Why are humans afraid of death?

“ Originally Posted by Read-Only
That hardly applies to quite a few of us. "Fear" isn't the correct word at all for some - it's the anticipated loss of contact with those that we care for. And for others, it's also not being to accomplish things that they wanted to do. ”

Loss of contact hurts only if 1 exists. There is no pain in nonexistence.

I see you managed to somehow totally miss the point.

Useless arrogant posturing.

We're not discussing after you die but when contemplating what it's approach would mean to you. Any reasonable person would surely admit that they would rather live longer (if healthy!) and spend more time with those people that have meaning for them.

I started the thread & wrote the title & OP. Maybe you need to start your own thread on the subject & beat your chest there.

It's not about what-all people would rather happen. It's about fear.
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I fear "not existing" (at the present time) because I have children under 18 and who are not on their own and independent. Even though my parents are alive and I have a sister and brother, who love my kids, I feel it would be a burden for them to raise my children.
I think as my kids get older, and more independent, I will feel less fearful about "not existing". Right now I feel my job is not finished.

Reminds me of soldiers & others who take less risks after marrying.
You and Exeter should get together and discuss your fear of death. Maybe both of you can invent some other dimensions or planes of existence just to help mollify the situation.
Actually I don't see why there are any transcendental requirements for the point I made.

Do you see suicide as symptomatic of joviality?

It's not about whether there are perks or whether nonexistence is palatable.
Generally when we have "perks" we endeavor to protect or maintain them in a shadow of fear.

For instance, do you lock your front door when you leave your house?
What do you have to fear from an unlocked front door?
(after all, it's just a bit of wood or metal, and is essentially the same, whether open or closed - what does it matter whether some tiny bit of metal slots into a crevice to prevent the wood from being opened?)

If someone says they have nothing to fear from not locking their door, it tends to indicate that they don't live in NYC (for a start)
Trying to justify it makes you sound scared.

No, it is a belief in something other than dribble. Please do not mistake me for someone who fears. It is quite the opposite. I do not have to justify anything, thats the best aspect of this entire thread.
I'm with Baron on this one. I don't fear dying, but I don't want to die. I will be sad when it's time to die, not scared. Death could not come sooner or later for me. I am looking forward to dying someday and sleeping the long sleep. Not having to worry about the crap of life will be great. For now, gimme more crap of life, I haven't had my fill.
Self glory I suppose :) And there's always the faint hope that what comes around goes around. I mean, pass it along.

Self glory?
You must mean the glory of the "the GFAP microtubules of glia, specifically astrocytes" or of the "actin microtubules of neuronal growth cones", right?
I am not afraid of death.
You're afraid to admit you're full of it.

Not even a bit apprehensive? I wouldn't say I'm afraid to die, but I am a bit apprehensive of it'll be like. Since I have never died before I don't know what to expect. So I would classify my fear of death simply as uncertainty. And uncertainty is unsettling and can be bothersome.
I'm more afraid of going at the wrong time. I don't wish to croak while I can still have some fun. I don't wish to die after my kids either. Most of all I don't want to die sitting in a wheelchair, unable to move, head cocked over to one side, drool hanging from my lips, a colostomy bag strapped to my waist and having no idea whether I'm alive or dead. With that scenario in mind, I fear living more than death.
I'm more afraid of going at the wrong time. I don't wish to croak while I can still have some fun. I don't wish to die after my kids either. Most of all I don't want to die sitting in a wheelchair, unable to move, head cocked over to one side, drool hanging from my lips, a colostomy bag strapped to my waist and having no idea whether I'm alive or dead. With that scenario in mind, I fear living more than death.
hence the conundrum for the materialist is that to retreat from death they must retreat from life
“ Originally Posted by Read-Only
That hardly applies to quite a few of us. "Fear" isn't the correct word at all for some - it's the anticipated loss of contact with those that we care for. And for others, it's also not being to accomplish things that they wanted to do. ”

Useless arrogant posturing.

I started the thread & wrote the title & OP. Maybe you need to start your own thread on the subject & beat your chest there.

It's not about what-all people would rather happen. It's about fear.

No, you silly, silly little kid! It's YOU doing the arrogant posturing here!!!! You began with a statement/question ASSUMING everyone had an actual fear of DEATH itself and I countered that with the fact that for a lot of people it was NOT the act of dying but rather the loss of contact with loved ones that they dreaded. I certainly feel exactly that way myself and know several others that do so also.

So get off your kiddie high-horse and use your little immature brain just a bit. I promise that it won't hurt and you'll be amazed at times just what you can learn from people MUCH older than yourself. For example, you probably look at death as something most likely in the far, distant future - while I have a much different perspective. For me, it's a real possibility every single day at my age and practically a *certainly* within 20 years and probably less.

So stop acting so childish and make an effort to GROW UP a little - OK?
No, you silly, silly little kid! It's YOU doing the arrogant posturing here!!!! You began with a statement/question ASSUMING everyone had an actual fear of DEATH itself and I countered that with the fact that for a lot of people it was NOT the act of dying but rather the loss of contact with loved ones that they dreaded. I certainly feel exactly that way myself and know several others that do so also.

So get off your kiddie high-horse and use your little immature brain just a bit. I promise that it won't hurt and you'll be amazed at times just what you can learn from people MUCH older than yourself. For example, you probably look at death as something most likely in the far, distant future - while I have a much different perspective. For me, it's a real possibility every single day at my age and practically a *certainly* within 20 years and probably less.

So stop acting so childish and make an effort to GROW UP a little - OK?

Don't try to help him it's pointless. Don't talk to him. Ignore him. Don't speak to him. Run from him. Everything said above is a lie etc etc etc etc etc...
Don't try to help him it's pointless. Don't talk to him. Ignore him. Don't speak to him. Run from him. Everything said above is a lie etc etc etc etc etc...

What are you going on about???? Are you trying for yet another ban for trolling in threads??