who/whom caused man to become evil?

Moses could because he remembered the creation of the world.

The biblical evidence suggests otherwise. He wasn't there. End of story.

There is only one God, but it is like light: it has infinite colors, forms, aspects.

Says who, you? Please. Worth noting is that the majority of deity beliefs have been polytheistic. All of these people that would have been around at a time when the gods played an active role, and yet a man who believes we have three eyes and can hear voices is trying to convince me otherwise. Go figure.

Sumerian religion is a religion which flourished, but now it has withered. It's hard for people to start believing in an old religion because those times have passed, they don't suit modern humans, that's why the ancient stories were recreated and transformed into a modern form.

Certainly, which is why the bible was written. I think it's perhaps about time a New New Testament - that shall include how god drowned lots of Thai people and Americans for their obvious crimes against the 'all loving' god.

[quotewe will find ourselves (Christ) and read the book of life inside ourselves.[/quote]

An idiotic statement. If we will find "ourselves", why use the term christ? Instead you should just be using the term "ourselves". Done.

If you have opened your 3rd eye and can hear the voice of Horus, you will know.

I cannot even begin to imagine the fucked up childhood you must have had to come up with such blithering nonsense.
SnakeLord said:
The biblical evidence suggests otherwise. He wasn't there. End of story.

Christ (self) was, and since Christ is within everyone (we are the temples of God) Moses could remember.

Certainly, which is why the bible was written. I think it's perhaps about time a New New Testament - that shall include how god drowned lots of Thai people and Americans for their obvious crimes against the 'all loving' god.

There will come no Newer Testament, there will only come the New Age.

An idiotic statement. If we will find "ourselves", why use the term christ?

To show that Christ and self are the same. Because people are so far away from their true self, they think it's a whole separate entity they call God, because they see it's superiority.
(M*W posted)
I know you won't read the references, but you will continue to rely on the false information you've been deluded with to remain ignorant.

With references that have web address starting with infidel, and skeptic, what do you expect...
My sources, dear M*W, have the power to stop a storm with a word, and to create something from nothing with a word.
Im not talking about 2000 years ago, but today.
God is still real, and He is expressed through His people.
The author that wrote the Bible is the only one who can reveal what it truly says, because it's secrets are hidden to all others.
You are only talking second hand knowledge about your information.
To anyone not of God, reading the bible is just reading someone elses mail...
If it wasn't for you, then no wonder you can't understand it.
You might say...is anyone not of God.....?
The bible reveals there are the children of disobediance or the world, and the children of God......two different groups.
The word genesis mean "two seeds", there are two different groups mixed together ....the wheat, and the tares.
How do you know which group you are of..?
They all look alike till they come to maturity.
At the harvest time,the end of the age, they will manifest what they truly are.
Jesus said, "by their fruits you shall know them"......
Their fruits are their teachings.
TheVisitor said:
(M*W posted)
I know you won't read the references, but you will continue to rely on the false information you've been deluded with to remain ignorant.

With references that have web address starting with infidel, and skeptic, what do you expect...
My sources, dear M*W, have the power to stop a storm with a word, and to create something from nothing with a word.
Im not talking about 2000 years ago, but today.
God is still real, and He is expressed through His people.
The author that wrote the Bible is the only one who can reveal what it truly says, because it's secrets are hidden to all others.
You are only talking second hand knowledge about your information.
To anyone not of God, reading the bible is just reading someone elses mail...
If it wasn't for you, then no wonder you can't understand it.
You might say...is anyone not of God.....?
The bible reveals there are the children of disobediance or the world, and the children of God......two different groups.
The word genesis mean "two seeds", there are two different groups mixed together ....the wheat, and the tares.
How do you know which group you are of..?
They all look alike till they come to maturity.
At the harvest time,the end of the age, they will manifest what they truly are.
Jesus said, "by their fruits you shall know them"......
Their fruits are their teachings.

M*W: Just as I thought, your mind is so closed that you will never see the truth. It's your loss, not mine.

You claim "your sources have the power to stop a storm with a word." Please provide empirical evidence for your claim. Also provide evidence for creating something out of a "word." I'm sure all members of this forum, both theists and atheists, would be interested in your proof. BTW, the bible is not proof. And, yes, I'm talking about TODAY, too! Show us all the recent miracles you speak of that have no other explanation than the will of your god.

My knowledge is not second-hand. I was a christian. I've read the bible through and through. I taught christianity for many years until I saw what a lie it was.

"Genesis" means "a coming into being." The actual meaning of "genesis" is "the genetic lineage of the Egyptian Goddess Isis."

It was Paul who said, "by their fruits you will know them." Unfortunately, Paul didn't exist either, so it was not meant as literal. However, you don't know the "fruits" I have sewn, so you cannot be the judge. So long as you embrace christianity, you embrace the mother of all lies.
Medicine Woman said:

My knowledge is not second-hand. I was a christian. I've read the bible through and through. I taught christianity for many years until I saw what a lie it was.

"Genesis" means "a coming into being." The actual meaning of "genesis" is "the genetic lineage of the Egyptian Goddess Isis."

It was Paul who said, "by their fruits you will know them." Unfortunately, Paul didn't exist either, so it was not meant as literal. However, you don't know the "fruits" I have sewn, so you cannot be the judge. So long as you embrace christianity, you embrace the mother of all lies.
"Please provide "

Whew!...I can see a balance to the force is needed here, Darth M*W

But seriously, if you once taught bible school or something, please know that the system of Christianty is wrong and I've said so and tried to explain that Jesus (who you say never lived) condemned the whole system of organized religion Himself. If you were there once and saw it was wrong, good for you ...thats right, but don't keep going thinking it's God's fault.
He didn't create it ...man did.
He promised to come back and straighten out the mess man has made of His Word, ....and He has.

On the topic of "empirical evidence", sounds likewhat they said to Jesus,
"If thou be the Son of God, do.... such and such".....some magic trick or something.
He never did for those skeptics, He didn't clown for them, and I won't either
You see my ability depends on Him.......
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Christ (self) was

If, the way you see it, 'christ' means self, then just fucking say 'self'. Why add the term christ to begin with? Are you a wannabe christian or what?

and since Christ is within everyone

Utter tosh.

There will come no Newer Testament

Sure there will, I might even write one myself.

To show that Christ and self are the same.

If they're "one and the same", then just say 'self'. That way people wouldn't look at you in such a strange way.
TheVisitor said:

Whew!...I can see a balance to the force is needed here, Darth M*W

But seriously, if you once taught bible school or something, please know that the system of Christianty is wrong and I've said so and tried to explain that Jesus (who you say never lived) condemned the whole system of organized religion Himself. If you were there once and saw it was wrong, good for you ...thats right, but don't keep going thinking it's God's fault. He didn't create it ...man did. He promised to come back and straighten out the mess man has made of His Word, ....and He has.

On the topic of "empirical evidence", sounds likewhat they said to Jesus, "If thou be the Son of God, do.... such and such".....some magic trick or something. He never did for those skeptics, He didn't clown for them, and I won't either You see my ability depends on Him.......

M*W: You must have not been paying attention to what I've been saying. I have never blamed god for the corruption of christianity, just like I never blamed Santa Claus for the crappy toys I got for xmas.
Maybe I don't see your point of veiw completely - but I think I'm getting the jest of it...
You are comparing God to Santa Claus, right......?
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He never did for those skeptics, He didn't clown for them, and I won't either
You see my ability depends on Him.......
Not really. He is imaginary so it is pointless to ask something imaginary to prove anything, but you are real (I suspect), and you know you can't prove anything you say, so your response is disingenuous.
The Visitor,

The author that wrote the Bible is the only one who can reveal what it truly says, because it's secrets are hidden to all others.
Since all those authors are now long dead and cannot reveal their secret then the bible doesn't appear to be of any value.

To anyone not of God, reading the bible is just reading someone elses mail...
When something is cleary contradictory it generally means it is nonsense. No matter how much supernatural influence you bring to bear, nonsense remains nonsense.
TheVisitor said:
Maybe I don't see your point of veiw completely - but I think I'm getting the jest of it...
You are comparing God to Santa Claus, right......?

M*W: I can't blame Santa for my crappy toys, because he didn't really exist, and I can't blame god for anything, because there isn't one. I was comparing fairy tale being to fairy tale being.
Cris said:

Not really. He is imaginary so it is pointless to ask something imaginary to prove anything, but you are real (I suspect), and you know you can't prove anything you say, so your response is disingenuous.

Sure I can Chris, I just said I wouldn't, for many reasons........

1) When the rich young ruler was in hell, He asked someone to send a message to his relatives some they would change their lives and not end up their also, God said; If they won't believe the word of the prophets, neither will they believe if someone raised from the dead

2) It's better to not have known God (or the Truth), the to have known and turn away, (or reject it).....it would be better for you if didn't give you more than I already have, for you just to mock and turn away.

3) Jesus, when they tortured Him and mocked Him did not any miracles in their sight, to gain His own release...if God has hidden Himself from you for a reason, I doubt I could open your eyes....only a divine revelation from God could do that.
te mythic motif of being 'raised from the dead' the Judea-Christians appropriated from pagan myths

many pagans KNEW mythic writing wasn't to be taken literally. that being raised from the dead didn't mean ACTUAL. but was a symbolic spiritual experieces usually inspired with a psychedelic sacrament

myth isn't to be read historically n a deep way, but is refealing OUR potential for being 'raised from the dead'

now, there's a crucial difference between the christian-mystical interpretation of this event, and earth-centred pagan understanding

for the former--as wih the tale about Jesus. he is raised AWAY from Earth into a spiritual realm/heaven

for the latter, it means being raised from a rigid sense of self and being reborn into a sensual bonding with one's self and Nature

Sure I can Chris, I just said I wouldn't, for many reasons........
So we don’t know you can if you won’t so your claim has no credibility, right?

1) When the rich young ruler was in hell, He asked someone to send a message to his relatives some they would change their lives and not end up their also, God said; If they won't believe the word of the prophets, neither will they believe if someone raised from the dead
But that’s contingent on gods, hell, and prophets being real, none of which can be distinguished from fantasy. You would need to justify your inability without recourse to probable fantasies if you are to be credible.

2) It's better to not have known God (or the Truth), the to have known and turn away, (or reject it).....it would be better for you if didn't give you more than I already have, for you just to mock and turn away.
So now your excuse for not offering proof is a fear of being ridiculed. So you are both disingenuous and a coward?

3) Jesus, when they tortured Him and mocked Him did not any miracles in their sight, to gain His own release...if God has hidden Himself from you for a reason, I doubt I could open your eyes....only a divine revelation from God could do that.
So you admit you don’t have any convincing proof since if it were real then it wouldn’t need divine intervention.
So you admit you don’t have any convincing proof since if it were real then it wouldn’t need divine intervention


I admit those three reasons aren't the only thing stopping me from meeting your request, they were the first reasons that came to mind.
The biggest hinderence I have to offering you some concrete evidence God exists, or does miracles still today is this;
What would really prove it to you...? for each person this may be different.
If I could make a difference, I would Chris......I'm sorry if I sounded indifferent.
Everything I've said is true about there still being the power to perform miracles today.
The dead have been raised, I was practicly one of them....
I haven't been on this board till recently for a long time. I was nearly killed by some robbers and had my skull crushed with what the doctors call a sub-dural hematoma or a large blod clot on the brain with two broken vessels bleeding into my brain. The doctors did surgery to stop the bleeding and remove the clot.
I could have died, or been left a vegetable for life, and was twice put on the life support machine because my body would not breathe on it's own.
Believers prayed for me and I made an immediate change for the better and recovered completely.
Seventeen days after the attack I walked out of the hospital on my own two feet, completely healed.
The doctors themselves used the word "miracle".
The experiance has left me a different man, with an outlook on life I never had before.
I could have told you about the storm that stopped or the squirrels that were created out of thin air... but that's someone elses story, which happens to be true.
But this I've told you happened to me.
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well i am really happy for you. but....it has seemed to make you into a Bible-thumper. that's how u come across to me anyhow

listen. tese kinds of tings dont only happen to you, who believe in Christianity

a friend of mine was in a very serious road accident. her leg was o crushed there was talk of amputation. her sister is a Reiki master and she taught her how to do it. so she started self-healing, and in a short time she was walking as good as you like

so we should look at thepower of healing as not being specific.....as being a powerof CONSCIOUSNESS. otherwise you defeat your self. cause for tis reason:

look at the NON-healing religious indoctrinaton and conflict has done in our history. look at christian versus muslims vice versa....all the religious wars, etc etc
we need to get beyond this crap by now

What would really prove it to you...?
For the existence of a god? Cause and effect. Or anything that shows a god is necessary and that a particular effect cannot have any alternative more credible natural explanation.

If I could make a difference, I would Chris......I'm sorry if I sounded indifferent.
I think you are simply evasive because you know you have nothing convincing that doesn’t depend on irrational faith.

Everything I've said is true about there still being the power to perform miracles today.
Assertions of truth have no value without proof.

The dead have been raised,
There is no proof.

I was practicly one of them....
Being dead and nearly dead are entirely different and incomparable.

Believers prayed for me and I made an immediate change for the better and recovered completely.
This has value if you can show you would have died had they not prayed, otherwise the claim is unsupportable since no cause and effect can be established without alternative natural explanation.

The doctors themselves used the word "miracle".
Good fortune occurs but there is no demonstrable supernatural link. One must also bear in mind the statistically similar group where the victims died even when others prayed for them. Bad fortune also occurs. Experiments that have attempted to show a correlation between medical recovery and praying have all had a null result.

The experiance has left me a different man, with an outlook on life I never had before.
That you credit your recovery to divine intervention rather than a more credible natural cause is more to do with the gullibility of your religious perspective and not to any established facts.

I could have told you about the storm that stopped or the squirrels that were created out of thin air... but that's someone elses story, which happens to be true.
But this I've told you happened to me.
That you credit other seemingly bizarre events to divine intervention does nothing to enhance your credibility.
That you credit other seemingly bizarre events to divine intervention does nothing to enhance your credibility


Looking to the unseen....
Don't you realize that all you see was made by that which is unseen.

Looking to the unseen....
Don't you realize that all you see was made by that which is unseen.
How do you know that something unseen exists? Why conclude that anything is made rather than has always been?
Cris said:

How do you know that something unseen exists? Why conclude that anything is made rather than has always been?

The intangible, love, spirit, ect....can't be seen but surly you believe they exist.
Can you see what goes out of a man's body when he dies...?
The body's still there but the life is gone.
God is a spirit......His atributes, or His sons and daughters are the physical manifestation of that Spirit.
Thats one way you can see God at work......
In His people.
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