Why are humans afraid of death?

That is not true. I was implying that he is full of it just as you were. What's wrong with that?
psychotic episode
For you maybe.
for you
(since you have no conception of life divorced from issues of death)

If someone offered way to live forever in this material state then you'd be first in line.

On the contrary, samsara (repeated birth and death in the material world) is already making that offer
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
I am not afraid of death. ”

Not even a bit apprehensive? I wouldn't say I'm afraid to die, but I am a bit apprehensive of it'll be like. Since I have never died before I don't know what to expect. So I would classify my fear of death simply as uncertainty. And uncertainty is unsettling and can be bothersome.

I wouldn't say apprehensive. I'm uncertain & that is bothersome. I'd much rather know.
Since I don't know what will happen, I don't expect anything. I don't know what will happen tomorrow or the next day or next year either.
You began with a statement/question ASSUMING everyone had an actual fear of DEATH itself and I countered that with the fact that for a lot of people it was NOT the act of dying but rather the loss of contact with loved ones that they dreaded. I certainly feel exactly that way myself and know several others that do so also.

I did NOT assume or imply any assumption that EVERYONE fears death. Or that EVERYONE fears nonexistence.

No, you silly, silly little kid! It's YOU doing the arrogant posturing here!!

So get off your kiddie high-horse and use your little immature brain just a bit. I promise that it won't hurt and you'll be amazed at times just what you can learn from people MUCH older than yourself. For example, you probably look at death as something most likely in the far, distant future - while I have a much different perspective. For me, it's a real possibility every single day at my age and practically a *certainly* within 20 years and probably less.

So stop acting so childish and make an effort to GROW UP a little - OK?

You are quite obviously the 1 who needs to grow up. Get a few clues.
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I did NOT assume or imply any assumption that EVERYONE fears death. Or that EVERYONE fears nonexistence.

Then you fail badly at understanding the usage of the English language. "Why are humans afraid of death" as opposed to "some" or "a few" or some other qualifier most certainly DOES indicate a VAST majoritity - if not practically EVERYONE. If you had asked, "Why do many people seem to fear death?" I would not have said a word.

And again, it was just an ASSUMPTION of yours - not something that you could state as a fact (inside a question) as you did. (Another failure to undestand the common usage of English.)

You are quite obviously the 1 who needs to grow up. Get a few clues.

Ha-ha-ha-ha! Listen to the immature little kid talking to the adult!!!:D
If I ask why people believe in gods, you think I assume all humans believe in gods.
If I ask why humans are so violent, you think I assume all humans are violent.
If I ask why do humans eat raw fish, you think I assume all humans eat raw fish.
If I ask why do humans hurt each other so much, you think I assume all humans hurt each other a lot.
If I ask why do cats catch mice, you think I assume all cats catch mice.
If I ask why do humans act stupid, you think I assume all humans act stupid.
If I ask why people assume things about me which they cannot possibly know, you think I assume it applies to all people.
If I ask why dogs chase after cats that could rip them to shreds, you think I assume all dogs do so.
If I ask why do people believe in ghosts, you think I assume all people believe in ghosts.
If I ask why aliens abduct people, you go off your rocker & give yourself a heart attack.
If I ask why people believe in gods, you think I assume all humans believe in gods.
If I ask why humans are so violent, you think I assume all humans are violent.
If I ask why do humans eat raw fish, you think I assume all humans eat raw fish.
If I ask why do humans hurt each other so much, you think I assume all humans hurt each other a lot.
If I ask why do cats catch mice, you think I assume all cats catch mice.
If I ask why do humans act stupid, you think I assume all humans act stupid.
If I ask why people assume things about me which they cannot possibly know, you think I assume it applies to all people.
If I ask why dogs chase after cats that could rip them to shreds, you think I assume all dogs do so.
If I ask why do people believe in ghosts, you think I assume all people believe in ghosts.
If I ask why aliens abduct people, you go off your rocker & give yourself a heart attack.

I'm not assuming anything - you are. And I explained in simple English how to avoid such a thing in statements or questions. It's not that difficult to understand. If you doubt what I've said, ask Tissa about it.

Oh, and I've never had a heart attack over anything. I have never been emotional in my entire life except when my son was killed in a car accident.
Ha-ha-ha-ha! Listen to the immature little kid talking to the adult!!!:D

What is your problem??? Weaned too early? Or too late?

IF you are talking with a kid, you're setting a very bad example.
IF you're talking with an adult, possibly older than you, you're showing how enormously foolish you can be.
All for what??? What do you gain from all that inanity?
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
If I ask why people believe in gods, you think I assume all humans believe in gods.
If I ask why humans are so violent, you think I assume all humans are violent.
If I ask why do humans eat raw fish, you think I assume all humans eat raw fish.
If I ask why do humans hurt each other so much, you think I assume all humans hurt each other a lot.
If I ask why do cats catch mice, you think I assume all cats catch mice.
If I ask why do humans act stupid, you think I assume all humans act stupid.
If I ask why people assume things about me which they cannot possibly know, you think I assume it applies to all people.
If I ask why dogs chase after cats that could rip them to shreds, you think I assume all dogs do so.
If I ask why do people believe in ghosts, you think I assume all people believe in ghosts.
If I ask why aliens abduct people, you go off your rocker & give yourself a heart attack. ”

I'm not assuming anything - you are. And I explained in simple English how to avoid such a thing in statements or questions. It's not that difficult to understand. If you doubt what I've said, ask Tissa about it.

Oh, and I've never had a heart attack over anything. I have never been emotional in my entire life except when my son was killed in a car accident.

Where did I say you assume something???
You explained nothing.
It's not that I doubt it. I know better.
I just demonstrated it very well.
What is your problem??? Weaned too early? Or too late?

IF you are talking with a kid, you're setting a very bad example.
IF you're talking with an adult, possibly older than you, you're showing how enormously foolish you can be.
All for what??? What do you gain from all that inanity?

Just can't get the point, can you? Shame.
psychotic episode

for you
(since you have no conception of life divorced from issues of death)

You don't understand. No one, no how, can say what happens after you die. Nobody. Anything you say..... souls, reincarnation, heaven, hell, samsara, God, whatever you can offer is merely speculation. Absolutely no basis in fact for any of them. It is pure fantasy that you seem to enjoy dwelling on. Hey, go for it but don't go on and on like it's the gospel truth.

On the contrary, samsara (repeated birth and death in the material world) is already making that offer

And you bought it, sight unseen. Did it come with a guarantee?
You don't understand. No one, no how, can say what happens after you die.
or alternatively, you don't understand how one could

Nobody. Anything you say..... souls, reincarnation, heaven, hell, samsara, God, whatever you can offer is merely speculation.
actually you are speculating that the topic cannot be understood
("never say never")

Absolutely no basis in fact for any of them. It is pure fantasy that you seem to enjoy dwelling on. Hey, go for it but don't go on and on like it's the gospel truth.
as opposed to the gospel truth that no one can know, eh?

And you bought it, sight unseen.
not just me
you too

Did it come with a guarantee?
I think you would even agree that there are a few issues in the fine print that we over-looked
actually you are speculating that the topic cannot be understood("never say never

Oh oh! Does this mean you've been dead at least once already? Did I just dredge up more of the soul recycling depot and reincarnation? Aaaaarrrgggh!

I have no memory of not being undead in some ethereal state nor do I have a memory of a previous physical life. Yet you sound as if you know all about life, death, afterlife, & rebirth. Does it make more sense to believe you know all the details or more sense to think you're muy loco en la cabasa.
Oh oh! Does this mean you've been dead at least once already?
Oh oh! Does this mean that the only way to know is to be dead already and have a recollection of it?

I have no memory of not being undead in some ethereal state nor do I have a memory of a previous physical life.
that's ok

you don't have memory of when you were in the womb plus the first few years of your life either

Yet you sound as if you know all about life, death, afterlife, & rebirth.
Does your authority on the topic of where you lived as a 1 year old drastically diminish since you have no memory of it?
Is my opinion of where you lived as a 1 year equally as valid as yours (or even more valid, since you might speak about the topic with an air of conviction) ?

Does it make more sense to believe you know all the details or more sense to think you're muy loco en la cabasa.
Well first off , I didn't claim to know ALL the details (kind of funny how atheists like to reduce arguments down to an "all or nothing" element, since not even their beloved empiricism meets that criteria)

and secondly, if you want to hold mine or anyone else's opinions about your early childhood and life in the womb as equally valid as your own , anything is possible I guess
Why do they fear not existing? There's nothing to it to fear.

Later Addition : This is intended to be about humans' views, emotions, etc concerning nonexistence. Not the act of dying or the pain of it or whatever. Not whether there is an afterlife or what it might be like.

I thought if I didn't mention death, it would be misunderstood yet thought it should be understood by the Title & OP together.

I'm thinking that Humans are afraid of death because of religions

it is religions that invented this dicotomy between the Human spirt , heaven and hell

devide and concur