who/whom caused man to become evil?

But, realistically, since bible = bullshit...there is no evil. Evil is in the eye of the beholder.

What does the bible have to do with evil? evil existed before the bible. If I b*tchslap you, do you need a book to tell you to be hurt or pissed off? Can you not appreciate or tell the difference between someone who deals with you fairly versus one who doesn't? Those who believe there is no good and evil are just as deluded(dishonest) as those who believe the bible is the be all and end all. I bet you've convinced yourself fair and unfair are relative? Actually, they are not, only situations are. Therefore, those who have good motives will always try to adjust themselves accordingly. Those who don't will feign ignorance and irresponsiblity. By convincing yourself that everything is relative, even that which is a constant within a given situation, the better to cheat, corrupt, lie, and commit evil under guise of no responsiblity. Bull, the motive is always there no matter how many layers and ladders it sits under. Within motive lies evil or good.
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TheVisitor said:
I wasn't done editing yet when you posted, try reading it now...
Yes, i'm serious...the serpent wasn't a snake it was a huminiod larger then man, more between man and ape.
But it was pure animal, capable of being posessed of the devil, as the one was that seduced Eve.
In some arabic dielects "serpent" still means "ape', ...look it up.
ohhh, you ARE serious. so a i. you dont know your myth dude

SERPENT is cmpletely connected with Goddess and has been demonized by the patriarchy. go read Genesis story of Garden of Eden where Serpent is degraded, wonder why?.....where the patriarchs appropriaed their stories from for millenia the Serent had been benevolent, Serpent is the archaic symbol of change and tranaformation and rebirth

you have to dig that in preliterate and prepatiarchal cultures mythology was associational. so the serpent was used as metaphor. like as in how it sloughs its skin, this was a useful analogy of how Nature refreshes itself via continual rebirthing. lifedeathregeneration. so o you see, the serpent symbplizes this cyclic immortality

Also Serpent lifes beneath the Earth and was seen to be commensurate with sacred psychedelic mushrooms in the wayt they also emerge from rthe Eart and can be both poisonous and inspirin of ecstas(did you know that some venom of snakes is psychedelic? yo Do now!))......a secret epithet for shrooms IS 'serpents'

you should note how all over, wherever ptriarchal myth takes over the Goddess oriented mythology, a Dragon/Serpent is under threat---either dissecrted and/or killed----examples: the upstart Babylonian Marduk slaying the dragon Tiamet, Zeus slaying the dragon Typhon, Apollo doing the serpent Python, and Indra with te great serpent Vritra....EVEn in shamanistic cultures we have tales of male-hero slaying a Serpent. so, whats this tell us? it says how erpent was assoiatred with certian powerful energies a patriarchal controlling mindset feared and sought to deminish via its mythology.

In GoE myth see how serpent is dishnoured and slandered as being the original corrupter of 'MANkind'

but te ESSENTIAL thing you need to consider, behind all tese words and concepts isss, the asscocation of the Serpent/Dragon with te psychedelic mushroom. or it is the latter which inspires the taker to the real energies. OF the Earth. at the end of the day, tis is THE main message!
All over North America, mummies have been found in giant stone pits, placed inside sitting in a circle indian style.
This is how they were burried.
The creatures are 12 feet tall, with double rows of dentition (teeth) and high cone shaped heads with low slopeing foreheads.
They were not human, they were giants - called by many names, but in the scripture the same type creature was "the serpent".
It was not a snake, it was a large huminiod , man-like creature which Satan and his fallen angels used for hosts...
That is why Adam was created to be a host for God and his "atributes" (children)
This was what pure humans were created for ...to reflect the "image" of God in this material world.
The world is full of history of these giant, despiratly wicked creatures, from the old world to the new.
Indian legend says they battled these wicked red-haired giants for millinea, but about 500 years before white man came to America, an unprecedented thing happened,
Every indian tribe on the North American continent, banded together for one purpose - to battle and completey exterminate these beasts from their land forever.

These creatures or beasts ( the bible called them more subtle than any beast of the field) and their part hybrid offspring - (Cains and his children)once ruled the earth, in the days before the flood and again afterwards.
They were called the "anakim", whick means "the stiff necked ones", also the Amorites, and the Cainanites...there were many diferent races of theses once in the land.

Some legends say they also had six digits on their fingers and toes.
Even the bible says one of these giant, throw-backs from before the flood they still had in the days of King David had six fingers and toes on every hand and foot,24 in all.

Did you ever notice the more ancient numerical systems are based on a
12-digit system, "inches to a foot", "12 numbers on the face of a clock", "blocks to a mile", "12 in a dozen", "12 dozen in a gross", ect...

Human children when they learn to count use their fingers and count to ten, right?
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You have no idea what your dealing with, son......

The very spirits that once possessed those beasts, are still here attempting to cloud your mind.

You see, the only pure human to live in the last 2000 years was Jesus Christ, and he was created like Adam, by the power of the spoken-word of God.
The Spirit released by the sacrifice of His blood was the Spirit of God.
That is the only light the will cut through the gross darkness of this day.

We in this flesh are still a hybrid, but a cafefully created balance, so as to set up the stage for the greatest battle ever fought, between Satan and God in the mind of man.
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TheVisitor said:
All over North America, mummies have been found in giant stone pits, placed inside sitting in a circle indian style.
This is how they were burried.
The creatures are 12 feet tall, with double rows of dentition (teeth) and high cone shaped heads with low slopeing foreheads.
They were not human, they were giants - called by many names, but in the scripture the same type creature was "the serpent".
It was not a snake, it was a large huminiod , man-like creature which Satan and his fallen angels used for hosts...
some factual links would be helpful, heres one for you, http://www.randi.org/ he'll pay you a million dollors if you can prove these giants existed, and I'd give another million.
TheVisitor said:
The world is full of history of these giant,
would like to see some evidence.
TheVisitor said:
despiratly wicked creatures, from the old world to the new.
Indian legend says they battled these wicked red-haired giants for millinea, but about 500 years before white man came to America, an unprecedented thing happened,
Every indian tribe on the North American continent, banded together for one purpose - to battle and completey exterminate these beasts from their land forever.

These creatures or beasts ( the bible called them more subtle than any beast of the field) and their part hybrid offspring - (Cains and his children)once ruled the earth, in the days before the flood and again afterwards.
They were called the "anakim", whick means "the stiff necked ones", also the Amorites, and the Cainanites...there were many diferent races of theses once in the land.

Some legends say they also had six digits on their fingers and toes.
Even the bible says one of these giant, throw-backs from before the flood they still had in the days of King David had six fingers and toes on every hand and foot,24 in all.

Did you ever notice the more ancient numerical systems are based on a
12-digit system, "inches to a foot", "12 numbers on the face of a clock", "blocks to a mile", "12 in a dozen", "12 dozen in a gross", ect...

Human children when they learn to count use their fingers and count to ten, right?
some links, some evidence.
TheVisitor said:
You have no idea what your dealing with, son......
oh yes he does, a frigging idiot.
TheVisitor said:
The very spirits that once possessed those beasts, are still here attempting to cloud your mind.
and you think yours is clear, go figure.
wake up!
some links, some evidence.....

You think everything in life can by solved or proved by some link on the internet...?
You may be spending too much time on the computer, ....
Do some research of your own in real life.

One more thing about your Randi link, Jesus didn't "clown" for nobody when they asked him to prove who he was or do some "trick",
He knew who he was...

"We speak that we do know",
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TheVisitor said:
"We speak that we do know",

M*W: Then it should be no problem for you to post some evidence, since it appears that there are more than one of you.
geeser said:
some factual links would be helpful, heres one for you, http://www.randi.org/ he'll pay you a million dollors if you can prove these giants existed, and I'd give another million.

what's so weird about giants? there are dwarves, why not giants too? there are lots of stories about giants and hobbits. remember archeologists found "hobbits" a while ago. i know giants existed.
c7ityi_ said:
what's so weird about giants? there are dwarves, why not giants too? there are lots of stories about giants and hobbits. remember archeologists found "hobbits" a while ago. i know giants existed.
because ...my dears, you are missing the whole point of myth. manly it is speaking about the human condition. trying to show polarity of existence---this is very evident in prpatriarchal mythology and also Chinese philosophical Taoism, and in Indigenous myth

visitor is literalizing it in a very pseudo-archeological way. look at how he ducks out of giving PHYSICAl evidence for his literalism of myth. hint hint?.....
Not "ducking", mearly not playing a "Clown" for skeptics.

Just for those who really want to know...I'll give you a hint to some giant evidence.
There is a natural history museum in Texas that has a thigh bone of a humaniod creature on display that would make it over 30 feet tall.
The 12 footers after the flood like the "Anakim" were only genetic
through-backs to the ones that existed before the world was destroyed.
I don't have the link handy but you can probably find it under a search for "giant human skeletons".
Even Greek legend and myth talk of the Olypians and the Titans, the giant sons of Posidon, which were refered to as the twelve.
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who/whom caused man to become evil?
The information assymetry. :D

Yaba Daba! :m:

You have no idea what your dealing with, son......
Sure we do – fictional mythology.

The very spirits that once possessed those beasts, are still here attempting to cloud your mind.
LOL – ooooh spooky. Otherwise you lack credibility.

You see, the only pure human to live in the last 2000 years was Jesus Christ, and he was created like Adam, by the power of the spoken-word of God.
Well that seems unlikely, no one has yet shown any historical support that he actually existed, and the Adam concept was pure symbolism. And of course no one can yet show that gods do, might or could exist. So your bold assertion really doesn’t carry any weight.

The Spirit released by the sacrifice of His blood was the Spirit of God.
That is the only light the will cut through the gross darkness of this day.
The idea isn’t even original - it’s plagiarized mythology

We in this flesh are still a hybrid, but a cafefully created balance, so as to set up the stage for the greatest battle ever fought, between Satan and God in the mind of man.

Just for those who really want to know...I'll give you a hint to some giant evidence.
There is a natural history museum in Texas that has a thigh bone of a humaniod creature on display that would make it over 30 feet tall.
The 12 footers after the flood like the "Anakim" were only genetic
through-backs to the ones that existed before the world was destroyed.
I don't have the link handy but you can probably find it under a search for "giant human skeletons".
Religion does manage to find the most gullible people -


Like the link above - giant humans over 30 fet tall - just wonderful hoxes and scams.
This is why I don't offer "evidence" to critics, the bible says there were giants....that was included for a reason.
John the baptist called them "a generation of vipers"...Jesus called them "offspring of the serpent" , "of their father the devil".
This was after the giants were all dead but the remainder of their hybrid seed had found it's way into the religious hiearcy....you see they knew.

But the whole thing is part of a mystery, of the "Serpent's Seed"...you can't see the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven that have been hidden by God unless He choses to reveal it to you.
When Jesus taught the multitudes He taught them in parables or riddles.
Only when He got His diciples alone did he reveal the true meaning to them,
They asked Him, .....why don't you teach the people plainly?
He responded..."Unto you it's been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but unto them it's not been given".
It has to be given to you by God to understand some of these things, ... or as the scriptures say ....."even if one raised from the dead, you wouldn't believe.
No amount of "evidence" will do it.
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the bible says there were giants....that was included for a reason

Certainly. It is well known by now that the early parts of the OT are later versions of much earlier Sumerian writings, (the Enuma Elish etc). The nephilim come from the anunnaki, (giant long living aliens).

On another note, the Lord of the Rings says there are trees that can talk and walk... that was included for a reason.

No visitor, that doesn't make it evidence and it certainly doesn't make it true.

No amount of "evidence" will do it.

Well, any actual evidence would certainly be a start. Stop trying to make excuses for the fact that you have no evidence whatsoever.
he Visitor....please understand mythology. your not to blame if you dont mind. the rarely teach this in schools....
manly myyth is writ with various crafty literary devices---ie., metaphor, transliteration, pun, word-play, taking word-roots-bolcks from 'dead' languages and using them for god names and as thmes for stories, etc. and tese literary devices ad layeys to myth. the core level--the 'real meaning'--what they arepointing to, is 'cryptic'/hidden, and is for the inititated of te cult, religion

over time --in written down myth/pariarchal myth, these clues get deliberayely prohibited to study and then arew forgotten

for ewxample, ypu mntion 'giants', :

"One of the ways we can now identify the Mandrake as the mushroom is that one of its Greek names, 'Antimimon', istraceable to a Sumarian original, meaning "heavenly shadeW, areference to the canopy of the opened fungus. Incidentally, the same root, *GiG-AN-TI, gave the Greek 'gigantes, and in English, "giants", in pursuance of the imagery of the "giant" holding aloft the arch of heaven." The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross. John M.Allegro, pages 65-66

and i have already brielfy explained the aneint connection between serpents/vipers and mushrooms.

also. in reality. have you ever SEEn a , giant? what humans are sometimes called when they exceed abover average height?
thy are very awkward, and have lots of physical problems and usualy have an early death. hardly plausible then that thee actually existed actual giants. more so mythology is cryptically referring to a sacrament that gives the user ecstatic abandon. IF you have had this experience, you would KNOW what i mean here.
Snakelord old friend, now you know thats not true....we've run around this tree before.
And those Sumerian writings are slanted to make the people that wrote them the heros......The larger "Serpents" were the evil possessed natives of this world, ( the animals were created first), and the smaller humans...(Adam), were created to be host representatives and vessels of the true God of all creation, and were placed here later as God in flesh over His creation, with the power of creation in the very words they spoke.

You see the Sumerian version is almost 180 degrees backwards from the truth....
Still it's kind of vindcating that they are almost telling a similar story about the giants... just from different sides of the war.