Why are morons often theists?

Clearly it's better to be stupid. Hence the 95% of the population that are theist. You win.
If your statistics are correct, you've just answered your own question. If 95% of the population is made up of theists, you'd expect 95% of morons to be theists.
I find atheists to always be the greatest morons, as they usually pay no attention to other arguments AND AT THE SAME TIME have no sense of morality AND ridicule other peoples' beliefs without even first understanding them.

Why are morons often theists?
Intellectually easy?

Most people are theist so if you run into someone a little moronic they statistically should turn out to be theist. At least in the West. I meet quite of few atheist chinese and some of them are pretty dense.
Why are morons often theists?
Because all the wanker slots were taken by atheists.

And if you look around those seem to be the options. Wankers or morons.
Some blessed ones get to be both.
In fact wankerhood bleeds into moronhood,
like, say,
in the making of this thread.
no they are smart, good chemists, but they have some moronic ideas about Japanese.

Japanese are not exactly "sane" people

All the Chinese people I have met (and this includes Bombay) have always seemed circumspect and hesitant to me. I met one recently who is very young and from a rural area and she told me directly that Chinese people don't discuss any religion because it adversely affects them in all walks of life in Chinese society. So they've gotten used to not thinking about it. But they are all superstitious. So I think their present style of governance is responsible for their perceived atheism.

Hesitant to discuss religion? Perhaps that is just non-intrusiveness.

How much you wanna bet a more open society (with their current capitalism) will see a reversion to theism?;)

I would make that bet :p They've been without religion for a long time. Once gone for a generation or two, I don't see them picking it up in large numbers without having been raised that way.
My assumption: while theism does not cause or require stupidity, stupid people will generally prefer theism.

I retract this. :p If it is true it is only true in a insignificant way.

I probably mainly said it just to disagree with draqon. :cool:
Hesitant to discuss religion? Perhaps that is just non-intrusiveness.

I would make that bet :p They've been without religion for a long time. Once gone for a generation or two, I don't see them picking it up in large numbers without having been raised that way.

Count me in. Here in the UK about 2% of the population are churchgoers, The bulk of these are elderly and there is no sign that their numbers are being replaced. It's not such much that atheism is on the rise; it's more a question of people being pissed of by all cermonies, men dressing up as women and spouting platitudes.

There will be a return to theism when we have proof that the earth is really flat after all.
Count me in. Here in the UK about 2% of the population are churchgoers, The bulk of these are elderly and there is no sign that their numbers are being replaced. It's not such much that atheism is on the rise; it's more a question of people being pissed of by all cermonies, men dressing up as women and spouting platitudes.

There will be a return to theism when we have proof that the earth is really flat after all.

I think you got it wrong there buddy; 77% of the UK classify themself as Catholic, and about 25-35% are "active" (attend church at least weekly)
Japanese are not exactly "sane" people
There are two vastly different periods for "Samurai" with the word referring to completely different people. Anyway, Samurai type people exited in all medieval societies.
There are two vastly different periods for "Samurai" with the word referring to completely different people. Anyway, Samurai type people exited in all medieval societies.

Yeah but because of the occupation, both Koreans and Chinese have very poor opinions of the Japanese.