Why are christians so filled with hate?

So don't tell me I don't know the difference between atheism and communism. But any claim that the two are wholely unrelated is crap.
I never said they were unrelated, I quoted Geesers post it clearly states here "Communism is not, however, inherently atheistic. It is possible to have Communistic or Socialistic views while being a theist and it isn't at all wrong to be an atheist while staunchly defending capitalism, which is a combination often found among objectivists and libertarians.
their existence alone demonstrates, that atheism and communism are not the same thing."

however atheism was unrelated to the Communist evils that were committed -- it wasn't the absence of a faith that killed all those Jews and Poles and Russians, cambodians, chinese, it was the presence of a faith in a set of values just as poisonous as religion.
Communists did not kill to expand atheism, they killed for personal power.
I never said they were unrelated, I quoted Geesers post it clearly states here "Communism is not, however, inherently atheistic. It is possible to have Communistic or Socialistic views while being a theist and it isn't at all wrong to be an atheist while staunchly defending capitalism, which is a combination often found among objectivists and libertarians.
their existence alone demonstrates, that atheism and communism are not the same thing."

however atheism was unrelated to the Communist evils that were committed -- it wasn't the absence of a faith that killed all those Jews and Poles and Russians, cambodians, chinese, it was the presence of a faith in a set of values just as poisonous as religion.
Communists did not kill to expand atheism, they killed for personal power.

Is that why they prohibited the practice of religion?

* The Soviets destroyed forever most of Russia's ancient religious heritage. Clergy and laity butchered for their beliefs. Icons and churches all destroyed by the violent irrational religion of Marxism.
* The Bible was banned by the communist bullies and cowards, but it can now be freely read here.
* The destruction of Albania's religious heritage by the disgusting murderer Hoxha.
* The ignorant Maoists burnt and destroyed forever much of the ancient cultural and religious heritage of China and Tibet.
* Freedom of religion is still denied by the bullies and cowards who run China, North Korea, Vietnam and Cuba.
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Is that why they prohibited the practice of religion?

No not really! what the communist tried to do is destroy one form of mysticism and replace it with another, hence destroy the myth of religion and replace with the myth of the state! Thus they prohibited religion practice, so the people will worship/serve the state!

Communism and any type of statism is very similar to organized religion, they both aim to rule by force, or cohortion.
thanks Godless, could not have put it better.

"it wasn't the absence of a faith that killed all those Jews and Poles and Russians, Cambodians, Chinese, it was the presence of a faith in a set of values just as poisonous as religion."
No not really! what the communist tried to do is destroy one form of mysticism and replace it with another, hence destroy the myth of religion and replace with the myth of the state! Thus they prohibited religion practice, so the people will worship/serve the state!

Communism and any type of statism is very similar to organized religion, they both aim to rule by force, or cohortion.

Remove religion=atheism.
thanks Godless, could not have put it better.

"it wasn't the absence of a faith that killed all those Jews and Poles and Russians, Cambodians, Chinese, it was the presence of a faith in a set of values just as poisonous as religion."

Exactly and a religious person would not attempt to remove religion, only an atheist would. Doesn't make them less fanatical, and no matter how you color it, the forcible prevention of religious practice = forced conversion to atheism.

It's very simple, did those communists believe in God?
You have a small, non-representative group of friends. Sorry....

No I don't, I know a lot of Christians, Indian, Filipino, Dutch, American, English, Russian, Egyptian, Ethiopian, Canadian, Korean, from all strata of society.

Its your group that is non-representative.

Christian fanaticism appears to be an American thing, based probably on the high level of violence in their society.
He lived 2,000 years before Muhammed, and his offspring wrote none of the Old Testament.

And Sam, I really find in disingenuous that you say you know little of Ishmael when it is claimed that he was the rightful spiritual heir of Abraham, not Issac, and so, the Koran is supposedly the real word of God. I think I smell a discussion which you don't want to enter into for fear of looking bad.
He lived 2,000 years before Muhammed, and his offspring wrote none of the Old Testament.

And Sam, I really find in disingenuous that you say you know little of Ishmael when it is claimed that he was the rightful spiritual heir of Abraham, not Issac, and so, the Koran is supposedly the real word of God. I think I smell a discussion which you don't want to enter into for fear of looking bad.

The only thing I know about Ishmael is that he was the son of Hagar and what I heard about them in Mecca. And it does not matter what he wrote or did not write since we also follow the descendants of Isaac, i.e. Moses, Jesus, As well as in Abraham.

You have some weird ideas about Muslims.:p
Exactly and a religious person would not attempt to remove religion, only an atheist would.

Oh please, since time immemorial religious groups have done their utmost to get rid of the others.. They still are trying.

But of course, Atheism is a faith, as one cannot prove that there is no God.

You make it sound like you consider faith to be a truly worthless disgusting thing. Hmmm..

Anyway, atheism is a lack of belief. It is identical to your lack of belief in leprechauns. It does not mean you have faith because you cannot prove leprechauns don't exist, no - it means you lack a belief in leprechauns.

If you cannot navigate this hurdle you'll never cope with the more challenging stuff.
Can you prove that God doesn't exist? Didn't think so.

Can you prove that leprechauns don't? Didn't think so.

However, as a result of not being able to prove the existence of lack thereof of gods/leprechauns I wait until such time where there is evidence. I am not going to automatically assume it's true. As such I lack a belief in it.

That's an important aspect of it. See in both instances you make a positive statement: "god exists", "thor doesn't exist" while not being able to prove either. As such you have an abundance of faith. I just lack a belief in gods..

You'll learn as you get older.