who/whom caused man to become evil?

Who do you consider prophets?


Those whose words are vindicated by the truth, and whose words "thus saith the Lord " have never failed.
There indeed are many brilliant minds, gifted artists, ect...
But a true prophet of God will be 100% accurate, with visions from God never failing to come true, and being a "mouthpeice" of God will have an understanding in their words only available from the very author of the book.
God sent gifts among men, prophets, apostles, evanglists, pastors, and teachers.
A five-fold ministry to reveal himself to his people and redeam them back to Himself.
Even Christ Himself came as the "son of man" in the office of a prophet, and returns in this day through the office of a prophet, the Son of Man is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels.
But a true prophet of God will be 100% accurate, with visions from God never failing to come true, and being a "mouthpeice" of God will have an understanding in their words only available from the very author of the book.

So a true prophet is christian only and 100% accurate? Its interesting you mention "visions" because there is more to prophecy than visions, and of course you mentioned the author of the 'the book'. Is that all the tricks christians got up their sleeve? How are the "visions" beneficial to life??? 0. How have christian prophets benefited the world more than others??? 0. The proof is in the pudding and even a verse in your 'book' states it. The truth is christians, prophets or not have not benefited this world in any real measure. You took out as much as you gave and you continue to do so. The truth is you are not more "accurate", "more right", "understand god or the divine better." The only thing that makes christians different is a fatal flaw and that is you believe you have the 'inside' and 'total' track, which stems from ego and fear. Christianity is actually a step- behind not a step-forward as christians believe. It probably would surprise christians if they realized this. The real truth is you are nothing but a piece of the puzzle.
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KennyJC said:
So all carnivores are evil? Carnivorous animals are just a law of nature and occurs way before said animals have any amount of intelligence.

no.. cats and dogs and bears... wolfs.. all meant to eat raw meat.

but homosapians... hes a natural plant eater...

but with fire.... low and behold.. he can safely eat animals too....

he learned to... he wasnt made to...

that was our first step out of the jungle... out of the garden of eden.

when we by the use of knowledge.. re-designed our own diet.

and we did so.. by the gush of blood jets and the screams of count-less small CUDLY FURRY animals.....

i eat meat... but i recognise the seriousness of doing so.

people today are to content to forget our rise as barbarians.

then why is it that chimpanzee's our nearest neighbour, kill, and eat meat, but appear to be vegetarian, normally. oh and they cant start a fire.
and what of the giant panda. again your talking out of your ? empty.
patriarchal dogma creates 'evil'. because it creates a schism--a psychological schism between extremes of experience. for example, life and death, light and dark, good and bad, man and woman, etcetc. patriarchal mythologica-propaganda instills in te indoctrinated the notion that one is a confilct between 'good' and 'evil.

tis psychological propagandais designed to
adhere you to their author-ity, their 'Word of God'---you know, te 'all-good God'??.....then they create the ---'all-bad Devil'

inwrdly tis creates conflict. part of you wanting to aspire to this ideal of 'all-good' causs you to be in conflict with yourself you assume 'NOT goo--ie., what the patriarchal indoctrination claims is not good. so ter's a never-endng struggle. and this self-disgust with aspects of yourself you consider wrong projects outward onto others and te environment, and you creat evil and hell on Earth

tis has happened and continues even thoug so-called a-theists insist they have left all that propaganda behind. but obviously, ACTIONS speak louder than words!
geeser said:
then why is it that chimpanzee's our nearest neighbour, kill, and eat meat, but appear to be vegetarian, normally. oh and they cant start a fire.
and what of the giant panda. again your talking out of your ? empty.

chimps do eat meat.... and i know several humans today... who eat raw meat...

but the simple reality is... we lack the enzyme to properly break that meat down... i.e.. we cannot break it down the way an all meat eater does.

thats what we use fire for... to break it down.. so that our bellies and finish the job.. and it taste better when cooked.

man.. is a vegan animal.

but man learned to kill and eat flesh.

it was the essense of our rise from the jungle.

it was clearly our first act of evil... to stab and kill rabbits...
to drain its blood, once it stopped kicking....
to cut and rip off its fur...

to cut it open and remove its guts.... slimy stinking guts..

and then we cook its flesh... and eat it.

we like to think of it as normal... and it has become so.

and we dont think of it as evil.... but thats because we dont do the killing and skinning and gut removing ourselves anymore... do we?

your argument isvery Orphic/Eastern.
i believe the Orphics believd that eating meat was a kind of 'Fall'. tho for me that is really scapegoating. its not looking at the roots of the idea of why we get the concept of 'good' versus 'evil'. so we can get clues from looking at the irst mystical school in Europe--Orphism. they blieved in 'purity' and thus developed its ani-thesis 'im-purity'. they considered eating meat impure and vegetarianism as pure

now i am not for modern meat prodeuction. it is gross. mecahnical. trating animlas witout any respect. but as for hunting nimals for meat. may Indigenous people have done tat--hunter-gathers. are you claiming them evil?
We were created in the image of God...Perfect, but then man became a hybrid, crossed with the serpent race and fell when Eve was seduced creating Cain, then man crossed with them again when the 'sons of god", Adams children through Seth's linage crossed with the daughters of Cain, the serpents seed, creating the exact mixture that humanity is today.
the remainder of those creatures leaning more to the serpents genes, were the giants, and were hunted down and exterminated by the servants of God, Josua and Calib, and David and his mighty men a thousand years later.
This is why the spirit or nature of man is at eminty, or at war with the spirit of God.
It was set up this way for the purpose of the training of the children of God, it is the greatest battle ever fought, the devil in your flesh, warring with God in your soul, in the battlefield of your mind,

Who you yeild your members to, is your master...
Which one will you listen to..?
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TheVisitor said:
We were created in the image of God...Perfect,

me)))))oh shit. they got you haven't they??

but then man became a hybrid, crossed with the serpent race and fell when Eve was seduced creating Cain, then man crossed with them again when the 'sons of god", Adams children through Seth's linage crossed with the daughter of Cain, the serpents seed, creating the exact mixture that humanity is today.

me)))that is all patriarchal indoctrination

the remainder of those creatures leaning more to the serpents genes, where the giants and were hunted down a exterminated by the servents of God, Josua and calib, and david and his mighty men a thousand years later.

are you seeeerious or are you takin the piss? i seriously ask
I wasn't done editing yet when you posted, try reading it now...
Yes, i'm serious...the serpent wasn't a snake it was a huminiod larger then man, more between man and ape.
But it was pure animal, capable of being posessed of the devil, as the one was that seduced Eve.
In some arabic dielects "serpent" still means "ape', ...look it up.
geeser said:
What two persons in the Bible caused man to become evil?
Theoretically, god and stan (not satan, that's a common typo :p).

But, realistically, since bible = bullshit...there is no evil. Evil is in the eye of the beholder.
TheVisitor said:
God wrote the truth of His word in three "bibles" ...
One was in the stars, the zodiac, (the Ram, telling the story of Christ's coming to earth as the savior of mankind, and coming back again as the judge of all the earth, as the Lion.)
The second was the great pyramid, created through inspiration by enoch and the sons of god before the flood, not egyptians afterward as popularly believed, (with the other two being lesser copies they made later of the more perfect one they found).
The third is the written word, given to man trough the prophets.
No wonder with God reflected in the stars you could become confused M*W...

M*W: No, I'm not confused. It's quite clear to me there is no god but ancient myths of gods, sons of gods, and dying demigod saviors (all 25+ of them) who were born of virgins and predated Jesus, who came to save the world but, like Jesus, they all failed. Why? Because there is no god!
TheVisitor said:
We were created in the image of God...Perfect, but then man became a hybrid, crossed with the serpent race and fell when Eve was seduced creating Cain, then man crossed with them again when the 'sons of god", Adams children through Seth's linage crossed with the daughters of Cain, the serpents seed, creating the exact mixture that humanity is today.
the remainder of those creatures leaning more to the serpents genes, were the giants, and were hunted down and exterminated by the servants of God, Josua and Calib, and David and his mighty men a thousand years later.
This is why the spirit or nature of man is at eminty, or at war with the spirit of God.
It was set up this way for the purpose of the training of the children of God, it is the greatest battle ever fought, the devil in your flesh, warring with God in your soul, in the battlefield of your mind,

Who you yeild your members to, is your master...
Which one will you listen to..?

M*W: Please cite some evidence for everything you proclaim, or are you just making this shit up as you go? Besides, you are preaching to a bunch of hard-assed atheists, so you're nothing more than fodder for comic relief.
but homosapians... hes a natural plant eater...

Not exactly, no. I suggest you spend some time looking at your teeth.

we lack the enzyme to properly break that meat down... i.e.. we cannot break it down the way an all meat eater does.

Please cite a reputable source for this. Thank you.

man.. is a vegan animal

Incorrect. Kindly take some time to look at your teeth.
M*W: No, I'm not confused. It's quite clear to me there is no god but ancient myths of gods, sons of gods, and dying demigod saviors (all 25+ of them) who were born of virgins and predated Jesus, who came to save the world but, like Jesus, they all failed. Why? Because there is no god!


Yes, I knew that every ancient culture has similar stories of a God-child to be born of a virgin, who is also the father come to save the world.
India, China, Egypt, ect...

You know why....?

Because after the flood, all men were desended from noah and his three sons - Ham, Shem, and Japeth.....
Until Nimrod of Babylon, the whole world was monotheist believing in Jove, or Jehovah which was the God of Noah....who being a prophet, no doubt had visions of the coming Christ who would be the salvation of mankind.
Nimrod split the world up, taught man the art of war, and created the myths of many Gods, which he made himself a few....Janis, Chaos, ect... were some of his names.
It is Bel, who founded Babylon, and his son Ninus established and was the first king.
According to scripture, the father of Nimrod was Cush, in Egyption culture Bel was called Hermes, and Hermes means "the son of Ham"
Hermes was a prophet of idolatry, and became "the interpreter of the gods"
Another name he went by was Mercury.
Nimrod set man at war over diferent beliefs, and forced them to worship at Babylon...the tower of babel.
This is why the apostate religious systems of so-called christianity are refered to in the bible as "Babylon".
No wonder the visions of the coming Christ were spread all over the world and the different cultures just gave them different names.
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TheVisitor said:
M*W: No, I'm not confused. It's quite clear to me there is no god but ancient myths of gods, sons of gods, and dying demigod saviors (all 25+ of them) who were born of virgins and predated Jesus, who came to save the world but, like Jesus, they all failed. Why? Because there is no god!


Yes, I knew that every ancient culture has similar stories of a God-child to be born of a virgin, who is also the father come to save the world. India, China, Egypt, ect...

You know why....?

Because after the flood, all men were desended from noah and his three sons - Ham, Shem, and Japeth..... Until Nimrod of Babylon, the whole world was monotheist believing in Jove, or Jehovah which was the God of Noah....who being a prophet, no doubt had visions of the coming Christ who would be the salvation of mankind. Nimrod split the world up, taught man the art of war, and created the myths of many Gods, which he made himself a few....Janis, Chaos, ect... were some of his names. He set man at war over diferent beliefs, and forced them to worship at babylon...the tower of babel. No wonder the visions of the coming Christ were spread all over the world and the different cultures just gave them different names.

M*W: It is you who are confused, Visitor. You think you have the answers, but all you have is pseudo-rhetoric that means nothing.

Visitor, you are confused. There is no god and no savior. There are no descendants of Noah. There is no Son of God. There is no salvation. You are just another misinformed christian who believes in fairy tales. Listen to me: There is NO GOD and NO JESUS. No salvation, no eternal life. You believe in a fluke that will never happen.

Why do you bother to post on these fora? These are not christian fora. You need to go where you are of like mind. Please, please, don't try to tell us about your savior. There is no such being. This is an atheist forum, not a christian one. No one hears you. Your words are blowing in the wind. No one here is looking for salvation.
No one here is looking for salvation.

Sometimes I find money on the ground when I'm not looking for it, ....
The truth is so simple a child could not err therein.
He only reveals Himself to those who are His, from the others it will remain hidden no mater how hard they look for it.
That is soverinty, and pre-destination, it is God who comes looking for you...not the other way around.
TheVisitor said:
No one here is looking for salvation.

Sometimes I find money on the ground when I'm not looking for it, ....
The truth is so simple a child could not err therein.
He only reveals Himself to those who are His, from the others it will remain hidden no mater how hard they look for it.
That is soverinty, and pre-destination, it is God who comes looking for you...not the other way around.

M*W: I was a christian at one time, but the truth always seemed to break through my zealousness. I was looking for god, and I was looking for salvation, but I realized none of it existed. Why pretend to believe in something that is not there? It's just a big waste of time.
SnakeLord said:
Please cite a reputable source for this. Thank you.
Actually, that is at least partially true. We can't digest raw meat anymore. Our ancestors could, but over time, something happened in the way of evolution that prevented us from consuming raw flesh. If we heat it, tenderize the meat, and kill the bacteria on it, then we can eat it. Thus cometh cooking. :D