Thus saith THE Lord:
Being THE Life, Truth, Fair in all things, and Love, I will give you a "heads up" as to what is to come and why, and an explanation of all things necessary. Though your mind will reject and rebel against these words making them pointless for a short time, until you have proof.
God is eternal. I did not come into being. I existed before eternity. I will exist after time is ended. Time came into being and then creation in order for My self revelatation. All things created as parts of ME for purpose of analysis and edification and to increase my Joy. Time is just a little slice of eternity. It has a beginning and an end. In the end of time, the good things will be returned into me and the bad will be burned and destroyed. And I will continue in eternity to my next chosen journey.
When something is created, its opposite is created also. This is nature of creation. When a life is made, an opposition to that life is made as a bi-product. People ask, "why does God let us suffer?". I do not let you suffer. You make yourself suffer by not acknowledging the creator and sustainer of you. I will never prosper the opposition (the bi-product) of my will of creation.
When I came as man to be with you, your being sensed me and your mind processed me as being you and so your spirits and souls became strong and began the ME generation. You should note that it is not the YOU generation. The Peace movement began with experimentation of drugs, feminism, liberalism, and all manner of selfish things thinking yourselves to be gods. Even the church of Satan was founded exactly four years and seven days after I was born.
It is only fair that I would have opportunity to live a full life with a decent group of people on my earth. Thus comes the day of judgement and the six billion man blood bath when all of you will be removed from the earth so me and mine who worship me may prosper and have exceeding joy and long life on earth before eternal judgement and end of time.
There is no being named Satan or Lucifer. Satan defined is Opposition. The spirit of Satan is real but it is the combination of spirits of all of you which is the World Spirit Which is Satan. The rebellion in heaven is a parable explaining your rebellion against me. There never was nor could ever be threat against ME or Heaven. This would be impossible. An intelligent being would never create something which could really threaten him or his being or his loved ones which he created. I cannot be destroyed or lose the battle or even be injured in eternity. I can only be increased in edification as I choose through creation of a slice of time for evaluation and sorting of good and bad characteristics of Self, as any intelligent creature would do for itself.
As for the Wrath of GOD: It is only called wrath to give emphasis as to its reason. Wrath is a name as are all names, given by man. To me it is simply your removal from my existence. "my planet". You may reference Enochs writing and you will see that when I come to remembrance, my countenance is lifted and the consumation "wrath" begins. You see I will be full of joy during this time of destruction. Those who are mine elect and ALL other creation will QUAKE unimagineably during this short time, but as you read in Enoch, The elect and elect one will be present but will be protected. The earth will shake so violently that every knee will bow at will because nothing can remain standing during this earthquake. You have noticed the hurricanes and the increased fires, earthquakes, tsunamies, terrorism, etc. These will increase until there are none of you left.
As for Judgement of Sin and Rebellion against ME:
Judgement can be defined as the end of the process of self evaluation. Your judgement is only an execution of a Law of nature and creation. You have read there to be two judgements. One in the temporal and one in the eternal. In fairness, it is better for you to be judged in the temporal and not the eternal. Your judgement is simply the recompense for all of the unfairness you have built up in yourselves over your lifetime. Every word of making fun, rebellion, injury to others, mocking GOD, bickering, angry thoughts, worship of created and self rather than worship of creator, deceipts, etc. It is all heaped as "hot coals upon your heads", and must be returned to you now or in eternity. As you are destroyed and removed from the earth you will be recompensed in FAIRNESS for all your deeds of unrighteousness. Judgement is a simple and automatic process which has begun and cannot be stopped until it is completed.
It should be said that you must come to repentance during judgement in the temporal so you can have a second chance after the eternal judgement. Those with little sin will die quickly and hopefully come to repentance. Those with multitude of sin will die slowly so as to let there sin be understood with shame. It must be given time to settle in, maybe seven years at most. To be sentenced in the eternal judgement is to live in shame and torment forever in the fire of the prison in outer darkness and separation from GOD.
When I last spoke to you in written word in the New Testament of the Bible, I gave you ONLY two commandments.
2) LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF. every living thing being your neighbor.
These commandments you suppose, were something to be read, understood and executed by you. The truth is that these commandments were put into the hearts of the elect before birth and there lives reflect them in every step of their being. When you decided that you were GOD, you obeyed the first commandment for your own selfish edification. Thus you broke the first commandment and your end is come upon you.
For edification of the elect, you now know who you are and what is come. You will be protected through the removal process when all who are not sealed in the two commandments will be made to be balanced again unto death. Do not fear the wrath as there is no need. Fear and worship the bringer of the wrath from now until eternity. He, I, is/am with you now and forever. After completion we will dwell on the earth in joy for a thousand years having thousands of children. Liveing without sin for their is no sin in our hearts and there will be none to oppose us. There will be no bickering, no anger, no evil thoughts, no mocking, no business, no deception, no marketing, no buying and no selling, forever more. I will be your GOD and you will be my people. The spoils of the defeated will be freely given to all. We may even pave the streets of our holy city with the gold which belonged to the wicked dead. Enough said.
As it is written, so shall it be. You may call GOD a nutcase, but imagine what he thinks of you and your poor decision. You did what you saw others do and never evaluated yourselves with your own mind. This makes you little more than animal.
Thus being said in FAIRNESS, what is done is done in the temporal and the good has come to rest without opposition until the end of time.