Why believe in the bible?

I won't try to impress belief of Gilgamesh, or Zeus upon others... if you think it is worthwhile, then you do it. I don't even try to impress my own beliefs on others - I just state them as my opinion and go on.

And here we clearly see your inability to comprehend simple English. I didn't ask you to impress belief in these beings on anyone. I merely asked why you reject the witnesses of them.

I have a tendency to talk in my sleep. It seems you have a tendency to type in your sleep.

Why should I answer your questions when you won't answer mine?

You've asked this a hundred times now, and I keep giving the same answer: I answer all of your questions.

See, that's an answer, and yet you'll probably ask the exact same question again in a few minutes time. I do answer, you're just not awake yet.

I asked first - answer the questions!

Save me scrolling back.. Asked what?

Obviously you can't, or won't (I don't know how to get to a single post url... any help?)

Laziness does not imply inability.

BTW, you offered to list all the hypocricies of Jesus from the NT and I accepted - I'm still waiting

I didn't offer, I said "Need I?". However I am getting to it. You might not know this, but the bible is a reasonably large book, and although I can skip a large portion of it, it's still a lot to work through. What is it people say? Ah yes.. "patience is a virtue".

I know a massive hour has passed, but could you perhaps wait just a little while longer?

OK, then what is evolution- it's your religion after all, so I guess you can define it however you want.

That is what you need to find out, and preferably from a source that you don't just ignore for the sake of it. What you would be happier debating is this

There are many people, and many scientists that attempt to answer the origins of life through differing methods. However, this is not 'evolution'. To answer your question, as I always do..


That should hopefully be sufficient.
It is to those who "have no eyes to see" Isn't the old adage "you can't describe a rainbow to a blind man"? Faith in God is, to the lost, foolishness.

1 Corinthians 1
18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.
20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.
22 For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom:
23 But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;
24 But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God.
25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
26 For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:
27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;
28 And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:
29 That no flesh should glory in his presence

And that is an answer for what? Sorry, I fail to see the relevance...
David F.: While creation cannot be proved, neither can evolution.
M*W: I believe creation has long been proven as factual as has evolution. We don't have archeologists for nothing. Therefore, creation and evolution have both be proven. I believe creation came about randomly by the very evolution of the Big Bang -- not by any creator god. We are still evoling in the continuing ripple of the Big Bang.
David F.: As long as you don't label Genesis as "false" then you are still fine with the rest of the bible.
M*W: Genesis as well as the rest of the bible was written in symbolic language. There was no man named Adam nor was their a woman named Eve. Adam represents the Earth and Eve represents the living people and things on the Earth as well as wisdom. Eve and the Serpent are one and the same. The Serpent represents wisdom, too. There wasn't a real snake in Eden.
David F.: The OT is a book of books by various authors which proports to show the history of the Israelite people (sometimes called the Jews, although the word Jew really refers just to the tribe of Judah, but after the Babylonian exile, it became an all-inclusive word referring to the entire Israelite people).
M*W: Shall we call the bible a 'bibliography?' IF Moses wrote the Pentateuch books, he would have had to have written them down in Egypt. He was born there and he died there. Moses was never an Israelite nor a Jew.
David F.: It is only in the last few decades that some, whose goal is to discredit the scriptures, have started questioning the authorship of the bible books. Should they be believed? Well, I have checked out the arguments and have found them extremely wanting (absurd) but then you would have to believe me.
M*W: Even before the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 1947, there have been many biblical researchers and archeologists who have questioned the authenticity of the bible. Why shouldn't they be believed? I cannot believe you've checked out the arguments and found them to be absurd! That is, unless you only the works Christian authors! That tends to be the trend among christians who block every non-Christian writer out of their awareness. Name some non-Jew and non-christian biblical researchers and anthropologists whom you've read but still don't believe them to be true.
David F.: Those who wrote the books believed and those to whom they were passed believed, and those who became caretakers thereafter believed. It is only now, more than 3000 years after the fact, that someone is questioning authorship. How would someone 3000 years later have any idea who wrote the books? If I must choose between the bible and some three-thousand year removed hecklers, which should I believe? Either way, I must believe one or the other.
M*W: David, sadly you are incorrect. Take Moses -- he allegedly wrote the Pentateuch, although some scholars can prove he didn't. Until I am convinced otherwise, I will continue to believe that Moses wrote it. The question here is what was Moses' motivation to write it? It was his fanatical belief that the Sun-Aten-God. It's that simple. He wanted his people, all of Egypt, to believe that the sun was god. When Moses went upon the mountain tops to pray, as did believers in his day and later, he prayed to the sun and no other natural or supernatural entity. He wrote the Ten Commandments, not the sun. He wrote them to keep control of his sojourners in the Sinai desert. Moses saw himself as the Son of the Sun. That's why he gave himself the name/title Akhen-Aten, which means sun worshipper. The original Pentateuch was written in Egyptian language of the day -- not in Hebrew. The Pentateuch was translated from Egyptian into Hebrew, probably by one of the Habiru who made it over to the Promised Land, although these folks were uneducated shepherds. So translating the Egyptian writings into Hebrew, and the Hebrew version into English, has lost much from the original Egyptian. Even the first translator of the Pentateuch probably made many errors. Some things are believed on faith but more is believed by science. The god of the OT, Moses believed, was himself. Further, Moses wasn't the ORIGINAL penman. The Pentateuch was copied from a much earlier civilization -- the Sumerians.
David F.: The NT is a compilation of writings made by some first century Christians, not necessarily all who were disciples of Christ. The writings were gathered into a book by a set of church elite, led by a sun-god worshipper who only took on the guise of Christianity because it was convinient. However, despite this non-auspicious beginning, the NT has still proved to be true.
M*W: The birth of the NT books were written late in the first century, and Paul's epistles were written before the gospels. Matthew, Mark and Luke never knew Jesus. All they had read about Jesus was what Paul had written, and Paul never knew Jesus. It seems strange to me how all these people who didn't know Jesus wrote about him. The Dead Sea Scrolls were written by people who did know Jesus personally. The church 'doctors' probably had them hidden because they made references to Jesus and MM being intimate. In what way do you think the 'NT has still proved to be true?' Christians WANT to believe the NT is true so they can perpetuate their religious addiction!
David F.: I too am sceptical of the NT. I am much more likely to believe the witnesses of those who were there (the disciples who wrote the gospels) than the writings of a murderer from the camp of the Pharisees who only later saw the light and changed his evil ways (Paul).
M*W: You say you're 'sceptical of the NT,' but you believe the 'witnesses' who were 'there.' John was the only gospel writer who knew Jesus personally. There are several biblical scholars/linguists who now believe MM wrote the Gospel of John and Revelations under the name 'John.' You're smart to not believe what Paul wrote. Paul never knew Jesus. His epistles were written at least about 50 years after Jesus' death. In fact, it's very possible that Paul made the myth of Jesus up, and there was no such person. The greatest accomplishment of Jesus was him becoming a rabbi. The name Saul/Paul in Aramaic means 'deceiver.'
David F.: However, when I read Paul's writings carefully and ignore the misreadings and obvious distortions attributed to him throughout the centuries, I find that Paul too, preaches the gospel of Christ - amazing but true.
M*W: No, this is not amazing but true! Paul had a bad reputation as a liar, thief and murderer. He was also epileptic and was known to have seizures. That's why he saw a bright light and heard the voice of whom he thought was god after falling off his horse. I will give Paul credit for being a learned man who created some interesting characters in his writings, but that's all they were -- characters -- maybe even Jesus.
David F.: Shall I trust those who try to malign the disciples but keep the corrupted teachings of the murderer-turned-Christian? I think not. I find it safer to reject the modern distorters and retain the ancient original. But, then again, that is what I believe. You must make up your own mind.
M*W: Paul wrote most of the NT and what he didn't personally write, he coerced Matthew, Mark and Luke, and the precisely few others who may have contributed to his-Paul's message. Everything you read in the NT about Jesus said this, Jesus said that, are Paul's words -- not Jesus' words -- the Lord's Prayer, Beatitudes, etc..
David F.: Peoples over many times and in many centuries have asked this question - does the bible apply to me and to my time? Amazingly, the eventual answer has always been - YES. Cultures go in cycles (even the old Jewish culture) and always seem to end up back to the bible original. Our's just hasn't gone full circle yet. In the end, we must retain the scriptures in total.
M*W: If what you say is true, cultures come and go, but people always come back to believing the bible applies to those in their times, I just don't think this is logical reasoning. If what you state as truth, then the only religion we would have would be Judaism and Christianity. Obviously, the Bible doesn't hold any truth to 75% of the world's population, and christianity is dying fast worldwide. Why do you think? Retaining the scriptures in total would mean that the Dead Sea Scrolls, the gospels hidden in the Vatican, plus the many other writings the Church suppressed -- this is what I call 'total.'
David F.: No matter what society tells you or the intellectualists tell you, you will some day be made to answer for your actions. It has always been a matter of personal preference, but there will come a time when God will judge and you (and I) will be held accountable for our decisions. Just because some have fallen into error and desire to drag you down with them, does not excuse you. You must make a decision.
M*W: David, you sound a lot like c20. It amazes me how some christians come onto a site like sciforums Religion forum and preach to those of us who couldn't care less about any assumed god or dying demigod savior. There are many christian forums out there in cyberspace, and you would be among believers like yourself. I was an ex-christian when I came to sciforums, but I still believed in a creator god. Thanks to sciforums religion forum, not only have I become an anti-christian, because of fanatical christians like you, but I've have also happily become an atheist. One day the light bulb went on in my head, and I saw the light. No god will judge us, we are responsible to ourselves and all of humanity for our actions. If you feel as if you're being 'dragged down' by sciforums religion forum, I suggest you move to another forum or join a christian web site. You knew when you came here that this wasn't a christian forum, and those of us who use logical reasoning will continue to drag you down. I'm not trying to run you off, because I believe you are an intelligent man, and your knowledge of Hebrew is especially helpful. I told you my story on this forum, and if you have any doubts about christianity, this is definitely the place for you to be. If you're worried about losing your faith like I did, then you should protect your circular beliefs and go elsewhere.
David F.: Atheists like to use the patience and long-suffering of God as proof of His absense or demise. Just because God does not jump when an Atheist snaps his fingers, does not proclaim his existance or lack thereof. God is the master, not the servant. Atheists too - especially those on this forum who know the truth (it seems most of the Atheists on the forum are fallen Christians) - must make a choice and must eventually account for their actions.
M*W: Your first statement is just not true. This is not what atheists do. When one gives power and glory to some unknown creator godly being, he has a masochistic personality. Atheists let go of the 'fear' of God to the point of not believing in a god exists. We are certainly more content to give up that childish brainwashing. Yes, it IS brainwashing. An atheist doesn't snap his or her fingers and expect God to jump. There would be no reason for an atheist to even snap his fingers at all except to call his dog. The choice I've made to disbelieve in any god or dying demigod savior serves me well. I'm a happy and loving person. I smile at everyone I pass by and I speak if I'm able. I see strangers all the time. When I see them the second time, they remember me and smile or speak first. This is my nature. I love people. I love humanity. I have created myself, even though my parents did the work to have me and surely went through hell when I was a rebellious teenager. Back in those days we all said about The Establishment, "Don't trust anyone over 30." How fast 30 has come and gone, but life goes on. My parents weren't religious people. My dad never believed in god even when he was a Navy Seal in the oceans around Japan in WWII. I can guarantee you that he was responsible for his own actions. There was no god in those undersea mines he diffused.
I stopped being the rebellious hippie that I was growing up in the 60s, and I became a rebellious adult who found 'religion' in the form of Roman Catholicism. I did this mainly to rear my kids in a religious environment. My husband was Roman Catholic, but I dumped him in Germany in 1978. He's since become a holy roller, like I care. He's insane. What does that tell you? There are so many religously believing people locked up in nuthouses all over the world! He should be there, too.
David F.: The Atheist line is: Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.
M*W: This is not an atheist line. I've heard this all of my life even when I was a christian. It applies to everybody, especially liars. That's how christianity perpetuated -- lies that people continue to believe! Liars, and the people who believe them, are pathetic losers. I took instructions to become a Roman Catholic, and I was more zealous than those who were raised as one. I taught catechism for a number of years, and I had convinced myself it was all truth. Now I'm spending the rest of my life finding out what the truth really was, because it's NOT in the bible.
David F.: Why believe? That is a choice - a personal preference. If nothing else, believe because the bible has not been proved false.
M*W: Yes, it is a choice, and I've made mine. I'm sorry to tell you that the bible has long been proven false. Christianity forces you to believe in the bible. Therefore, that makes christianity false. Don't be afraid to seek the truth, and don't fight with your conscience for doing so. The more you dedicate your life to some dying demigod savior, the less you have for yourself. This is the only life you've got. Don't smother it with religion. Believe in yourself as the only god there is.
As long as you don't label Genesis as "false" then you are still fine with the rest of the bible.

I only noticed that because MW put it in her post, did you really say that? Damn, I must have overlooked it...

In fact, I have repeatedly labeled "Genesis" false in this thread... So, for me, the bible is a waste of paper.
SnakeLord said:
And here we clearly see your inability to comprehend simple English. I didn't ask you to impress belief in these beings on anyone. I merely asked why you reject the witnesses of them.

I have a tendency to talk in my sleep. It seems you have a tendency to type in your sleep.

You've asked this a hundred times now, and I keep giving the same answer: I answer all of your questions.

See, that's an answer, and yet you'll probably ask the exact same question again in a few minutes time. I do answer, you're just not awake yet.

Save me scrolling back.. Asked what?
Oh, you're such a funny guy (your lieing but you're still funny).

OK, just for you 'cause I like ya so much:

It is not I, but you who ignore the facts of evolution. Since you don't even know the meaning of the word, perhaps you might define the following concepts and put your own words to them:

1) The rise of Cells from non-organic material
2) The change from one-celled life to multi-cellular organisms
3) The diversification of multi-cellular organisms into Kingdoms/Phylum/Class/Order...
4) The variations within a species - speciation.
I asked for your definition of these processes since you obviously don't like mine.
Laziness does not imply inability.

I didn't offer, I said "Need I?". However I am getting to it. You might not know this, but the bible is a reasonably large book, and although I can skip a large portion of it, it's still a lot to work through. What is it people say? Ah yes.. "patience is a virtue".

I know a massive hour has passed, but could you perhaps wait just a little while longer?[
Thank you, I'll be waiting with baited breath... :bugeye:
That is what you need to find out, and preferably from a source that you don't just ignore for the sake of it. What you would be happier debating is this
You know, I'm tired of running off on your wild-goose chases. Why don't you save me from scrolling, or linking, and just answer the question. What do YOU think evolution is?
There are many people, and many scientists that attempt to answer the origins of life through differing methods. However, this is not 'evolution'. To answer your question, as I always do..


That should hopefully be sufficient.
Come on now... give me an answer. These are other people's answers. I want YOUR answer.
Dreamwalker: I only noticed that because MW put it in her post, did you really say that? Damn, I must have overlooked it...

In fact, I have repeatedly labeled "Genesis" false in this thread... So, for me, the bible is a waste of paper.
M*W: ...and what a waste of paper it is! Your comment made another light bulb turn on in my head! I just remembered (from 4th grade many, many moons ago), that paper was first made in Egypt from papyrus plants, and interestingly, Moses was supposed to have written Genesis. How convenient he had papyrus plants to write on, otherwise he used stone tablets, and we would have never known the lies he penned in Genesis!

But, I'll not deny miracles! It was truly a miracle that I remembered this from the 4th grade.
It is not I, but you who ignore the facts of evolution. Since you don't even know the meaning of the word

Don't know the meaning of the word? But you clearly don't want the actual meaning of the word, as seen later on in your post, (even refusing to click the link), so with what position can you say I don't know the meaning?

It has become very apparent that you feel personal opinion of word's meaning, is more important than the word's actual meaning. As this is the case, it is no surprise that you are constantly stumbling over this very simple thing.

perhaps you might define the following concepts and put your own words to them:

My own words? Fair enough:

"1) The rise of Cells from non-organic material" --- oibala joibala
"2) The change from one-celled life to multi-cellular organisms" --- hoogala boogala.

Now tell me David.. do you want my own words, or actual words? Would you like me to specify a personal meaning or an actual meaning? What are you after, if not what is actually what? My personal opinion and words mean bugger all at the end of the day, as do yours. What you should learn to do instead is to apply a meaning to the word it belongs to. As such, you cannot apply the origins of life to "evolution".

"1) The rise of Cells from non-organic material" -- The origins of life are not 'evolution'.

You're going in the right direction with numbers 2, 3 and 4.

You know, I'm tired of running off on your wild-goose chases. Why don't you save me from scrolling, or linking, and just answer the question. What do YOU think evolution is?

It is irrelevant what a specific individual thinks evolution is, if they don't actually know what evolution is. The only way you'll find out, without me copy/pasting, is to click the link.

The reason I send you their way, is because these guys work with the topic, and as such would know the meaning better than you or I. While I could write it in my own words, nothing beats hearing it from the experts. Would you disagree?

Come on now... give me an answer. These are other people's answers. I want YOUR answer.

Fine, fine.. Evolution put simply is change. Not just change mind, but change that becomes inheritable. Change in a person for example, is mutation. When that mutation becomes inheritable in the population, it is evolution.

As a result, the very first instance of life is not 'evolution', but what happened beyond that is.

This was explained for the general layman, and not a complete essay on evolution. If you have problem with it, feel free to click the link and get a more lengthy explanation.
Fine, since you can't seem to define Evolution, I will give you a quote:
"Evolution is a flexible word. It can be used by one person to mean something as simple as change over time, or by another person to mean the descent of all life forms from a common ancestor, leaving the mechanism of change unspecified. In its full-throated, biological sense, however, evolution means a process whereby life arose from non-living matter and subsequently developed entirely by natural means. That is the sense that Darwin gave to the word, and the meaning that it holds in the scientific community."
- Dr. Michael J. Behe, Phd., Professor of Biochemistry - Lehigh University, Pennsylvania. Darwin's Black Box, 1996, p.x, ISBN 0-684-83493-6​
I am using the word Evolution in the Darwinian/Scientific sense. Do you have some problem with this definition?
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M*W: ...and what a waste of paper it is!

Response from C20 : Yes a terrible waste. Burn it immediatley :rolleyes:

M*W: Your comment made another light bulb turn on in my head!

Response from C20 : :eek:

M*W: I just remembered (from 4th grade many, many moons ago), that paper was first made in Egypt from papyrus plants ...

Response from C20: At school. They taught me that too.

M*W: ...and interestingly, Moses was supposed to have written Genesis.

Response from C20: They taught me that too. Freaky coincidence or what!

M*W:How convenient he had papyrus plants to write on, otherwise he used stone tablets

Response from C20: Yep yep I concur! This is freaky!

M*W: ...and we would have never known the lies he penned in Genesis!

Response from C20: Sorry, at which point did we lose track? I was told in school that the Bible was the Bible, The Holy Bible of the Christian Faith. I read Genesis. It makes sense to me. What lies do you mean? Who has led you astray? Do you not remember what you were taught in school? Darn, I thought it was like gonna be the coincidence of all coincidences :-(

M*W: But, I'll not deny miracles! It was truly a miracle that I remembered this from the 4th grade.

Response from C20: :m:
Well, I ahve read the sagas of the norse gods. They are written much better than the bible and feature all the stuff that is in you holy book. World creation, creation of animals and men and loads of gods that are no such wimps as your, and they do not care about weak little christians.

Following David's reasoning it is all right to believe that. So from now on, I am a believer. I believe in Wotan, the god of battle and death, but also wisdom and art. My believe is just as well founded as the christian one. Great, isn't it. And I do not need to read an overextended self-contradictory pamphlet. Isn't religion great.
David F. said:
Now, SouthStar, I know you're not this foolish.

You are trying to turn AdStar's statement into a "which came first, the Chicken or the Egg?" scenario - and I know you know better. The Holy Spirit came first - and the Holy Spirit taught all the patriarchs, including Moses who wrote the first scriptures (perhaps with some source material). The only way you get to your conclusion is by denying that God exists at all - which you know AdStar does not believe.

You are purposely misunderstanding what AdStar wrote just to mock him - and that makes you a hypocrite.

Excuse my question, are you that much of an idiot? The very reason you think this:

The Holy Spirit came first - and the Holy Spirit taught all the patriarchs, including Moses who wrote the first scriptures (perhaps with some source material).

is because the Bible says so therefore the argument is circular. Again you want me to see things your (plural) way in order to understand "correctly". Can you be this arbitrary?
I really don't want you to think anything in particular or see things in any particular way. You have made a choice - and it is your choice to make.

However, you are now maligning others who have not made that choice and have not rejected the truth as you have. Your choice is yours to make but so is theirs. You argue from the advantage of knowing the faith of those you malign and intentionally misrepresenting them and misinterpretting their ideas and thoughts. You know what you are doing, which makes your actions fairly dispicable.

You may make your choice, and I for one will not fault you for your choice. If that is your path, then go to it - but don't expect the rest of us to burn with you. If, some day, you choose to return, you know we will all welcome you back.
Dreamwalker said:
Well, I ahve read the sagas of the norse gods. They are written much better than the bible and feature all the stuff that is in you holy book. World creation, creation of animals and men and loads of gods that are no such wimps as your, and they do not care about weak little christians.

Following David's reasoning it is all right to believe that. So from now on, I am a believer. I believe in Wotan, the god of battle and death, but also wisdom and art. My believe is just as well founded as the christian one. Great, isn't it. And I do not need to read an overextended self-contradictory pamphlet. Isn't religion great.
Yes DW, you have the right to believe a lie - go to it, but don't expect me to follow.

The truth of Christanity has been proved to me beyond any reasonable doubt, by methods you would not understand (but I imagine C2o might understand). But that proof to me cannot be extended to you - so go follow a lie. But, if you ever decide to seek the truth, there are many on this forum which will be happy to help you.
c20H25N3o: Sorry, at which point did we lose track? I was told in school that the Bible was the Bible, The Holy Bible of the Christian Faith. I read Genesis. It makes sense to me. What lies do you mean? Who has led you astray? Do you not remember what you were taught in school? Darn, I thought it was like gonna be the coincidence of all coincidences :-(
M*W: I, too, was taught all throughout my school days that the Bible spoke the truth, that being a Christian is what everyone was supposed to be, that God created me, and Jesus died for me, blah blah blah. It was Paul who led us all astray. He never knew Jesus, so how can we unless we believe his lies. This is what they didn't teach me in school. I had to learn this from my own research.
Why believe? What else is there to believe in?
Science may satisfy the analytical, but it will never satisfy man's inherent mysticism. We're a superstitious creature, we thrive on that stuff.

The bible is a nice thing to buy into because it solves our natural fear of death, our need for mysticism and answering why, and because 8 out of 10 Americans can't be wrong. (About 77% of Americans were Christian in 2001)
David F. said:
I really don't want you to think anything in particular or see things in any particular way. You have made a choice - and it is your choice to make.

However, you are now maligning others who have not made that choice and have not rejected the truth as you have. Your choice is yours to make but so is theirs. You argue from the advantage of knowing the faith of those you malign and intentionally misrepresenting them and misinterpretting their ideas and thoughts. You know what you are doing, which makes your actions fairly dispicable.

You may make your choice, and I for one will not fault you for your choice. If that is your path, then go to it - but don't expect the rest of us to burn with you. If, some day, you choose to return, you know we will all welcome you back.

Do tell me how I intentionally misrepresent and misinterpret their ideas and thoughts. I don't expect to burn because I was unable to be arbitrary.. that would be God's 'problem' for making me that way in the first place. Some people he makes gullible, some he makes "dispicable" I suppose.
§outh§tar said:
Some people he makes gullible, some he makes "dispicable" I suppose.

Why would God intentionally trip you up? Did you not hear the voice that says "Make the path straight..."?

You have tripped yourself up. You forget yourself. You forget your own reflection in the mirror. You did not choose the colour of your hair nor the number of days that you will live. You depend on God's goodness like the birds know there will be food for them each day but I tell you those birds thank God in their hearts more readily than you do.
I say this not so that you might think i despise you, nor do I say it because I believe you to be dispicable, I just say it because in causing others weak in faith to stumble, you are piling up trouble for your self.
I appeal to you in all conscious to leave those little ones alone.
I am aware you too were probably torn down by wolves no sooner than the seed was planted but I tell you this and I do not lie "Nothing can seperate you from God's love."
But God's love does rebuke, and it is not wise to cause these little ones to stumble. I implore you not to put God's patience to the test. I say this because I know how terrible His wrath is.
Remember the people of Sodom became mighty arrogant in their sin and God hated what they did! In fact God put an end to it with fire from Heaven because He couldn't let it continue for their sakes. He put an end to it to spare flesh from further sin.
You who say "God is bad because of this and that", who are you to question His Authority? I am a speck of dust in the longest, widest, deepest space I can perceive. Mighty fiery giants burn all around me, galaxies swirl and black holes suck up light such are their mysterious powers. The moon catches sun light and throws silver onto the dew soaked grass for me to ponder upon and as I sit by the lake in the dead of night I know that it was my appreciation for these things and who I accredited them to that anulled my arrogance. I am just a man and I know it is by God's good grace that I have life and I know it is through prayer and fellowship with Him that I may know what it is to be loved completely and in a way that no other human can manage. You see if the Spirit of God was allowed to do His work in all men, then we would see everything submitting to the will of man even as man submits to the will of God. But since the atheist refuses to submit to the will of God, all men suffer as a result and nothing is in submission to us. This is why the wheat and the chaff must be seperated.
If you atheist's are saying " Well God made us to be chaff", then we Christians will believe you. We have no choice, however we know all things are possible for God. We have faith in Him. We Christians would not be hear speaking of the Good News that was told to us if it were not for you.
You see we feel God's heart for those that have gone astray and for those of us that have lost children we have an even deeper understanding of God's anguish. In fact it is our suffering that brings the Good News here because the sufferings of Jesus spill out onto us that we may share in His suffering and also therefore His glory. To be united in suffering is to be released in joy.
Whoever saves His own life will lose it but whoever loses his life on account of Him will save it.


In one of The Onions' fake horoscopes, the one for Libra was "The solution to all of your problems can be found by reading the mistranslated myths of a stone-age desert nomad tribe."

You might as well believe a giant Twinkie ™ created and rules the universe. All hail the mighty Twinkie ™! Do not doubt the power of its light cake or creamy lard laden filling!
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Repo Man said:
In one of The Onions' fake horoscopes, the one for Libra was "The solution to all of your problems can be found by reading the mistranslated myths of a stone-age desert nomad tribe."

You might as well believe a giant Twinkie[&reg] created and rules the universe. All hail the mighty Twinkie! Do not doubt the power of its light cake or creamy lard laden filling!

I find it amusing that you could put store by the words of The Onion's fake horoscopes but dismiss these words from the New Testament ...

Matthew 22:35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

To love God with all your heart and soul and mind is to put Him first, to trust unto Him to care for you. This produces a deep humilty in man and it is most pleasing to God who made you. When you are tested ( and not by God I stress, God does not do the testing) there is only one place you can turn to for support.
The believer then sees the fruit of their humility as The Lord rescues them from Egypt faithfully as He has done since time began.
Then we have a little more faith because of the mustard seed we have already presented. And so to those who have more will be given but for those who have little even the tiny bit they have will be taken away because they do not trust God to deliver them but instead try to save their own lives.
Those who trust God's nature, delight in God's nature and therefore become like Him through witness of His nature. In becoming like Him they then love there neighbour even as they are loved themselves. The Christian witnesses God's great love for them and they are justified by it. The Christian then has the tools to love his neighbour even as he is loved fully because the Christian appreciates what it is to be loved in his inner being. The Christian also understands God's anger and in knowing His anger, comes to rely upon His mercy which as I have said is greater than His anger. For those that love Him, He remembereth not their sin, but for those who do not love Him, the very law itself that ought bring life, brings judgement and punishment which it of course must to show that the law is right.
What is the purpose of the law? Is it not to bring correction to the transgressor of it? How could it bring correction if it did not punish? And yet the unbeliever sees the wages of sin in the world and blames it on God, thus piling up their own sins further.
The full weight of the Law was exacted upon Jesus that you might not taste death, for in Him the purpose of the Law was fulfilled leaving you off the hook so to speak. But for those who do not accept His offering, you are still under penalty of Law because you reject Him still and in doing so say "I will take my own punishment thank you!". You atheists have it your own way! As for me and mine, we will accept the free gift of eternal life in the knowledge that the Law now has no power to condemn us to death because we have believed on Him and trust that 'It is done'. In trusting we fulfill every commandment that there is, but I may summarise by saying that now we do not have any other gods before Him and are therefore obedient to the very first commandment "Though shalt have no other God's before me".
Incidently I may call Jesus a Giant Twinkie. He find's it quite funny :D
Big star that He is!


Adstar said:
The bible must be read from the start to the finish. One must understand the significance of Jesus as the central hub. Without belief in God i think it is near impossible to have understanding of the bible. One needs the help of the Holy Spirit to understand. Even the Apostles did not truly understand until the day of Pentecost and they had lived with Jesus for 3 years.

All Praise the Ancient Of Days

Such a convenient philosophy. Using your approach one may believe pretty much anything no matter how stupid it appears to non believers. Bible, Universal mind, Allah, Extraterrestials, Scientology, you name it. You can "uderstand"/believe pretty much anything you like using your approach.