Who's Our Leader?

Who's Our Leader?

  • The Mighty (Q)

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Goofyfish

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • Wet1

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • Xev

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • James R

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Elbaz

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pollux V

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Orthogonal

    Votes: 2 7.1%
  • *stRgrL*

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Adam

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • Kmguru

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nelson (Truthseeker)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cris

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • GB-GIL Trans-global

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • Azrael

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other!

    Votes: 9 32.1%

  • Total voters
Originally posted by Tyler
And blue - you've been here what, 3 weeks? No offense, but not long enough to be any kind of figurehead for sciforums.

Disagree! Everybody here on Sciforums who is reading this thread and participating in other forums, have their right to say what they think/feel about a subject posted in here.

personally I think %BlueSoulRobot% is a very nice, friendly person. So why should he count less?

Originally posted by Joeman
We are voting for who we think a homecomming king/queen is.

Originally posted by %BlueSoulRobot%
Bingo. :)

:) :) :) :p :) :) :)
I don't care who is the leader of the gang, I want to know where (s)he (or it/them/...) is.

Also: I am still lost myself...
And - Where is everybody?
Awww...thanks Banshee! :D Just one teeny flaw: I'm not a guy. Or a hermaphrodite, if that thought had ever entered your mind. :eek: :D :D But it's all good, I mean, no one can tell from my screename :) so I'm good with it. It's happened many times before, too. *shrug* :rolleyes: :)
I don't think of myself as the leader...I often find myself contributing to conversations and being ignored simply because I wasn't involved beforehand. Sciforums is a leaderless place, a more realistic thread might be on who is more popular (despite the moral implications). The only fact I keep in my mind is that while I am young in age I am one of the oldest people here so watch out!

Elbaz: that minister of scifi would qualify anyone to lead any political [or otherwise] body.

I haven't voted yet, maybe I will. It's immoral to vote for myself, I won't disclose my choice even if I do vote. Maybe subconsciously I was recommending this place to people I passed by on the street (and, oh yeah, my friends) just so I could get a political majority here, but that hasn't really worked out (I called them Loxans).

I tend to think of porfiry as one of the most mellow people I know, which may be a very important characteristic of anyone trying to take up the role. However, at least once a day I find myself worrying about sciforums: what would happen to those of us that love it if it were to ever be shut down?

Doesn't matter what your gender is. :) You're a human being and that's what counts. A human being who can think for him/herself...;)
Originally posted by Pollux V
I don't think of myself as the leader...I often find myself contributing to conversations and being ignored simply because I wasn't involved beforehand. Sciforums is a leaderless place, a more realistic thread might be on who is more popular (despite the moral implications).

My sentiments exactly, :) .

Doesn't matter what your gender is. You're a human being and that's what counts. A human being who can think for him/herself...

Thanks! :) :)
Oh, I wish I could take my vote back. I voted for other. Now I realize that I should of course have voted for Pollux. Sorry, if there is a next time, I will. :)

Yes, why not? You deserve to be leader, if we necessarily need one. You're young and bright. :)
And bare in mind that this is just another popularity contest. I thought that we had seen the last of those, but obviously not.
Joeman, Star:

Awwwwww! You like me! You really like me!

As for leader, I don't want to lead.

"But I need living companions, who will follow me because they want to follow themselves- and to the place where I will. A light hath dawned upon me. Not to the people is Xevrathustra to speak, but to companions! Xevrathustra shall not be the herd's herdsman and hound!

To allure many from the herd- for that purpose have I come. The
people and the herd must be angry with me: a robber shall
Xevathustra be called by the herdsmen."

I think we must forsake the herd and - okay, I'll stop now.


Hi thee hence and get thyself a man, or find the attention of actual, not cyber, males. Then thou shalt quit thy whinging and whining. :p
Alright I'll think I'll delete this thread. Obviously I wasn't clear enough on the intent of this thread and it fell into the wrong hands.

I suggest you all go read up from Wet1 and Goofy. And bab, that stupid little thing "we're all human beings" in response to blue saying she was a girl was because you called her 'He'. Not because she thought she couldn't be a leader because she's a girl.

I'll delete this later.
I don't think you have the authority to delete a whole thread Tyler. I have read about others trying to do it, and failed. *ha-haa* said with nasal Simpson Nelson-voice.

what do you mean by falling into wrong hands? Sorry I didn't mean to hijack your thread. My apology is not really sincere because, quite frankly, I thought this thread is dumb. Hope you forgive me anyway. :D

BTW, I like Xev's last post. It makes sense. :) (except the comment toward the poor Babelina.) :(

Originally posted by Gifted
Suggestion: let's hear some campaign speeches before I vote.
ya! being new around here, it would be nice 4 the delegates 2 giv sum speeches so that we hav a better idea of hu we r voting 4. and kiss my ass while ur at it!

free thoughts (that race through cool skills mind):
have you ever wondered how someone can get so attached to something that it grows 2 b a part of them?
throughout my brief excursions within the sciforum realm, i hav encountered some who consider sciforum 2 b, more than anything, a place 2 call home.
Every once in a while, an outsider may enter and interrupt the relatively common scheme without any inclination 2 conform.
is it not only natural 4 the residents 2 hav a desire 2 banish the outsider?
Would it b more respectable 4 a new member 2 appease the commonwealth by giving up a tiny bit of individuality in order 2 fit in?
perhaps we all have been guilty of giving something up 4 the benefit of being part of the group.
But would the pleasure we all get from being part of sciforum b worth the sacrifice?
Y did we even join in the first place?
2 drown ourselves in a river of attention seeking behavior?
2 accuse others of drowning themselves in a river of attention seeking behavior?
Because its free?
2 meet intetnet bitches?
2 b somebody’s bitch?
2 hav fun, make deep connections, and share blissful experiences with fascinating people of all walks of life in an easy impersonalized setting 4 the sake of self growth and human understanding that will be so strong, it would shape our souls and kindle long lasting friendships that will remain burning in our hearts for the rest of eternity?
2 meet CUTE internet bitches?;)

Originally posted by Banshee
I am not a rebel. I am my own leader, as in: I can think for myself and do not need to choose a leader to follow his/her thoughts/view on life.

I am the rebel!! :D

Let's not get too serious here, of course we are all joking here, everyone is intelligent and can follow their own thoughts, most of you are atheists for crying out loud! :p

Why should I stop? To follow your orders? This is exactly what I mean. I will not stop, not in a long run. Forget it.

Negativism!! :)

Originally posted by Xev
A: Adam is my bitch.

B: I'm not on retainer. He is. See A.

C: We athiests do not clarify things via pm. We plan orgies at the Playboy Mansion via pm.

D: Speaking of PMs........get over it, Tiassa.

E: Anyone can join my gang, as long as they eat a bug.

LMAO!!!! Is Adam going to take that from the uber-Xevsch?? Xev took over your gang!! A WOMAN!!!! :D

Speaking of PM's, they're used for this reason, gang's love to protect their PRIDE! You fight with one, you fight with the rest (or some of the rest)...:rolleyes:

Originally posted by Tyler
Woh. Very few people here have a sense of humour eh?

Yes :(

Originally posted by Joeman
The Chosen raised a very good point about "gangs". There are gangs in every forums. People are social animals.

There are "good" gangs and "bad" gangs...:mad: Guess which one the sciforums.com gang is...:rolleyes:

I see there are 8 votes for "other"...could it be??

The other is for the lone rebel, ~The_Chosen~!! :D

But seriously here now, the gang that is most prominent in where I notice are these few people...nothing offensive is meant...:)

Sciforums.com Gang Members:
  1. Leader: Xev
  2. 791: Joeman
  3. Leader's bitch: Adam
  4. Member: Xenu
  5. Recruit: GB-GIL Trans-global
  6. Possible Member: Tyler

There is no "sciforums gang", unless you use that phrase to label all the many users of sciforums. In which case, Porfiry would be the top dog, so I voted "Other".

If I was to classify groups or fields of interest and give such fields leaders, they might be as follows:
- Physics: Thed, JamesR, Crisp.
- Space: Wet1 (it definitely modified perspective).
- New science and its implications: Kmguru and Pine-net.
- Spiritual matters: Bebelina.
- Keeping it all more human: *stRgrl*.
- Latvian history: Avatar (yes, it is interesting stuff).
- Spooky stuff: Banshee.
- Science Fiction: Pollux V, maybe Clarentavius, a few others.
- Ethics & Morality: Orthogonal and Goofyfish.
- Skepticism and ego-maintenance: Xev.
- Psychology: Merlijn and Xenu.
- Biology & Evolution: Paulsamuel.
- And so on...

Basically it seems to me that sciforums has attracted several people who have a lot fo knowledge in their fields, and I find this very useful.

Now a few responses:

Have a nice day.

See the alpha and beta males thread. There is no question of "wll i take that?" from Xev or anyone else. It simply doesn't matter.

I'll have your dinner ready by 7, Ma'am.
Oh, I missed that comment Joeman, thanks for pointing it out.

Xev, drop the childish ego routine will you?