Why are atheists so pissy?

Why, can't I use an argument more than once per a thread?

You are not using an argument. You are simply making assertions, which is an entirely different matter.

Instead of saying " I know god exist" which is simply a statement, try saying saying "I know god exists because ......" Now you are using an argument because the evidence you offer to support your belief can be examined by others. If you cannot discuss something in this way , you have no argument and are not entitled to a hearing.
No, I mean He really doesn't exist for atheists.
M*W: I actually have to agree with you on this one, but that's only because we know he doesn't exist anyway. We know he doesn't exist for you either, even though you believe he does.

Denominations tend to distort/add to the original message. They are man-made. They add their own rules, beliefs, conditions etc.. We don't need denominations. We need to get back to the basics.

So, you'd presumably start by eliminating the distinction between Christianity and Judaism, since Jesus was a Jew himself. In fact, since Islam, Christianity and Judaism are all Abrahamic religions, there's no need to divide those "denominations", wouldn't you say?

No, I mean He really doesn't exist for atheists.
This is nonsense. The existence of something is not dependent on what people believe.

Parallel universes may exist, and yet they don't exist here.
What the heck is this gibberish? Why might parralel universes exist? What basis do you use for the assertion that such things don't exist?

Denominations tend to distort/add to the original message. They are man-made. They add their own rules, beliefs, conditions etc.. We don't need denominations. We need to get back to the basics.
What basics? There are some 20,000 distinct Christian cults and sects all claiming an independent truth and interpretation of Christian mythology. The bible might offer some hope but that has dozens of versions and re-writes and interpretations that we are left with no definitive version of the original mythology.

I suspect that what your sect might claim as basic will be different to what another sects will claim as basic.

Without evidence as a factual source of your beliefs you will remain adrift in a vast ocean of imaginative fantasy, just like all your other fellow Christians.
And you, no doubt, know just the person to take us there.

Yes. Can I get an "amen"? :D

Aren't we all at work?


sandy:So, you'd presumably start by eliminating the distinction between Christianity and Judaism, since Jesus was a Jew himself. In fact, since Islam, Christianity and Judaism are all Abrahamic religions, there's no need to divide those "denominations", wouldn't you say?

Good point, but no. I would leave those all alone. Christianity and Islam are COMPLETE opposites. Devout Jews live by the Old Testament. The denominations I'm referring to are only those in Christianity. Too much splintering off.

Sandy,What basics?....

The Bible. Jesus Christ.
James R said:
sandy:So, you'd presumably start by eliminating the distinction between Christianity and Judaism, since Jesus was a Jew himself. In fact, since Islam, Christianity and Judaism are all Abrahamic religions, there's no need to divide those "denominations", wouldn't you say?
Good point, but no. I would leave those all alone. Christianity and Islam are COMPLETE opposites. Devout Jews live by the Old Testament. The denominations I'm referring to are only those in Christianity. Too much splintering off.
Cris said:
Sandy,What basics?....
The Bible. Jesus Christ.
forgive me if I'm wrong but dont you follow the old testament, isn't that in the Bible. you follow the Commandments dont you.
Sandy you are wrong, they are all from the same source, all Abrahamic religions.

and in answer to the OP, too much Alchohol probably.
forgive me if I'm wrong but dont you follow the old testament, isn't that in the Bible. you follow the Commandments dont you.
Sandy you are wrong, they are all from the same source, all Abrahamic religions.

and in answer to the OP, too much Alchohol probably.
To cut in a bit, we do believe in the Old Testament, but the New Testament is more important for us now.
The NT doesn't state or claim that jesus is god, at best a demi-god, (human/god parent mixture).
forgive me if I'm wrong but dont you follow the old testament, isn't that in the Bible. you follow the Commandments dont you.
Sandy you are wrong...

Already answered by other posters. We believe the OT but follow the NT (New Testament/Covenant from Jesus Christ.) Devout Jews follow the OT.
Already answered by other posters. We believe the OT but follow the NT (New Testament/Covenant from Jesus Christ.) Devout Jews follow the OT.
so you have confidence in the Commandments, but you dont accept the authority of them or give allegiance to them, explains a lot, thanks.
whereas devout Jews are of a higher moral fibre, ok I understand now.
so you have confidence in the Commandments, but you dont accept the authority of them or give allegiance to them, explains a lot, thanks.
whereas devout Jews are of a higher moral fibre, ok I understand now.

I didn't say that. We obey the 10 Commandments. And I never said Jews were any better than anyone else. Spin much? :rolleyes:

The Bible. Jesus Christ.
Which bible? Which variation? Which revision? Which translation? Whose interpretation?

There are thousands of combinations. On what basis would you choose one of them as your "basics"?

I assume you choose the particular cultural variation on which your personal indoctrination was based, and then assert that as the only true version. As will most other Christians who will assert the same but for their particular different variation.

Without a factual and reliable historical basis for your religion you will be unable to find any basics that have any signficant credibility beyond imaginative mythology.
Which bible? Which variation? Which revision? Which translation? Whose interpretation? There are thousands of combinations. On what basis would you choose one of them as your "basics"? I assume you choose the particular cultural variation on which your personal indoctrination was based, and then assert that as the only true version. As will most other Christians who will assert the same but for their particular different variation.
Without a factual and reliable historical basis for your religion you will be unable to find any basics that have any signficant credibility beyond imaginative mythology.

King James.

And bs. :rolleyes: