who watches Ancient Alien series on History channel


the 1200 ton blocks are those which are part of the platform which has been already been fitted into its make up

there are some which havn't been fitted , true

but look at the blocks which have been , is my point and interest
So what is more likely?

1. Ancient man used his ingenuity, creativity and patience...along with ropes, ramps, pulleys, levers and other simple machines plus a shitload of elbow grease to move these stones.


2. Aliens from another planet visited ancient earth, and not only revealed themselves openly to ancient man, but helped us with our stone building projects.... but didn't bother to teach us about steel smithing.
So what is more likely?

1. Ancient man used his ingenuity, creativity and patience...along with ropes, ramps, pulleys, levers and other simple machines plus a shitload of elbow grease to move these stones.


2. Aliens from another planet visited ancient earth, and not only revealed themselves openly to ancient man, but helped us with our stone building projects.... but didn't bother to teach us about steel smithing.


since to lift 2.4 million lbs and the place this block is beyond ropes , pulleys and levers

since to lift 2.4 million lbs and the place this block is beyond ropes , pulleys and levers

Really? What physics book says that? With a long enough ramp, and enough manpower, you'd be surprised what you could move.

So why did these aliens have no problem revealing themselves to us way back when...but all of sudden stopped? Why don't they visit us today and help us with things? The Trinity River project is falling behind here in Dallas...why not give us a hand?
“ Originally Posted by river

since to lift 2.4 million lbs and the place this block is beyond ropes , pulleys and levers

Really? What physics book says that? With a long enough ramp, and enough manpower, you'd be surprised what you could move.

back then what do you think they had , what materials did they have to handle this weight ?

there is NO evidence of any ramp by the way
back then what do you think they had , what materials did they have to handle this weight ?

there is NO evidence of any ramp by the way

They had rope, wooden rails, levers, animal fat, 1000's of men and a boatload of time. If your king/ruler/emperor tells you he wants it done or else you die, you'd be surprised how resourceful people can be.

Ramps are usually removed after construction.
“ Originally Posted by river
back then what do you think they had , what materials did they have to handle this weight ?

there is NO evidence of any ramp by the way

They had rope, wooden rails, levers, animal fat, 1000's of men and a boatload of time. If your king/ruler/emperor tells you he wants it done or else you die, you'd be surprised how resourceful people can be.

sink into the sand

Ramps are usually removed after construction.

and where is the evidence of the pile that represents the materials used for the ramp ?
sink into the sand

and where is the evidence of the pile that represents the materials used for the ramp ?

The simple fact is...all of the technology needed to move these massive stones was in place at the time. No doubt it was a Herculean task, and worthy of our admiration. It was a monumental feat of ancient engineering. But ancient man was just as smart and resourceful as we are today. Necessity is the mother of invention. You don't need aliens to move the stone for us...we were smart enough to figure out on our own.
“ Originally Posted by river
sink into the sand

and where is the evidence of the pile that represents the materials used for the ramp ?

The simple fact is...all of the technology needed to move these massive stones was in place at the time.


were is the evidence ?

empty claim

No doubt it was a Herculean task, and worthy of our admiration. It was a monumental feat of ancient engineering. But ancient man was just as smart and resourceful as we are today. Necessity is the mother of invention. You don't need aliens to move the stone for us...we were smart enough to figure out on our own.

nice thought

however , no evidence
to correct my spelling , fine

but angel is what I'm talking about here
Except you had already been corrected once and continued with the error.

nice thought

however , no evidence
No evidence that humans are ingenious? There's much more evidence for that than there is for space aliens moving stones around for us... :bugeye:
No evidence that humans are ingenious? There's much more evidence for that than there is for space aliens moving stones around for us... :bugeye:

hardly my point

“ No doubt it was a Herculean task, and worthy of our admiration. It was a monumental feat of ancient engineering. But ancient man was just as smart and resourceful as we are today. Necessity is the mother of invention. You don't need aliens to move the stone for us...we were smart enough to figure out on our own.

so how though ?
hardly my point

so how though ?

We don't know. That knowledge was lost to history. We can only speculate on how it was done. What we do know is that cultures all over the world mastered the moving of large blocks of stone independently of each other. Once simple machines, like the lever, ramp and pulley were discovered, it made seemingly impossible tasks possible.

Just because you discount the ingenuity of ancient man doesn't mean they weren't capable of great feats.
“ Originally Posted by river
hardly my point

so how though ?

We don't know. That knowledge was lost to history. We can only speculate on how it was done. What we do know is that cultures all over the world mastered the moving of large blocks of stone independently of each other. Once simple machines, like the lever, ramp and pulley were discovered, it made seemingly impossible tasks possible.

not to this level

Just because you discount the ingenuity of ancient man doesn't mean they weren't capable of great feats.

its not about the ingenuity of ancient man , its the capability of ancient man

such as moving , lifting and placing 2.4 million lb blocks in place accurately
not to this level

its not about the ingenuity of ancient man , its the capability of ancient man

such as moving , lifting and placing 2.4 million lb blocks in place accurately

Well...ancient man had no problem setting large stones all over the world...from Stonehenge to Egypt. Why do you need aliens to be part of the equation?
“ Originally Posted by river
not to this level

its not about the ingenuity of ancient man , its the capability of ancient man

such as moving , lifting and placing 2.4 million lb blocks in place accurately

Well...ancient man had no problem setting large stones all over the world...from Stonehenge to Egypt. Why do you need aliens to be part of the equation?

because of the size of these blocks and the weight

and the materials available to make the tools out of , copper was simply to soft
Well...ancient man had no problem setting large stones all over the world...from Stonehenge to Egypt. Why do you need aliens to be part of the equation?
But what did these monolithic stones construct? Certainly not your everyday coming attraction. Besides, if ancient man could build such fantastically solid structures, why wasn't the same concept applied for defensive purposes, such as fortresses, or for fortification, or barriers? Instead we get burial places and temples?