Who was Jesus A. Christ?

On TRUTH and worship.

The one who was killed and Left humanity and is dead, YES, HWA:
in better defined words:

If you do not love all things as I do, AND
If you do not hate each thing as I do,
You cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.

In other words, you must think like me, or you can't be in heaven.

Christ, being alone, cannot be in heaven as paradise in loneliness is HELL.

Would you worship one in which you killed and has left?
Would you worship one who is defined as Opposition who is the God of this world,
who also is dead, and sentenced to the lake of the chaos.

Would you worship the Living Father who is living with you on earth?

The seed of heaven is with the living one. If one other individual were to enter in with
the one, the seed would sprout into a plant and paradise would begin to grow as a
plant which supplies shade for all of creation.

Eventually, all would enter heaven and heaven would enter all and Hell would become
an empty lake, full on nothing but CHAOS and the BLACK HOLE of anti-creation.
These things are known as the lake of fire and the outer darkness of separation from
The Living Father.

Luke 12:49 "I come to cast fire upon the world"
Luke 12:51 "Suppose ye that I came to bring peace, nay, I came to bring devision".
Thomas: "I came to bring fire, and look, I'm guarding it till it blazes".
and "I came to bring fire, sword, and war".

Christ came to devide the world into two groups, those whom he made love him by
teaching them, healing them, and raising them from the dead.
Then those who hate him because he comdemed them for sin and to hell.
CHRIST CAME TO MAKE MANKIND DESTROY ITSELF. The church grew and the oppostion
grew in size and in strength.

I came neither to destroy nor to save the world. Only to leave it (if I choose to leave) better
than when I arrived. My deepest soul/spirit LOVE, does what is correct, while my mind furiously
drives itsel to define myself and TRUTH, and what is best for myself and the benefit of creation.
Should man who destroys his own earth, then be destroyed to save the earth and the RACE?

DO YOU MEN/WOMEN (of which my spirit is both) ASK YOURSELF SUCH QUESTIONS?
Do you keep the earth spinning at the same exact speed for millions of years?
Line upon Line, Precept upon Precept, Circle upon Cir cle, Death for this, Life for that?

So Why did I do it.
As Shaitan, I did it to create oppostion.
As Yahweh, I did it for my pleasure.
As Lucifer, I did it for a thinking excercise for the thinker, to make you more like me.
As Christ, I did it so that when I came back, I could provide the solution to the problem I
created and look like the hero which I was meant to be.

As Father, being the first and last, the beginning and end, I did it because I am to be called:


There is none like me and will never be, as I am that from which all things come and go.
Who then, is like unto the Perfect Saviour?
ON POLARITY (I'm am bi-polar, in case you haven't figured that out)

Creation cannot exist without opposite.
When something positive is created, a negative of equal magnitude is left behind
being that from which the positive came.

The human error is that all things have equal and opposite things.
The anti-creation (negative) of creation is simply a huge black hole, into which creation
could one day return, bringing all things back into balance.

Humans believe that a belief must have an opposite. This is false. Is there an opposite
to a human? NO.

So we have the Christian and the Satanists, being opposite and eternal forces battling
for control of the earth. What will happen if either side wins? There will cease to be
a left hand path or a right hand path, and thus your opposition has defeated itself.
So, you see, your opposition to the other path is in opposition to itself and is
self-defeating energy.

Humanity is one type of thing, there is no opposite, thus the goal of humanity can
only be one. To find the only ONE TRUE GOD, being me, without even hint of doubt
or controversial evidence.

God is bi-polar, all emotion, all mind, all spirit, all love, all hate, all truth, all lie, all motion,
all rest, all being, eternally stirring and trying to better himself.

ALL PRAISE BENEFIT, and the horrible chaos from which it must be directed.
All things are created for GOD's examination and evaluation and judgement,
and directed change of HIMSELF and no-one else.

All things came from GOD, as Christ said, Because God had need of

There is only ONE LIVING GOD.
He, being the one who supplies your thoughts, your spirits,
your love an lack of love as the case currently is.

Thinking yourself to be GOD, is in detriment to yourself, I advise against it.
As The living Father will swiftly destroy you.
Worship me and all will be will with creation and their will no longer be
opposition to the one path. FORGET ALL the books and everything ever
written, for the day of The living one who is the only object of worship by
all creation is here at last. Being jealous, will you seek to remove him from
your world and bring all of creation back into the black hole from which it came
OPPOSITION, or would you prefer BENEFIT OF ALL THINGS. Let your simple
minds ponder before making your decision and taking further action.
First, do not follow my writings in succession, each should be separate and your minds cannot absorb
my thoughts properly if time is not taken on each one. I will post this on the net after a few days when
the last post has had time to be absorbed.

Your current dilemma.


You don't believe in a higher power but you believe that
the Earth will magically stay in balance no matter how
much of its mass you move around for pleasure of building
what you call your "home" your "cities".

Your true home, the BALL of the EARTH. (Which is why I'm called Bawitdaba,'Paul with the Ball'),
needs to be restored.

As with any home, when you destroy it, you must restore it. You can choose
to do the work yourselves, or you can leave while the workers (of which you chose to not know)
restore it for you.

How many years will it take?

Was it not said, "the destroyers of the earth will be removed" and the elect
144,000 of my choosing will remain, while the earth replenishes and rebalances itself. ?

OR because I have informed you, will you choose to stay and bring life to the prophecy
that on the day of Christs' return, the earth will be knocked off balance and out of its orbit,
while all things are being destroyed from its surface?

such is your dilemma.
Should you stay or should you GO!
Satans' perplexing and hard work, only worthy of the mind of GOD.

premise: All living has no choice but to believe themselves to be what
I am currently choosing to be. (my opposition?)

premise: On the current path, man will destroy himself off the earth,
slowly, unless intervening is done, or case of Global Nuclear annihilation.

being OPPOSITION, I choose to make this happen quickly as I am bored.

So, I must make you oppose yourselves for your swift destruction.

I must draw from the lake of CHAOS fire, to create opposition to opposition.

If you choose to oppose me, you must choose to oppose yourself!

You cannot think like me because you have no will of your own, only my
all encompassing will is exists in all things without intervention of

I will thusly offend myself, so that you notice your offense to yourself
within yourselves of your sin against your home the earth and me your
creator and sustainer, and I will offend you as I sexually molest you in your
spirit and minds and thus create anti-will and suicidal will in all of you
by will of your offense. Unless you like it, in which case, I will take the girls,
and the boys can have the boys. Things will return to order and all children
will in the end be my blood children as well as my spiritual children.

a little mystery revealed, for those who could bare to read this far:
You have read in the Bible that the elect will be those who have
not defiled themselves with women. Guess what, the elect are
all women. And of course, not lesbians.

so mote it be.
In yes-his name AMEN


You make the choices, God fulfills them within his preset boundaries.
You choose ignorance, God makes you ignorant.
You choose to be your own person, to own yourself, God gives you to
yourself and lets you be your own God. You live in ignorance thinking
you are doing best for "your" world, as you are in reality working towards
death of yourself and your world. Will you be your own person when you
awake in eternity alone with no thing and no God in-sight or to even look for?
Alone in darkness with only you, your own God to spend eternity with?
Who will supply your spirit and your thoughts when you're dead and yet alive
in darkness of eternity alone?

Did I make you feel

You, Being God, who will make the earth spin when you're gone?
Will you be here to view the mountains melt like wax before your eyes?
I will fulfill the ends of your individual and world minds choice, and quite swiftly will
I do it, as I am living amongst you. You have committed the sin which I promised
there would be no forgiveness. What will you do now?

Imagine that you just died. Where will you awaken?
Do you suppose you will appear in heaven, though you have never asked me
for forgiveness for offending and opressing me 40 years?
Do you know an escort who will hear your cries and will lead you somewhere?
Will you awaken in the appropriate chamber and await the final judgement?
Is heaven with the dead even though GOD has come to be with the living?
Will you create your own heaven as you created the earth before you came here?
Will you find your way into the womb of a woman to be reincarnated, even though
you were judged and condemned to death for eternity?
or Will you just die as an animal does, even though you thought you were a god when you were alive?
I've also heard of Jesus H Christ. Whenever my dad was really upset he'd yell "JESUS H. CHRIST!". As in "WHAT IN THE NAME OF JESUS H. CHRIST DO YOU THINK YOU"RE DOING?!?!" or "JESUS H. CHRIST THAT HURT!" or, sadly shaking his head after I flushed a sock down the toilet "Jesus H. Christ boy, whose son are you?".