who watches Ancient Alien series on History channel

I have watched the show - but ONLY when there's absolutely NOTHING on that I'd like to watch (The great TV wasteland) and even then for entertainment value only.
Well then you have no business being in this thread—it's not in the Arts & Culture forum.
Well then you have no business being in this thread—it's not in the Arts & Culture forum.

Oh, really??? It's most certainly NOT a scientific topic regardless of having been thrown into the "Human Science" category. :bugeye:
It was very interresting, intill they started to talk about the greek mythologies and such things and making their gods as to be aliens who came to earth and etc etc... I think that that was hilarous.
Oh, really??? It's most certainly NOT a scientific topic regardless of having been thrown into the "Human Science" category. :bugeye:
could please stick to the subject! if you insist on adding meaningless input you should leave this topic and go somewhere else:cool:
It was very interresting, intill they started to talk about the greek mythologies and such things and making their gods as to be aliens who came to earth and etc etc... I think that that was hilarous.

haha indeed! and how is greek mythology hilarious? what are gods anyway?:D
....turns the egg into a chicken?!? dear sir I think you fail to grasp the basics of poultry let alone reproduction. There is no egg that once hatched turns into an egg just like that. Let me educate you on this: Chicken eggs take exactly 21 days from the date they are started incubating. Hatched naturally, most broody hens will take about 6 days to gather enough eggs and then set the nest. Now thats a clear example of imprecise and muddled thinking. Since you don't get the analogy here or plain english I shall speak to you in science..think you can handle it einstein?
Uh - hellooooo... The word you're looking for is "laid".

When an egg comes out of the chicken, the egg has been laid. When the chicken comes out of the egg, the egg has hatched. :rolleyes:
I'm not considering to prove or disprove anything; I'm quite content hypothesizing and extending my imagination while considering alternative possibilities—nobody is going to die because of that.

Quite right. Just keep in mind it is imagination with no evidence that it is tied to reality. It is fun to make wild conjectures, it is just that people (I for one) get annoyed when the History Channel has programs that just pander to ratings and as opposed to informing, they disinform.
Well, if you made even the slightest attempt to use the actual proper terms (this IS supposed to be a science-based site anyway) people wouldn't be taking potshots at your apparent ignorance. :shrug:
again I ask you in simple english what is your argument on this topic?:rolleyes:

haha indeed! and how is greek mythology hilarious? what are gods anyway?:D

Not the greek gods and mythologies are hilarous, I have always thought that most myths must have an origin for that story that have been turned into a myth and etc...
What I found hilarous, again, I said "I", is the part that Thor and Appolo were aliens wih super technology and such things.

However I'm not denying the possibility of ancient aliens on Earth, no not at all, not denying the possibility that there have been no ancient aliens (E.T to be more precice) on Earth too). ;)

And gods are those special beings or sometimes people or mystical beings (like 1/3 a man, 1/3 a lion and 1/3.. a worm..) that are considered as with super powers or as beings that have the controll over life (nature, people, destiny, etc...) and that can help people or hurt people and controll things.. I don't know if this was good ennuf description, I guess.
Not the greek gods and mythologies are hilarous, I have always thought that most myths must have an origin for that story that have been turned into a myth and etc...
What I found hilarous, again, I said "I", is the part that Thor and Appolo were aliens wih super technology and such things.

However I'm not denying the possibility of ancient aliens on Earth, no not at all, not denying the possibility that there have been no ancient aliens (E.T to be more precice) on Earth too). ;)

And gods are those special beings or sometimes people or mystical beings (like 1/3 a man, 1/3 a lion and 1/3.. a worm..) that are considered as with super powers or as beings that have the controll over life (nature, people, destiny, etc...) and that can help people or hurt people and controll things.. I don't know if this was good ennuf description, I guess.
In order to interpret what people at that particular time saw from the ground you have to visualize yourself been in their shoes or sandals. Then from a vantage point given the mental knowledge and attitude of how people gave meaning to things you decide what you understood when these so called strange people came down from the skies with smoke and roars of thunder. Take that sequence and compare it today.
Imagine this senario, what would the appolo module landing on mount olympus look to ordinary people in ancient greek times?
Thats quite an interesting experiment, using steel rollers instead of wooden ones! but even if Hopkins could do it on a scale for that size monument it would have taken quite awhile. Why is it that further back in the past you go the building structures get bigger? If the purpose defines the method used then questions of feasibility and manpower arise. this comes back to the egg and the supermarket question which I put to "mr.read only"

Why would aliens come to Earth and construct not only the hard to explain Great Pyramids, but several pyramids that appear to be prototypes , like the Bent Pyramid and the Pyramid of Zoser, which appear to be nothing more that a stacking of traditional mustaba? Why did the aliens need to engage in such trial and error?

In fact it is not true that as you go farther back structures get bigger....because plain old mustaba predate the Great Pyramids. Avebury ring is one of the oldest stone henges (and its stones were lain before the larger Stonehenge stones), and it is a *smaller* construction than Stonehenge (edit: at least in terms of the size of the stones used), but there is ample evidence that earth and wood henges existed on those sites before stone was ever used.

So, why are there so many ancient and large stone structures at all? Because large stone structures last longer than smaller stone structures, and far longer than wooden or brick ones. They also tend to be more famous. There are the remains of many, many earth, wood and stone henges in Europe, Stonehenge is just one of them, and the one with the largest stones. The Great Pyramids, as we see them are the skeletons of what used to be, as in their true heyday they were gleaming white and their sides smooth, all of which has eroded over time.
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Why would aliens come to Earth and construct not only the hard to explain Great Pyramids, but several pyramids that appear to be prototypes , like the Bent Pyramid and the Pyramid of Zoser, which appear to be nothing more that a stacking of traditional mustaba? Why did the aliens need to engage in such trial and error?

In fact it is not true that as you go farther back structures get bigger....because plain old mustaba predate the Great Pyramids. Avebury ring is one of the oldest stone henges (and its stones were lain before the larger Stonehenge stones), and it is a *smaller* construction than Stonehenge (edit: at least in terms of the size of the stones used), but there is ample evidence that earth and wood henges existed on those sites before stone was ever used.

So, why are there so many ancient and large stone structures at all? Because large stone structures last longer than smaller stone structures, and far longer than wooden or brick ones. They also tend to be more famous. There are the remains of many, many earth, wood and stone henges in Europe, Stonehenge is just one of them, and the one with the largest stones. The Great Pyramids, as we see them are the skeletons of what used to be, as in their true heyday they were gleaming white and their sides smooth, all of which has eroded over time.
Yeah why would aliens build them? you said it not me!