Why are christians so filled with hate?

M*W: Christians hate anyone not like them:

- Atheists
- Theists of other sects
- Homosexuals
- Lesbians
- Other religions
- Pro-Choice
- Myths that prove their god doesn't exist

What do they fear most?

you must be talking about handful of minority. being muslim in a christian cuntry, i have not seen any christian hating eachother, or other religion members. my advise to you or member of any religion is, do not attempt to read what is on God's mind. just live the life, whether you believe in any religion or not, and let God judge on you, not you on others because they are different.
you must be talking about handful of minority. being muslim in a christian cuntry, i have not seen any christian hating eachother, or other religion members. my advise to you or member of any religion is, do not attempt to read what is on God's mind. just live the life, whether you believe in any religion or not, and let God judge on you, not you on others because they are different.

M*W: Trust me! I definitely do not read what's on "god's" mind, nor do I judge anyone! You've got me confused with someone who gives a damn.
Why are christians so filled with hate?

Problably because their God is so filled with hate...and winning brownie points with the diety is a high priory.

In the old testament if you did something naughty Yahweh just simply killed you...usually indirectly.

In the new testament your fate is much much worse...eternal torment in hell, which doesnt exist in earlier texts.
M*W: Trust me! I definitely do not read what's on "god's" mind, nor do I judge anyone! You've got me confused with someone who gives a damn.

wait, what? you just contradicted yourself. You said in the first post what christians, in your opinion ARE. Would not judge them as something that you think they ARE? and on top of that you made this thread for particularly no reason but to attack people like me.

1) I don't hate atheists most of my freinds are
2) Don't hate them either I have a muslim freind, a mormon freind, a catholic freind and two lutheran freinds (i'm baptist)
3) While I don't approve of their lifestyle I certainly don't hate them and frankly I don't care if they keep doing what they do. I'm not here to force my opinion on anyone. I just present my beliefs, you believe or reject them, and we both go home.
4) (see above)
5) again I have all those freinds (see number 2)
6) I don't hate pro-choice people. THis just goes back to what I said on number 3
7) ah. well, you hate my "myths" that say a god does exist.

In conclusion, One of the biggest principles of most christian branches is to not hate anyone and only to love them. At first before I was a christian I thought that it would be impossible to not hate EVERYONE but lo and behold here I am writing this message and reading yours with no anger in me, thus creating a comprehensible point. Can you do the same?:D
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wait, what? you just contradicted yourself. You said in the first post what christians, in your opinion ARE. Would not judge them as something that you think they ARE? and on top of that you made this thread for particularly no reason but to attack people like me.

M*W: I may have opinions, but I don't believe I judge others. When it comes to christians, I think they need help to accept the truth and/or gain knowledge about their religion. I don't judge them as if they were second-class citizens. They just haven't taken the opportunity to read and learn. I can neither judge nor punish them. They are already doing that to themselves.
very well, it seems I misunderstood you. However, back to the debate at hand. again I still disagree with you. As I said in my last post one of christianity's (or at least my denomination) most important aspects is that you whould not hate anyone regardless of what they have done to you.
I don't think this can be said about just Christians. Several religions have their fundamentalist fanatics, all of which equally piss me off. Most of my family are Christians and they are good people. I've also met Muslims who were good people. It's the hardliners of each religion that make the moderates look bad.
Case in point, I watched a video of Richard Dawkins (I'm assuming you all know who he is) visit the auditorium of a well know evangelist. After only a few minutes of speaking with Mr. Dawkins (who throughout the whole time maintained a tactful, professional demeanor) the evangelist (not very politely I might add) accused Mr. Dawkins of being arrogant, then a few minutes later when Mr. Dawkins was outside his congregation talking to some of the evangelist's followers, he storms up in his pickup and quite rudely kicks Mr. Dawkins out of his compound; Christian religious tolerance at its best. It was quite possibly the biggest display of conduct unbecoming of a Christian I've ever seen.
very well, it seems I misunderstood you. However, back to the debate at hand. again I still disagree with you. As I said in my last post one of christianity's (or at least my denomination) most important aspects is that you whould not hate anyone regardless of what they have done to you.

M*W: Yeah, hating causes a lot of personal energy to be wasted. It doesn't really affect the person who is hated, it weakens the hater, because it turns within.
I don't think this can be said about just Christians. Several religions have their fundamentalist fanatics, all of which equally piss me off. Most of my family are Christians and they are good people. I've also met Muslims who were good people. It's the hardliners of each religion that make the moderates look bad.
Case in point, I watched a video of Richard Dawkins (I'm assuming you all know who he is) visit the auditorium of a well know evangelist. After only a few minutes of speaking with Mr. Dawkins (who throughout the whole time maintained a tactful, professional demeanor) the evangelist (not very politely I might add) accused Mr. Dawkins of being arrogant, then a few minutes later when Mr. Dawkins was outside his congregation talking to some of the evangelist's followers, he storms up in his pickup and quite rudely kicks Mr. Dawkins out of his compound; Christian religious tolerance at its best. It was quite possibly the biggest display of conduct unbecoming of a Christian I've ever seen.
Just as a science professor would have kicked an evangelizer out of his classroom.

True religion is decidely intolerant, and all truely religious people are fundamentists, as were its founders.

To be tolerant means that one believes there can be more than ONE truth...a view which no religion teaches.