who watches Ancient Alien series on History channel

“ Originally Posted by MacGyver1968
Well...ancient man had no problem setting large stones all over the world...from Stonehenge to Egypt. Why do you need aliens to be part of the equation?

But what did these monolithic stones construct? Certainly not your everyday coming attraction.


Besides, if ancient man could build such fantastically solid structures, why wasn't the same concept applied for defensive purposes, such as fortresses, or for fortification, or barriers? Instead we get burial places and temples?

now this is a very perspective
were is the evidence ?

empty claim

I agree. Some would say that this is evidence, but I say aliens are clearly visiting Wally Wallington at his home in Michigan.

Real evidence is something that needs to be presented by those suggesting traditional construction techniques, and DEFINITELY NOT by the people suggesting that aliens are behind any unexplained construction on Earth. That's fair and logical. (One question: How do we tell the sites made by aliens using advanced technology (and, for some reason, stone blocks) from sites made by fairies casting magic spells (where the use of stone at least makes more sense)? Because they are both equally good at explaining all these mysteries.)
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I agree. Some would say that this is evidence, but I say aliens are clearly visiting Wally Wallington at his home in Michigan.

don't know of this

Real evidence is something that needs to be presented by those suggesting traditional construction techniques, and DEFINITELY NOT by the people suggesting that aliens are behind any unexplained construction on Earth. That's fair and logical.

and resonable

(One question: How do we tell the sites made by aliens using advanced technology (and, for some reason, stone blocks) from sites made by fairies casting magic spells (where the use of stone at least makes more sense)? Because they are both equally good at explaining all these mysteries.)

do fairies and magic spells carve , lift and place 1200 ton blocks ?
Real evidence is something that needs to be presented by those suggesting traditional construction techniques, and DEFINITELY NOT by the people suggesting that aliens are behind any unexplained construction on Earth. That's fair and logical.
You clearly haven't watched any of the series. "Traditional construction techniques" are discussed alongside their enigmatic settings. But traditional techniques don't do justice to their constructions—nor to their conceptions.
You clearly haven't watched any of the series. "Traditional construction techniques" are discussed alongside their enigmatic settings. But traditional techniques don't do justice to their constructions—nor to their conceptions.

Even if you could disprove that traditional methods were used (you can't), that in no way proves that aliens were involved rather than "magic."
The scientific method is the only logical approach to solving this problem. but as Mr.river pointed out in his arguments the valid question "how". Both Human psychiology and ancient tools could no way have been utilized and in any way or form to move or manipulate physical structures in that fashion. This clearly could not be possible thousands of years ago yet they still stand in awe and mystery. We can only speculate or hyphothesize an alternative scientific method which brought about this. Keep in mind that it was only a few decades ago that certain cranes were constructed to lift more than 300tons of weight. The largest Egyptian obelisk weighed more than 500 tons and stands more than 30 metres tall. How was that possible? well the unscientific answer would be "who knows" but we are people of science so lets think logically and let's not rule out possibility.
I have watched the show - but ONLY when there's absolutely NOTHING on that I'd like to watch (The great TV wasteland) and even then for entertainment value only.

The answer to ALL the stupid questions posed on the show and here in this thread is very, very simple: When you have ENOUGH manpower, time (and good engineers), practically any structure is possible.

People who actually believe this junk simply WANT to believe aliens were involved.

Nonsense and garbage, nothing more.
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I have watched the show - but ONLY when there's absolutely NOTHING on that I'd like to watch (The great TV wasteland) and even then for entertainment value only.

The answer to ALL the stupid questions posed on the show and here in this thread is very, very simple: When you have ENOUGH manpower, time (and good engineers), practically any structure is possible.

People who actually believe this junk simply WANT to believe aliens were involved.

Nonsense and garbage, nothing more.
spoken like a true scientist:bugeye:
I have watched the show - but ONLY when there's absolutely NOTHING on that I'd like to watch (The great TV wasteland) and even then for entertainment value only.

The answer to ALL the stupid questions posed on the show and here in this thread is very, very simple: When you have ENOUGH manpower, time (and good engineers), practically any structure is possible.

People who actually believe this junk simply WANT to believe aliens were involved.

Nonsense and garbage, nothing more.
same reason why we go get most of our eggs from a supermarket instead of waiting for a chicken to hatch one. the end result is purpose! I don't know if you suffer from boredom or a lack of female companionship but those structures had purpose.
Yep, you better believe it, Bub. The only people who go for this trash are - as a general rule - either weak-minded or WAY, WAY under-educated. (Or both!) :shrug:
there is nothing wrong in asking questions! you should try it:D
Wiki on Baalbek

From the Wiki article:

Roger Hopkins is a stonemason and sculptor who was consulted to do experiments in the movement of megaliths in Egypt (with Mark Lehrner) and other locations. He has suggested that the trilithon stones and 300 ton blocks were all moved with wooden rollers, demonstrating how this could be done by using steel rollers and levers to move a five to six thousand pound stone on a concrete platform by himself. He also participated in other experiments with larger stones, including some that may have been over 10 tons. These experiments required many more people. For 2 ton stones he was able to tow them with as few as 10 people at times and for faster results up to 20 people. Most experiments which have been done by Roger Hopkins and others to move stones 10 tons or more required well over 100 people.[17]

Vince Lee is an architect, explorer and author. He has suggested that these stones were moved by flipping them with levers. According to this hypothesis a row of people would use 20 levers to pry up the trilithon blocks a little at a time. Each time they pried it up someone would put additional shims under the megalithic stones. After this was repeated enough times the stone would flip over on the next side. There would be a log on the other side that the stone would fall onto so that one side would already be lifted off the ground each time making it easier for the next flip. This would require over 300 flips for each of the trilithon stones and even more for the smaller 300 ton stones to cover the 1 mile distance from the quarry. Roger Hopkins and Mark Lehner experimented with this technique on a smaller scale in Egypt during a NOVA pyramid building experiment. They found that they could flip stones up to about 3/4 of a ton with only 4 or 5 men, and they successfully flipped stones at least 2.5 tons with more men; however, they found this was too slow to explain how the pyramids were built in so short a time.[18]

Both Hopkins and Lee agreed that an earthen ramp would have been used to get the megaliths up the hill to the temple. They also agreed that the final placement would have involved flipping the megaliths and lowering it slowly by using sand to cushion the fall. The sand would have been placed where the trilithon stones were to be set, and when the stones were flipped into place the sand would be slowly removed

Interesting insight, but not as fun as aliens...:rolleyes:
Wiki on Baalbek

From the Wiki article:

Roger Hopkins is a stonemason and sculptor who was consulted to do experiments in the movement of megaliths in Egypt (with Mark Lehrner) and other locations. He has suggested that the trilithon stones and 300 ton blocks were all moved with wooden rollers, demonstrating how this could be done by using steel rollers and levers to move a five to six thousand pound stone on a concrete platform by himself. He also participated in other experiments with larger stones, including some that may have been over 10 tons. These experiments required many more people. For 2 ton stones he was able to tow them with as few as 10 people at times and for faster results up to 20 people. Most experiments which have been done by Roger Hopkins and others to move stones 10 tons or more required well over 100 people.[17]

Vince Lee is an architect, explorer and author. He has suggested that these stones were moved by flipping them with levers. According to this hypothesis a row of people would use 20 levers to pry up the trilithon blocks a little at a time. Each time they pried it up someone would put additional shims under the megalithic stones. After this was repeated enough times the stone would flip over on the next side. There would be a log on the other side that the stone would fall onto so that one side would already be lifted off the ground each time making it easier for the next flip. This would require over 300 flips for each of the trilithon stones and even more for the smaller 300 ton stones to cover the 1 mile distance from the quarry. Roger Hopkins and Mark Lehner experimented with this technique on a smaller scale in Egypt during a NOVA pyramid building experiment. They found that they could flip stones up to about 3/4 of a ton with only 4 or 5 men, and they successfully flipped stones at least 2.5 tons with more men; however, they found this was too slow to explain how the pyramids were built in so short a time.[18]

Both Hopkins and Lee agreed that an earthen ramp would have been used to get the megaliths up the hill to the temple. They also agreed that the final placement would have involved flipping the megaliths and lowering it slowly by using sand to cushion the fall. The sand would have been placed where the trilithon stones were to be set, and when the stones were flipped into place the sand would be slowly removed

Interesting insight, but not as fun as aliens...:rolleyes:
Thats quite an interesting experiment, using steel rollers instead of wooden ones! but even if Hopkins could do it on a scale for that size monument it would have taken quite awhile. Why is it that further back in the past you go the building structures get bigger? If the purpose defines the method used then questions of feasibility and manpower arise. this comes back to the egg and the supermarket question which I put to "mr.read only"
Why is it that further back in the past you go the building structures get bigger?

More importantly why would you think that is true?

If the purpose defines the method used then questions of feasibility and manpower arise. this comes back to the egg and the supermarket question which I put to "mr.read only"

I don't understand the point of your question.:shrug:
same reason why we go get most of our eggs from a supermarket instead of waiting for a chicken to hatch one. the end result is purpose! I don't know if you suffer from boredom or a lack of female companionship but those structures had purpose.

Sure, there was a purpose - who's denied that?? But getting down to the methods of construction that were used just requires a little clear thinking - something that I don't see in many of your posts. For example, take this post of yours that I'm replying to at this very moment - a clear example of imprecise and muddled thinking. NO ONE wanting an egg waits for one to be hatched because that turns the egg into a chicken!!!
Sure, there was a purpose - who's denied that?? But getting down to the methods of construction that were used just requires a little clear thinking - something that I don't see in many of your posts. For example, take this post of yours that I'm replying to at this very moment - a clear example of imprecise and muddled thinking. NO ONE wanting an egg waits for one to be hatched because that turns the egg into a chicken!!!
....turns the egg into a chicken?!? dear sir I think you fail to grasp the basics of poultry let alone reproduction. There is no egg that once hatched turns into an egg just like that. Let me educate you on this: Chicken eggs take exactly 21 days from the date they are started incubating. Hatched naturally, most broody hens will take about 6 days to gather enough eggs and then set the nest. Now thats a clear example of imprecise and muddled thinking. Since you don't get the analogy here or plain english I shall speak to you in science..think you can handle it einstein?
Sure, there was a purpose - who's denied that?? But getting down to the methods of construction that were used just requires a little clear thinking
And you are certain of this purpose? what is it?
Ancient history is riddled with fragments of information. It's scientific thinking to piece this up like a puzzle as you go along not deviating from the method nor the purpose. connecting these points of the argument will reveal the most possible answers.
....turns the egg into a chicken?!? dear sir I think you fail to grasp the basics of poultry let alone reproduction. There is no egg that once hatched turns into an egg just like that. Let me educate you on this: Chicken eggs take exactly 21 days from the date they are started incubating. Hatched naturally, most broody hens will take about 6 days to gather enough eggs and then set the nest. Now thats a clear example of imprecise and muddled thinking. Since you don't get the analogy here or plain english I shall speak to you in science..think you can handle it einstein?

Are you intoxicated by any chance?
Even if you could disprove that traditional methods were used (you can't), that in no way proves that aliens were involved rather than "magic."
I'm not considering to prove or disprove anything; I'm quite content hypothesizing and extending my imagination while considering alternative possibilities—nobody is going to die because of that.