word because it is The Word unto us. Now how may C20 know he isn't going mad?
I mean Spirits, God, Words blah blah all that mixed up with a little bit of acid and weed and you have a nut job right? Well because God is Who He is, he doesn't let C20 fall. C20 is weak as many of you have determined. He is like a cripple actually. Torn spine, multiple head injuries and so on, the result of a death-defying 160kph car accident. C20 clings to the Spirit of Love with all his strength terrified that he might slip away from that which gives him hope. C20 has been given many spiritual gifts as I am sure the other Christians here will testify to as a result of his humility. God is love. He is not angry with you. He loves you. << This is The Word to C20 and he is set free by it. C20 want's you to know The Word to.

C20 loves David F because David F speaks the truth. C20's faith is strengthed by David F's faith. David F is strengthened by C20's faith.

Snakelord calls both C20 and David F a liar. Snakelord to them is like a man sticking out a foot as the waiter carries a tray of food because Snakelord knows exactly what it is to fall over after having believed and does not believe God picked him up again. Snakelord says right if I can be tripped, I am going to trip. Snakelord does not realise that his own strength has kept him from falling and that now in all faith he should shepard the weak rather than trip them up. Snakelord however fears punishment for falling. Snakelord forgets that the Father holds the childs hand to prevent him from falling. If the child hurts their knees the father feels terrible for them and seeks to put a bandage on the pain. The father may even feel guilty for not holding their little hand tight enough. God only asks that you be humble because He himself is humble. It is when we get arrogant that God must use his rod and staff. Humble shepard, humble sheep. But if the sheep stray, the Shepard will leave the rest and come fetch the one that has gone astray caring not for the attack of the wolves along the way. He is protecting those lost sheep from the wolves. Hear the Word.

Uhh, I can understand your waiter parable, but keep in mind that there are people who grew up without believing in god, so they never tripped. I know that I never did.
Dreamwalker said:
Uhh, I can understand your waiter parable, but keep in mind that there are people who grew up without believing in god, so they never tripped. I know that I never did.

Indeed. God loves everyone no matter who they are. But to see that one must believe. No matter who they are.

I do not claim to be any greater than anyone else. I just know that you would love to hear me play the blues harmonica and I would love to play it for you. Music is such a universal language. We all understand it.


:confused: Pardon... what?

Perhaps I did not formulate it directly enough: I never believed in a god and was never forced to do so. I was never indoctrinated on god's behalf by anyone and I do not love. I like and enjoy things, but not on a level that I would call love. And the only thing I believe in, or rather trust in, is me.
Dreamwalker said:
:confused: Pardon... what?

Perhaps I did not formulate it directly enough: I never believed in a god and was never forced to do so. I was never indoctrinated on god's behalf by anyone and I do not love. I like and enjoy things, but not on a level that I would call love. And the only thing I believe in, or rather trust in, is me.

Ok. No probs. Sorry.
c20H25N3o said:
Even if that were true (which it is not), the Law that condemned blasphemy could not hold me because I fulfill the first commandment in believing on Jesus Christ.
duh wrong!. read your kjb

mark 3:28: Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:

mark3:29: But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:

it's quite clear you've never read the bible from cover to cover, just a small concise specially written version.

start reading it c20/lsd/amoeba-man, ok.
Dreamwalker: Perhaps I did not formulate it directly enough: I never believed in a god and was never forced to do so. I was never indoctrinated on god's behalf by anyone and I do not love. I like and enjoy things, but not on a level that I would call love. And the only thing I believe in, or rather trust in, is me.
M*W: Welcome to the the survivor's club. Some believe a god created them -- so they worship their unseen god. Others believe they are responsible only to themselves -- they are called survivors. It saddens me that christians have so little self-worth -- but, hey, they depend on something that doesn't exist. What a wonderful world it would be if we could just believe in our own self.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Welcome to the the survivor's club.

Lol - only surviving heh? Surviving what? Life? And this makes you the hero? The big man? Cos little you is surviving?

Surviving what ? Was it the fall out of someone saying "Jesus is the son of God?" and you believing them for a cotton pickin' moment?

Or is it surviving your life?

If it is the latter. Go look in the mirror and give your self a pat as you look - this will be your reward. Make sure you congratulate yourself and pull a satisified face so that the reward is truly pleasing to you. You have survived! Well done.

What have you survived again? What is survival?

from http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=survive

sur·vive ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sr-vv)
v. sur·vived, sur·viv·ing, sur·vives
v. intr.
To remain alive or in existence.
To carry on despite hardships or trauma; persevere: families that were surviving in tents after the flood.
To remain functional or usable: I dropped the radio, but it survived.

Christians are the same as you medicine woman there is just one slight difference. They see Jesus carrying his cross, carrying on despite hardships and trauma in order to remain alive or in existence by being obedient to God , a God the Christians call Love. Jesus gives hope to the Christian because they know that Jesus spoke of God and 'love' as though in the same breathe and the message of Jesus causes them to call on the name of Jesus for help and in the Christians life, they see God at work and they come to understand Him and see that their love for Him shaped their thoughts and their life is shaped by their thoughts. As are yours. Who is your father? The devil?

The benchmark of my Father is Jesus Christ as son and Jesus was obedient even unto death. In Jesus there was no harm, only harm was done to him. Much harm done to an innocent. But the blood of the innocent seals God's covenant with you. In that there is nothing left to do. "It is done". His creation has survived but at what price?
I dont think that would have been the first plan :eek:

God's weakness is also his strength. God doesn't seek His own way because love isn't like that. Free will would have no place otherwise. We were tripped up by some enemy who took advantage of the weak part of love that believes everything like a child. We are not to blame. We are innocent. He calls to us. Jesus died that we may be witness to God's love. God then raised Jesus to 'prove' to man that He approved of Jesus and that in Jesus we may come to know Him. This is the Good News of the Gospel and literally fills the Christian with Hope and Joy. This phenomena was also witnessed in the Scriptures that you malign so much, so much so that one spoke of the fruits of the Spirit being


Now the Christian is far from perfect but know that the Spirit is at work in Him when The Christian accepts Jesus into their lives. It all takes time. We the Christian understand this which is why it produces patience in us. The Christian should not be expected to always show patience all of the time. After all he is just a man like the unbeliever, like you. An honest Christian would say that without their new found faith, they would not have experienced change in their lives, whereas now they experience 'joy' because of the changes they note within themselves in particulary their countanence which deals with the fruits as emotions and ideas and in their bodies which are serving more purpose now than before their faith, in new and interesting ways.
The Christian agrees with the sentiment of the Bible that they are indeed a new Creation. The Christian is pleased to have This Holy Book, confirm their faith in what they see happening in their lives. It is like life to them.

Now given that it is written somewhere that the bad side of us is common to all of us, it seems only fair that the Christian be given the same respect as the next man whether he be believer or unbeliever and that each person should allow the Christian room to grow without hinderance. The Christian is bound to be found praising God for the work in their lives such is the nature of joy to give praise to that which is causing their joy. It is particualry likely that you will encounter this phenomena whilst browsing religious forums for it is a haunting ground for this particular species of animal. Give them room to grow. Be patient with them. Please do not argue with them about why they praise God for the work in their lives. It is a work that you know nothing about so why take a sword to it? Be happy for them as some folks are here.
You never know, they may even be nice people once you get to know them. I know I bite sometimes but hey! Who doesn't ;)


if this is so c20.
love; joy; peace; patience; kindness; goodness; faithfulness; gentleness; self-control.
why has there been so much killing, in the name of you xian god. and why has you god and is so called son jesus condoned it, sanctioned it, and why is your xian god so inherently evil.
To C20:

David F trusts that God made the Universe and everything in it including him.

And that is his right. Alas, it has nothing to do with 'evolution'. This is the point I have tried to express to him 50 times now. Evolution does not argue against the possibilty that a god, a leprechaun or a mothman started the ball rolling. What it does do, is explain what happened after the ball started rolling.

David has looked scientifically at the evidence of creation and evolution.

Unfortunately, David does not even understand what 'evolution' is and as such has not been looking at it 'scientifically', but using the ideals of an anti-evolutionist, and his personal opinion of what 'evolution' is. Further to which, David could not have been looking at creation 'scientifically', because 'creation' is not scientific.

David humbly accepts that the Universe is too well ordered and carries purpose that can only be atrributed to the First Mover.

Just something you need to be aware of: Humility does not = truth.

Now.. let's move on to me, shall we?

Snakelord has once in his life accepted Jesus as his saviour.

Actually you're wrong.

I was born to a family of differing religions. At an early age, due to the severe post natal depression my mother suffered, I was fostered, and then eventually adopted into a completely non-religious family. They weren't atheists, they just weren't religous. The best way to state it is that: They just didn't care or pay attention to any of it.

Where you would get the notion that I 'once accepted jesus', is beyond me, and most certainly without any validity whatsoever. Of course, this is the natural course of action for a fundamentalist christian, so I would expect nothing less.

I am not a former christian, not a former jew, not a former muslim, not a former anything.

Ok, I haven't checked my birth certificate which may state I was born a particular religion. However, that would be pointless anyway. Religious belief is not genetically inherited, and as such, every child is born with a 'clean slate'. While some will be rude enough to force beliefs onto a child that can't even speak, it has no bearing on what they actually would believe, given the choice.

But now finds that this was a little too much like having to accept that there is something greater than him out there even if that thing was a Jewish carpenter who rallied against everyone and had the most popular book written about him because of it.

Even though we've already established that you're wrong, I will continue responding to your claims and points, merely as a courtesy.

You state it's a little too much to claim theres something greater than me out there. This is simply ludicrous. I would not, and have not 'rejected' jesus because of ego, but because of lack of evidence. It is so simple, and yet nobody can even grasp the concept. This is made even more bizarre by the fact that they do the same when it comes to anything else. These very same people 'reject' other gods without even seeing the hypocrisy in claiming I shouldn't do the same they do, or indeed that I only do so because I think I'm cool.

Time and time again I give people the opportunity to give evidence for their beliefs, and then that person scurries off into the void, only to turn up a short while later and repeat the process.

The really bizarre thing is this:

I have spent a great deal of time working with people who claim to have been abducted, or met aliens, or even had sexual relations with aliens. I turn round and say: "Ok, can you provide any evidence to support your claim?"

These people then provide pictures, video, illustrations.. they ask to be hypnotized, and they do everything in their power to support the claims they make.

Even then, the mass majority do not believe a word they say. But either way, at least these people try. They provide as much as they can, and a lot more than "it's true because I say so". You guys can't even give the simple basics, and yet expect people to just fall at your feet in agreement. Frankly I find it perverse.

Snakelord cannot bear the thought that there might be someone who he must bow his head too especially this Jewish carpenter who apparently was killed for shooting his mouth off.

Again I can only state the worthlessness of such a thing without so much as a solitary droplet of evidence. Would you just bow to Lenny the Leprechaun? Of course not. Why not?

And so seeks to prove that God does not exist

This is a fallacious statement. I argue against the claims that are made, and am forced by sanity to conclude that until such time where evidence is presented, there is no choice but to assign the term 'fantasy' to the specific being. The same would be true of Odin and Zeus, and the reason would be no different than the reason you assign the term 'fantasy' to Odin and Zeus.

I would of course like to know how and why you would assign the word 'fantasy' to Odin and Zeus, but everytime I ask, people just vanish into the void once more.

because that would mean that he is the only thing that truly matters.

This is silly. My wife matters, my daughter matters, my dog matters, my cat matters, my pet goldfish matter, my mother matters, my father matters, my sisters matter, my brothers matter, my grandparents matter, my cousins, uncles, aunts, brother in laws, sister in laws matter. Etc etc etc.

No sin, no judgement, no burny hot lakes of fire because he didn't believe in someone who was killed for running his mouth off.

Not believing someone is what a book claims him to be because there's no evidence, does not instantly apply that sin and judgement are false. There is sin, and there is judgement via the courts, and the legal system.

He does this (proving God does not exist) by pointing to scientific claims which do seem at least to suggest that the book of Genesis is a lie.

Evolution is a fact. It doesn't matter what you say about it, it doesn't change that fact. It also does not extend itself to state that 'god does not exist', because that's not what evolution is. Using a faulty term for the word, doesn't mean it's right. The book of Genesis is in no way completely literal. Only a fool would think so. Especially given that it's little more than a copy of older Sumerian texts, that predate it by 1 and a half millennia.

Nobody can blame the writers, they lived in the times where next to nothing was known about the planet they lived on. This does not excuse you however.

If the book of Genesis is a lie then Jesus is a lie.

So that's what scares you? Earlier you were making claims about me and how I am 'afraid', when in reality it seems that you are. You cling to Genesis, not because of it's merits, but because if it's wrong, you're wrong. While this is typical for a generally weak individual, it doesn't make it true.

If Jesus is a lie then what more of sin and judgement and death which all sound rather nasty thank you very much.

I apologise, but I don't get exactly what you're saying.

Snakelord has accepted his imminent death and feels unanswerable to anyone

Imminent? No.

Answering to anyone, be it Odin or Lenny the Leprechaun, does not change the fact that I will die.

not needing to give account to anyone for his life on earth.

Perhaps I should write a biography?

Snakelord is essentially a 'good' man.

What kind of bollocks is this? You don't know me at all. You remind me of these twits that meet up with someone on the internet, only to find out that person's an axe murderer. As we have clearly seen, your statements concerning me have all been false up until now, so how much weight do you add to your "he's a good man" claim?

What answer's does Atheism have regarding justice.

This is the problem when your life is so bad you feel the absolute need for recompense. The easiest and most sound comment one could give you right now is: "Shit happens, get over it".

A terrible wrong has been done to C20, he has been deprived of his first child whom he loves with all of his being. What of that?

Like I said: Shit happens. If you don't like that answer, ask god to return them.

C20 has sought answers to the questions of justice and has found them in Jesus Christ. C20 has seen a man on a cross in his mind and seen him saying "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."

Which works out as little more than: Shit happens, get over it.

Jesus (of the Bible) knew that what was happening to him was a terrible thing.

I would have to state that anyone being crucified would consider it a 'terrible thing'. This feeling is not unique to jesus.

This character had only ever talked about God and how much he loved God and how he wished everyone loved God like he did. He trusted this God character so much that this character Jesus called God Father.

jesus never wrote anything, not even a word. You're not trusting jesus, you're trusting those who claimed that jesus said and did these things.

Now how may C20 know he isn't going mad?
I mean Spirits, God, Words blah blah all that mixed up with a little bit of acid and weed and you have a nut job right? Well because God is Who He is, he doesn't let C20 fall.

This is no different to saying "I'm not a nut because I say I'm not a nut". I hear it day in - day out. I hear it all day, every day. Am I supposed to just put complete "faith" in them as you expect me to do with you?

Snakelord calls both C20 and David F a liar.

Not at all, I debate the claims you make - and in the case of evolution, I point out when you give wrong definitions. This does not make anyone a liar, merely ignorant of the subject matter.

But while I will not call you a liar, you cannot ask any sane man to consider you truthful. It all depends upon the evidence, and as of yet - there is none. Even if you were eventually shown as being completely wrong, I wouldn't call you a liar. Again, it is ignorance, not lying.

Snakelord to them is like a man sticking out a foot as the waiter carries a tray of food because Snakelord knows exactly what it is to fall over after having believed and does not believe God picked him up again.

You're not "lying", you're just wrong. As explained earlier, I have never had a belief in any being - from Gilgamesh to Jesus, Yhwh to Odin.

Snakelord however fears punishment for falling.

From who? You already acknowledge that I don't believe in any being whatsoever, and as such there is no-one to hand out punishment, and even if it turned out that there was, one could question what kind of nutjob would hand out punishment because someone "falls". However, seeings as there isn't, it is of no worth.
audible said:
if this is so c20.
love; joy; peace; patience; kindness; goodness; faithfulness; gentleness; self-control.
why has there been so much killing, in the name of you xian god. and why has you god and is so called son jesus condoned it, sanctioned it, and why is your xian god so inherently evil.

You assign the evil to God but how wrong you are to do that! Is it not a man's hand that delivers the death blow to his brother?
If you understood the nature of love, you would see that God does not sanction evil but neither does He seek His own way and so He is patient with us because He does not want us to perish but rather be saved by tunring to Him of our own accord. This is why the meek shall inherit the Earth.
Do not fear, His wrath will be poured out on the wicked. You will personally see that He has not sanctioned evil and then you may trust Him again.

