Why are atheists so pissy?

Are parallel universes more likely than the existence of God in your humble opinion?

neither have any substantiated materialistic proof to choose one over the other.

However during human civilization lifetime, God is spoken and told of to exist much more than parallel universes on a subject...from which a deduction can be made: On the current time period, God has more prevalence of a probability to exist
They rile up themselves though.. it just gets irritating that people tell you what to believe or else..

Have you ever seen me 'rile up' theists ? When they want to discuss I participate and try to discuss things. Most go off on a tantrum after a while.. :shrug:

Exactly - that is why I am, as the thread starter put it, pissy. It's fine to harass me in the street for being an atheist, call me close-minded, etc, but shit forbid I should say a word against the metastasis that is religious sanctimoniousness and ignorance.
Spidergoat's silence is telling, don't you think?

or it is an indication of no assumptions to be made of which in due to lack of information on spidergoat's whereabouts and happenings.

Simply said...he could be taking a piss.
or it is an indication of no assumptions to be made of which in due to lack of information on spidergoat's whereabouts and happenings.

Simply said...he could be taking a piss.

Spindergoat never leaves his computer to pee.
Are parallel universes more likely than the existence of God in your humble opinion?

Jesus, I'm at work guys, I haven't even gotten up to pee yet. I think they are somewhat more likely than God existing, but still unlikely.
More likely? What would you say the percentage likelihood of the existence of parallel universes is?
God didn't commit suicide. God simply doesn't exist for atheists - but He does exist for believers. Explains a lot if you bothered to think about it.

Of course he doesn't exist for atheists if they don't believe in him. Have you any more nuggets of the obvious to share with us ?

Why does he exist for you ?
God is spoken and told of to exist much more than parallel universes on a subject...from which a deduction can be made: On the current time period, God has more prevalence of a probability to exist

That's stupid. The 'probability' of something existing does not increase because more people believe in it.
Of course he doesn't exist for atheists if they don't believe in him. Have you any more nuggets of the obvious to share with us ?

Why does he exist for you ?

No, I mean He really doesn't exist for atheists. Some unknown pygmy living in the South Pacific still exists, even though you don't know he's there.