Why are christians so filled with hate?

christianity is the most arrogant of the religions, theres is perfect and everybody else is not, they would never stop and think they might have the wrong beliefs.

You believe/perceive humilty to be arrogance, love to be hate, and Life to be death...do you ever "stop and think" you might have the wrong beliefs? Probably not, as such thinking is unbecoming arrogance.

It is precisely because we have taken the time to "stop and think" that we have come to trust Christ...we have been brutally honest with ourselves... this comes about and is made possible only through humilty--not arrogance.

P.S. It's awfully hard to have "wrong beliefs" when one has the right God. How does one know one has the right God? Through revelation...God reveals Himself by His Spirit to those of a humble and contrite heart--according to His Word...
there are 34,000 different sects of christianity, and they even hate each other.
either you lot, who cant see the hate are blinkered, or on the defensive because your guilty of the very same kind of hate.
christianity is the most arrogant of the religions, theres is perfect and everybody else is not, they would never stop and think they might have the wrong beliefs.

I have met many good loving christians and also many that are filled with hate and bitterness.
Unfortunately the often contradictory nature of God in the abrahamic faiths tends to bring out (sometimes) the worst in people.:(
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M*W: Christians hate anyone not like them:

- Atheists
- Theists of other sects
- Homosexuals
- Lesbians
- Other religions
- Pro-Choice
- Myths that prove their god doesn't exist

What do they fear most?

Christians or not, none hate other more than the other. Christians are in majority, and that is all.
Some of them honestly, deluded or not, fear mostly for your "soul".

Mormons for instance will pray for your soul to be saved, whether you want them to or not...if someone of your blood marries into their religion.
Some of them honestly, deluded or not, fear mostly for your "soul".

Mormons for instance will pray for your soul to be saved, whether you want them to or not...if someone of your blood marries into their religion.

there are no delusional people...just people who are not in majority of their credo.
I think the majority of christians are fine, but of course there will be the extremists to the side.
I was driving through Topeka, Kansas and saw a bunch of protesters with signs that said stuff like, no joke, "God hates Fags!", "Fags go to Hell!"

But these are the few, and should be more or less ignored.
I'd suggest that MW's opening statement be adjusted to say "Many christians" or even "Many vocal christians". I recognize violent discrimination bleeding from a lot of christians, however I must point out that there are indeed those who are quite malleable insofar as accepting that other lives exist outside their beliefs.

Thirty-three percent does not a majority make. Within that 33% christian population, there are 34,000 sects. Which one is the right one? In reality, the statistics are probably much less than 33%. How many people do you know who 'claim' to be christian but never set foot in a church? I say it's an easy 25%. That leaves 75% of the world's population to other religions. Christianity is not a majority.
Lol, she couldn't be if what you posted is accurate. Let me spell it out to you:

christians: 33%.. Basically, as far as world population goes, there'd be 67% of the worlds population that weren't christian, thus meaning christianity is not the 'majority of the worlds population".. Get it?

Wakey wakey!

Christians are in majority in terms of religion
She can't help it...a root of bitterness thrives within.

M*W: Truth knows no bitterness. Why is it that you people think just because we're atheists that we are bitter? That's hogwash. Just because we cannot be duped doesn't mean we're bitter! That's just wishful thinking on your part. You should be bitter, because you believe the lies!
Christians are in majority in terms of religion

No, that is overall including atheist and non-religious. So you were right the first time and M*W is wrong. In this way the inference can be made that there is no Medicine*Man.
And you are a sore loser. I never made one personal attack againt you M*W!

M*W: Then what was your comment about referring to "no Medicine*Man?" Please explain to me how 33% of the world's population is a majority.
Christians are in majority in terms of religion

Let's be clear about this... you stated that MW was a liar in direct response to her statement that christians are not the majority of the world's population.

In direct response to that I told you you're wrong, which you are.

In summary: Your statement that she was lying was actually a lie. She wasn't lying.. the fact remains that 33% is not the majority of "world population". Sure, in terms of religions then yes.. but that's not what MW said.
