Why are morons often theists?

The first Sino war was fought by japan and china over korea...both were occupying forces and it set the stage for the second sino war.

The two countries have along history of conflict
The conflicts between china and japan predate america, but I'm sure we are still somehow responsible. :rolleyes:

From what I remember, Japan had a seclusion policy, which was forced open by American intervention. At the time Korea was a satellite of China. But after getting "westernised" the Japanese decided their security depended on getting Korea (and its mineral ores) and fought the first war with China. After getting Korea, Japa extended its vision to dominating Chinese politics and resources and the Chinese fought the second war to throw them out.

here is the wiki version:

In 1639, the shogunate began the isolationist sakoku ("closed country") policy that spanned the two and a half centuries of tenuous political unity known as the Edo period. The study of Western sciences, known as rangaku, continued during this period through contacts with the Dutch enclave at Dejima in Nagasaki. The Edo period also gave rise to kokugaku, or literally "national studies", the study of Japan by the Japanese themselves.[23]

On March 31, 1854, Commodore Matthew Perry and the "Black Ships" of the United States Navy forced the opening of Japan to the outside world with the Convention of Kanagawa. Subsequent similar treaties with the Western countries in the Bakumatsu period brought Japan into economic and political crises. The abundance of the prerogative and the resignation of the shogunate led to the Boshin War and the establishment of a centralized state unified under the name of the Emperor (Meiji Restoration). Adopting Western political, judicial and military institutions, the Cabinet organized the Privy Council, introduced the Meiji Constitution, and assembled the Imperial Diet. The Meiji Restoration transformed the Empire of Japan into an industrialized world power that embarked on a number of military conflicts to expand the nation's sphere of influence.
Yeah but because of the occupation, both Koreans and Chinese have very poor opinions of the Japanese.
That is a huge HUGE understatement. Chinese think of Japanese the way Austrians think of Germans or Muslims think of Jews.
Cos intelligence is inversely correlated to evolutionary benefits. Advanced weaponry, dispassionate murder, serial killings, eugenics, militancy, madness, substance abuse and suicide are all highly correlated with intelligence.

Actually, theists have been trying that shit forever (have you ever read the Old Testament? That shit is like beat off central!).

It's just that rational thinking atheists are better at doing stuff, including killing bitches.
Actually, theists have been trying that shit forever (have you ever read the Old Testament? That shit is like beat off central!).

It's just that rational thinking atheists are better at doing stuff, including killing bitches.

So smart they keep taking themselves out of the gene pool?

Jews have been in Jerusalem for 3000 years

They were banished everytime Romans/Christians took Jerusalem.
Do you have some evidence for this? I'm pretty sure (a) they were subjugated by romans but the only cult allowed to avoid emperor worship in the entire roman empire. many jews held upstanding positions in the major cities of the empire from Rome itself to Alexandria and Athens. Muslims subjugated them as well. If they were truely interested in "freeing" Jews then they would have, they weren't and hence they didn't. (b) Xians subjugated Jews. But they didn't eliminate them. As far as I know.

Anyway, both Xians and Romans were wrong in subjugating the Jews in their own kingdom. Don't you agree that such actions are evil?
You forgot Jews in Arabia

Here's a funny one Judaism is illegal there today :eek:

How abotu Mohammd and the Jews. Now there's some fun stuff. After Badr and Uhud, the Banu Qainuqa and Banu Nadir, respectively, the Jews were expelled "with their families and possessions" from Medina. After the Battle of the Trench in 627, the Jews of Banu Qurayza were accused of conspiring with the Meccans; 600-900 Qurayza men were beheaded (except for the few who chose to convert to Islam), women and children enslaved, and their properties confiscated.

God loves a nicely loped off head.