Who was Jesus A. Christ?

Okay, here's the link for a more mundane look at Jesus and who he was. I had made this simple website because to use it as a post in another forum would have been too long. I just figured it was easier (and probably more polite) to do it this way. You may have to copy/paste the link instead of just clicking it. It gave some people some trouble before.

For the Record, here are the sins and judgement of the Father.

God is the light which came into being of itself. The light shined in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not. Before the light, the darkness was full of peace, tranquility, and silence. God trespassed into the darkness with his light being full of aggressive spirits. Now there is no silence, no peace and no tranquility to be found. God spread like a cancer through the darkness at 86,000 miles per second.

God says he is KING, on his THRONE, full of GLORY. All these words are oozing, overflowing and dripping with PRIDE. God accused Lucifer of committing the first sin of pride when it was actually God who committed it first.

Everything created and all motion is done for GODs "good" pleasure. He created and saw that it was good. He created the word good to mean (it pleased him). God therefore has done what he has again judged his creation of doing. Lusting after their own pleasures. Everything HE does is for his pleasure.

God made Adam and Eve to be immortal beings to live forever. When the angel, which Enoch named, cause Eve to sin then Adam, God murdered Adam, Eve and all of humanity. HE kicked them out of the Garden and told them in that day (a thousand years is a day, "another example of HIS pride I suppose") they would die. Thence forward, every man was purposed to die once. But, who committed the sin? It was the angel that committed the sin. Taking it a step further, the GOD is accountable for what his creation does when he's not looking. He should have been responsible enough to Father his creation.

So, the FATHERS judgement is complete and the record established. Now I can move on to the created.

Why do I do this stuff? because I have had three questions in me since I was a child.
So, I set myself aside from the creator and the created to find what is real and what is my purpose for being here. I can't find it in myself to conclude that I am here by my own choice. I do know that heaven and hell fire are spirits which I have in my hands however. I have made it my principle to rise above the defectiveness of the creator and created however, so don't be alarmed, yet.

Why do I do this stuff? because I have had three questions in me since I was a child.
Most hold similar questions.

There are three types of people –

1. Those who make things happen.
2. Those who have things happen to them.
3. Those who have no idea what is happening.

You appear to be number 3.

Apparently wasting your time wondering what you can do with yourself rather than finding something useful to do.

That’s simple paranoia – deal with it.

don't be alarmed, yet.
Don’t worry about us, we are fine, but you should definitely be concerned for your own sanity.
witnessjudgejury said:
But, who committed the sin? It was the angel that committed the sin. Taking it a step further, the GOD is accountable for what his creation does when he's not looking. He should have been responsible enough to Father his creation.

Take it even one step further. It wasn't God either, since he had no choice. Sin (separation) is inevitable.

Cris said:
Apparently wasting your time wondering what you can do with yourself rather than finding something useful to do.

Nothing can be useful if we don't know why anything exists.
HE kicked them out of the Garden and told them in that day (a thousand years is a day, "another example of HIS pride I suppose") they would die.

There is a specific part of this quote that has always irritated me. It's that whole 1000 years = 1 day nonsense.

Religious people often use it to try and explain how Adam did not die that very day, but at some 900+ years of age. They also use it to claim the planet is around 7000 years old. Here comes the problem..

god says to noah: "In 7 days I shall make it rain for forty days and forty nights". Given your above statement, that would mean that from this moment it would take 7,000 years for the rain to come, and would then rain continually for 40,000 years. Alas there goes the notion that the planet is only 7,000 years old. If we move on from there we see the bible state that:

'noah was 600 years old when the flood came', and then goes on to state that 'After the flood noah lived 350 years' (a grand total of 950 years).

As you can see, we hit a dilemma when paying attention to that 1000 years/1 day garbage.
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Yes, I'm the one with no idea.

So, there are 3 scriptural giants:
1)God (the light)
2)Jesus (the light, the light of the world, the bright and morning star)
3) Lucifer/Satan (the light bringer, the bright and morning star, the opposer).

It seems that, I, being the darkness which comprehended not, all of these horrible light sources which created my life of chaos, I now comprehend all of these light sources and I can remove them from my property, as they have trespassed. Of course I will forgive them for their trespass as I choose to be forgiven for my trespasses.

Now, there is a delicate balance in a being of all these chaotic forms of light. Removing one would surely not be good, as the balance would be destroyed.

on the other subject, It is you, not I, who have not done something usefull with my life. maybe you should ponder that for a moment in your kingdom.
Hapsburg said:
How can a thousand years = 1 day when 1 year = 365 days?
The Bible says that time is different for God, since he doesn't live on earth. "For the lord, one day is like a thousand years" But that "thousand" doesn't mean exactly 1000, it just means "a long time". In stories numbers like 3 and 7 are often used and they have some sort of meaning. The 7 day creation doesn't mean time, it means something else.

SnakeLord said:
"In 7 days I shall make it rain for forty days and forty nights".

40 is also a number that repeats itself in the Bible, I've heard that it means "eternity" (indefinitely long time). Moses waited on Mount Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights before receiving the 10 Commandments.
Cris said:

Most hold similar questions.

There are three types of people –

1. Those who make things happen.
2. Those who have things happen to them.
3. Those who have no idea what is happening.

You appear to be number 3.

Apparently wasting your time wondering what you can do with yourself rather than finding something useful to do.

That’s simple paranoia – deal with it.

Don’t worry about us, we are fine, but you should definitely be concerned for your own sanity.

O.K. you got my goat.
First, I am all 3. I make things happen, I let things happen to me, and when I have no idea, I do the research to get an idea.

Your words come from defense mechanisms not from intelligent thought.

I have lost my sanity temporarily in the past during my journey, but it was not necessarily a bad thing.

If you knew me as others do, you would know that I have influenced the entire world for the good, in the past and in the present, and in the future.
So, apparently it is you who has no idea.

So what do you do that is usefull which does not further destruction of the earth and the human spirit and the entire human race eventually, if you continue on your path?

The difference between us is that I was not born a worker ant. You, as a child, accepted whatever spirit chose to posess you and followed its path. I did not. I chose always to question. So I suppose, since I'm not a worker ant like the rest of the world, that makes me not human. I am in a higher class than you. Ha ha.

So, what would you have me do which would be useful to you Cris?
witnessjudgejury said:
If you knew me as others do, you would know that I have influenced the entire world for the good, in the past and in the present, and in the future.

Who cares.

I am in a higher class than you. Ha ha.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. - Matthew 23:12

So, what would you have me do which would be useful to you Cris?

Nothing. Just keep shut.
Interesting. Just a few words for a happy new year.
Paranoia is for those who smoke marijuana and for fear of the unknown. I look into the unknown instead of being scared of it, and I quit smoking the weed many years ago!

Perhaps you all are displaying your feathers of defense mechanisms because the security of your own soul has been threatened. This means that I am doing my job.

No one ever thought someone would come to earth and force mankind to pass judgement upon himself. Though, ever since one of the fallen angels brought pen and ink to the earth, it has been recorded that it would happen.

How God Damned Fukking GLORIOUS it is to be me.

geeser said:
Witless: theres no prove a man like that ever lived, so what are you talking about, you might as well be discussing harry potter, or bilbo baggins.

There is no prove (proof) that Plato ever lived but we quote him all the time.
Just a few more words before I go to work for the last time this year.
"He set the captives free". Jesus set the demon "Legion" free to be its multitude of demons again and free to rome the earth and do their masters will. I think he set the wrong captives free. The disciples, especially Paul, called themselves prisoners of the Lord. The true christians became true captives. How Ironic.

Also, Jesus said he was androgynous man. Apparently He had penis and vagina. See the gospel of Thomas and other hidden gospels for reference.

Jesus also said they called him the prince of peace but really he came to bring fire, sword and war. See Luke 10 or 11. The fallen angels, according to Enoch, brought knowledge of weapon making and war making to man. As far as fire goes, no one knows whether he meant the fire of the holy spirit or the fire of hell or what.

As for me, here is an example of my PRIDE.
I live with my first x-wife and my childred. First, because my child support is so high that I can't afford to live on my own. and second, because they are my children. I live on the couch and all my belongings are stored on top of the microwave. I have done this for five-years now. Whenever she asks me to do something, I do it without question and without argument. Does that sound like someone who is proud or humble.
don't ridicule what you don't have a clue of understanding about!

As far as EXALTED:
I do not find myself better than anyone. In fact, I would give anything to have some
joy in my life as the rest of the world does. Anyone who considers themselves successful in business or entertainment considers themselves better than me. Does this bother me? no.
I am here to fight a war. "the spiritual battle". Just because my power is greater than man and I have all the angels of heaven as my army doesn't mean that I exalted myself. And there is certainly nothing for me to be paranoid about.

There are three types of people. Enoch eluded to them by describing three different chambers where mens souls are stored after death and prior to final judgement. First, the dark chamber for the animal man who never knew of a spiritual existence. Second, a horrible chamber for those who curse forever. Third, a chamber flowing with rivers of light for those who were godly and chose right rather than wrong and chose to know the difference between them.

again, happy new year.
witnessjudgejury said:
Whenever she asks me to do something, I do it without question and without argument. Does that sound like someone who is proud or humble.

I tell you what it sounds like: it sounds normal.

So what do you do that is usefull which does not further destruction of the earth and the human spirit and the entire human race eventually, if you continue on your path?
Mind uploading research.

So, what would you have me do which would be useful to you Cris?
Learn to think logically and then teach others.
Jesus was an interesting religious person, but when people build up a devine image out of him, they lose sight of both his teachings and their own transcendent nature.
teeruss said:
There is no prove (proof) that Plato ever lived but we quote him all the time.
welcome to sciforums.

however you cant be serious surely.

Plato (Greek: Πλάτων Plátōn) (ca. May 21? 427 BC – ca. 347 BC) was an immensely influential classical Greek philosopher, student of Socrates, teacher of Aristotle, writer of philosophical dialogues, and founder of the Academy in Athens.

Plato lectured extensively at the Academy, and wrote on many philosophical issues. The most important writings of Plato are hisdialogues, although a handful of epigrams also survive, and some letters have come down to us under his name. It is believed that all of Plato's authentic dialogues survive.* However, some dialogues ascribed to Plato by the Greeks are now considered by the consensus of scholars to be either suspect (e.g., First Alcibiades, Clitophon) or probably spurious (such as Demodocus, or the Second Alcibiades).


we have dialogues, epigrams and letters, that have survived the centuries, atributed to plato, and also third parties chronicling his life, but absolutely nothing attributed to a jesus, other than hearsay from third parties, in a book full of fallacies, and contradictions
It is a New Year and the time has come. If you choose to know anything further, you may read the book of the scribe Enoch.

Being made the leader and the one who has the final word for the Elect, the following are the last words to you, the six billion non-elect.

I am taking the silent advice of the elect and will now completely and spiritually separate myself and the elect from you and "your" world. It is fact that your world is full of transgressors and trespassors and oppressors and infinite opposition to me and mine. We leave behind with you the innumerable spirits who give you what you call your wealth and arrogance and vanities, and lusts, and pleasures, and deceipts etc.

As we do not trespass, we will no longer forgive your trespasses against us.
As you would not share your "wealth" with us, we will not share our wealth with you. Hold fast to what you own, which is nothing. You don't even own your own souls as you have given them to the opposing spirits to use against us and they will never give them back to you. You will burn up with them.

We will no longer care nor pray for you as you have never prayed nor cared for us. Your only goal was to destroy us. You did not hear my warning nor did you understand it.

We are protected and we are safe, so you need not worry for us. You can search for the elect but you will not find them. The elect easily know who they are.

The time for the change has come.
The Elect will rise, and the rest will fall. And a horrible fall it will be. Let the sirens and the trumpets sound, for the day of Truth has come.

note: the book of Enoch was written solely for the purpose of blessing the Elect and the Elect one. Though it was not written to you, you may still read it to find out what is happening in your world and what you could have done about it. All of your plans have now failed and the fruits of your plantings are being harvested. What would you expect of a person who believes he is good but destroys his own earth?

Now to all of you who say that I am living in a fantasy world or in a memory of the past thousands of years ago before the flood, I say.

There has been no people in the history of man other than you who have been found screaming, cursing God and saying: 'This is the "ME" generation'!
What will you call the next generation? There won't be one. Why should all of the bound demons and fallen angels and Lucifer and all the Satans be bound at such a wonderfull self-worshipping time? Set them all free and let them all have there way with all of your good tolerance principles, let them be tolerated as they howl and scream. Let the musicians praise themselves and the spirits they use and let them make a joyfull noise unto trespass and opposition.

Let Lucifer the GOD of this world know in his heart that he has won. His kingdom has risen above the Fathers kindom and he will no longer be opposed. As the Lord of spirits has filled the earth with opposing spirits, let them oppose until the opposition is defeated and they begin to oppose and destroy themselves in their genius. Let the liberals overflow with liberation and tolerance of everything but make sure to oppose and not allow anything which you would call good.

Let the smoke of your burning rise forever and ever for us to see and remember you by.

Let Benny Hinn (the freemason/ Holy Ghost blasphemer) continue to shout "This is Your Day!". As he throws the holy ghost around like lolipops to children and He even sells tapes on how to use the Holy Spirit on TV.

Good Bye.