Why are morons often theists?

Unfortunately, many (not all) theists show extreme rudeness and disrespect to the beliefs of theists of other religions. I can think of a bunch of people like that off the top of my head. Of course, this doesn't really carry over from Internet to reality, because in person, people are more scared of saying something offensive.

Yeah I've seen that too, but only here. I've grown up next to orthodox Hindus who won't allow a shadow to fall on them between a bath and a prayer and strict every-Sunday-church-going Catholics and Shia Muslims who never left their home without a burka, but I've never met such rude people in my whole life!:p
I cannot
neither can you prove your assertion
In fact all you said is an assumption
And all I said is an assamption

and the only way to make it valid in eyes of others is to vote on how their assumptions are on this subject.

My assumption: while theism does not cause or require stupidity, stupid people will generally prefer theism.
Yeah I've seen that too, but only here. I've grown up next to orthodox Hindus who won't allow a shadow to fall on them between a bath and a prayer and strict every-Sunday-church-going Catholics and Shia Muslims who never left their home without a burka, but I've never met such rude people in my whole life!:p

Yeah, the Internet can bring out the worst in us.

Oh, and what the heck are Shi'ite women in burkas going to Sunday church for, anyway? :confused:
You bring out the best in us sammy.

You mean the tried and true secular method of freedom of expression with no right to be offended? Fraggle gave me a talk when I first came here (and I've been trying it ever since) but really, I don't see any benefit to it.
All people are of statistically the same intelligence. All people are as much of morons and are as much geniuses as everyone else, as everywhere and always and will be the same.

Not really. It's not like religion is entirely something people are born into, in which case I'd agree.

But theism is a choice. And as with most choices people are not statistically the same.
You mean the tried and true secular method of freedom of expression with no right to be offended? Fraggle gave me a talk when I first came here (and I've been trying it ever since) but really, I don't see any benefit to it.
Fraggle is, how you say, a bit idealistic.
No, poor people will generally prefer theism. The rich are usually irreligious. I'll let you figure out why.

Guessing... Less education? Needing some meaning from elsewhere in their life since their circumstances aren't favorable and beyond their power to change?

I'm not sure it is just a poor thing either.

I haven't looked up demographics, but look at evangelicals in the US. Quite a lot of them are well to do, I think, and they certainly are on a worldwide relative scale.

Take them as my example of stupid people. I think they tend to evangelism for totally different reasons than an intelligent person might be theistic.

Another example against poor people being theists is some East-Asian societies. Poor people don't tend towards theism in Singapore, for example. And I'm highly sure it is the same in Korea, China, and Japan.
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