who watches Ancient Alien series on History channel

The construction of the pyramids has another possible explanation, besides aliens. It has to do with the unconscious mind. Deep aspects of unconscious mind is like the CPU of the brain, while the ego or conscious mind is like a terminal to the brain. The ancients had more access to the CPU of the brain. The CPU was projected into the gods/aliens that assisted them.

To give one a better feel for this, say we needed to walk from here to there. All we do (conscious mind) is think a command line like "walk over there". All the muscle movement and coordination is done by the unconscious CPU. You don't have to think about muscle sequence, it will just coordinate, unconsciously.

If we had to use the conscious mind,, to think about every muscle, so we can walk, it would get to complicated to walk in a very smooth way. Even the best computer programs with massive computer power, still make movement look fake. The CPU does not have these same limits. It can do a simple task like walk better than a supercomputer, which is limited by the conscious approach to this.

Nobody taught Beethoven how to play the piano at 5, even though he was deaf. His CPU organized this below consciousness. The ancients would pray to their gods. These were projections of the CPU, but nevertheless allowed them access to the CPU to do more than walk.

They "needed a pyramid", was the conscious command line (walk over there). The CPU filled in the details. They would thank the gods since they knew this was not the ego doing this, but rather something else bigger than the ego.

Like walking, the conscious mind would look primitive and awkward in terms of building skills; need to concentrate on muscle detail to walk. The CPU, like with walking, could extrapolate, to create a smooth building result that is above the consciousness of that time. This CPU connection was lost as consciousness got stronger, since one can often do more harm than good, if you try to tinker with the CPU.
Nobody taught Beethoven how to play the piano at 5, even though he was deaf.

You really should look these things up before making silly statements like this. Beethoven didn't begin to lose his hearing until his mid-20s, and he most certainly had numerous teachers as a child, including his father. He also died only 185 years ago...I don't really think that qualifies as "ancient". :rolleyes:
The idea of my post had more to do with the CPU (mainframe) of the brain, versus the ego terminal. It was not about the history of Beethoven. Genius is innate in a CPU or mainframe connection.

This was another way to explain super human capacities beyond what the modern ego expects, but without needing an external agency to provide the extra capacity. Beethoven was not visited by aliens, but did this music data crunching inside his own mind via a CPU (mainframe) interaction. This included his creative aspects which made songs that never existed and which would set the standard for the future. The modern ego still can't quite duplicate this, yet we know it happened.

The analogy of the terminal versus CPU/mainframe is useful because, say we had a terminal but were not aware it had access to a mainframe. Suddenly complex results appear on our terminal monitor, but we are still not aware of the mainframe. We might conclude ghosts in the machine or aliens put it there.

Once you became aware of the capacity of the CPU/mainframe to create such output and one is also aware you can actually access the mainframe, what you can now is figure how to gain even more access. It is not the ego terminal doing the data crunching, which is why the ancients were objective enough to acknowledge their gods (different from the ego).

Pyramids help to demonstrate higher human potential since the ego terminal did not have the capacity to do it on its own based on the conscious technology available. But once you add the mainframe connection, this is not all that complex of a task based on its capacities.

In modern times, we have what Freud called the superego. This is composed, in part, of the knowledge base of science. Instead of being inside like the mainframe, this is outside in the library. We can learn what was already done without requiring we derive anything from scratch.

The modern ego has problems with thinking in terms of not needing a super ego in place to tell I what to do. The idea of internal generation, like a natural process, to create, even without the external super ego precedents, is alien to the ego. They expect an external super ego, such as an alien.

The ancients were already going into that transition (gods), but the ego terminal was weaker allowing more of the primitive connection to the CPU. Like instinct they allowed the CPU to do the walking in their minds, allowing them to create things even today the ego can't reproduce.
The idea of my post had more to do with the CPU (mainframe) of the brain, versus the ego terminal. It was not about the history of Beethoven. Genius is innate in a CPU or mainframe connection.

This was another way to explain super human capacities beyond what the modern ego expects, but without needing an external agency to provide the extra capacity. Beethoven was not visited by aliens, but did this music data crunching inside his own mind via a CPU (mainframe) interaction. This included his creative aspects which made songs that never existed and which would set the standard for the future. The modern ego still can't quite duplicate this, yet we know it happened.

The analogy of the terminal versus CPU/mainframe is useful because, say we had a terminal but were not aware it had access to a mainframe. Suddenly complex results appear on our terminal monitor, but we are still not aware of the mainframe. We might conclude ghosts in the machine or aliens put it there.

Once you became aware of the capacity of the CPU/mainframe to create such output and one is also aware you can actually access the mainframe, what you can now is figure how to gain even more access. It is not the ego terminal doing the data crunching, which is why the ancients were objective enough to acknowledge their gods (different from the ego).

Pyramids help to demonstrate higher human potential since the ego terminal did not have the capacity to do it on its own based on the conscious technology available. But once you add the mainframe connection, this is not all that complex of a task based on its capacities.

In modern times, we have what Freud called the superego. This is composed, in part, of the knowledge base of science. Instead of being inside like the mainframe, this is outside in the library. We can learn what was already done without requiring we derive anything from scratch.

The modern ego has problems with thinking in terms of not needing a super ego in place to tell I what to do. The idea of internal generation, like a natural process, to create, even without the external super ego precedents, is alien to the ego. They expect an external super ego, such as an alien.

The ancients were already going into that transition (gods), but the ego terminal was weaker allowing more of the primitive connection to the CPU. Like instinct they allowed the CPU to do the walking in their minds, allowing them to create things even today the ego can't reproduce.

Good grief!!!!:bugeye: I've heard people daydream before but this junk is pure lunacy! :eek:
Good grief!!!! I've heard people daydream before but this junk is pure lunacy!

This bias against the unconscious mind, is why it become necessary to project the unconscious into aliens. The aliens are just a modern version of ancient mythology with both generated by unconscious projection.

Freud defined a term called the superego, which essentially is cultural knowledge. It is sort of an external surrogate for the mind. For most people the super ego defines the limits of their knowledge. Since they assume all it outside them and knowledge can reach limits, some find it necessary to expand the superego into aliens to fill in the blanks.

If you consider external knowledge and the superego, all knowledge was not in place from the beginning, allowing t people can learn and memorize. All this knowledge was unknown at one time and needed to be created so it could be added to the superego for the majority to memorize. This is where the collective unconscious comes in. Plenty of knowledge was created before the scientific method and before the age of reason.

The Egyptians did not have advanced construction techniques in their cultural superego to memorize, so this knowledge needed to be invented from scratch. They projected this unconscious output into their gods, instead of the PC correct aliens since this avoids religion. But, then as now, it was a projection of unconscious processes from the CPU.

As an experiment to allow one to collect direct data of this phenomena, to prove this to yourself, have someone drop you off in the woods at night, alone and without much in the way of camping resources. What should happen in many cases is the imagination will become active; lions and tigers and bears, Oh my! The shadow in the path might seem like an animal. This will allow you to experience a subjective projection factor which will overlay reality. It could be aliens if that is what is on the top of the mind. The unconscious will try to fill in the unknown.

Some people will react to the projection as though it was real. They may walk the other way or throw a rock at the shadow to make sure. With pyramid building you need a different type of projection onto reality that allows you to see what to do; visionary. The Egyptians appeared to be objective to both projection and reality, since they would believe the gods (aliens) were generating the blue print.
This bias against the unconscious mind, is why it become necessary to project the unconscious into aliens. The aliens are just a modern version of ancient mythology with both generated by unconscious projection.

Freud defined a term called the superego, which essentially is cultural knowledge. It is sort of an external surrogate for the mind. For most people the super ego defines the limits of their knowledge. Since they assume all it outside them and knowledge can reach limits, some find it necessary to expand the superego into aliens to fill in the blanks.

If you consider external knowledge and the superego, all knowledge was not in place from the beginning, allowing t people can learn and memorize. All this knowledge was unknown at one time and needed to be created so it could be added to the superego for the majority to memorize. This is where the collective unconscious comes in. Plenty of knowledge was created before the scientific method and before the age of reason.

The Egyptians did not have advanced construction techniques in their cultural superego to memorize, so this knowledge needed to be invented from scratch. They projected this unconscious output into their gods, instead of the PC correct aliens since this avoids religion. But, then as now, it was a projection of unconscious processes from the CPU.

As an experiment to allow one to collect direct data of this phenomena, to prove this to yourself, have someone drop you off in the woods at night, alone and without much in the way of camping resources. What should happen in many cases is the imagination will become active; lions and tigers and bears, Oh my! The shadow in the path might seem like an animal. This will allow you to experience a subjective projection factor which will overlay reality. It could be aliens if that is what is on the top of the mind. The unconscious will try to fill in the unknown.

Some people will react to the projection as though it was real. They may walk the other way or throw a rock at the shadow to make sure. With pyramid building you need a different type of projection onto reality that allows you to see what to do; visionary. The Egyptians appeared to be objective to both projection and reality, since they would believe the gods (aliens) were generating the blue print.

Even MORE worthless drivel !!! Go find something to do - like playing in the street. :bugeye: