who/whom caused man to become evil?

IF you have had this experience, you would KNOW what i mean here.
You've got to be kidding if you think I'm going there...
Some of these people are already trying to say I'm nuts for my religious veiws, but I'll tell you this....I've done my share of real life research on all of these topics, more than once I've seen a spirit take hold on a person under the influence of these things, and read the very thoughts of myself and others out loud. This was over 20 years ago, pretty spooky stuff, around a campfire on a river, in the the wilderness in the middle of the night.
I've also read "A seperate reality", and "The Yaquari way"....
I know that the Indians had sacred ceramonies which used halucingenes to see the "other reality of the spirit world, mescalito, and demon gods from this other realm.
Some of theses plants are capable of causing an artificially induced spiritual experiance.
They are not recreational drugs or anything to be played with lightly.

You don't need drugs to have a real spiritual experiance, the God of the bible gives you a soundness of mind and a clean spirit...the only sanity in this world is in the mind of christ, the rest is illusion and darkness.
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quite an ironic insight visitor, considering you are yourself in darkness and illusion about what you speak of

you re makin it up as you go along, dont listen nor absorb. so it's really like talkin to a brick wall

so you HAVE had psychedelic experience ten. OH. it doesn't reveal itself in integration if u believe te nonesense you go on about here. apparently in all seriousness

you claim that psychedeic experience is an 'artifical' spiritual experience? is tat so? not for me, and i know nor for many others

This is vital to dig i reckon. JUSt because someone, or a group of people/cult/religion/tribe take psychedelics. this act does not guaranteee, give wrong set and setting that tey will have intelligent insight

THEmost intelliegnt set/mental set is respct for Nature. is understanding the natrual world. in tis way psychedelic ecstasy is CELEBRATION of tis dynamic event.
The individuals and groups tat dont have this insight, one can clearly see how teir false notions are rather FORTIFIED by thier psychoactive experience

This is very evident in the major tranistion from Goddess oriented understading of life and death to patriarchal.

to be brief for now. te FEELINGof ecstasy which for te Earth religion of Dionysos interpreted as being 'possessed' by the god of Nature/Dionysos/The sacramental mushroom, when te Ophic cult refrmed tose anceint rituals, they themselves wrote DOW their dogma for the first time. They deified the exprince into a 'God', big G. a 'pure' being

see wat they have done. they have created a 'mental set' of 'pure vs 'impure'

tis is where the trouble begins!!!
see wat they have done. they have created a 'mental set' of 'pure vs 'impure'

tis is where the trouble begins!!!
You have fallen the victim of indoctrination youself if you believe thats where "God" began... in the dogma, of the ophic cult.
Where were you when the sons of the morning sang for joy?
In the mind of God, from before the foundation of this world - thats where we come from...
Nothing good or evil has been done unless God did it....He allowed the evil to exist, for a purpose it can serve, only for a little while.
Don't be found holding on to the wrong thing, the bible is the absolute.
The Word is God......don't asume I agree with modern churchianty, God never did...He Has alway been against organized religion.
TheVisitor said:
Snakelord old friend, now you know thats not true....we've run around this tree before. And those Sumerian writings are slanted to make the people that wrote them the heros......The larger "Serpents" were the evil possessed natives of this world, ( the animals were created first), and the smaller humans...(Adam), were created to be host representatives and vessels of the true God of all creation, and were placed here later as God in flesh over His creation, with the power of creation in the very words they spoke.

You see the Sumerian version is almost 180 degrees backwards from the truth.... Still it's kind of vindcating that they are almost telling a similar story about the giants... just from different sides of the war.

M*W: The victors are the ones who wrote history. Seeing as how the Sumerian texts are the oldest, it makes sense that what followed in the bible was plagarized. You've got a lot to learn. Your intelligence is limited within the parameters of what you believe. I read a lot, and I've never read anything about reptilians with cone heads. Please provide some references to your allegations, otherwise, shut the fuck up.
Snakelord old friend

We ain't friends. Get that straight.

now you know thats not true

You asking me or telling me?

You're not really in any position to be making answers for me - especially given that your answer is indeed wrong.

You see the Sumerian version is almost 180 degrees backwards from the truth....

Given that it is also the origin for the bible, it can only then be stated that the OT is also by and large backwards.
the fact that there are people even today who are pretty much taller than the rest of us is proof that giants existed and they had children with another race of humans (not giants) and then our race was born -- just like the bible says (genesis 6:4). ancient myths, religions, the great pyramid and other structures are also evidence for a highly developed race.

there is lots of misunderstanding about the giants... there is more proof to find for people who aren't lazy and afraid of the truth.
the fact that there are people even today who are pretty much taller than the rest of us is proof that giants existed and they had children with another race of humans (not giants) and then our race was born

Are you on drugs or what? To even make such a profoundly idiotic statement is evidence that it's either that or not all is well with your head.

the great pyramid and other structures are also evidence for a highly developed race.

Perhaps they are evidence of a 'highly developed' race, (although no matter how nice a pyramid looks, I wouldn't call it as 'highly developed' as a pentium 4 computer processor let alone something extreme like a space station). However, evidence that people can build fascinating structures is not evidence that they were giants. K?

there is more proof to find for people who aren't lazy and afraid of the truth

A) Find out what "proof" means

B) For some reason you're trying to make it sound like you have anything of substance to support your claims. You don't.
Seeing as how the Sumerian texts are the oldest


Older doesn't mean better or right.....referring to when something was written, that doesn't make it true...it could just be an old lie....like the one you believe that the old testement has anything to do with the Sumerian scripts.

The Bible through inspiration goes back before the very foundation of the world into the mind of God...and it's the truth. (older and accuate)...M*W
Its a moral obligatory duty of every family loving person to root out Evils like Buddha1 from our society, and keep them confined far away from our children.
It is also a moral duty of our society to keep away those from the family of whores from our children to root out this evil that this anamolous is carrying from his land. Keep him especially away from our boys and girls becuase people such as anomalous are known to molest children.
SnakeLord said:
Perhaps they are evidence of a 'highly developed' race, (although no matter how nice a pyramid looks, I wouldn't call it as 'highly developed' as a pentium 4 computer processor let alone something extreme like a space station).

The ancients didn't have much technology, what I mean with highly developed is that they were highly developed mentally, spiritually. They didn't waste time on developing advanced computers or unnecessary space stations, instead they searched for the truth in themselves, and they found everything by studying themselves.

However, evidence that people can build fascinating structures is not evidence that they were giants. K?

No, but I know that the people who built the 3 pyramids inherited their knowledge from the ancients.

A) Find out what "proof" means

It's impossible to prove anything, you can only make it sound rational (to some)
Buddha1 said:
It is also a moral duty of our society to keep away those from the family of whores from our children to root out this evil that this anamolous is carrying from his land. Keep him especially away from our boys and girls becuase people such as anomalous are known to molest children.
Look who talking, I mean wasting SciForums DiskSpace.
TheVisitor said:
Seeing as how the Sumerian texts are the oldest


Older doesn't mean better or right.....referring to when something was written, that doesn't make it true...it could just be an old lie....like the one you believe that the old testement has anything to do with the Sumerian scripts.

The Bible through inspiration goes back before the very foundation of the world into the mind of God...and it's the truth. (older and accuate)...M*W

M*W: Older means original, created before all other versions. Older doesn't have to be better or more right, it just is older. But since you don't know shit from shinola, if older is a lie, then all those who copied from older lie as well, including your precious bible. Your bible says Moses wrote the first five books, Genesis through Deuteronomy. Moses didn't exist, so who do you think could have written those books? Biblical scholars and archeologists concur the Egyptian scribes copied them from the Sumerian texts and from the Code of Hammurabi into what latter scholars believed to the the OT.

The bible is rife with errors... human errors... and no god inspired its copying... (and I did NOT mean to say its writing). The bible is NOT an original. It was NOT created before all other texts of its kind. It is NOT based on truth but is based on poetry and allegory. The bible is NOT historical. The bible was NOT based on monotheism but on ancient Egyptian astrology. References follow:







I know you won't read the references, but you will continue to rely on the false information you've been deluded with to remain ignorant.
Medicine Woman said:
Moses didn't exist, so who do you think could have written those books?


The bible is NOT an original. It was NOT created before all other texts of its kind.

The word of God exists before the world existed.

It is NOT based on truth but is based on poetry and allegory. The bible is NOT historical.

Partly allegorical, partly literal, mostly "historical", mostly true.

I know you won't read the references, but you will continue to rely on the false information you've been deluded with to remain ignorant.

You're also ignorant and you rely on false information.

Formerly known as Sargon.

The word of God exists before the world existed.

Fine, but then it is simply unarguable that latter works would be as accurate as original works. The earlier people, (the Sumerians), would have actually been there to see it happen. Some guy 1,500+ years later can never make a version as accurate as the original.

We already know that life started in Sumeria, (check your bible). We also know that Abraham was a Sumerian and we also know that the jews did a piss poor job of trying to turn multiple gods into one god. We know that the majority of early OT stories have their origins in Sumerian writing - from Adam and Noah to Abrahams attempted murder of his son.

I guess we should all start worshipping Marduk for creating us and slaying Tiamat. You can even see his sentence in the bible, (after slaying Tiamat - a serpent), he says the same thing that is featured in Gen 3:15. Being the original work, it will be more accurate than the OT.

You simply have no case.

Partly allegorical, partly literal, mostly "historical", mostly true

And who decides which is which? You? Ha.
SnakeLord said:
Some guy 1,500+ years later can never make a version as accurate as the original.

Moses could because he remembered the creation of the world.

We also know that Abraham was a Sumerian and we also know that the jews did a piss poor job of trying to turn multiple gods into one god.

There is only one God, but it is like light: it has infinite colors, forms, aspects.

I guess we should all start worshipping Marduk for creating us and slaying Tiamat. You can even see his sentence in the bible, (after slaying Tiamat - a serpent), he says the same thing that is featured in Gen 3:15. Being the original work, it will be more accurate than the OT.

Sumerian religion is a religion which flourished, but now it has withered. It's hard for people to start believing in an old religion because those times have passed, they don't suit modern humans, that's why the ancient stories were recreated and transformed into a modern form.

Later, we will all see the truth about ancient myths and we'll realize that they come from the same "God" and that they talk about the same things. After that, religions are not needed anymore, we will find ourselves (Christ) and read the book of life inside ourselves.

And who decides which is which? You? Ha.

If you have opened your 3rd eye and can hear the voice of Horus, you will know.
Satyr said:
Twiddle-dum and …tweedle-dee
haahhhaa yeahhh. ie., 'God' and the 'Devil' ageedto have a fight right

it's all game. silly game. but fuuuuuking welll dangerous. so see thru it!