Why are humans afraid of death?

Why do they fear not existing? There's nothing to it to fear.

Later Addition : This is intended to be about humans' views, emotions, etc concerning nonexistence. Not the act of dying or the pain of it or whatever. Not whether there is an afterlife or what it might be like.

I thought if I didn't mention death, it would be misunderstood yet thought it should be understood by the Title & OP together.

People also have an preconcious desire to end suffering by dying according to psychology literature I've read. As suffering increases the desire to die increases -- hence an abundant supply of suicide bombers in the middle east.

Death and the Seduction of Despair

Death Wish
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“Every man dies - Not every man really lives.”

William Ross Wallace

“We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.”

Chuck Palahniuk

“We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die for it.”

Che Guavara
Why do they fear not existing? There's nothing to it to fear.

Later Addition : This is intended to be about humans' views, emotions, etc concerning nonexistence. Not the act of dying or the pain of it or whatever. Not whether there is an afterlife or what it might be like.

I thought if I didn't mention death, it would be misunderstood yet thought it should be understood by the Title & OP together.

the reason is not many of mankind know what life is.

To comprehend 'what is life'............. is the single greatest gift, any human being can EVER be given.

That combining knowledge is the last chapter (the revealing) to mankind.

The Understanding of LIFE!

"Let him who hath understanding recognize the number' (of the bringer of truth)

the good guy removes the religions forever and it comes from combining the comprehension of reality with the truth of life.

It's a 'light' thing! :p
I've given & been given many things yet no 1 gave me life.

yep.... mom and pops....

you represent them: so anything you do bad; is 'dishonoring your mom and pop'..........

and if you knew what life is, perhaps watch the 2LoT, then if you want to live longer; best go make a baby!

Give life!
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
I've given & been given many things yet no 1 gave me life. ”

yep.... mom and pops....

In order for anything to be given to me, I must be alive. I was not given life.

you represent them: so anything you do bad; is 'dishonoring your mom and pop'..........!

I represent no 1 but myself.

and if you knew what life is, perhaps watch the 2LoT, then if you want to live longer; best go make a baby!
Give life!

Can someone translate this???
After death the body is buried in the ground and the soul grows into flora: eternal suffering without hope of release...
Not everyone is afraid of death. Some people worry about the fate of those they leave behind. Some people welcome it.
yet for some reason ambulances being mobilized in your immediate vicinity might be a cause of concern ....

Wow. A juvenile, snarky comment. The kind of discourse we've come to expect from you over the years.

(IOW you apparently have something that isn't given but can be taken away)

This is an equivocation fallacy (fallacies are what we've come to expect as well). "taken away" in the case of death doesn't equivocate to the act of taking away that is synonymous with removing a toy from a child's hand. No one or thing "takes" a life away. One can cause a death (just as one can "cause" a life by fucking), but life isn't an object or thing that can be "given" or "taken" in the sense you're applying.

That this is an equivocation is something I think you're probably aware of, therefore you're being deliberately deceptive. Also to be expected from you over the years. You're subtle, but a liar all the same.
This is an equivocation fallacy (fallacies are what we've come to expect as well). "taken away" in the case of death doesn't equivocate to the act of taking away that is synonymous with removing a toy from a child's hand. No one or thing "takes" a life away. One can cause a death (just as one can "cause" a life by fucking), but life isn't an object or thing that can be "given" or "taken" in the sense you're applying.
if you take the time to read other posts in the thread you can find these points already brought up and also how stranger disagrees with them

That this is an equivocation is something I think you're probably aware of, therefore you're being deliberately deceptive. Also to be expected from you over the years. You're subtle, but a liar all the same.

I guess to a greater or lesser extent we all give opportunity to display predictable behaviour from time to time
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